Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Nov 1925, p. 6

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must be done at once. The whole Federal and State Governments Il $3 $3 $¢ 40 ¢ PEPE PIES transaétion has been carried out in| Australia are now endeavoring to # +* broad daylight, and the suspicion |devise means by which some at least # GO TO CHURCH. + that a "slush fund" was being ar-|of the conveniencies of town life can j* Ti ranged could originate only in minds | be extended to outlying sections. The arguments against going that would naturally gravitate to are many and of force. But such an idea the arguments for going are of NEW SHIRTS NEW GLOVES BIBBY'S "DRESS WELL AND SUCCEED" * ALCOHOL FROM FAMILY LOAF. greater number and of greater force. Within the church walls, worldly though we may be, something stirs within us, some wee small voice speaks, as no- where else. Within that church we learn much of the Sermon on the Mount, and we feel more. Of course, you recog- * * 4 + * rp > When the innocent, expressionless * * + * + * & nize Christ's Sermon on the & J * + * + +> * * * + + + 3 3 {lump of dough, which we sub- A story wonderful in romance and |sequently dignify by the name bread, history has been placed in perman-|is put into the oven and subjected to ent form; it is the story of the great | the baking process, there is released city of London. In a book of 450 [from it a "cloud of steam. That! pages the whole life history of the |steam, it has. been discovered, con- world's greatest city is recounted and | tains alcohol in quantities sufficient it is wonderfully illuminating and {t0 Warrant its extraction for com- instructive. Astonishing figures are | mercial purposes. given concerning the bricks and mor- Thus, according to an Italian en-' tar value of London and what the |gineer at present employed In oge of plblic serviced of thé mammoth capi- [the biggest co-operative bakeries in i ta: cost. All the houses, offices, and | Berlin, a litre of alcohol of 65 de- Witte "FRING public buildings In London are worth | tees to 85 degrees may by a simple D, KINGSTON, ONT. 13312 500,000. procéss of his own invention be ob- DAVIES ......Presideat! 110 complete administration of | tained from the dough produced by TELEPHONES London, county and municipal, with [two cwt. of flour. : leg rrr agi] all subsidiary services, costs no less| The machinery invented by the : than $300,000,000 a year. The Lon- | Italian is of simple construction and don County Council has the greatest {is connected with the oven by pipes. PEPE PIS EEE E SD revenue, $65,000,000, raised by | Through these pipes the alcoholized a county rate. The City Corporation | steam is conducted into a special re- is, however, the most favorably |ceptacle, where water and spirit are placed of all municipal bodies. The | Successfully separated. It is now by COBR .oionins income of the City--just a small | calculated that if all bakeries of > rn idge Ga- Iesn (0 United States .....- 390 square mile in size--is ng less than | Germany were fitted with the inven- oh ito 3 the Bracsuriay Se EA SL ABAENTATIVES: $11,000,000, of which amount only|tion 800,000 hectolitres, or half the citation of votes and the canvassing . Street West, Toronto. $6,000,000 comes from the rates. yearly requirements in alcohol of the | or the electors should be made 3 ive der, 32 St. Johm mpg Court of Common Council, who | Whole country, could be produced at| 1000) 7 pg re RY Ime. rule the City, are the richest local {a saving of nine million hundred- re Powers, Inc. 9] EOVernors in the wide world. Weight of potatoes, a large quantity| Canada is shipping "Irish" pota- La Street. ; Although Londoners pay such |of grain, two million hundredweight toes to the West Indies, receiving - to the Editor are published | fabulous amounts in rates, they still {of coal and a vast amount of labor. Spanish onions in return. The vege- Over the actual mame of the owe a great deal of money. The| Cast thy bread into the oven and | table kingdom is important enough 2 . total debt of London is no less than | it will return unto thee after many to be represented in the League of Sireulation of The British WAI $600,000,000 -- fairly substantial |days in the form of light, heat or| Nations, al 154144 by the Audit Bureau of "owings." motor power. In a word, who can The generosity of London is un-|calculate the possibilities of this new Apple consumption in the Domin- INGS ARE SETTLING DOWN. |bounded. The annual income of Lon-|method of distilling alcohol? Na-|ion of Canada has decreased fifty don charities exceeds $75,000,000 |ture's secrets are the servants of per cent. per capita in the last "There seems to be general satis-|and of this amount The ers ur man, twenty years. Too many: bananas, GREAT CITY IN FIGURES. LOOK YOUR BEST F OR THANKSGIVING DAY, "Suits and Overcoats Better than ever--thanks to style and quality. Thanks to our master designers and tailors for giving these garments the heights of their art. Real dand'=s are these Overcoats and Suits at prices to be thankful for. BIBBY'S BIBBY'S OVERCOATS | OVERCOATS The Marlow, $40.00 At $25.00 Real beauties -- the best The Ranleigh, $45.00 .