Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Apr 1926, p. 11

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A April 27, 1926. Tuosdey. THE. DAILY BRIT] SH WHIG ------ 'hig's Ylassified Page Is a Public Forum and Real Estate For Re out OUR WAY. - 3 BIRTHS. | the Hotel Dien on April to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. re cy Business 8 She British Bing a True Market Place BY WILLIAMS. £5 John Street, a son ------------ a DEATHS. DESIRABLE OFFICES--With vault in ) Qntanio Chambers, corner Kg Ro 7SON . on Wolfe Island. on Srence streets. Possession 1st of DAWSON Te Mary E; Dawson,| May. 'iApply King and Smythe, 71-73 youngest daughter of the late Mz, Clarence St, Kingston, Ont. oe } and Mrs. John Dawson, and siste go EEE f Mrs. Duncan McRae | Funeral private. Friends 2indly asked! to tend funera mass a ® Church of thie Sacred Heart on! BRICK hou . w y ornin at 10.30 o'-| rooms, all improvements. needa y = od » dab. Pp ion May lat. J OLAS--At Surprise Store, 352 Princess Sielson street, Mackie, beloved wife of Rober Deuglas f NR ¢ CLASSIFIED ADVERT.SING All ads. are restricted ge thelr proper classification, and to Whig style regular Daily of type. | CLASSIFIED RATES: * Dally rate per' line or consecutive . insertions: Minimum charge, 2B sen. anh Dalz rater per line 2 3: o SE---116 Stephen Sireet, | good veran- Apply to her ale residence, 13 Street. AR Ah Jessie) HT AORED HOUSE -- Seven rooms, | * TH gas, all improvements. Sarden, hawly | | Fir . close to car-lme, pply 27 | Inte 1 I] take place at Windsor decorated, c y a Que. Servite whi be held wt| Livingston Avenue. Phone 28s9«l. her late home on Wednesday even-| DUPLEX HOUSE-- § rooms and bat nig at 3 o'clock : | room, heated, gas stove, laundry tubs, HOLDBR---In Kingston General Hos- 4.w. fiooms, grate, blinds, fixtures, cel- | tal on April 26th, 1926, Margaret jar, garden, verandah, front and back! Milks, beloved wife of John entrance, gara Apply 178 Univers- TE ilolder, aged 66 vears, ity Avenue or 'phone 1752-m. } > Funeral notice later. ---- REYNOLDSE-At Verona. Ontario. on| FRAME--Semi-detached dwelling, 338 April 21 1926, George Reynolds,| Albert Streer, § rooms, gas and electri- in his 62rd vear city. big yard. $15.00 per month, Fos- Funeral from his late residence on session May Ist. Apply 271_ Princess \ to the Free| Street. Phone 1304-w. Thursday, Apri Aa, 2 Methodist church at 2.00 p.m. } In'arment At Verona Cemaeiers | FINE RESIDENCE West end. near 3 riends and acquaintances respectfully | Vicioria Park, eight rooms, h.w. fur- " 5 nace, hardwood floors, 3 Pp. bath, hy A key p v3 electricity, verandah. Possession ; bt? 1 on lps or invited to dttend. 'Phone 2516 or Box E-14, Whig WR Si 1st. Office. -- = iu REQUIBM HIGH MASS, =, hi 7 Tea " = 2 = Will be celebrated Thursday morn- ts = ----__ | oe a charged, | bat Ha Than and Memoriam aha: $1.50; cash, $1.00 rtion. ising ordered for Irregular rtions Cakes the one-time inser ra te: fo 8d. taken for less Laan (olx 'myetame. words to the 2 rged ads. will be received by annie a4 if aad at he Brits Office within ays ee : e rac' Hats of insertion, cash rate RLS HR AN . aan rasred Tor mors than one day \ ont stop, fore expiration will @ B® charged for the number of times the ad, appeared end adjust. Bent made At the rate earned. r lone for bite space ls aa & line of type. Pols for yearly advertising request. hers reserve the right to edit t all classified advertising phone 243; ask for a want ad. JAMES REID The Old Firm of Mile abi [Ing Apri 29th, at § a.m. for the repose 00 ¥oe {of ithe soul of Mrs. J. E. Charade (nee| HOUSE---3 Colborne Street, corner & | Ethel Keenan). enham, 8 roonvs, all improvements, Friends and acquaintances kindly fn- Concession Bt, 5 rooms. Apply vited to attend Queen Street. "Phone 988-w 45 185 --r upp Found Lost and tet te etd | BUNGH OF KEYS--On ring, found on | Colterne Stroet on { etre. 1 | HOUSE-- 12 Thomas Street, § rooms, bath and toilet, electricity, hot and ould water, good cellar, verandah, big 07 ey Io! vedly, tr, "1 garden. Apply 18 Russell Street. 7". a J Monday evening. . Owner may have same at Whig Sad HOUSE ~-- § Elgin water heating all aL Protements; ; rent | reasonable; central, Apply a Stuart | Streel. Finder | _TrUmpour, 270 Princess Stree. HOUSE--311 Queen Street, near Busi- ness College, 9 rooms, bath, hot water, BA&, electricity, furnsce immediate | Possession. Apply 139 Union Street west. 'Phone 3043-w. 0 © lav, 1, WW, \bllgwe™S AY. Jule! d fFooms, § bedrooms, hot MANS GOLD WATCH-- Lost, | make, on Treeline boats or on Valued as a keepsake. me 2499-7 'ay "ue ts { | Street . Taker rest Hepag Td Endl, eS 49 COLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE 'PHQNE 1839. SPECTACLES FOUND--Pair of gold-| rimmed spectacles, on Thursday. tice. | ~ er may have same at the Whig Offic | SMALL SUM oF MONEY--Found M yi HOUSE--3 Chapman Street, near Busi. day mening 4n Anderson's rosa i n College, 6 rooms, bath, hot! store Jwner may have same by call- . 1 oy Pe x , ing and proving property. water, gas, electricity Possession May 1st. Apply 139 Union Street West. LOST 'Phone 3u46-w, | HOUSE--257 Itideau Streec, 5 rooms, atl Smprovements; 45 Concession St, § 3 rocms; 2 Colborne Street, corner Byd- Spare tire ana rim on the road enham, § rooms, all improvements. Ap- between Kingston and Verona, on | Ply 185 Queen Street. 'Phone 98 A Monday. . Finder kindly return or HOUSE--On Livingston Avenue, near 'phone Whig Office and receive re- car line; 7 rooms; al) improvements, ward. | furnace, gas, electricity, good garden. Possession at once. Apply 2% Living- ston Avenue, 'Phone 7iz-m. f a ban HOUSE--98 Ear] Street, 9 rooms and 3 in attic; 3 plece toilet; gas for cook- ing; electric lighting; plugs for lamps, fans, etc. Sunshine furnace, heating sausfactory. Garage and stables. Ap- ply tor key at Glivert'y Grocery, 194 Barrie St." "Phone 354. - -------------- SIX ROOMED HOUSE -- To let on Charles Street; electric light and gas. Apply to H. F. Norman, 69 Patrick 'Phone 730-w STONE HOUSK 233 rock Street, elec- trie light and 84s, hardwood floors, hot Water heating. Possession May 1st. St "| APPly 45-ames Reid, 364 Princess St. GENERAL -- By May lst, widow or TWO BRICK HOUSES--Birch Avenue, single woman, be.ween 40 and 50, ux rooms, hot air furnace, 3-piece Protestant, to do plain Sealing and ba.h, electric Mght, 84s, hardwood keeping Sownstatny loan; fami ne of | Aoors. Garden, ' garage. Possession three; no laundry EASSt Wages. May ist. A ly 53 Apply Box A-12, Whig Office. X moc 'Cvening, hnuon. Street. Call noon or evening. HOUSEKEEPER Wanted for country, family of two; convenient to elty, by Rooms 10 trains and buss Hues, Sood wages. Ap- ply to Box T-23, Whig Office. Sun porch, private r light housekeep- MAID-For general housework. Apply mn evening to Mrs. R. J. Gardiner, $0 uple. All conveni- Johnson Street. Johnson St. Tele- ng KNIGHT esti: ir EMBALMER P ydesham, Yarker, Verona, h _Mnd Battersea. Ambulano= 'phone 35. | PP. H. ROBERTS, | Undertaker and Embalimer, * de y Omt. - Phone 20. .@] CUT FLOWERS | "A WEDDING BOUQUETS ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS KIRKPATRICK'S ART AND FLOWER STORE 'Phones 452 and 1218-J. FRAME HOUSE -- 11 Hedan Sireet, 6 rooms, 2 piece bath, elec.ric light and gas, furnace; deep 10t; garage Apply Mr. M. Scott, 27 Balackava Street. SOLID BRICK HOUSE--Ang EBArage, University Avenue. § rooms, modern improvements, 2 fireplaces; larg lot, shrubs and rose bushes. Apply 2332 University Avenue. 'Phone 1vsi-m Help Wanteq FIREMEN.-Brokemen, beginners $150, later $250 monthly. Placed in posi- tions on railroads nearest thelr homes | --everywhere (which position?) Rall-| Way Association. Apply, Box V-24, Whig Office. Female Help "Wanted $1,100--Frame, § rooms, gArage, garden, 8 stores----each going business, would exchange. 3 Houses--central, all imp. « Terms. 2 Farms---near city. Would exchange, Houses--and flats to let. Insurance. Money to loan. T. O'CONNOR, 851 Princess Street 'Phone 1189-J. KE. W. MULLay Real Estate and Insurance Broker Johnson and Division Streets Phone 539-w, See Advt Page 2 268 JOHNSON STREET--Brick house, 8 rooms, 2 fireplaces, h.w. floors, h.w. % garage. This is a real Apply ingaton Agencies Litd., 67 Clar- ence Street. J. E. CUNNINGHAM Real Estate Insuran and Loans 19 Clarefice Street, | EXPERIENCED COOK Or ganer wan ed. Three in family. Tel aly ' 'e 1343w. or apply 40 Clergy Street "m ast Classified : INSURANCE BROKER Fire, Life. Autvtaobile, Sicte tired Plate Glasg her lines of Insurance. 4 'PHONE 585.w, splay Ag. and 33 BROCK S§T. ences. 'Apply 624 phone 3041. 1 NNN H ph 0 i FAR | thf = buy. / "MM GOSH MEN, IF THEM FELLERS IS" GOLD RUSHE TOO. W ries RN ROUND AN GO BACH HOME! THER GOW'AFTER WELL ALLOF IT! a] 4 ly pie ot Ven? Articles For Sale I MasceNaneous 15 | FISH AND CHIFS-~The oldest fish and | chip cafe in city. W. ¥. Redden, 260 Montreal Street. Hours 9 a.m. to 1.u0 am. We deliver, 'Phone 2625-m. KITCHEN RANGE -- ' Good condiiign, govd cooker, also kitchen table. Bar- Sain for quick sale: Apply 229 Barrie Street. 'Phone 2448-M. ONE HUNDRED FURNACES --- For Kingston at $110.00 and up. Cash or monibly imstallments. Get your fur- nace now, and have it paid for by winter time. 'Phone 3041. PIANO---Upright, Stevenson, apartment size, near.y new. $2375.00 or cash of- fer. C. F. Posselw #4 Division St. PURE BRED-TO-LAY BARRED Rocks, R.1. Reds, White Wyandottes, White Leghorns. 100 per cent guar- anteed live delivered. Give us your order. 