Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Dec 1925, p. 11

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a iat v * Hm 2 x. Xn ad *WHIG is . THE DAILY BRITISH' ST. GEORGE'S CHOIR RENDERED CAROLS At Sunday Evening Service-- Community Singing in Syd enham Street Church. The Christmas music was repeat- ed, with some additions, in St. George's cathedral on Sunday. At the eleven o'clock service the an- them, "Christians Awake, Salute the Happy Morn" (Maunder) was splendidly sung. The Bishop of Ontario preached a remarkably fine sermon on the Incarnation, from the text "God Bp Loved the World, that He Gave His Only Begotten Son." At seven o'clock, the annual carol service was held. There was no ser- mon and at the end of evensong, at which the anthem, 'Arise, Shine, for Thy Light Has Come" (Spence) was sung, the choir came from the stalls to the chancel steps and sang the familiar carols, among which were "Carol, Bweetly Carol," "See Amid the Winter Snow," "The First Now- ell" and "We Three Kings of Orient Are." The bishop gave the benedie- tion and the choir passed into the vestry sipging A "O Little Town of Bethlehem," their voices floating back to the church bearing the Christmas prayer, "O Come to Us, Abide with Us, Our Lord Emmanu- el." Community Choral Service. A community earol service was held in Sydenhamsstreet church @fter the Sunday evening service. Many old familiar éarols were sung heart- ily by the gathering. The singing was led by Mr, Harry Hill, organist. A large number were present from other churches and the service was & success in every way, ' At St. James Church. At the Sunday evening service, in 8t. James church, a large mumber of old Christmas carols were sung by the congregation, led by the choir. There was a large congrega- tion, and they joined heartily in the service. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Sav- ary, gave a short address on the Christmas story, which was illustrat- ed by a number of slides. At First Baptist Church. At the First Baptist church on Sunday, special Christmas music was again greatly fnjoyed by large con- gregations the morning and even- ing the musical arrange- ments being under the direction of the organist and choir leader, 8. A. s Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a To Market Place DEATHS. UYCKE~In Kingston, H 27th, 1925, James Frederick Huycke, aged 33 years. - Funeral from his late residence, 25 Chatham Street, on Tuesday after- noon at 2.30 o'clock to Cataraguj, Cemetery, McRAE--At Chicago, 24th, 1925, David H. son of the late W his §8th year. Funeral took place Satarday to Cat- araqul Cemetery, MINNES--At Ottawa, on December 27th, 1925, Robert S.anley Minnes, M. D., third son of the late James Minnes and Annie Taylor. Funeral from Wie late redidence, 153 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa ,at 2 p.m, Tuesday. PHELAN--Suddenly at Staten Island, New York '~~"mber 27th, 1928, Dr. Alban G. Phelan. Funera: privis Mary's Cathedral, on arrival of remains at C.N.R. sta- tion trom New York JAMES REID The Olds Firm of Undertakers 284 and 256 PRINCESS STREET "Phone 147 for Ambulance ROBERT J. REID The Leading Undertaker "Phone 577. 230 Princess Street M. P. KEYES FUNERAL HOME: 49 COLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1880. JOHN * CORNELIUS U aker and Embalmer Parlors: 274 Princess Street Ambulance Fhone 569 H. J. KNIGHT UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER PARLUMS--Sydenham, Yarker, Verona, and Hattersea. Ambulance 'phone 35. ee a SE sou et x - - Che British Whi KINGATON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All ads, are restricted to their proper classification, and . to the Fegalar Daily Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES: . Dally rate per lune or consecutive 1usertions: Minimum charge, 26 cents. Daily tales in Charge Cash di . 