a i B | Wednesdays and Sundays at 2 p.m. Also | 1 DENTIST L 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. | PIANO TUNING Zan Buk > The Healer To KEEP ALWAYS HANDY! DR. J. C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. Evenings by appointment. WR McRae & Co, "Phone 316 GODKIN'S LIVERY bus | For and taxi, buggies and saddle us for Cataragul Cemetery) 1923. truck for moving. KINGSTON TRANSFER C0. + 158 WELLINGTON. STREET Moves Freight, Steel, Building Equip- ment, Machinery, Safes, Planos, etc. MONEY LOANED +AGAINST MORTGAGES ror 371. Evenings 2231. | TO LET * Desirable Brick Nine Room House. Nery central location. Immediate Possession. $40.00 per month. % GENERAL INSURANCE ° 4 Fire, Auto, Plate Glass, Burglary, J Diability, Baggage. / »' Guarantee Bonds. * Agent Great West Life Assurance 'Gom pany. / | R. H. Waddell | I | | § 86 BROCK STREET ; Zz Telephones 826 and 806. | Dr. Waugh w OQ Virginia Stove and Nut . .,$16.00 Virginia Pea ........... $12.50 {: Pocahontas, good 'quality, $12.00 , One carlond Kentucky Coal just ar i rived-=to be pold at ..$12.00 tom ' Aylsworth Bros. § Or "Phone U. R. Knight, 1795-w. T / that when outer skin is damaged or removed, the sensitive raw flesh is exposed to the inflam- matory action of air and poisonous disease-germs. avert blood-poison and ul- ceration is to instantly apply Soothes Poin- | | swelling and inflaimation-- balm scientifically prepar from certain valuable herbal extracts, fying and healing properties. rheum, poisoned wounds, ul- cers,children'sscalp disease, | piles, , chapped bands, chilblains, etc., Zam-Buk is a wonder- ful remedy. out a box! ikl i pa se RS THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG News From District Places a ¢ JENKINS-VANLUVEN WEDDING AT NAPANEE A Big Social Event in the St. Mary Magdalene Church Thursday Evening. Napanee, Nov. 26.--A very pretty wedding. was solemnized on Thurs- day evening at nine o'clock in St. Mary Magdalene church, when Miss Elizabeth Marie Van Luven, younger daughter of the late Franklyn El- more Van Luven and Mrs. Van Luv- en, became the bride of Mr. John Wilber Jenkins, of New York, son of the late Rev. John Wilber Jenkins and Mrs. Jenkins, of Raleigh, North Carolina. The church was beauti- fully decorated with yellow and or- chid chryanthemums on the altar and chancel, and the pews for thé guests were tied with white satin ribbon. The wedding music was ren- dered by a full surpliced choir, which sang, "The Voice That Breathed O'er Eden. The wedding ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. Rural Dean J. H. H. Coleman.The bride entered the church on the arm of her uncle, Mr. Ernest Wright, to the strains of Lo- hengrin's wedding march, played by Mrs. J. BE. Madden, and was given away by her mother. The bride's only attendant was her sister, Miss Helen Van Luven. Mr. George T. Jenkins of Baltimore, Md., acted as groomsman, and the ushers were Mr. Arthur Bird, Toronto; Dr. Fletcher B. Sharp, Toronto; Mr. Gordon Mil- ler, Guelph; and Mr. Kenneth Ham, Napanee. Mr. Harold Rathbun, of Deseron- to, sang "Beloved It Is Morn," dur- ing the signing of the register. "The bride wore a gown of ivory enfleur velvet pompadour, with in- sets of ivory moire georgette, and thé court train was lined with plusn georgette. Her tulle veil was ar- ranged with a bandeau of orange blossoms, and she carried a shower bouquet of butterfly roses and valley- lilies, and wore silver shoes and stockings. The bridesmaid"s gown was of pale apricot pompadour satin with HE real danger of a burn or scald is The first thing to do te am-Buk. This ends all Grows New Skin Zam-Buk is a healin These endow it ith unique, antiseptic, puri- Also for eczema, salt cuts, cold-sores, Never be with- S0c.. 3 for $1.25 of ald Druggisis @ § "Phone 679. Wellbroek 'DR.W.AJON Telephone 2T14. X-Ray and Physio Therapy Office open from § a.m. to § p.m. Also Tuesday, Thursday and Satur. day evenings by appointment. draperies and gold trimmings, and black picture hat trimmed with gold ribbon and lace, wearing gold shoes and stockings and carried a bouquet of ophelia roses. Mrs. Vanluven, mother of the bride, wore a gown of orchid and sil- ver florentine velvet, with silver lace Offices, 150 Wellington St. and trimmings and ornament, and DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN ' DENTIST 84 Princess Street. 