'Phone. iSl-w. Your od hatohed if desired. Marshall, King- ston Hatchery, 101 Queen Street. REFRIGERATORS our Eureka Re- frigerators; only used short time. Suit- able for grocer or butcher, Apply to E B Wathen, 127 Nelson Street. Tele- phone 1391-J. ER SumPN BuT Good Gos AT GA\MME A SCARE FER A MINNTT! TrwLlame ©1988 BY NEA SERVICE, WC. Iness Services DRY HARDWOOD---Any quantity ply Highway Service and Supply corner Princess and Smita Streets 'Phone 2706. LUMBER---Rough and dressed, also shingles and lath, satin finish hard- wood flooring, all kinds, stovewood Resawing and planing. J Son, corner Broek and Streets. 'Phone $39. REDUCED PRICES For wood, coal and peat. My big building must be oleaned out by the first of May in order to put in a concrete floor, so I am sell ing the largest load of dry," mixed cordwood or slabg in the city at $3.00 a load, deilvered. Also a few tons of Peat at $10.00 ton of 2 cart loads. Split Pea Coal $7.00 ton. 'Phone 2440-w. W. C. Bruton, 29¢ Wellington Street. WOOD--Hest of Mixed Wood quarter ofa cord; hardwood hnder © Yer, $2.75 a 3 curd; 8rd Woo 3.50 a. quarter of a 'dora. Delivered Saunders' Wood Yard, oor. Barrack and Bagot Streets. 'Phone 2956-J. Talloring and Pressing 20 Toronto $300 a quarter of a SMALL PUNT-On Trafler; almost new. Apply in evenings to 555 Johnson St. NURSES-Pupil, diploma In two years; "Murray's Auction Rooms board, laundry, cash allowance. Chi- ' uot Seles of Furait te. Theo Hospital, 811 E. 49th St., Chicago, » ure. vy 3 \ our 8, 16 Market Street, : y 8: 200 o'clock. Send saything you waut to sell-- Some for what you need. "Phone 891J. #6,000---Bric, heating, h house, 9 rooms, hot water rdwood floors; splendid for boarders. $1,000-33" lot, south side Princess St Next to 558 Princess Street. For Sale or To Let 1ia ------ SUMNER BY Lows -- Eastview 3 8 am 10h Singston, 5 tq 7] we bave well located lots on Vietoria rooms, furnished; screened verandahs Kensington and Collingwood Streets. and fireplaces; good view, bathing ac- For prices, apply to Kings:on Agencies commodation. Apply J. D. Boyd, 332 Ltd 7 Clarence, Street, University Avenue, Kingston. "Phone Ee a a hn? 1083-m. 111% ACRES One mile north Cata~ raqui, with sand and gravel; good garden ground, frame Apply J. A. Harpell, §63 Simooe Street, Osh. awa, " Real Estate For Sale Farms and Lana i" CHOICE LOTS--In all parts of the city, Apply Kingston Agencies Ltd. 67 Clar. ence Street. CHOICE FARM 145 acres, all bulMings, well Watered, good sugar bush, about one mile from church, school, cheese factor and general Store. Known as the Lucas farm. Will sell at a sacrifice, Apply to Richard Fllerbeck, Moscow, Ont, GOOD FARM---112 acres--87 acreg good work land, stone dwelling, h,w, floors, | electric light and furnace, guod, COW | ble, garage, drive shed, ec. never Sailing well, Sofvenient to heads fac. 7 TY, i oand church; § miles from 'Kingston. Apply Kingston Agencies, Lid, 67 Clarence Street. 