THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SEAMAN-KENT FLOOR FINISH Waterproof Paper, Filler, Shellac, Var- nish and Wax. SEAMAN-KENT HARDWOOQCD All with the same guarantee of highest FLOORING quality. ALLAN LUMBER CO. Victoria Street, near Union. 'Phone 1042 ~ Redemption of Government Bonds WAR LOAN BONDS matur- ing 1st December 1925, may be lodged now at any branch of this Bank for redemption without charge at maturity. . * THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Sheieal Pua y) BRON 320000000 Ee M------------ Radio Engineers and Radio Amateurs agree that Eveready Radio Batteries are the best power units for every radio purpose. Sold by Radic Deslers Ever. CANADIAN Montreal Warchouses:--Toronte Montreal St. Betiface, Man. ywhere NATIONAL CARBON CO. LTD. Toronto innipeg 10 Eveready Flashlights and Batteries Treadgold ARE SOLD BY Sporting Goods Co., 88 PRINCESS STREET ¥ gj Sd opin a § MONTREAL CORBYVILLE- TORONTO -- wanm The sale of "Maple Leaf Anti-Freeze" is more than all other "brands combined Don't say **Anti-Freeze."" say "MAPLE LEAF ANTI-FREEZE™ class Garages, Service and Filling Stations -- a product of -- CANADIAN INDUSTRIAL ALCOHOL - % -* 3 Distributing Warehouses WINNIPEG -- VANCOUVER Dg 9 x : ; 3 i BROCK STREET CROSS-WORD PUZZLE | You'll find a few unfamiliar words in this puzzle. Get acquainted with them! Horizontal. . To go. . Exhausted ergy. . Pérsons given revery. ~ . Preening. . To be sick. . Foes. . Night. . Above. . Finishes. .. Prophet. . You. . Autocrats. . Pitcher. . Peruses. . Dumb, of en- to FT) LO 5 g 19 0 In 12 i - To make an objee-- | tion. . To take legal pro- ceedings. . An arrival, + Monks of Tibet. . Made of oatmeal. . To apportion. . Skin tumor. » Edible fungus. . Employer. . Vampire. . Polynesian nut. . Horrible beast. . Exclamation of sur- prise. . Warmth. . Journey. . Point of compass. . Inlet. . Latticework bower. . Feminine pronoun. . One who esteems another. . Periodical. . Diners. . Printed cloth. Vertical. . To leak in drops. chest- « Snake-like fish. . Father, . To reform. . Ta cook fats, . Ringlets. » Separate incident. - War vessels under 3 . Safety wires (elec.). . Btandard . To bind. . To covet. . Smeared. - Queer old chap. . Women. . Poverty-stricken a single (pl). command type measure. people. - A number. . A hole dug in the | ground for the pur- | pose liquids. RADIO IIA MIA | [EM] SATURDAY, Nov. 28TH. CKAC, Montreal (510.7). 7 p.m.--Pilano lessons by Mr, E. Renaud. 7.80 p.m.--Dinner concert from the Windsor Hotel. 8.30 p.m.--Studio programme. Leonard's Red Jackets from the Windsor Ho- 10.30 p.m.--Harold tel. CNRO, Ottawa (435). Laurier -Hotel 8 p.m.--Chateaun concert orchestra. 9 p.m.--Scottish programme in honor of St. Andrew's Day. 10.80 p.m.--Chateau Laurier Ho- tel Dance orchestra. KDEKA, Pittsburgh (309). 8.30 p.m.--Westinghouse band. WBSAIL Cincinnati (326). 8.16 p.m.--Bicycle Playing Card Sextette and vocal solofst. ' -- orchestra, derwood, CIOL EIN YIPE IN| u-27 . A current unproved story, . Engine. . Principle. . Rodent. . Wheel in a chine. - 39. Goddess of dawn. 40. Opposite of sum- mers. . Irritates. . Triangular sail. . One who flies. . Mussel. . Rythm. . One who gets up from bed. . Pelt. 54. Coarse woolly hair. 56. 58. of securing 60. '62. (5) oF ICINETAID] [1 IONIV HEMCBANG ERE VISE URALIHOL [CARAS BRACES CIE MHION HARVESTIFES Eucharist vessel for wine. To err. Neutre pronoun. Therefor. TIHIAINTKISTCTT VT] INIGIDIATY) (Y] [W [e)fs] ON | | IRHIUMBEI OWE] [ATIAIRIA)] LION LISITISEN TID] ONE ION ITIASITIE] [REAL EQSHS LTIUM) F) Puzzle: WHT, Chicago 6 p.m.--Classical programme of vocal nd instrumental music. 7.45 p.m.--~Feature programme. 