Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Mar 1926, p. 1

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5. The Baily . Ee a y YEAR 08; No. 51. KINGSTON, ONTARIO. TUESDAY, his hig MARCH 2, 1926. "The British 's Circulation Now Exceeds 9,000 Copies Daily «THE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN HISTORY OF KINGSTON Ret Paid Subscribers to the Daily Bricish Wi on March Ist Totaled 9,143, Seni- Weekly Whig Has Been Discontinued--The Daily British Whig Now oie Largest Circulation gfe bis 5 and Montreal and the Fourth of all Papers wiPublished in the Smaller Ontario (ites ; The Dally British Whig is now printing 9,315 papers ily, of which 9,143 are absolutely guaranteed to be net paid subscribers. This is by far the largest regular run ever achieved by a dally paper in Kingston. During the past six months the increasing popularity of The British Whig has been evidenced every day by the new subscribers that have been added to our ists, not only through the medium of our regular canvassers, on also through voluntary subscriptions, which have been Ag feaching this office In large numbers. Since the first of the| year we have been printing in excess of 8,000 papers daily. These dre all genuine paid-in-advance subscribers, who are taking The British Whig because they like it. Our net paid subsoription list does not inglude any 'service coples, adver tisers' copies or employees' coples, nor is»it éd in any way with free copies sent by this office or by politicians. A big addition was made to this list on March 1st, when e Semi=-Weekly Whig was discontinued and added to the ally list. Every year large numbers have changed over from The S8emi-Weekly to The Dally Whig, and this year the num= ber was so large that the management decided to discontinue " The Semi-Weekly Whig altogether. With the advent of the rural routes the demand for a daily paper throughout the "townships became very pronounced. Dally papers had to meet a is demand, and The British Whig was one of the first dally " newspapers in Ontario to issue an early mail edition id accom= modate those living in the country. « of i maished and Bopulat Ty Sh he i wan eataiahed Its first home was on Bagot street, where Dr. Barker guided its destinies for thirty- eight years. Through the stages of weekly, semi-weekly and tri=weekly existence, The Whig passed, in 4849, to the rank of a daily newspaper, a novel sxperiment in Ontario at that lime. It was the first daily to be published In the province. ol 72, The Whig passed from the founder to his grandson, : late Edward J. B. Pense, who was its publisher until his death In 1910. -In 1878 the office was removed to premises on Brook street, but the business grew beyond these limits, and, in 1882, ts publisher bought the bullding on King street, lately, vacated by the Odd Fellows' Relief Association, which ned its home until 1894, when the present up-to-date commodious building on King street was built. In 1925 e Whig was purchased from the Pense Estate by the present publisher, W. Rupert Davies. From the time of its found ng, In 1834, The Whig has published a weekly or a semi- eekly. The latter issue became a popular one, in addition to the daily, about thirty years ago. Now it is no more. SUBSCRIBERS WELL SATISFIED. Before deciding to discontinue publication of The Semi- ly Whig, the management notified all the subscribers the change that was contemplated. We are well pleased at the way in which this decision was received. 'We have had scores of letters from subscribers, stating that they are well satisfied with the proposed change and stating that would not be without The Whig on any account. Many, ey up for a year, sent in an additional year's bsoription, and practically everyone who has written has pleasure and satisfaction with the change. ? "This new circulation boost puts The British Whig In the class with the large dailles published In the smaller Ontario cities, and away ahead of any other daily in Eastern Ontario out- side of Ottawa. Following are some of the circulations of the smaller cities of this province: City and paper. : Population. Circulation. Brantford Expositor ++. 