3 70 ACRE FARM -- Good soll, frame welling ahd Dem. 7 niles to a ston. ply n on Agencies " Ru Clarence treat - SMART GIRL---For Ice Cream parlor. Apply 348 Princess Street. YOUNG GIRL--For housework. Apply Box W-27, Whig. Malo and Femaie Help Wanted 80 | A BRIGHT MAN OR WOMAN--To sell Popular line household necessities and todlet articles; big commission; ex- perience or capital unnecessary. Brad- ley-Garretson, Limited, Brantford, Ont. NEN Asp BOYS WANTED To pat- nize . W. Curzon's Barber Snop. 25c. Shaves 100. Boys ies, 26c. 201 Wel Articles For Sale. Miscellaneous 15 $25.00. Only a few PLAIN AND SIMPLE ! hand Furniture and elesne--may be a new-----the only kind | handle. - Turk's Store 'PHONE 705. SUNPS--At $20.00 and left of these galing, garanteed rain and 15.00. Easy terms of payment. Tele- one 2306-w. J. G. Patterson, 160 ton Street. ARMY BO cond used auth, pn new; tools, gr and s oases, FoRaIALIG. A. Shapiro, Street. Men's hair cuts, hair cuts 15c lington Street. Real Estate For Rent. PE Tr a ey Kingston Yacht Club Season 1926. Launch Houses snd Boat Houses to rent with good faclilties for care and outfitiing of Launches and Boa ws, Avets to the fineratary, Cs 8. Kirk. rick, 36 Clarence reel. Tel DS-w, ition, Men's pleas Prices very Wood Fuel Chalee WB Hardwood asd Bartness var. Absolutely dry AWNINGS-.Verandah Curtains. Apply Frank W. Cooke. 'Phone 43s. BUFF ORPINGTONS-Heavy fowl. .ex- cellen. layers. Eggs $1.75 per 15 Grover Reid, Lansdowne, Ont. OCANDIES--Fresh, home made Candles, delivered anywhere in the eity, 36e. Ib. Try our fresh, home-made' hum- bugs. 37 Charles Street. Phone 667-w DE LAVAL---Sooner or later nu will use a De Laval Separator and Milker. Inquire about our power milker from $176 00 up. Some good used engines and separators. Set of double harness And democrat. Also Lion Disc Hare J. F. Cramer, " Frost & Wood "Phone 585-7 =r Apartments and Piats eon mtn ep rs APARTMENT --In the Winston, § rooms, heated: hot water all year round; gas stove in Kitchen. Apply Dr. Anglin, 53 rl street or phone 178. APARTMENT -- Sydenham Apastments. 1 Drock Street. four rooms and tied shroom; 'gas ran " hardwood floors; weil BoA, Apply 69 Brock Street > FLAT--Of fotr rooms, partly furnished or unfurnished, t rooms, kitchenette, gas for cooking, electric lights: all in good repair. 286 Queen Street, _mrate or in Any. hiug where a quick fire is required.' Also soft Agency. 31 Brock Street. ney, NOC. reet. or 1217-F, HOUSEHOLD CT8---Includi Sigerator, aes sidshoura, a chairs, If. Apply 516 J son street. . FURNITURES piece pacior Suite for dated iat : cheap. A Won, 133 Clocky 5. "ohn gf APbiY sale. Chea; to to 382 Vittoria " Houses 14 REAL HOME--48 Frontenac, ressed Aric 3 b. rooms, clothes ~ nen closet, 3 piece bath, Wining room, liv- ng room, modern kitchen, well dradned Seliaz, Soom y op dah, no heating, Ww, n e. Owner leavi oly. App Kae. Agencies Limited, 67 Aan] St. mes min re- 19 Ne erostorrent, HEATED APARTMENT-Corner Barrie aud Princess Streets, also sires on Fiincess Street, rer patited ® th rear entrances. . Con Con Ontario Street. Phone 830. UPPER FLAT--At 322 Mont 4 rooms, private entrance, el and toilet In hen wood floors, hot water heatin ide and ; Shick sate: A ror ase. I SD -- Street. bopuric Nght Apply 375 AM § 45 Princess ay BET OF SURVEYON'S INSTRUMENTS fur e. Apply to Walkem & Walkem, 53 Clarence Street. W. ROBERTSON--Tailor Suits made to order, $25.00 d up. Cleaning, got an Pressing, Repairing, 273 lodabimatany. Lis, rasan Professiunar 21 VICTROLA~-Se¢nora, and Harley David- son Motorcycle for sale. Apply to 110 Clarence Street. VULCANIZING MACHINE Alr Com- pressor, 2 