City League Hockey HARTY ARENA Monday, Dec. 28th, 7.15 p.m. MAROONS vs. VICTORIA-BOOHOOS (JUNIOR) REGIOPOLIS vs. "B" BATTERY (SENIOR) # wget! 25 CENTS Yes Sir, the F armer Surely Does Need a Radio! TREADGOLD - SPORTING GOODS CO., « HAVE BEEN APPOINTED FREED-EISEMANN RADIO RECEIVERS | A PRONOUNCED SUCCESS; Our Sale has beon so successful because the Public have taken advantage of the big savings, that we have decided to extend it a few days more--tio give an an oppor tunity to those who want to get the best merchandise In Men's Suits 00ME, an OpPOrLUNILY 0 Stl make Nol Troan oo Sn The entire stock must go. Our. poliqy la nut to carey over merchandise from ono Season to another. nds Suiuuay, Janosry, Sn, Grasp the opportunity sight Men's and Young Men's Overciats Mer's and Young Men's Sus Rogular $250, Su fiw S30 fepr $12.30 Sale Price $16.50 " 30. 00, ! ; "oo. 1.38 . ne 25 00, 0