30,000 11,600 9,610 8,186 9,143 8,078 7,875 6,795 Kitchener Record i ea va eterboro Examiner tratford Seed Owen Sound Sun-Times Pata tveavan Shae eR ran Woodsioek 'Sentinel-Review SORE Fa AN A As se Ce areabuge Renken san avril Notorious Spy Loses Race With the Hangma: Fails to Arrive Before His Son's Execution London, March 2-- A notorious peared in Shepton . Mallett prison 8py's race with the hangman was | When the time for the execution ar- lost today. Ignatius Lincoin, alias John Lincoin, was executed for mur- der without having seem his father, Ignatius Tribich Lincoln, exiled for- mer M.P., who had started from the Far Eaft when he heard of the death sentence. He wanted to bid his son good-bye. The father arrived in | rived. The son; a 20-year-old artil- leryman, convicted of killing a house- holder during a burglary on Christ- mas even, left a letter for his father: Lincoln's victim was Elward Rich- ards, travelling salesman for a brew- ery. Young Lincoln yesterday appar- ently was resigned to his fate. He | received visits from his mother and France yesterday, but had not ap- | sweetheart. Had Lively Fight With a Wild Cat But William McDonald, Aided by Dog, Killed Animal With Pitchfork. , (Special to The Whig.) Bishgp's Mills, March 2.---Awak- ened during the night from his slum- bers by the loud barking of his dog, Mr. William McDonald, of Wolford township, went to the poultry house and had a lively encounter with a wildcat which had just killed five geese. The farmer, armed with a pitch- fork, and dided by his dog, destroyed the wildcat, which measured five feet and is a splendid specimen of those ferocious animals. RESCUE FROM ICE. Belleville Laborer is Nearly Frozen to Death. Belleville, March 2---Matooned 'in ice from two o'clock Sunday after- moon until 3,30 the next morning, John Deering," laborer, passed through a thrilling experience, sur- viving cold and storm when he was | rescued from what appeared death by freezing, off the shore of Lake | Ontario, near the village of Welling- jun, aboyt 25 miles south' of here. became wedged in 'flodting jce and he was carried past his landing place. He guild not reach land owing to broken ice and opén water. Two men, Payton "Murphy and Gillis Ingram, were the ones to effect the rescue, assisted by Marshall Palmer and Frank Harris. Ladders, planks and ropes were used, and after several hours' hard work, he was brought to shore in an unconscious condition. Today he is convalescent but very weak. BISHOP DEULINES. To Run Business Which Might Cause Grave Misery. London, March 2.--Bishop Well- don, Dean of Durham, declines to ae- cept the offer of John Gibb, of New- castle, prominent in the liquor trade, who a few days ago, offered the Bishop the use of a public house in a densely populated area at a low rental for three months, and promised to furnish first-class liquors at moderate prices during this period. Gibb's idea being to convince the Bishop that a statement made by him to. the effect that the profits of the public houses in this. country. total £19, 000,000 annually is incorrect. The Bishop refuses to "become in- volved in a business which might be the cause of grave misery" to his fellow citizens. PREMIER FERGUSON TAKES DEPARTMENT Of Lands and Forests as Suc- cessor to the Hon. James Lyons, : Toronto, farch 2 2-Premier Fer- guson today has taken over the de- partment of lands and forests him. | self, following the resignation yester-. day of Hon. James Lyons from the Ontario Government. The Premier this morning refused to make any comment on the situation or to fore cast any changes that will be made in the administration. It has been > (AZ EERE EA AEE EEX RESCINDS INTOXICATING BEVERAGE RESOLUTION Aberdeen, Scotland, March 2--The town council, which in December decided to ban- fzh intoxicating beverages from civic banquets, by a vote of 16 to 1 last night re- scinded the résolution. PLP PPP EPaTIee * + - * * * * * + * * + * PEPE PIIESPILE 2D "TO RE-OPEN LEAD MINE. Hollinida Property Has Been Closed 30 Years. Belleville, March 2.--County Clerk W. H. Nugent, of Hastings County, announced to-day TYeceipt of word from W. J. Neale, representing New York interests, th@t the well-known Hollinida lead m just north of Bannockburn village, Hastings Cougy try, would be re-gpened this spring and workings on &nh extensive scale commenced. Holligida has been clog- €d for 30 years, but William Roberts, prospector and miner, reported a vein of lead several feet wide. PRINCIPAL SLITER IN FAVOR OF NEW POLICY To Have First rot ¥8 University "We have slways wanted and ap- proved of it." said Principal E. O. Sliter, of the Kingston Collegiate In. stitute, when asked by the Whig what he thought of the transference of all first-year university work'to the High Schools and Collegiate Institutes in the province. He is of the opinion that the work can be done just as effi. ciently 'and at less cost in the high schools. He thought that many of the pupils were too young when they went to a university, and they were unable to stand the heavy work, and as a result failed, and were in this way discouraged from taking a ecol- lege course. " "The, classes at the University are