Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Dec 1925, p. 4

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' rn - LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE NEWS AND VIEWS ow 's Page Editor Phone 2013 Private Phone 857w. . % * The Whig will be glad to have the : of visitors in town and ac- ints of various social events for social column. Write or tele to the Editor of the Wo- 's Page, No. 2613. : * . * xceedingly smart and up to the jute was the annual at home at the Kingston Collegiate In- on Tuesday evening. In the hall, evergreens and rose- lights on artistic wicker gave a charming effect, d the guests went on to the gym- um where they were received by and Mrs. E. O. Sliter, the lat- wearing @ smart black gown h a black and silver scarf, "Mr. § Mrs. W. H. Hedley, the latter in black, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Otto, Mrs. Otto frocked in flame velvet and georgette. Mrs. Alex- Newland, chairman of the d of Education, was a guest, was gowned in beige georgette, pidered. The decorations of the were most elaborate, Blue and the K.C.I. colors, were used, e end of the room the figures 5 stood out against a white ind, and at the other K.C.I. be- m two sporting silhouettes were he wall. 'A lattice of blue and se made the drop ceiling, and in entre the streamers were clever- gaught up to form a dome. Small reen Christmas treés and tall d lamps made a charming corn- here Rid Fox and his Serenaders d inspiring music. Prétty girls, pretty frocks in all the popular ints, danced gaily, and the was a charming one indeed. ir was served downstairs in a m turned into a Chinese hall. Sil- lottes, . Chinese figures and in characters were on the pil- Chinese lanterns shed a soft and Chimése waiters served an llent supper. The dance was al- her a delightful one and the Man Sleeps Like Log, Eats taking Adlerika I can eat and Hike a log. 1 had he stomagh and couldn't keep nor sleep." (signed) R. C, ONE spoonful Adlerika re- 8 GAS and often brings surpris- relief to the stom Stops that bloated. feeling. Often brings old waste-matter yon never [ht was in your system. Excel- chronic constipation. T, H. it, druggist. perfect arrangements reflected great credit on the committee in charge, that includéd Miss Marjorie Fair, Miss White, Miss = Marjorie Lytle, Miss Burns, Messrs McKelvey, C. Laturney, A. Andrews, H. Reid, R. Day and E, Connelly. Mowat Sanatorium is gaily dec- orated for the festive season of Christmas with long wreaths of evergreens, red bells and red and green 'streamers, and on Tuesday evening a party of Red Cross work- ers went out to give' the gifts they had so carefully prepared for the patients in the infirmary to those for whom they were intended. Some one had blundered, however, and many of the boxes had already been given to the patients, during Dr. Hopkins' absence from the hospital. However, the ladies received many words of appreciation for their gifts, Fach one seemed just what the re- ciplent needed most, and the care with which they had been prepared and the kindly wishes written In notes and on cards went right to the hearts of those who are making brave fight against the dread *'white plague." The presents for the girls and women patients had not been sent out before hand, so they receiv- ed their pretty gifts from the hands of the donors. Mr. W. A. Rogers, Mrs. W. A. Dewey, Mrs. Henry Duckman and Miss Kathleen Daly, with some other visitors, visited the patients in pe wards and had a chat with each of' them. From the main building the party went over to the recrea- tion hall where the Christmas tree and a programme arranged by Mr. James Marshall was the event of the evening for those who were well én- ough to enjoy it. Mr. Marshall sang, and a dialogue by Mr. Marshall and Misg Albright was enjoyed, Mr, Kelly, a prince of reciters, gave two numbers splendidly, and Mr. M. R. Carrade played two brillant piano solgs. The presents on the tree from the Red Cross, the 1.0.D.E..and the canteen were distributed by Mrs. Rogers, Mrs, Dewey and Dr. Bruce Hopkins, Patients and nurses each got a present, and many happy mo- ments will be spent in opening the pretty boxes. The hall was gaily decorated with evergreens, stream- ers and colored lights, and after the gifts were distributed a dance fol- lowed. Miss Bessie Stewart, West street, was the hostess of a bright little tea for two of 'the married Kingston girls who have come home for the holidays, Mrs. G. Marshall Suther- land, Grand Mere, Que., and Mrs. J. H. Henderson, Montreal. The house was charming with holiday decora- tions and at the table decked with pink carnstions and pink candles, Miss Gertrude McKelvey made tea. .. 