'Phone 1580 OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTHRNT silver shoes and stockings and black hat with silver lace and trimmings and corsage bouquet of ophelia roses and orchids. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's mother on John street. The drawing room and living room were decorat- 'GOLDEN LION BLOOK | best past For sale ers 'Right At Your Finger Tips First Quaity, Full Quantity, 3 Service Quick! CALL when In need of Coal and let us demonstrate the ex- | - cellent . quality of our coal-- | Monarch Pastry This Flour is manufactured from select, wheat and. is undoubtedly the W. F. McBroom 25 Brock 8t. "Phone 1686 ed with yellow and orchid mums. A buffet supper was served in the din- ing room. The supper table looked very attractive dome in pink ah® white, with smilax and roses. After the reception, Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins left by train for New York, the bride travelling in a smart dress of grey flat crepe, A blue needle poiret coat, trimmed with grey squirrel and lined with grey crepe to match the dress, grey shoes and stockings, ggey gloves and purse and a chic hat blue trimmed with sil. ver and grey squirrel. A reception will be givén in New FLOUR white, winter ry flour on the market. by all the leading groc- | our full weights and quick ser-, vice. A BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. Grove Inn Yard Bog of Our Annual Men's and Boys' OVERCOATS Prevost's York city on Saturday evening at 875--T4th street. After a honey- moon spent in the south, Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins will make their home in New York city. The bride received many beauti- ful and costly gifts, showing the high esteem in which she is held. The groom's gift to the bride was a bracelet of diamonds and sapph- ires, and to the bridesmaid a bracelet and ring of silver set with carnel- Sale! + A82 Wellington Street fans, and to Mrs. Van Luven a topaz lw LY ; Less pendant, and to the groomsman a B. I, tie best in Cut moss agate ring set in silver. To each of the ushers he presented Jaa AT re 1708 Store, 1187 J rings of Chinese granite set in sil- "Bole member of Florist Tele- 0 ver, and to Mrs. Madden a necklace i "Delivery for of rock crystals, and to Mr. Rath- na Seen 4 ' % bun a pian seal leather folder with Your out-of4own orders so- is now in full swing. Jj key ring. feted. WA ht J Tollowine is a list of the guests . us who were present at the wedding: stg ThE All sales for cash. Mr. and Mas, N. J. Holden, Mr. Jask Holden, Mr7. James Wright, Mr. and' Mrs. S. G. Mathews, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thompson from Ottawa: Mr, and Mrs. Bl. W, Mathews, Mr. R. @. Do! + Mr. Gordon Mills, Detroit; Mr. dnd Mrs. R. R. Willis, J. C. - Johnston, Montreal; J. C. Johnston, Dr. F. E. Johnston, Mr. Geo. Con- stable, Mrs. Reg. Wilkinson, Mr. Ro- land Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. A. Tom- lings and Miss Mildred Tomlins, Mrs. C. H. Wartman, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Buffham, Mr. and Mrs. Coleen Stewart, Mr. Leonard GardnergsMr. and 'Mrs. William Dibb, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Garrett and Miss Mar- jorie Keyes, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. B. Graham, of Belleville; Mr. and Mrs. William Joyner, Hespeler; Mr. and Mrs. William Blodget, Buffalo; Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Renton, Dr. C. O. O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald VanLuven, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Van Luven, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Sid- ney Wagar, Enterprise; Mr. and Mrs. BE. S. Byers, Gananoque; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burpee, St. John, N.B.; Mrs. R. P. Wright, Dresden; Mr. and Mrs. Earl VanLuven, Can- ton, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright, Wallaceburg; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Williams, Palm Beach, Florida; Mr. Marvin Rathbun, Mr. Harold Rathbun, Deseronto; Mr. and Mrs. Danial Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van Luven, Napanee; Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Dunn, Brockville, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hurd, New, York; Mr. Douglas Doller and Miss