too large," said Mr. Sliter, "and the professors are younger men. Our teachers here would be very poor in- deed ,if they could not handle that work." The smaller class enabled the teacher to handle his pupils, and to give more personal attention to them during an especially hard year, he thought. The staff of the Collegiate will not be increased when the new measure goes into force, since there is only a very small proportion of the pupils graduating each year, who do not take upper school work before théy £0 to the Wjiversity. Mr. Sliter is of the opinion that '& 'junior teacher will be necessary at the Collegiate it the first: two years of university work is transferred to the high schools; Mr. Sliter is of the opinion that some apparatus would be necessary in the laboratory, but apart from this there would not be any extra expen- diture on equipment. 'The only drawback pointed out by the principal is that some of the smaller high schools would be un- able to handle the work, and as a result it would be necessary for the pupils to attend school at larger centre, but "every great reform has its drawbacks," said Mr. Sliter; ---------------------- HON. J. LYONS RES FROM: Acceptance of Resignation An- nounced by Premier Ferguson. | That He Was Using His OF fie for Private, Gain. Toronto, March Ontario Legislature yesterday ternoon tha: Hon. James Lyons resigned his portfolio. The been accepted. Premier Ferguson tion and the acceptance, both were received with 'astonishment, questions had been placed on mmm HON. JAMES LYONS CABINET ANSWER 10 CRITICISM Minister Acted on Lasinuations 2.~Premier G. Howard Ferguson announced in the \af- Minister of" Lands and Forests, had prime minister stated the resignation had read" in the Legislature hoth Mr. Lyons' resigna- of which were dated Monday, and théy | Mr. Lyons' letter stated that many | the order paper, concerning the relation- ship of the James Lyons Fuel and Supply Company, Sault Ste. Marie, of which he was president, with the riiceinge > FIRST CONTRIBUTOR +* It 'was announced at Queen's # University on Tuesday that % Canon Cody, Toronto, .. former % Minister of Education for the # Province of Ontario, was the # first contributor toward Queen's + Endowment Fund. * * + es CEPR 02022250 CHILDREN ARE FOUND IN SAD CONDITION Suffering . From Malnutrition and Frost-Bite--The Father Summoned. Peterboro, March 2.--Three chil- dren of George Dwyer, of Dumper Township, Nellie, aged thirteen: John, aged twelve, and George, aged \nine, are in a local hospital suffering from malnutrition and - frost-bite. Their father appeared in Palice Court Saturday on a charge of neglect and was remanded until Friday. George, |who weighs only thirty pounds, was {brought into the, hospital on a , (stretcher. "He had one toe frozen off at the sccond joint, while two {fingers and one of his heels were af- fected by frost-bite. He may not su i children's mother is dead and they are being looked after by their step-mother. According)to the fath- jer, he worked in the woods all day {and when he came home at night the clilidren were in bed apd he as- sumed that they had been fed. There are three children by his second wife, who, it is stated, are properly looked after: WETS CLAIM MAJORITY OF ELEVEN IN HOUSE Latest Word in Toronto Is That June Will See Ontario Elections. Toronto, March .2.--Despite de- nials by the Government it is learn- { § Accompanying stated to have been the assurance that such eiection would be held on a goverpmeut control-local option platform, and it is urged upon the ward associations to prepare for the fray on this understanding. Spreading of such word is said to have been the direct result of & careful canvass of the situation fol the the business with These questions, letter commenced as a straight fuel com general fuel with business Canada. firms in Northern Ontario. the understanding sire to embarrass the Goverumeut firm with its established customers, resignation as Minister of Lands and rests in your Government." after speaking work of Mr. . Lyons as minister, tion. Hon. James Lyons was tirst elect. Conservative party. Previois William Hearst, then premier. Mr, fore, but he had Government and other firms Roing Government. said, were placed to establish by inference that he was using his public office to the advantage of himself and his company. Mr. Lyons' letter reviewed the history of his company, which pany in 1912, and had grown to a and supply. company connections across He pointed out that most of the business of the firm was done with "Last year," he wrote in his letter, "1 gave to see that no further business was done between my firm and the Government. I so informed the company. I do not de- and finding that I cannot undertake to discontinue the business of the I beg, Bir, to tender forthwith my mier Ferguson, in his letter, favorably _of the states that he accepts the resigna.