| 0p c00t value offered in The Kensington $35.00 Mount as the best of all guides through this life of ours--that it points the one right path. Get back of that minister or priest by being a worker with him from inside the walls, Help him through your knowledge of the outside world to understand this modern day and generation and its needs.--Collier's Week- ly. | PEEP PPLPO24 342220 eet determination that the law must be enforced. many a season ! - NEW HATS $2.75 . SPECIAL § New flat rim with fancy band. Pearl Greys. BOYS' SUIT SPECIALS WITH 2 KNICKERS $7.50, $9.50, $12.50 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS AT $25.00 The bigzest and best array of Suits at $25.00 ¢ver offered in Kingston. BIBBY'S OVERCOATS Our $19.75 Ulster Special is sure great value--sizes 84 to 46. 62 new i throughout the country with | 000 is distributed. The largest pay- oranges, grape fruit, berries, etc,, to Coats to. choose from. attitude of the Prime Minister at! ment from charity is for edical tempt the appetite. | eritical stage of the country's relief"--3$8,000,000. ' He pursuéd the only honor-| A new life is born in London George V. reads one chapter of | course open to him. To have | County every three minutes of every | the Bible daily. This is keeping a discouraged over its reclamation 4 would have produced chaos, | twenty-four hours but of the babies promise which he made to his| "O'K in the west. It spent $135,000, Ese there fs absolutely no pos- | more than 10,000 die before they | mother, Queen Alexandra, in 1881. 000 on twenty projects, and so far ity of Mr. Meighen being able to | reach the age of one year. The mar-| 1s ne has taken the authorized ver- hardly nine per cent. has ever been A government that could carry riages of London exceed 39.000 8 sion in sequence, commencing with returned to the United States treas- any length of time. To have year, and of the bridegrooms 3,500 [the first chapter of Genesis and read. |" over the government until|are widowers. Most London men ing ome chapter each day, it would iment meets would have been | marry between the ages of twenty- mean that he has read the Bible 'have done something for which | five and thirty, and most London King has no mandate. Should {girls before they are twenty-five, Conservatives and the Progres-| . Here are some of the little-known unite to defeat the government, | facts of London to-day: perhaps we will have a decisive The length of London streets is t from the country. 2,210 miles. They cost $14,000,000 the meantime the country is|a year in maintenande. down. From every quarter Telephone lines in the county reports of improved condi-| stretch for 1,472,489 miles, and the And big business is facing the | number of calls In a year at the Jueen tisquudes tomiliod In he So. in an optimistic frame of! London éxchanges is more than 805,- chapter of the Bible daily, surel that dugurs well for the| 000,000. ' y There are no fewer than 5,503 » public houses in London, or one for THE ROUYN RAILWAY. ------------ KING GEORGE'S BIBLE READING. MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SEE OUR BLUE SUITS ENGLISH SUITS Our new Atkin and Metcalfe | Hand-tailored from all-wool models at $20.50 and $85.00 | English Worsteds and Cluebiots, are great favorites. The Aster, the Renfrew, The Duke at $35.00 Exceptional values. The United States government is BIG BOYS' OVERCOATS For Boys 10 years to 17 years. Some very classy For $12.50 An expédition from the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania has unearthed, they hope the temple where the Philistines worshipped their goddess Ashteroth. Solomon followed after her and for his misdoings Jehovah | rended the kingdom out of his hand. completely through thirteen times and -has a good start on the four- teenth reading. It would take him a little more than two years and six : months. to read the Old Testament and three years and sixty-four days to read both Testaments. It was an excellent habit which UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY Dressing Gowns Shirts and J and Pyjamas Club Bags BIBBY'S THE SUIT AND OVERCOAT Try Bibby's for Gloves and Scarfs News and Views. any other person can. It is an ex- Better Than ter Egg and Gravy. i cellent example to the millions of Ottawa Journal: Men's _-- Are persons who owe their allegiance to! to be covered with flowered pat- Ty Joona, taken ot Hydo him. There is no more majestic| terns. And, any reasonable person y ; Prose or majestic poetry than that| will admit, that's better than egg Park corner during twelve hours on found in the Bible. In these days| 8nd gravy. ¢ a fine July day gave the following the Bible ought to be good reading Rouyn railway in and make #t| TeSuIt: Motor cars 49,434, horsed for kings and for commoners as well: as if there was something vehicles 3,533, cycles 7,677, motor-| nose great men find time to read about the Canadian Na-|°Y¢les 559, and barrows 352. their Bible. Roosevelt, Lincoln, Wil-| Bufiders and boosters are not Sofi bber corset s determination to build a No other city in Europe publishes son and others always had a copy of numerous. Why? Which are you? am -- jo Rouyn. + {such a complete epitome of activity | ine Bible at their right hand. They A Display of Autocracy. are the facts? Tremendous| !