Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Nov 1925, p. 4

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4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG -- Tm 'She Could Hardly Do Her Housework Nerves Were So Bad | Consecon, Ont., t=<'T - had heart and nerve and became so short of I could hardly do my daily k, and was so nervous I not think of staying alone, as little sound I heard felt like k to me. 1 Saw tried a box, and after taking the second one I am now feeling like a different woman." This preparation has been on the 3 market for the Jean and has achieved a reputation for the relief de: all heart and nerve troubles. only by The T. Milburn Limited, Toronto, Ont. JR. MARTEL'S FEMALE PILLS Al CENTURY = DRLAVED 5d PAIN L TON a tantneaus Drags TIN box our signature, ited on eponipt ce $2.00, # Remedy Co., 71 E, Front SE Toronto. } tres, {only to find that the people had de-| tO remain only a short time. | cided to carry out their original in- NATIONAL CLEAN- ERS AND DYERS Sanitary Steams VFressing and 8 Cleaning. Also Fremch Dry ning. Repairs and alterations, Corner agus and William Streets 'Phone 2166. J. F. WALKER, Prop. recommended, so I i Sewing Machines, Puonographs. Guns, Hig und refitted. Sawa filed, knives, - edge tools grouma. A repaired. Keys fitted Kinds of locks. All makes o 8 Jigwers sharpened umd re- Phited. We can repair amyibing t in repairable. J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydenham Street, Kingston Phone 2056J. NIIP " HOW ABOUT | PICTURES ? 4 Custom Picture Framing a IRTLAND ART STORE 287 PRINCESS STREET 'Phone 2116-w. SALE OF WALL PAPER | 'We have decided to clear out ff Tr stock of choice Wall Paper it SACRIFICE PRICES. . Come and save money. - i duced for a limited | time from $65.00 $55.00 v: Time Darsitnes ons, le ji it must be a safe tonic. if| ary relief. l}{ tem, and enable the various ---------- Ee -- LATE ROBERT GAGE Former Well-Known Kings= ton Architect Who Died in Utica, N.Y. | niin | Utica, N. Y., Dally Press. { Robert Gage, retired business | man, and a resident of this city for] about twenty-five years, died at the | home of his daughter, Mrs. T. H.! Farrell, on Hart's Hill, at 8 o'clock | | Tuesday night after an illness of | about a month. Since coming to! Utica he had been an active member of Westminster church. Robert Gage was born August 6th, 1841, at Coleraine, County Derry, { Ireland. His father, who was a car. | penter, died when the lad was 11 years of age, and the mother with {five small children was presented | with serious problems. They wera accorded as good an education as it! was possible to obtain in that som | munity. Having friends in the Unit- ed States they determined to come to this country. A age on a steamer and were told that | if certain people who were think- | ing of giving up their bookings did | 80, there wonld be room for them, | {and they better be on hand on the | | date of sailing. Accordingly Mrs. | | Gage and her children were there] They made application for pass- i tention. The ship safled at the hour | announced and was never heard of | afterward. The Gage family, how- { ever, was able to secure passage in | a sailing vessel going out from Glas- gow, a litle later, and after five | weeks on the sea landed at Boston. | They proceeded at once to Schenec- | tady, where they had been urged to | go by friends, but remained there [only through the winter, | The following spring, having other | friends in Kingston, Canada, who | were writing to them and urging them to come there, they decided to move and did so and for many years { that was the family home. Reach- | Ing Kingston, Robert Gage was ap- | prenticed to a watchmaker by whom | he was employed for three years. { Indoor work aid not agree with him and his health being poor the phy- | siclans recommended that he take up | some outdoor employment, and ac- | cordingly he followed his father's {trade as a carpenter. At this he worked successfully for 15 years. Mr. Gage was not content to' be simply an ordinary journeyman, but along with his work he made a study of the theory and practice of archi- tecture, and leaving the business, went into that profession which he followed successfully at Kingston for 15 years. He had charge of repairing the old and plan- ping and constructing the new build- ings of the Royal Military College at that place. He also designed many business edifices and private dwel- lings, having a large clientage and doing excellent work which remain- ed a monument to his taste and skill. } Not having had a holiday in 30 | years of his residence in Kingston, | in 1886 he accepted his brother Mathew's invitation to visit him at | Riverside, Cal. Arriving there and | finding his brother engaged in large comstructive undertakings, he at once began rendering assistance which was so intelligent and so ac- ceptable that it became a permanent employment. He was in charge of the construe tion of the Gage Canal, 22 miles in length, which irrigated about 11,000 acres near Riverside and which to this day is one of the important en- terpriges of that attractive Southern California city. At the earnest solicitation of his brother and others engaged In business with him, Mr. Gage brought his family from King- ston to Riverside, gbout 15 years. In 1900 