12 p.m.--*"Your Hour League." Sn I rs nn 10.30 p.m.--Arrowhead Inn Dance At 8.40 an address will be given by Brigadier-General Salvation "Queer Ways of Making a Living." Edward Un- Army, on (400), ma-- | when you have a radio made by ~~ Victor Northern Electric gS Appearance--beautiful as beauty itself. "Recep- tion--clear cut as crystal, faithful asa photograph. Over the miles you will reach out and conquer. Two famous names assure it. Victor-Northern Electric Radios' are made in various models of superheterodyne and other types, priced from $42.00 to $260.00. Sold on easy terms, if desired at Victor- Northern Electric Dealers. Type R-6900 Radio Loud Speaker Sets new standards for clarity, and tonal A for R40 set illustrated above. Price $35.00 Nighters." WGR, Buffalo | (819). 8.45 p.m. -- Joint broadcasting with station WEAF, New York. WRC, Washington (469). 7 p.m.--Hotel Washington orches- tra. -~ 8.26 p.m.--New York Philahar- moni¢ or¢hestra. 10,30 p.m.--"Crandall's Saturday -- WEAF, New York (4902). 6 to 12 p.m.--Dinner music from the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel; Raphael Saumell, pianist; musical pro- grammeé to be announced; Vincent Lopez Hotel Pennsylvania orchestra. WEKRC, Cincinnati (328). 10 p.m.--Marion McKay and his orchestra; Popular plano numbers. WGY, Schneectady (879.5). 8.30 p.m.--Philharmonic Society Students' Concert. 10.30 p.m.--Hotel orchestra. WIP, Philadelp! 8.06 p.m.--Benjamin Orchestra. 8.15 p.m. --Opera class Matinee MuBlcal Club. 10.05 p.m.--Dance music. Van Curler hia (508.3). Franklin of the 7 WGBS, New York (818). 8 p.m.--Negro dialeet stories. 8.10 p.m.-- Winifred Gagnon, con- tralto. 8.50 p.m.--Capt. Brindley, tenor. 9 p.m.--SBavino and Ruty, gui- tar duets. 3 \ 9 p.m.--Warner's Theatre. ANA ci on Sari ei Sold he Ta A NO MORE FROZEN "CHROMINE" ---- and | By the use of Dr. Chase's Ointment |Keep the |" Skin Clear ner dance. the Boston Opera House. the famous production that ran for 80 long Theatre, New York, and in whieh the Lady Diana Manners took leading role. Quintette, cert Trio. flautist. soprano. chestra. at Canada Radio Stores, WNAC, Boston (280.8). 6 p.m.--The Smilers. 6.30 p.m.--Shepard Colonial din- from This is 7.50 p.m.--*"The Miracle" a period at the Century the WOR, Newark (405). 8.45 p.m.--Serenaders' Plectrum 9 p.m.--Martha Weiss, pianist, 9.30 and 10.30 p.m.--Alles Con- 10.30 p.m.--James A. Briggs, 10.45 p.m.--Suzanne Richmond, 11 p.m.--Eddie Elkin's Ciro or- Complete radio programmes sold Good Times Are Ahead | Kincardine Review. The faculty of forgetting evil times and of harboring to the end the pleasant Qvents of a lifetime probadlyaccounts for the sighing of old-timers for the |. good old times. There is no other valid exc things the ™ present can envy the past but for the advantages of the present so overwhelmingly outnym- ber those of the dead salaries and still lower Industria and commercial profits. The homely comforts of fifty years ago served the simple lite, but who would UD the electric ght, stea fact that man has a happy for it. For soge few yesterday that OR RX IN (Is) Stewart- Warner Matched-Unit Radio and your favorite inseparable "pals". Each will add to your enjoyment of Your purchase of a Stewart- Warner Radio is desirable for many reasons. oN The name "Stewart. Warner" on a Radio Instrument ensures that all is i within the cabinet. You know that any merchandise bearing this name is r Stewart: Warner Radio Products are sold only by dealers who are obli Sh ae Ermonal service Sever : © This service in Radi ar vellous quality. omen and children Get i. touch with your mearest desler TO-DAY 5. STEWART-WARNER PRODUCTS SERVICE STATIONS