5 4 § $ on December on December McRae, third R. McRae, in Deaths, Births, En ments, Mare riages, one insertion charged, $1.50; cash $1.00. Card of Thanks, and Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.50; cash, $1.00 each insertion, Advertising ordered for irregular insertions takes tne one-time inser tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. foun #ix average words to the e. Charged ada. will be received by telepnone and if paid at The Brit- ish Whig Office within § days from the first day of insertion, cash rate will be wilowed. Ads. ordered for more. than one day and stopped before eapiration will only be charged for the number of timeg the ad. appeared and adj ment made at the rate ear: Rate per line for white space is the Same as & line of type Bpesial rate for yearly advertising upon request, Pr rs eeserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising £0 y. Telephone 243; ask for a want ad taker. 3 Salsbury. At the morning service, the anthem, "Bethlehem" was sung, the solo port of which was taken by Mrs. 8. J. Turner, 'Two carols were splendidly rendored by Vera Brand and Leslie Isaacs. At the evening service, the anthem, "Arise, Shine" was sung, Mr. 1. Bd- wards singing the solo parts, A solo, "Birthday of the King' given by Mr. James Marshall, and a carol was al- so rendered by Master Stewart Sals- bury. | At Queen Street Church. Special musle was rendered by | Queen Street Church choir at both servicés on Sunday, under the direc- tion of Miss Pearl Nesbitt. In the "and the offertory was, ver Lamps," by Barnaby. LL ------------------------ PHONE LINES 'BREAK: UNDER THE COLD SPELL as Result of the Severe Weather on Sunday. The cold weather of Sunday was responsible 'for many break in the long distance telephone lines be- tween Kingston, Ottawa, Montreal and Hamilton. There were no breaks in the lines in. the city, and little or no inconvenienés was 'caused to, those who wished to use the long distance lines. There were in all about six breaks and three gangs of linémien were kept busy all day Sunday and so far all the repairs have not been completed. One wire, when broken, will put ten or twelve lines out of commission, and fit fs this that eauses most of the trouble. Most of the breaks were attributed to the extreme cold of Sunday, which caused the wires to contract and if there happened to be a weak place in the wire it immediately snapped. Fourteen degrees is about the cold- est that it can get without any breaks, because the wires must be strung tightly. On the whole the line men consider that they were ox- Aremely fortunate over the. week end, for when a cold snap "occurs suddenly, there is liable to be more breaks, usual, Re A NSO A SERIOUS FIRE ON MARKLAND STREET = -------- e Home of Mrs. M. J. Brown 'Was Damaged to Extent of w = XE LE " 2 % J Fire, which broke out at the home Mrs: M. J, Brown, 59 Markland OUT OUR WAY. i ni AN 7 n) Wi / / THOSE GOOD FOUR ER FIVE O 1H KIDS WAFTA WEAR THER PAS PANTS COT DOWN, SAKES MA, THEY "DONT HANE THIS MUCH LEFT OVER! MY GOSH MA THATS ORFILY a SC Ze OL DANS WERENT ALWAYS SO GOOD. WELL TI CANT HELP IT CAUSE NOUR PA'S FAT, can 1? aT BUT FER GOSH 11 11 1AD OER INCH BACK AN ITLL NEVER BE NOTCED MUCH WITH AMOUR COAT ON. CN BY WILLIAMS. ) AIAN TRwLLinmes "= _ GUPER BY MEA CPWCL WC. Lost and Found 1 $A tn GOLD WRIST WATCH~Lost, on Mon- day night. Finder please return so Whig Office or phone 243. . BRACELET--lost, on Saturday even- ing. Finder please 'phone 1746-J. BRACBLET--Iound, in driveway of W. Pi: Peters' store, 1:7 Brock S.reet. Apply at above agdress, | BROWN LEATHER GLOVE--Found. on Chestnut Street. Owner may have at Lowry's Blacksmith Shop, same Chestnut Street, or phone 1186-F. CAPE GLOVE-~Found, on Barriefield iui Owner may have same at Whig ce. GOOD, GREY MITT---Found, on Mon- day. Owner may have same at 51 Balaclava Street. SPARE TIRE AND RIM -- Firestone Cord, lost, Wednesday, In city or on road to Lemolne"s Point. Finder Please return to the Whig Office, od reward, a MAN'S RING=Found on Tuesday. Own~ er may haved same at Whig Office. Help Wanted OR ------------------------ se -- -- Agents Wanted 4 eee AGENTS---Get in a profitable, all-year Cuinuussiyn business of your own. very pruperty owner is a customer On prospec... Nine hunared varieties Of naray Hed Tag Nursery products, Lasn every week. Compiete equip- ment ana instructions iree.' Write Jromanicn Nurseries, Montreal. Teachers Wanted 3 TEACHER Qualified Protestant Teacuer tor 8. 