4 . * Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Blezsard have arrived in Kingston from Edmonton, Dr. Blezard has been visiting the hospitals in Rochéster, Toledo, Chi- cago, New York and P Mrs. Blezard came to Kingston with her aunt, Miss Emma Wilder, who has spent the last four months in Edmonton. They will spend Christ- mas with the Misses Wilder, Nelson street. . » » + The meeting of the Kingston Gar- rison Badminton Club was hell as usual on Wednesday afternoon in the armories. The attendance was i not large, but the players were joip- ed' at the tea hour by some of the tea members and visitors in town. » wv » " Mr. and Mrs. H. B. McKenzie, the latter formerly Miss Betty Roblin, of Toronto, and baby daughter, Bet- ty June, will be with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Roblin, Victoria street, for the Christmas holidays. . -. * . Mrs. Jack Bermingham will receive for the first time since her marriage at the home of Mrs. William Berm- ingham; "Otterburn," Centre street, on Wednesday afternoon, December 0th. . * * Mrs. Charles Jackson, Johnson street, will be among the Kingston hostesses who will entertdin at din- ner on Christmas evening. . . . - ' Mrs. W. T. Minnes, "Hillcroft," will give a family dinner party on ' Christmas night. * * * Mrs. J. G. Bttinger, King street west, will Christmas night. * . *® Principal Bruce Taylor and Miss Lois Taylor, the Principal's' Resi- dence, will give a family dinner party on Christmas evening. . . . Mrs. 8. H, Simpson, Albert street, i" wily entertain at dinner on Christ. mas evening. . . - Mrs." Percy Chown, Albert street, will entertain at dinner on Christ- mas night. . . . Miss Hazelle Ashley, New York, will arrive on Christmas, Day to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ashley, 28 Liv- ingston avenue. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hamblin, Dins- dale, and her baby, Jack, are spend- ing the Christmas holidays with Mrs, J. Donnelly, Earl street. Miss Jean Stethem of Cardinal has left for home, after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. John Donnelly, Earl street. Mr. George 'Blliott, Buffalo, N.Y., is spending the winter with his nieces, Misses Lorraine and Jane Irwin, Colborne street. . . . Mrs. W. T. Sheriff and Master Billy, Ottawa, are here to spend the holidays with Mrs. Sheriff's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ballantyne. Mrs. J. F. Bhaw {is also here for the holi- days. Rev, Principal McGreer and Mrs. McGreer;: Lennoxville, Que, will gpend Christmas with 'his parents, Road. Miss Elizabeth Waller 1s home from New York to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Waller, Napanee. ~ Mr. T. J. Lovett, Miss Marie and Mr. Maurice Lovett of Detroit, Mich., will spend Christmas with relatives. Mr. Gerald Lovett, Chicago, II., is spending the holiday with his mother, Mrs. T. J. Lovett, Ear street. . * * Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Green, To- ronto, will spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith, Division street. y Mrs. J. Harold Gauthier with her littlé daughter, Jean, has come from Toronto to spend the holiday season with her mother, McLean, Barrie street. Miss Catharine Thompson, Queen's University, 1s iii Ottawa with her son. Rev. Walter P. Booth and Mrs. Booth, Chicago, Ill, will spend the holidays 'with the latter's mother, Mrs. M. F. Hughes, Division street. Mr. and' Mrs. C. W. Livingston and family, Toronto, will spend Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. Charles | Livingston, Barl street. = Mrs. George Nicol, Albert street, is spending Christmas week with Ne. and Mrs. H. E. 'Pense, Walker "Mr. Gustave Sauvant, of the Royal Military College staff, has gone to || Montreal to spend the Christmas va- cation. : 7 : Miss Bessie McTear will spend thé week following Christmas with her aunt in Detroit, Mich. hee. attending the Tor ! LY 0 of Music, is visiting her sunt entertain at dinner on | Mr. and Mrs. C. McGreer, Deseronto | Mrs. A. | parents, Rev. T. J. and Mrs. Thomp- on, who has been | ents, Mr. Pine street. and Mrs. W. Salsbury, Major and Mrs. James Hamilton, Aberdeen avenue, left for Belleville today to spend the holiday with Mr, and Mrs. George Grabam, Miss Mary Ferguson, Hamilton; is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. He Ferguson, Brook street. - Mrs. James Simpson, Toronto, is with her son, Dr. 8, H. Simpson and Mrs, Simpson, Albert street. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred J. Martin, Toronto, are with Mr. and Mrs. James F. Martin, Johnson street. Miss Gwendolyn Holland has re- turned from Ottawa Normal school and is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Holland, Clergy street. * * - Miss BE. Chown will spend Christ- mas with Mr, and Mrs. H. R. Chown, Alfred street. Major W. Ballantyne, Ottawa, is with Mr. and Mrs. John Ballantyne, for the holiday. Cadet Fowler Gobeil, R.M.C., will spend the holidays with his parents, Major and Mrs. J. BE. Gobeil, Ottawa. General and Mrs, H. A. Panet, Ot- tawa, are with Mr. C, Bermingham, Barrie street. : Mr. Cyril B. P. Jones, Toronto, will spend Christmas with his mo- ther, Mrs, Kearney Jones, King street. . Miss Vera Shaw has returned from Toronto to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Shaw, Bagot street. The Misses Mary F. and Veronica Murphy, Post Graduate Registered nurses of New York City, are spend- ing Christmas with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Murphy, Bath. ON EARTH GOODWILL AND PEACE. In the fields with their flocks abid-) ng, The shepherds lay on the ground, And glimmering under the staflight The sheep lay white aroiind. on When the light of the Lord streamed o'er them, And lo, from the heaven above, Anh angel leaned from the glory And sang his song of love: He sang that first sweet Christmas The song that shall never cease-- "Glory to God in the highest, On earth good will and peace." "To you in the city of David A Saviour is born to-day!" And sudden a host of the heavenly ones Flashed forth to join the lay. O never hath sweeter message Thrilled home to the souls of men, And the heavens themselves had never heard So glad & choir tii then; For they sang that Christmas carol That never on earth shall cease-- "Glory to God in the highest, On earth good will and peace." And the shepherds came to the man- . ger . And gazed on that holy Child; - And calmly o'er the cradle . The virgin Mother smiled; And the sky in the starlit silence Seemed full of the angel lay-- "To you in the city of David A Saviour is born to-day!" : So they sang and ween that never The carol on earth shall cease-- "Glory to God in the highest, On earth goed will and peace." : --F. W. FABER. * The Editor Hears | splendid baskets to some families | who would perhaps otherwise not have had a Christmas dinner. With the churches, the schools, 'the Ki no'one in Kingston will fare badly tomorrow, ¥ IS -- ' "When ¥a acts like he's poutin' at me about somethin' I always give vice about somethin'." mp ---- late Mousse, Maple. - Honey Mousse and Lose lois time; beep charm bring unhappy, fretful days. Now the insecurity of the hazardous "sanitary pad" has been ended. You wear sheerest gowns, meet every and all social or business ex- actments in peace of mind . . time, any day. : It is called "KOTEX" . . , five times as absorbent as the ordinary €otton pad! 3 Thoroughly deodorises . . . thus ending ALL fear of offending. Discards as easily as a piece of tissue. No laundry. No embarrass. ment. You ask for it without hesitancy simply by saying "KOTEX" at any drug or department store. Costs only a few cents. Proves risky old ways a folly, No laundry--discard like tissue " ¥ " CAMPANA'S Italian Balm for chapped hands That the War Cry with a pretty colored cover, showing a Hallelujah lassie with her arms full of holly, is being sold on the streets. It is well | worth buying, not only because everyone likes to help the Salvation Army along at this time, but b it is full of interesting reading mat- ter and illustrations telling the old, old Story of the coming to earth of the only Son of God as a Babe in a manger at Bethlehem. i That a plea for our childish belief bya wanians and other good folk, surely }} FOR WOMEN READERS | KINGSTON MUSIC STUDIOS 258 King Street Plano and Theory .....ius.tessssssssas vs 8, Packer, AT.OM. Violin, Ukelele, Piano «++. Mignon Telgmann, Res. Phone 1206-w. Vocal Sight Singing"... . Harry HI Create ENs ETE BARANYA Pr Kirkpatrick's Art 8 Flower Store Ed 150 PRINCESS STREET ; PICTURES ens riowems That make suitable gifts and our siding Touguels and Deters. framing is exclusive. Pratt alee. Sgn, TELEPHONES 452 and 1218-J, him a little liver tonic or ask his ad- || v 1H Lackie's ice cream can't be beat. | French Fruit, Maple Walnut, Choco LD-TIME sanitary methods . any | IS AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT We have many new and attractive pat- terns (all open stock). One of these, the ASTOR, just in, has a powdered blue bor- der, broken with floral decoration. Regularvalue ................ $40.00 Selling at $32.00 Spécial prices on all Fancy China suitable for gifts ¢ Robertson China Shop 65 BROCK STREET ® o-night "An opportunity to purchase that gift you have overlooked. Lots of useful articles for presents at very interesting prices. MAY CHRISTMAS BE MERRY AND HAPPY FOR YOU AND YOURS. Ww. N. 'Phone 191. * The Waldron Store ¥ To You of the #4

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