h.p. New Century Motor. This machinery only slightly used Bargain for quick sale. Apply 483 Quebec St. WE WILL RENT-You a Plano for six dollars per month and at the expira- tion of six months will allow all mon- fies paid to apply on pure ie price of piano. Easy terms arranged on the lance. C. WwW. Lindsay Limited, 121 Princess Street. YOUR AUTO PARTS-Sllverware can be replated like new. Phone 380. Part. ridge Wire iron "Works. Gates, Feaces, ete. close prices. WAGON---One market ered wagon, near Dew; also one ce- ment mixer. Apply Mrs. Alfred Watts, R. 1, Portsmoutly (40 ft. road). Furntture FURNITURE-- Antique and furniture sold and bought. er, 507 Princess Street, successors to Lesses Antigue Shop. S gardeners cov. 18a modern MC - 17 good PIANO Heintzman, square, condidon. A Sommerer men Fuel and Feeq i EE it eet Sct oem CG. W. NEVILLE--Will deliver Anthra. cite Coad balance of this week, at $15.50. Carrying extra. 'Phone 2363-m R HARDW DRY BODY 00D--Dry hard Wood Slabs, We hood) but the best. "Phone This nile none in. in PPly 73 Gore Street. ost Tr HA OR STE ¥ 5 ex. tra. Dry kindling under cover, $2.75 Er Corner Joh ul 'Phone 1439-7. ker, corner Johnson ina Mebonsl RE Rr sarior cord. Rosen tha ara ns COT Po [eet a -- -- ad LF tH EH a ORUGLEDS PRACTITIONER .. WW. A Marcells, corner of Barrie and Prin- Geass Streeta. Chiropractic 'adjust. ments, electric treatments and hand- massage. X-ray service. Consulta- tion Sres.y. Hours 9-13 am., 1-8 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Office tele- Phone §23-.J, esidence 'phone 957-7. ¥ LUCYGeo. F. and Jennie A., Chiro- ractors, Registered Nurse, 203 Bagot treet 'Phone $5i-w. Hours 9-12, 1-5, 6-17.30. Consultation free. SKIN BLEMISHES Warts, irthinarks, Bears, Pits, ete, ly. Satisfactory = _Halr, Moles, Skin Cancers, femoved parmanent- Glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed Gosre cured without Operation. 38 years' experience. Dr. Kimer J. Lake, Eye, Ear Nose, Jaroat,: Skin. 268 Bago oe one w. Ho 11 stoi w. House 11367 ; Barristers ana Solicitors 21b ---- Or Ww. on HERRINGTON---Barrister, Solicl- tor and Notary Public. 151 "Welling ton Street. Phone 2548-w, CUNNINGHAM & SMITH --. Barristers And Sollcitors, 79 Clarence Streed, Singston, A. B. Cunnningham, KC; Cyril M. Smith. DAY AND REVELLE--Barristers and Solicitors, 63 Clarence Street, King- $ion. A. E. Day, Adrian J. origages arranged. Phons 205. . REYNO ter and Solicl- tor, §1 Bradk Street fairtgages as ranged - on a rm property. 'Phone 2808, zr BrGpisty. SHEA---Ambrose, B.A. Satlehior. Law Office, and Brock, over to loan. one 1999. oalriater aS rner o Bank, Money WAVING - For the very latest in Ladies' LADIES" BXCLUSIVE PRIVATE Peters & slabs Reveile., Business Services Ladies' Har Parlor AlL FIRST CLASS HAIN | ADE ER --. mations, bobbed 'curl | Roig. singelng, cur { hildren's hair cutting, ningham; §s Bay Street, Telephone 2999. FRENCH MARCEL WAVI - Water Waving, Kound 'and Bob! | Curilng, Hair Boblung and Trim | Facial and Soaip Atsasment. | entlon Xive to Ha yeing. Miss | Switzer, $87 Queen Str t 3 | polntment gues 016 Yor »- ees po, § Insurance 2B | | |r D. SLITER-=Insurance Broker, | al branches of insurance in old line | companies of highest f3ancial stand ast. 