8. No. 4, Hinchinbrooke, huldiug at least second ciass certifi Case Duties to Cunanence January 410. Saary 700. Apply ww Mrs, Chas, E. Cole, sec.<treas., Cuie Lake, Ont. YOUNG GIRL---To do Hight housework. Famuy of (wo. Apply to Box V-2s, Whig Office, ER - Real Estate For Rent Aparunents and . Flats APARTMENT. Syden ; remen ts Broek "Street, fodp id baths room---modern in every particular. Ap- biy 6% Brock Street. 8 7 NECKLACE FOUNDOn Earl Street, Owner may have same at 160 Barl Street. MEN'S GLOVES---Found at the corner of Division and Colborne Streets Own. er may have same at Elliott and Wil. Hamson's Garage, 210 Division Street. ONE GOLD CUFF LINK---With initials °F. GQ. engraved, found. Owner may have same at Whig Office. SUM OF MONEY~Found In Newman & ; Shaw's. Owner may have same by applying at Office in Newman & Shaw's, TWO PIPES Lost. Reward {f ret - ed to 298 Victoria . um Street. Live Stock ia MK PULLETS--~Now lay- &. Also Apply 280 new laid eggs. Nelson Street. "Phone. 1653-3. Help Wanted ee Female Help Wanted 3 ------ imi. Coats YOUNG GIRL--For housework. Apply Box 8-23, Whig Office. YOUNG GIRL---For eneral Small family. usework. Apply 18 Street. chimney, running betweefi the ceil Ing over the kitchen, and had con- siderable headway when the firemen arrived. From the room over the kitchen, the flames spredd to the attic and it was fot long until they were lapping up the roof. The firemen experi- enced considerable trouble and wets No. 2. Business Places STORBS--On Princess Street; heated and good windows. plrance. Appiy 1 Conen & Co. all large, Hear en- A Houses 9 HOUSE § rooms, electric light, rent 16.00, 'on Cowdy street; small house, rooms, water and toilet; ren: $10.00, on Staniey street; also nuuse on Monti Teal street. Apply H. ¥, Norman, 64 Pairick Street. 'Phone 730-w. HOUSE---Corner Colbofne and Syden- ham streets, $8 rooms, 259 and 265 Ri- deau St, 7 rooms and § rooms; 61 Queen street, 6 rooms; all improves ments each, Apply 156 Queen Street. 'Phone 95%-w. HOUSE--1 rooms, 3 plete bath, elestric lights, good s.ables and garages at rear, for sale or to rent. Apply 111 saglan Road. Phiy NEW HOUSE--Birch Avenue, Just com- Pitted: T rooms; and one new house, lérbeck Avenue, jubt completed; 7 fooms. Apply to BE E. Waihen, 127 Nelson streec. 10 furnished for no children; all Rooms ROOMS--Two or three, Hight housekeeping; conveniences; use of phone. Rent rea- sonable; near Business College. Ap. ply 'phone 1523.-w. PWO-~Light housekeeping rooms, one small sieeping room. . Iieat, light, gas a ight, g "Phone f Appl ey Pply 288 Queen eal For Sale me Farms and Land 12 acres, all tillable, FARM-For sale, 100 Bikers ule Ses. Sapriar mye from Rctory, Stone Rouse, od frame $ ute raw! y ts. ; Rovers Buin; 800 er End do, Bir Crosi Severe earthquake shocks drove people to leave their hBuses and iive in tents at Abram, Persia, on Dec. J. E. CUNNINGHAM Real Estate Insurance and Loans 79 Clarence Street BRICK HOUSE-On Stuart street, all improvements, $4,800. Apply M. B. Trumpour, 270 princess Street. Tele- phone 704 or 1296-J. FRAME -- 7 rooms, central; improve- ments, $2,600. House to ley, central Money to loan. Insurance. T. O'CONNOR, 351 Princess Street. 'Phone 1189-J, FE. W. MULLIN, Real stata and insurance Broker Johnson and Division Streets Phone §39w. See Advi. Page 3 Wanted To Buy 14a OHICKEN INCUBATOR--Second hand, also Quebec er with oven. State prices, inocuba.or egg capacity, and &ny other particulars. Apply to Box [bo Ti Wiig Of foe. rir Articles For Sale, Miscellaneous 1s BARGAINS--In. Suit Cases, Club Bags, new and used Army Rubbers, Over- shoes, Blankets, Breeches, Leggings. A few musical instruments, Banjo, Guitar, Violins. A. Shapiro, . 