Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Nov 1925, p. 5

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' W KINGSTON TRANSFER CO. | GENERAL INSURANCE [PIANO TUNING Phone 316 | IS. AVERY For bus and an 8 { Bus for Cataragul Cemetery Re adenaders and Sundays"st 2 pan. Also truck for moving. | 153 WELLINGTON STREET { Moves Freight, Steel, Building Equip- ment, Machinery, Safes, Pianos, etc. | MONEY LOANED | AGAINST MORTGAGES | 'Phoaae 8717. Evenings 2281.) Fire, Plate Glass, Liabil- ity, Auto, Burglary, "Baggage Guarantee Bonds. Agent Great West Life Assurance | Company. R. H. Waddell 86 BROCK STREET Telephones 826 and 890. Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. Plano Tuning, Repairing ard Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. | 'PHONE 1384. EE -- smi ee -- ENDED YEARS OF BAD HEADACHES "Fryit-a-tives" Completely Relieves all forms of Headache \* "For over three years, I was troubled with very bad Headaches, Nervous Dyspepsia and Liver Troubles. I began taking "Fruit-a-tives". Very soon my condition improved, and thanks to these wonderful fruit tablets I am once more entirely well". The wonders of the famous Fruit Treatment are only re- vealed when you read a letter like this, which comes from Madame Valiquette, 1133 Notre Dame St. W., Montreal. "Fruit-a-tives" is the juices of apples, oranges, figs and prunes, intensified and combined with tonics--and forms a complete tréatment for Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Skin Troubles. 25¢. and a box -- at dealers or sent by Fruit-a-tiv Limited, Ottawa, Ont. 3 COAL | Buy Virginia Coal -- no slate Dr. Vincent A. Martin] WeR McRae & Co \ QOLDEN LION BLOOK Nut, Stove and Eg .. $10.00 DENTIST Pon Coal insiiasiss $12.50 || Eo Sitae vy Swpoiaemn. Pocahontas Coal ...... $12.00 || 272 Princess Street. 'Phone 108 Aylsworth Bros. Ae "Phoue U. R. Knight 1705w. DR.R.E.SPAR DR. ERNEST B. SPARKS, ) DENTIST 159 WBLLINGTON STREET Special attention pald te Artificial Teeth, Crowns and Bridgework. Telephone 346. DENTIST 159 Wellington St. 'Phone 346. Monarch Pastry FLOUR This Flour is manufactured from select, white, winter wheat and is undoubtedly the best pastry flour on the market. For sale by all the leading groc- W. F. McBroom 25 Brock 8t. "Phone 1686 ---- BOOTH & CO. Phone 133, Grove Inn Yard There is No Sign of the Coal Strike Ever Ending and people are going to be caught napping. We would advise putting what you can ia mow. Conl ....912.00 per tom Nut, Stove and Egg..$16.00 per ton Welsh Cobbles ........ $18.00 per ton WOOD «-- all kinds to suit. W. A. MITCHELL & (0. Telephone 67. | "FOR SALE $5,000-Rrick house, 7 rooms, 3 bed- oom 8, 3 plece bah, Slestrie IC mht, Bas or garden, * SINYe smug rooms, 9 Sleetrie light, gas for cooking; hot r . sas for cooking, eoal Breplace, parior, ha floors t floor garden, good cellar, ' rooms, § bedrooms, lece bath, electric lights, gas for . fireplace, hot hen A ana. &as, steel garage, nies: sicetrie { town hall on Wednesday | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG News From District Places DESERON10 Deseronto, Nov. 6--A meeting of the Choral * Club was held in the to make plans for the coming winter. The Choral Club, under the direction of L. Marvin Rathbun, gave some very enjoyable concerts last season and | the public is looking forward to its | first appeardice very soon. Harry Stuart of Ottawa is renew- ing old friendships in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frost are home from Cobourg where they purchased a fruit farm last spring. Mr. Frost is disposing of his dry goods business befor: returning to Cobourg. Mrs. Stratton of Oshawa is spend- ing a few days in town. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Keller, former resid- ents of the town, are back again and have takén up house on Dun- das street. \ Mr. E. L. Elliott and little granddaughter Patsy have gone to Toronto to join Mr. Elliott who has been teaching since the opening of school. Ray Grooms is relieving chemist in the Malley drug store during Mr. Malley"s absence from town. Jerry McQuain spent Wednesday in Belleville. Mrs, Van Dusen of Pic- ton is the guest of her son, Mr, Howard Van Dusen, this week. Mrs. Irish of Toronto has taken up residence in Deseronto, where her two sisters, Mrs. Horton and | Mrs. Lyman, are living. Mrs. T. W. | Topping is having a few holidays in Delta. Ben Richardson {= spending a few weeks out of town. Carl Black- burn and Hamil Blackburn, who are employed in Rochester, N.Y. are home for a week. AT WOLFE ISLAND. A Budget of Interesting News Notes From Our Correspondent. Wolfe Island, Nov. 6.