| EMPHATICALLY DENIED ed to the Legislature in 1923, when he "won Sault Ste. Marie bank *o the| to}. 1919 it had been the riding of - Sir |: Lyons had never been in active poli- tics as a member of Parliament be- In municipal lowing the Government caucus of last week. Those so-called "wet" members at that caucus presented the Ministets with a list of members of the House who are morally bound to support any amendment to the O. T.A. This list, according to informa- tion received, comprises 65 per cent. of the membership of the House and is composed of groups of all parties excepting the small Pro- gressive group, and even they can be sald to be associated with the move if the two Labor members of the House, both "wet" on the issue, are Included as members of that group. Those in the Legislature who favor some change in the present temperance laws claim to have a straight majority of 11 over the dry element regardless of party affilia- +| tion. They assert there are 52 Con- servatives, 7 Liberals and 2 Labor members who will support amending the O.T. A LIQUOR INTEREST HELP -|By Premier Ferguson and Oth- : ers--Warm Time in the Legislature. Toronto," March 2. --There was a warm time in the Legislature yes- terday when Government and Op- position members clashed again over the | wdely-argued question of Op- on privilege in respect of ques tions to the Ministry. Col. Cufrie ob- Jected to a newspaper report con- cerning questions to be asked the Government, In effect they dealt with alleged support of Government candidates in the last Provincial June. | the above hint is THE CLOSURE | 10 BE HOVED - IN COMMONS Debate on Address Concludes at 2am Wedaestay. A BRIEF ADJOURNMENT. Will Be Oaly for Twelve ~Four Weeks Already he oy Ties Spee. Ottawa, March 2.-- 2.--The Mackenzie King Government last night gave notice of the closure in the House of Commons. This means that, at two o'clock on: Wednesday morning, the debate on the address, which has been in progress fer about six weeks, will be ended and the House will vote. There will then be an autos matic adjournment until March 15th. 3 Three divisions are probable be- fore this adjournment becomes efs fective, the first to-day on the ap- plication of closure, the second on a motion for the previous question submitted some days ago by a Pro- gressive, and the third on the ad dress in reply to the Speech from the Throne. Under the closure rule a member may speak once only and then for not more than twenty minutes. The debate ends autos matically at 2 a.m., next day, or on Wednesday morning In the presen case, whether all members have spoken or rot. Provision for closure was adopted' by the Canadian House about teen years ago, but it is rarely put into effect. Last night's step 1% | other stage in the par] providing fur 'adjow ) 'the conclusion of the debate address, till March 15th. Adie ment, according to the Govern announcements, was for the purpose of making cabinet changes, and it was estimated at six weeks. The Conservatives met ths move by con touing 10 make speeches on the address.;In this manner, four of the six weeks have already been ex~ hausted. As matters stand, the closure will mean an adjournment from Mareh 3rd to 15th, instead of the original Bix weeks. Debate on Address. With the exception of a few min« utes at the opening, the Conserva« tives yesterday continued the debate on the address through-the entire sitting, . afternoon and Topics ranged from coal re to the Rouyn railway. I. B. Dougall, Conservative of or N.8., predicted that American es thracite would in ten years be sel ing in Canada at from $25 to a ton unless other sources of ity, were developed, Mr. MacDougall urged 8 higher tariff on bituminous and suth He also pressed for the reco ition of Maritime rights. H. B. Short - Digby-Annapolis; suggested ' rural credits should be extended fisherman, the farmers of the sea. Dr. J. L. Chabot of Ottawa, spoke .o Premier King's references to 1 completion of the Hudson's Bay Way as a "brazen bribe" to'tl electors of the West. J. R. O'Neil] North Temisksming thought Rouyn railway was "anothef Seri! hotel." . Bxpict Ton ot Otten Tet a 32. Expectation 1 Liar} Sircies to-day is that ernment will have a majority of about téh on the closure ---- on the address. the division >hich must come before two to-morrow morning. St ---------- The Application to ¥ to Unseat Him Ottawa, Mach 3.~D. M.

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