Marjorie Doller, To- ronto. Rev. J. H. H. Coleman and Mrs. Coleman and Miss Edith Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Robinson and Miss Georgie Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Robinson, Dr. and Mrs. T. M. Galbraith, Judge and + Mrs. J. E. Madden, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Daly and Celestine Daly, Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Adams, Mrs. F. 8. Wartman and Mr. Lorne Wartman, Mrs. F. F. Miller and Miss Diana Miller, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wiggins, Mr. and Mrs. Welling- ton Brown and Miss Mildred Brown, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Dafoe, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steacy, Mr. and Mrs. William Templeton, Mrs. J. P. Vrooman, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Herrington, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Grange, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Doller; Dr. and Mrs. Cameron Wil- son, Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanLuven, Mr. John W. Hambly and Miss Olive Hambly, Dr. and Mrs."D. R. Hall, Miss Beulah Spencer, Miss Gladys Miller, Miss Helen and Constance Grange, Miss Edna Richardson, Misg Nellie Herring, Miss Alice and Ethel Preston; Miss Gertrude Metzler, Miss Helen Herrington, Miss - Georgie Daly, Miss, Mary Daly and Mr. Mor- ris Daly, Miss Mae Steacy, Mr. and Mrs. John Morse, Mr, Wallace Roy, Mr. Isaac Briscoe, Miss Margaret Daly and Mr. George Daly, Miss Mary Leamy, Miss Isabel Wagar, Miss Isabel Benjamig, Mr. Douglas Ham, Mr. Roy Armstrong, Dr. and Mrs. W. H, Milsap, Miss M. L. Allingham, Miss Ethel Hawley, all of Napanee. DEATH OF MRS. THURSTOX. Suffered a Stroke at Her Son's Home At Bloomfield. Bongard's, Nov. 23.--The death occurred of Mrs. Thurston, relict of the late Joseph THurston, on Friday, Nov. 20th, aged seventy-two. De- «eased had only been {ll a short time, death being due to a stroke followed by other complications. Mrs. Thur- ston leaves one son, Percy, with whom she made her home. An only daughter pre-deceased her some years ago. The funeral was held at the house, on Saturday, the service being conducted by Rev. J. J. Melbe, of the United church, Picton, assist- ed by Rev. A. C. Huffman, and was largely attended. Interment 'in Glenwood cemetery, Picton. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Harrison were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hicks." The fowl supper, held on success in every way. Those who assisted from a distance were Mayor Newman and Mrs, Frank Powers, Picton. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Pow- ers and daughter, Cressy. The pro- ceeds were very gratifying. Mrs. B. Bolton and small son, Ple- ton, are spending some time with Mrs. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. W. Plews and Miss Plews, Cressy, were recent guests at Amos Hicks'. Mr. Butzer, so badly injured by a thresh- ing machine separator running over his feet, is improving. ---- Are To Close the Locks. Chaffey's Locks, Nov. 26.--Lock- master Fleming and his assistant are preparing to close the locks. Miss Helen Davis, delegate for the Chaffey's Locks Women's Institute branch, returned from Ottawa, where she attended the convention last week. R. J. Fleming and E. Lee, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fleming. BE. L. Fleming is spending some time in Montreal with his sister, Mrs. M. H. Kiernan, Mrs. J. W. Simmons is in Ottawa with her daughter, Mary, who is fll. Mrs. W. W. Whipple. has closed her grocery store and intends spending: the winter months fin Pittsburgh, Pa. % Wednesday evening, was a decided' PITTSFERRY . BUDGET. Death of Olivier Pretty Has Caused Widespread Regret. > Pittsferry, Nov. 27.--A large number from here attended the poultry fair on Tuesday and Wed- nesday. Miss Emma Scott, King- ston, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. Scott. Mrs. William Brook is able to be out again after her recent {llness. The St. Lawrence W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Robert Brash, on Wed- nesday afternoon. William McFadden and William Brash have had a new pipeless fur- nace installed in their homes recent- ly. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McFadden and children motored to Athens on Sunday and spent the day with friends there. Mr. and Mrs. John Cooke, Evans Mills, N.Y., spent the week-end with Mrs. E. Orr and fam- "To Sleep t fly. William McMasters' have pur- chased a Ford car. A number from here attended the funeral in Kingston Monday of the late John Wilmot, Newmarket. De- ceased was 'vell known here, as he was a residsat of Pittsburgh for many years. John McMaster has returned home from deer hunting and brought with him a fine deer. A gloom was cast over this com- munily on Friday last, when it was known that death had claimed as its victim, the late Oliver Pretty. Mr. Pretty had been in poor health for the past eight or nine months, but his death came as a shock to his many friends. The funeral was held at the resi- dence of his son-in-law, John F. McMaster, on Monday at 1 p.m. to Willow Bank cemetery. Rev. Mr. Duncan, Kingston, had charge of the funeral service. The pall-bearers were: Ross McMaster, Alvin McMas- ters, grandsons of the deceased; Herbert Hampton, Gananoque, Wm. Venness, Wolfe Island; George Friend and Thomas Friend, Wolfe Island. He leaves to mourn his loss a loving wife and one daughter, Mrs. John L. McMaster. @rhe late Mr. Pretty was born in Kingston in 1837, where the market building now stands, After Wis mar- riage he lived for some time in the United States, and from there moved to Wolfe Island, after which he moved to the farm his son-in-law now owns, where he spent the re- mainder. of his life. Deceased was sighty-eight years old, Wes iem-- DEATH AT NEWBORO. Mrs. John R. Wight Had Been Resi« dent of That Place Fifty Years. Newboro, Nov. 27.--Newboro lost one of its oldest and most highly re- spected residents on Wednesday, November 25th, 'in the person of Mrs. John R. Wight, who passed away at her home, Simico street. De- ceased was in her eighty-first year and had lived in the village for the past fifty years. In religion deceased was a Methodist, member of the Wo- men's Institute. Mrs. Wight was well and favorably known, and had a host of friends, and when in health | =~ ee her house was always open to all who wished to enter. She was kind to everyone, and it would be hard to enumerate her many acts of charity. Much sympathy is expressed by all to her aged husband, who is the sole survivor. 'Her family of two sons and two daughters passed away a number of years ago. ROCKFIELD REPORTS. A Bee Held to Raise Sheds of United Church. Rockfleld, Nov. 25.--~The weather man has been giving us some cooler weather and some slight snow flur- ries recently. Mrs. W. H. Warren, Kenneth and Miss Jean Warren were Sunday guests of Mrs. Ray White, Caintown. Several from here at- tended the funeral of the late Ross Loney at Gananoque yesterday. Mrs. Gordon Warren and children visited friends in Warburton this week. The bee at the United Church on Monday for raising the sheds and re- pairing the wall underneath was well attended and the sheds are in much - ROOFINGS Brantford Asphalt Red or Green 4 in | Slab Slates are of beautiful, quiet colors, that harmonize with nature. These Shingles make a satisfactory and charming roof and will add considerably to the value of a home. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1571 ' ° »might Use RAZ-MAH To-day for ASTHMA Head and Bronchial Colds. No smokes, snufl. Just en "ud 2 See Our complete lines of new * Appliances for Christmas Curling Tongs in the newest Boudoir | shades. : 2 Toasters, all styles and prices. ¢ out new Colored Irons make excellent gifts. : Watch our window for something ahso- lutely new in Electrical Appliances. H.W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC €0. f 167 PRINCESS STREET ~ . - - 'PHONE 441. ¥ £ gh 4 EOE i 5g THE SAWYER SHOE STORE FINE SHOES THOSE WHO REQUIRE SHOES IN GOQD TASTE: Will find their requirements well supplied if by 5 THE SAWYER SHOE STORE Black Satin Pumps, Patent Pumps, Black © Suede Pumps, Kid Pumps--with high or * low heels-- ! $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 Specials For | This Week } 1 9.Piace Dining Room Suite--worth S 8175.00, for ..............$135.00 | 18 Dressers, White Enamel or Golden 2 finish : -worth $19.00, for . ....$15.00 | Chesterfield Suite--3 pietes and wal. ~~ nut Table--worth $178.00 for $135.00 Simmons' Steel Beds, $16.50 for .$12.00 15 Steel Cots with Mattresses, worth in 3930, 00r .. nL Sgn a $6.00 bas