45 Prin. cess Street. GOOD COUN OOAT--For sale. for quick buyer. Whig Office, LAMP SHADE FRAMES Fire dogs and screens. We make them, large variety. 'Phone 380. Partridge Wire Works. Try us for siiver plating and refinishing, MUSIC ROLLS--200 Used Rolls now on sale. Your choice while they last § for $1.00. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess Street, ONE DHOP CENTRE DREAD WAGON --=(New). Apply B. E, Wathen, 137 Neilson street. 'Phone 13§1-J. QUILT PATCHES cloh, silk, cotton and fancy mixed. pounds $160. 13 pounds $3.00, age 5 cents extra each pound. Co., 442 King West, Torouto, Ontario, RAINCOATS, OVERCOATS--From $1%: Newest patterns; best value in Canada, with easy terms of payment; guaran teed fit 'Phone 2206-w. J. G. Patter sun, 139 Jolmston Street. Err aa BYEYORY INSTRUMENTS oe ie. y to em ~Walkem, 93-Clarense Street. 8 CTLY BSH EGGS « For sale C. per doen Apply to Ro H. la [Roche, - 207 Montreal Street, Tele- 'phone 1545-m, SPECIAL SALE « Of Slee tresses, slightly soiled. to clear at 5.80 grades Bargain Apply Box U-28, - Best assortment 377 'ress SLEIGHS--One sot, second b Sloops, Beatty Barn and, Ad Churns and ashers. Single '31 Brock 1217-F. "Died Aged Eighty, : Ottawa, Dec. 28 Manon Beaton, Ont, for the last leek HII, five years, died in a local Sas i SUITE~--Tape:iry B ' i fv: ble | Round & Bol malhegeny Saished, living room table | Viktor, Win Bobbing and he aged elghity-nine, resident of Vank. | Articles For Sale. 15 Miscellaneous living room heasvaanle price. WHITE NEWSPRINT--500 sheets for 40g. Suitabie for wrapping purposes or household use. Size 16%" x 23". Apply British Whig. WATERPROOF Waggon and Covers. Everything in canvas, Frank W. Cooke. 'Phone 436. PIANO, UPRIGHT----Handsome walnut 7 1-3 octave, ivory keys; style . Price reasonable. Terms if desired. 'Phone 2417-J or call at 149 Colborne Stree. Apply 26 Plum St Hurse etc. suite, ! rime. F RENCH MARCEL WAVI ater Waving, Facial ana Scalp Treatment. attention given to Hair Dyeang Miss Switagr, 387 Qu Street. or ape poinlment 'pho 2018. PERMANENT WAVING The vnuy wave you can suampoo that dampness uhproves © Just like natural curly hair. 5 lso Murcel Waving, Shampoo Manicuring, Massaging, Hair ® and all the latest styles in Halr Cute A. B. KINGSBURY, 209 Princess Street 'Phone 3015-4 Furniture 15a Insurance 28 FURNITUR] Antique and modern furniture Aa And bought. M. Shane er, 507 Princess Street, sJcceppors Lesses Antique Shop. r Kadio and Musical 17 PIANO---One Upright Plano, mahogany case. s been used but is in nrst class condition. Will give special price to clear. Terms arranged If desired. 'Phone 985 for appointment. Fuel and Feed 18 FOR SALBE---1 car Virginia Nut Coal $18.00 ton. 1 car Ken.ucky Egg $13.00. These are semi-hard and burn well in stoves and furnaces. 1 car Split Pea Coke, $8.00. 1 ton Virginia or Ken- tucky and I ton Pea $20.00, Smaller quantities. Cartage extra. 1 car Peat $6.00 half ton. Dry mixed soft Cord- wood or slabs, $3.00 load. Dry hard- wood $4.00 load. 'Phone 2440-w. W. C. Bruton, 290 Wellington Street. HARDWOOD--Cholce, dry, body hard- wood, $14 cord. Mixed dry wood, $12 cord--ecut in stove lengths. Also Cord- wood $9 cord. Delivered. Apply H. Webber; 261 Regent street. 'Phone 169%-m. HARDWOOD--Dry body maple $8.75 per load. Dry mixed $3.00, Dry sof} maple $2.76. Phone 1439-J. Mrs. Ray Parker, corner Johnson and MeDonald Streets. HARDWOOD---3$3.50 and $3.75 quarter cord, mixed wood $2.75 and $3.25; Slab Wood $2.76 to $3.50, according to qual- ity, FOugh and dressed lumber, saingles, 33.50 per ' thousand and up. Sawdust sold cheap, W. H. Talbot, Concession street. Telephone 37534. STOVE WOOD--Of all kinds; cut stove lengths; kept under cover. Cedar kin- dling, split, $2.76 load. Phone $59. J. Peters & Son, corner Brock and Vie: turia streets. SWAIN'S WOOD YARD -- Dry body hardwood, $4.60 quarter cord; mixed bodywood $4.00 quar.er cord; hardwood slabs $4.00 a load. Mixed slabs $3.00 a load. 