® fBures as this volume of the found it useful and wise cotinsel. The Toronto Star: Years ago Premier (| ww ring the recent election cam- i there was an attempt to drag cuts and a third to get a neck shave |EEmmmaa ss Which Are You. this week, a Jewell city man took a |} Winchester Press: Crities and punctured tire to the garage and ||| knockers are in evidence every day. found the garage man busy vulcaniz- ||] [RUBBER GOODS That make Mlfe more comfortable. | Our stock is always new and up-to. |. or 0 date, Come In or telephone .when you need any of these goods: Man's Machinery. development had occurred in county council statistics. Bi uyn district, which happens to the Ontario boundary In province of Quebec. Transpor- -------------------------- ble is on most editor's desks. Vancouver Sun: The average man UNIQUE FARM SCHOOL. -- EDITORIAL NOTES. - takes more care of his motor car than he does of his body. He antici pates motor troubles. He sees that his car get clean gasoline. He feeds Ferguson, then minister of lands and forests, stated under oath that he did not consider himself bound by |} timber regulations. More recently |} he proved that he did not consider || Two farms of 100 acres each, within one mile of the village [ii of Sydenham. Hot Water Syringes, Combination Syringe and | Hot Water Bottle, Ice Onps, Tavalld Cushions, Infant Syringes, Breast Was urgently -needed. 'The| - Something unique in the way of Civilization 3s coms . a Pu Be . . " : z coming right along. it just the right kind of oil. But he| himself bound by pledges solemnly (lll . mps, Bath Sprays, Eye Droppers, government 'was not only | farm schools was established at you ean buy almost any kind of Sn. goes on stuffing into his body any | given to the people by himself. And |] Wand further particulars apply || Nipples, Rubber Biba, RE o to construct a line to Rouyn, | Doylestown, Pa., $5 years ago. This' in cans now. old kind of food that comes along. | now he tells the people flatly that he || 2 § ll || vx, Rubber Pessuries, Rubber Dia. cent. of which would be in |school is for the training of city boys | will not ask them what they think Jura, Finer Cots, Oruteh Tips, Bath territory, but had made com- | for farm life. 'The school farm is | * santa Claus WIL vobn bs worrying The Inconsequential Male. on any given issue. This display of || T. J Lockhart a Ta loves, Rubber Uri. ngements to do so. That | divided into eight units, and boys In | how he 18 gong to get down some of well: Raa. Republican: While situation when the Dominion | training start with elementary n- | the chimneys, wi g fo ° es to get hair- Agent, 81 Brock St., Kingston, Ont. Phones 2780-w or 1797-J. mt prorogued at the end of | struction in plowing and the every- ---- last. It turned out, however, | day work of the farm, and gradually | A Judge thinks there are too many the government of Quebbe rals-| work up to the charge of one of the | men in Canada's jails, The tax. objection to the govern: | eight farms in the school colony. payers hold the same opinion. Ontario invading that prov-| The lads are taken in at 16 to 21! : ---- 'his produced a deadlock, and | years and, besides their farm earn- A fish diet may not strengthen the \ Was serious for the|ings, are given the equivalent of a brain, but a little fishing trip often ng Interests of the Rouyn area. | high school course. The average | tends to invigorate the imagination. 'appeal was made to the Domin- | yearly cost for a boy fn training is 8.0007 m---- ; vernment. There was still] $600 and, as a means of providing Quéen Wilhelmena of Holland .is do a great deal of work this|for those who cannot provide for to cut the wages in the Royal House- d possibly complete the road, | themselves, a disper, with 130 | hold by ten per cent., in January, rations were immediately be-| tables, was recently given in. the| 1926. : 'The shortest route was from | Hotel Astor, New York, and each New Goods ~NEW FIGS. ~--NEW DATES. ~NEW TABLE RAISINS. ~NEW STUFFED PRUNES. --NEW SWEET CIDER. Jas. REDDEN & CO. PHONES 20 and 990, : ---- A writer says Sweden is the most civilized country in the world. She manages well and has not had a war| | in one hundred years. : ---------- v % "Scientists To Make This World a |. Better Place to Sleep In," is a head- ing in a current paper. Suppose they have discovered how to cut out snor-| | » 1

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