'Phones ing. 2851 King Street 25(8-w. Res. fiat FIRE---Automobile and Casualty Insure &nce. E. M. Crumley, 420 Ear Street. 'Phone 1752.M. INSURANCE~Only the most reliable companies represented. Strange Strange, established in 1860 Office: Clarence Street, opposite Post Of « B. OOOK®---Lire, Fire, Sickness, in reliable | | { | | } | | | i Ageident and | com; es, * dis- | trict manager Imperial Life, 'Ph ; Office 503-w. Res 1781-m. mes |OUR HEALTH AND ACCIDENT Pol { tex will protect your salary. All Mn | of Fire and Automobile Insurance, 5 Williams, 4 Couper streot. s mm II -- Decorators Ba LA AND RE retary | A: ANDERSON---Painter.and Decorator. | 'phone 1966. Of= Shop and residence fice 283 King Street. mee -- + GET Youm PAINTING--ANnd paper one now. Prices reasonable. Wa Paper for sale. Horton, 145 Colling~ wood Street 984-J, -- en -- PAPER HANGIN Gee Havs your deco. rating dome now. See the new samples and get estimates, H. Rowley, Phone 1352-¥. | ------------------_------ SIGN PAINTING=-J. 8. Robinson, rear 316 bagor Street Ca Tinancial 4 FRONTENAC LOAN AND MENT S0U1ETY -- 1861. President, A. Vice-president J. M. loan on city and ta vestment, monthiy he | Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence St, Storage 26a. STORAGE---For furniture, clean, dry. | airy rooms and spaces; your own lock. | and key. Frost's Cit Storage, Igv- 'Phone 626. Res. §89-w. | 805 Queen St, | or 2al6-m. 7 eee mers BOYD'S STORAGE WAREHOUSK-For furniture or, aay merchandise. Fire. proof building. Phone 1000 or 1177, Carpenter Work 200 CARPENTER WORK--Al] kinds of car. penter work, contracting or day work. Hardwood toors a specially. Charges moderate. CG. Hunter, 73 Pembroke Y48-w. Street. ASHES--~Cleaned out of cellars and yards, ciean job done. A MacGragor, 24 Russell Street. 'Phone 2355. . ASHPS--Removed from yard and cel lars; general cartin ; first class dry- wood for sale, ustimatey iven. Buckley Transfer, 14 York reet. 'Phone 291 and 2516-M * . CAN RE ai rr otto CAVERLY TRANSFER CO, w= Ubper Princess Street, ploughing, harrowin, and discing gardens; team-work done, 'Phone 1507-J. toi ie SPARE TIME---Income tax returns, sees retartal work, verbatim reporting, typewriting, ete.; expert. 'Phone ig Expert Plano Tuning, Player-Plano Adjusting. Phone 1544. C. W. LINUSAY, LIMITED UPHOLSTERIN GeeAnd general repair ing. leave orders at op drop a card to ® W. Harold, 104 Clergy Siréet LONG DISTANCE. MOVING NO CRATING. NO Super, safe, padded van for Fur. niture and Fanos A 1 on every road, atch for our bul the Twentieth. sag tin ire or write HILL, THR MOVER, Hamilton, Ont. SE ---------- Automobiies Auto Accessories KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND BODY co, ~--Makers of Auto, B , Boat Ti and Cushions Commarcian era) Coupe bodies, California To and Miatering. Awnings and 247 King street. ' 'Phone 2943. also genera Estimates given. on Algo all kinds oe rt y al Altemebite Parts for ull makes ot Second Joana Tires, all sizes ROSEN & 190 RIDEAU STREET Phone 2475.w, "Articles thrifty buyers at For 4 ir the Clanainy hea" sear £2 Sx y » i rT , . NOW - WHAT KIN | GT HER TO TAKE THE ; PLACE OF THAT TRAN? Me

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