'Phone 2616-w. _ Business Services Talloring and Pressing 20 W. ROBERTSON ~. Tailor, Pressing, Cleaning, Repairing; your own clotn Samples in stock. $20.00 273 bagot street. Professional 21 DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER -- W. A Marcelis, corner of Barrie and L'rin- cess sirsela. Chiropractic ust ments, electric treatment and and luassdge, X-ray service. Consuita- tton tree. Hours: 9-13 a.m. 1-6 p. Evenuigs oF appointment. Office tele phone 823-J. Hemdence 'phone 957-J. LUCY Geo. PF. 2 Baan 2v 0 'Phone 961-w, Houta 51 1-5, §-7.30. Consultation free. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH --- Bariisters and Soligitors, 79 Clarence Kingston . A. Cyril Mm. Smath, DAY AND REVELLE--Barristers and Holleitors, $¥ Cisrence Strout, Jing stun, A. E. Day, Adrian 1. valle Mortgages arranged. 'Fnone V6. REYNOLDS, J. C.--Barrister and Sollei- Wr, 51 Brock Street. Mortgages ar- ranged on oity and farm properiy. 'Phone 2509. SLATER~--Douglas, Barrister and Soligi- tor, 19 Clarence Street. Money to loan. 'Phone $22, SHEA~-Ambrose, Holeitor law an B. Cunningham, KC. New . B.A, Barrister and 23 leAHnE Wars Suara omatitening, Fleid, 382 Barrie Street, near cess Street. "Thone #4333 , Prin RR WORK item. aman: Ww es, sham. ring, dies and tting. rs. Cun- treet. Kingston. Hifpacie 000 HEALTH AND ACCIDENT-Insurancs will provide you with a salary in conse \0f sickness. All lines of Fire In ance. 'Phone or call E.' Willlams, Couper Street, EMNIE D, SLITER~Insurance Bro! r ail branches of Insurance in old Ii companies of highest financial stands ing. 281 King Street East. 'Phones 25:8-w. Res. 1121. 3 Hiiti~Automobile ane Sasualt Jonge anve. EB. M. Crumley, 0 arl of 'Phone 1782-M. : INSURANCE~~Only the most relia! companies represented. Si Strange, established In 1860. Office: Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. 4. B, COOKE---Lit, Fire, Accident snd Sickness, in relidble companies, dias trict manager imperial Life. "Phones: Office 603-w. Res. 1731-m. Decorators 25a ANDERSON, A. --Painter and Décorats or, Kstimates given on large or small, Paper and Jobs. Choice stock of Wall samples carried. "Phone 1968. PAINTING AND DECORATING ---- Special winter prices. 'Phone for samples. Painting also done, works manahlp guaranteed. H. Rowley, Decorator. 'Phone 1353-F. SIGN PAINTING-J. B. Robinson, rear 238 bagol Street Financial 20 FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. MENT SOCIETY -- Incorporated in 1861, Presigent, A. D. cariwright, Vice-president J. M. Farrell Money to loan on city and farm properties; ins vesumen.. Bonds bought and sold; des POsILs received und iuterest paid on minimum monthly balance. R. Cartwright, manager, $7 Clarence 88 PON ichy..roti Biciageghtd cd os Miscellancous 27 ASHES leaned t of 1! yards, clean Job dont A" Mac coon &4 Huesell Street. 'Phuae 2 STORAGE~-Dead storage for cars. Ap- pi 538 Frontenac Street. 'Phone -W. SKATES SHARPENED---Hollow ibc. and 5c. Muller's Bicycle 371 and 373 King Street. STORAGE- For furniture, airy 100mg and spaces; your own and key. Frost's ay orage, 305 Queen St. 'Pnone $38. Hes. $8h-w Expert Plano Tuning. Player-Plane Adjusting. 'Phone 1544. C, W. LINDSAY, LIMITED UPHOLSTERING--And genera] % ing. Leave orders at 4, drop Soa ¥ Yo F! WwW. Harvia, 104 C Phone iggu.3:"1% 104 Clecky Automobiles . Auto Accessories 4 KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND BODY . --Makers of Auto, Buggy, \Boat and Cushi Commercial, Coupe bodies, California Tops and holstering. Aw (ngs and Janta o 'Phone ; } 341 King street. + Classi fled Tisplay W. KENT. MACNEE Writ fry NO ao 0 : ; , waobile, . cident. Blcknens. "plate Gisg ¥ Other lines of Insurance, . 1 33 BROCK ST.. 'PHONE S88-w, REAL GOOD ONES AT VERY LOW PRICES. i Also a full line of FURNITURE, Brerything reasonable. Turk's Store 'PHONE 708. ttm. ound Phone 1961-w, Boston Herald celebrated mas by putting cheerful items ¢ on the front page. Ie AND CUSTOMERS Fool of Johnson INGS AND BEST WISHES FOR MAS AND THE NEW YEAR - James Swift & Co,, Li WE EXTEND TO OUR MANY CORDIAL * GREET Street. "Phone 135.

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