--On Tues- day evening the United Church held their second annual supper and con- cert, whcih was a decided success. Dr. Spankie acted as chairman. It was one of the finest concerts that has been put on here in years. Fal- lowing the concert, supper was served upstairs. The table accommo- dated sixty-five, and was filled four times. The islanders have two things that they may well be proud of and that is the good cooking of the ladies which was well displayed that evening, and highly comment- ed on, and Mr. John McGlynn carry- ing off the honor of the county of Frontenac in the plowing contest. Rev. Mr. Russell is very popular on the island. He is about to start a trip to Scotland. to visit his par- ents. Mrs. Russell and their baby daughter will accompany him. The teachers took an active part in the concert and after the closing chorus they presented 'Rev. Mr: Russell with an address and purse of gold and sang "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow." The euchre and dance held on Wednesday evening was a decided success. There was a good attend- ance. Miss Mary Dillon; teacher, won the first prize in the euchre cont- est. The Ladies' Aid held their last co taken any time will mildly stimulate your liver and start your bow- els. Then you will both look and feet ES <> 3 clean, sweet a..d refreshed. Your head will be clear, stomach sweet, tongue pink and your skin rosy. use * * never gripe or sicken, it has become the largest sell- ing laxative in 'the world. Directions for men, women, chil- dren on each box--any drugstore. home from Peterboro. | triends in the village v | meeting at the residence of Mr. Thomas Muckian and was largely | attended. HUNTERS AT VERONA, | Verona, Nov. 7--The hunters left {in large numbers for the north | ] In less than one hour, on| | Monday, eleven carloads of hunt-| [ers were counted going through! the village on their way to camp. | Mrs. German, Petworth, has purch- | ased Mr. John Walker's house. The! funeral of the late Mrs. Daniel | Yorke was held on Monday. Quite] a number have returned from the, west. A Hallowe'en party was held | in the hall, and an enjoyable even- ing spent. Miss Edith Dixon has re- turned from Watertown, N.Y. Mrs. McMaster had the misfortune to break her arm on Saturday. BABY'S OWN TABLETS AN EXCELLENT REMEDY Ail- | woods. For Any of the Many Minor ments of Infants and Young Children. No mother can expect that her child will escape all the ills to which babyhood and childhood are subject, but she can do much to lessen their severity, and to make baby's battles for health easily won. Nine-tenths of the minor ailments which afflict babyhood and childhood are caused by some derangement of the stomach and bowels. Regulate the stomach and bowels and these troubles will disappear. To do this nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab- lets. They are a mild but thorough laxative which through their action on the stomach and bowels never fail to banish constipation and indi- gestion; colds and simple fevers; ex- pel worms and make the dreaded teething time easy. Concerning Baby's Own Tablets, Mrs. A. Koshan, Hamilton, Ont., writes: --*Kindly send me your book- let, "Care of Baby in Health 'and Sickness." 1 have two little children, four and a half and three years old and have used nothing else for them but Bapy's Own Tablets. I think the Tablets are a wonderful medicine for little ones." Baby's Own Tabléts are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. AT MOUNTAIN GROVE. The Teachers Are Spending the Holi- day at Their Homes. Mountain Grove, Nov. 6.--The hunters are on the trail once more. A Hallowe'en social evening .at the parsonage was much enjoyed. The place was In gay attire for the event. A husking and dance at 8. Daw- soi's was also enjoyed by a large number, Mrs, G, Barker went to Kingston on Ménday and brpught her little daughter, Patricia, home much im- proved in health. Master Mervyn Clark is spending the holiday at his uncle's, C. Clark, Mountain Vale. M. Smith, Amherst Island, spent the week-end with his sister, Miss Mil- dred Smith, "teacher, at M. L. school. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fraser, Elgin- burgh, are visiting friends in this vicinity. The various teachers of this locality are spending their holi- {day at their homes. Miss Curtis is visiting Triends at Plevna. Mr. Emmons, Glenvale, is purchas- ing sheep in this locality. George Cox has returned home after visiting Kingston and other places. Barl { MacDonald is home from Uncle Sam's territory. Mrs. David Hart- wick and daughter, Myrtle, are NOTES FROM PORTLAND. Number of Visitors In and Out of The City. Portland, Nov. 5.--Election passed off quietly. Nearly everyone that was able to go out voted. Mrs. Martha Lyons, who has been visiting friends In Newboro and Westport, for the last five weeks, has returned home. Mrs. Charlie Patimore, Donevan for the past week, has re- turned home. Mrs. A. Macdonald, - Gananoque, week. Everyone is very sorry to see them leaving here. Dr. John Dunn, Almonte, was ealling Mrs. Wilfred Fl, Township Councils PORTLAND. Portland Township Council met in Verona, Monday, Nov. 2nd, at 1 o'clock p.m. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting were ad- opted. A motion was passed that William Black, M.P.P.,, be requested to usa his influence with the Department | of Highways of Ontario for a grant to build a new bridge commonly known as Moir's Bridge, near Bell- rock, lot 19, con. 11, of the Town- ship of Portland. A motion was passed that George Ruttan cut all brush for the wood 'on First Lake road and pile. The following accounts were paid: $2, Dan Pomeroy, error in taxes. 1920; $6.75, Fred Truscott. filling washout on big hill; $2.50, M. Loyst, blacksmith work: $2, Archie Gowdy, repairing culvert, con. 6: §3.15, J. A. Cowdy, cutting weeks: $1.93, 8S. J. Alton, for dynamite; $11, J. M. Bradford, ome trip to Kingston for iron and drawing ce- ment; $2.08, Barnet Babcock, er- or in assessment; $1.78, Earl Mar- tin, error in assessment; $18.75, Bert Davey, bonus on 75 rds. wire fence; $10, T. A. Kerr, for cedar posts $3, Court of Revision of Vot- ers® List $7; $14.40, Jas. McMahon. for 32 hours team repairing road: $7.20, Wm. Walker, for 32 hours labor repairing road; $4.50, Clar- ence York, 20 hours labor repairing road; $1.80, Bd. Jamés, for 8 hours labor repairing road; $5.40, Geo. Ruttan, for 12 hours team repair- ing road; $9, Faxtin Martin, 20 hours team, Martin . road; Oakley Shea, 20 hours labor, Martin road; $14.58, Rigney & Hickey, lawsuit account; $35.16, John Bab- cock, work on road: $3.15, Fred Conway, work on road. Council adjourned to, meet in Harrowsmith on Monday, December the 7th, at ome o'clock p.m. or at call of reeve. THOS. A. KERR, Clerk. OUT NORTH AT PARHAM. The Hunters Are Away--Cheese Factory Closes for the Season. Parham, Nov. 5.--The Hallowe'en party held in the hall was greatly en- joyed by old and young. A large number of hunters from here have left for the north country where they will spend the mext two weeks, The Ladies' Aid met at Mrs. Bate- man's on Wednesday and spent an enjoyable afternoon. The cheese factory has closed for the season. Mrs, Susie Smith was called to Cornwall to attend her daughter, Mrs. W. R. Wagar, who is Shipments pose. and rough. BAY AND WELLINGTON From the Prescott Elevator are now being received. There is a large quantity of nice, bright 2 x 6 White Pine in good lengths; the main objection being a few nail holes. markably. well preserved and we can afford to sell it at a very low price, even as gheaply as a number 2 Hemlock, and it can be used for almost any pur- Will also have large quantities of 1 x 6 T. & G. Ww Factory, Lamber Yards, Coal Bins STREETS, Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, No. 1571 of Lumber It is re- KINGSTON, ONTARIO A 1 G1 AE Clear'/ ETE LN fer ids 1 Come BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS RADIO NOW $4.50, | 269% PRINCESS STREET. JOIN THE CHRISTMAS RADIO CLUB I" to Radio Headquarters and choose your Radio---pay a few small de- : posits from now until Christmas when we will install the set. The balance can be paid as you enjoy your set! You will ind a complete range of models of all the better makes--Free catalogues and other information by 'phoning 1207 anytime. Farmers: Write for price lists ----we install sets anywhere, CANADA RADIO STORES J ONE 1207. T THE RADIO HEADQUARTERS OF EASTERN ONTARIO " ill. She was accompanied by Mrs. Frank Wagar. Miss Carrie Barr is at Bennie Hannah's. Mis. Scott and children are with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Campsall. Mr. and Mrs. Weese, Picton, at T. A. Wagar's. J. C. Hartman at his home. George Smith has closed his factory at the Oak flats and returned to his home here for the winter. C. W. Ball, of Cole Lake, was at Stanley Ball's for the past week. A baby girl has come to stay with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McCullough. FIRE AT SUNBURY. Barn and Crop of Maynard Camp- bell Are Destroyed. Sunbury, Nov. 6.--A disastrous fire took place on Wednesday even- ing about 9.30 o'clock, when May- nard Campbell lost his barn and all his season's crops. The cattle and horses were out with the exception of one which was rescued from x burning building. A quantity harness and machinery was sa The fire had gained such head ; before being even noticed by theif own family that it was impossible to do anything toward saving the bullding. A large number of neighs bors responded to the fire alaim and did all that was possible, The wind was in the south and blew the away from all the other buildi Much sympathy is extended to Campbell and Mrs. Snyder, the y ter having just ' rented the plac about two months ago. The n of the insurance is not known present, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. B Newboro, are going to conduct weeks of evangelistic services in Union Church. The Ladies' Aid at the Parsonage on Thursday. ------ €6 U. were .. "Now you have got r getting along fine until t nervous breakdo , and it is no sales. "1 know exactly what is the matter with | you, Jack. You have lost confidence. | ES Le

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