Mr. Gage came East to visit his danghter, Mrs, T. H. Farrell of this city, intending While Ihere he interested himself in selling [ranges shipped by the Hawarden ! Citrus Association of Riverside. The { fruit was among 'the finest put on the eastern market, and in a little time, by careful attention, Mr. Gage built up a goodly business, and it appeared desirable that he should remain here represeating--the corpor- ation and making a' market for their product, and this he did, bringing his family with him, He retired about 10 years ago, Mr. Gdge married Mary Irving of Kingston, October 29th, 1869, who |1s living. Their children are: Mrs. T. He Farrell, Dr. James Gage and building | remaining there |' UPSET STOMACH, GAS, INDIGESTION # Chew a few Pleasant Tablets, --Stomach/Feels Fine! So pleasant, so inexpensive, so | auick to settle an upset stomach. The | the recent moment "Pape's Diapepsin" reaches | the stomach all pain and distress from indigestion or a sour, gassy stomach vanishes. Millions know its magic. All drug- gists recommend this harmless stom- ach corrective. A As AA i rt Foresters, the Odd Fellows and the Royal Arcanum. i --------b-- ni 3 California This Winter. When winter comes let the cold blasts of winter blow you south to California where the weather is mild, the air invigorating and the | breezes balmy, you can enjoy every kind of recreation careless of time and carefree of weather. Happy weeks may be spent in great resort hotels, either along the coast or inland. To these alluring winter resorts the Canadian Pacific Railway offers most excellent ser- vice, the most convenient and com- fortable route. Let our representative plan your trip and arrange attractive itinerary to California, across Canada, through Vancouver and Victoria, B.C. Can- ada's gateway to the Orient. Cana- dian Rocky mountain scenery is superb®in winter, Full information and tickets from Miss Blla B. Gage, all of this city, and Ramsey G. Gage of Montreal. He also leaves a sister, Mrs. William J. Spooner, of Kingston, and five grand- children, He joined the Presbyterian | [church in Kingston when about 20 | {years of age. Before he left that | jcity he had been elected an elder. At Riverside he was a member of Calvary Presbyterian church, and served as an elder there. On com- | ing to Utica he joined Westminster, and here, too, was elected an elder, and was active in the affairs of the church, A A At At St NNN ith HE am, You cannot afford to experiment with your health and before trying | any remedy you are justified injde-! manding proof of what it has accom- | plished in cases similar to your own. Many people are in need of a tonic at this time of the year to build up the blood and strengthen the nerves. But It must give strength, not merely afford tempor- It must build up the sys- organs to act as nature intended, so that when the treatment is finished it will not be necessary to take medicine of any kind so long as the ordinary laws of health are followed. For many years Dr. Williams! B i Pills have bees household remedy not only in America but throughout the civilized world, The world-wide il use of this zreat Canadian remedy can be accounted for by the merit blood-making pills: ds of statements ents have been pub- of the people who made these statements were somebody's neighbors, perhaps your own, and What they said about this great rem- edy could easily be verified and yon can safely take their word for the benefit they have found through the timely use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills, For Rheumatic Sufferers. Sufferers from rheumatism who 'have found their condition unrelieved or actually growing worse while us- ing other remedies, would do well to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. The tonic treatment with' this medicine has proved in thousands of cases that it builds up the blood to a point that Suables it to Sat put the r poisons throug! @ regular' chan- Bels, the bowels, kidney and the 'When this is done rheumatism 'is ban: ed, and as long as the ] kept pure and rich the patient these wonderful People Living in Every Part of Cana Recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a System-Building Tonic : heart palpitates violently at slight exertion, the stomach fails to digest food and discomfort follows. The nerves become weak and headaches Brow more frequent. The body grows weak and they are always depressed. This condition requires immediate treatment with such a reliable tonie as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills which en- rich and build up the blood, carrying renewed energy to every part of the body. The value of Dr. Williams' Pluk Pills in a rundown condition is proved by Mrs. Alex. McInnes, Bows- man River, Man., who says: --"About & year ago I had a serious illness which 1eft me very anaemic, I was ROt--able-to-get around to-do "my Work. in fact I could scarcely walk, I wae troubled with palpitation of the heart with the least exertion. One day a friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as they had done her much good. I followed this ad- vice and took the pills' for some weeks when I felt as well as ever. 1 have since been able to attend to all my household duties, The dizziness and palpitation have left me and I bless the day I tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They are just the medi- cine for those who are weak and run-down." Blemishes of the Skin. One of the surest signs that the blood is out of order are the pimples and unsightly eruptions that break out on the or body. condition is indica eczema or scroful He was a member of the | F. Conway, City Passenger Agent, | City Ticket Office 180 Wellington | | street, Kingston, Ont., Phone 1197. { Lué¢ky Man. They were resting between the dances and he was pointing out to her the various local celebrities. "That's old Grove's daughter," he | said, indicating a tall sulky looking | woman on the shady side of 30. "She's going to be married." "Indeed!" said his partner, "Who's the lucky man?" "Old Grove," TAKE THE WORD OF YOUR NEIGHBORS da Highly Strength for Weak Girls. There comes a time in thé life of almost every girl when weakness at- tacks her. The strain upon her blood supply is too great, and there comes headaches and backaches, loss of ap- petite attacks of dizziness, heart palpitation, a constant weariness and a tendency to a decline All these Symptoms may not be present in any particular case, but the presence of any one of them shows the necessity for prompt treatment. And the very best treatment is through the blood- making tonic qualities of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. They are the one thing. needed to maintain. the-heaith of growing girls and woman of ma- ture years. Here is a bit of strong proof:----- Miss Matilda Brean, King Highway, Newcastle, N.B., says: --"I was in an extremely run-down and RAEVOUS con- dition. I was losing flesh, had & poor Appetite, always pale, and suffered frequently from headaches. In fact) my condition can best be desribed as miserable.' I had tried several treat- ments but they did not help me in the least. Then reading one day about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, 1 de- highly." Was Very Pale and Weak. A 'condition of anaemia calls for one that wi enrich the Sr | London, Oect. 24.--Opinions may | difter profoundly upon. the wisdom or otherwise of a Home Secretary making important announcements from a popular platform. And sgme | people think Sir William Joyson- ; Hicks too prone to talk before act- | ing, like the famous Pickwickian { hero, who was continually "Just {about to take off his coat" with bel- ligerent intent. But Sir William's { statements about Moscow's policy of following up industrial strikes by military action, though quite a Bol- shevik platitude to serious students of Leninism, is well emphasized by experience of Paris, Though the Red strike failed badly, {it led to violent scenes, and over 150 casualties in street fighting. The fact that fifty of these are police- men, wounded chiefly by revolver bullets, suggests that Communists have, obedient to Mos- cow's parental tuition, tried to com- bine striking with "military action." And Paris is not the only capital where there are a great many too many pistols "loose." . Conning-Towers of Whitehall. Although the Admiralty Building in Whitehall has reached its bi-cen- tenary, the apartment in which the (Lords Commissioners met two cen- | turies ago is the same as during the { Great War, and is still the board room. Mr. Churchill has told us "There can be few purely mental experiences more charged with cold excitement than to follow, almost from minute to minute the phases of a great naval action" from the Admiralty's Whitehall conning- towers. "Out on blue water, the fighting ships, amid the stunning | dctonations of the cannonade"--*"In | Whitehall, only the clock ticks, and quiet men enter with quick steps, laying slips of penciled paper before other men, equally silant, who draw lines and scribble caléulations, and pooint with the finger, of make brief subdued comments." Rathér like a newspaper office, in fact! -- Queens of Old Renown. Mrs. Kendal, the distinguished | actress, who charmed us 20 years ago in those fine Kendal plays, still keeps her enthusiasm for the thea- tre and "the" profession. Nor is she among those veterans whose cherished memories of the great bast cloud their sympathy with and appreciation of the strenuous pres- ent. Mrs, Kendal's keen zest in modern life is fully shared by ah older and even greater actress. Miss Ellen Terry seems to gain intellect. ual verve as she Ioses ever 80 little of her old physical elan. She is still, so many long years after Sir Henry Irving left us, a keen the- atregoer, and en lusigstic about wireless as a um fér keeping in touch with st and." But Miss Ellen Terry's onde wonderful mem- ory is no longer quite equal to mas- tering a "part." The last time she appeared on the stage, in a little scene with a specially written mon- ologue, she tried gallantly but in vain to learn her "words." Finally the problem was solved by the in- spiration of a devoted young actress, who lay full-length under the set- tee on which Miss Ellen Terry was seated on the stage, faithfully prompting her! Those Barbarous Bags. In reviewing according to custom |e events of the year, the Vice- Chancellor of Oxford had occasion in idiomatic Latin to condemn those "barbarous" trousers known as Ox- ford Bags. Now that the cult is dy- ing, if not dead, it may be well to recall 18 origin. THe dean of a col- lege objected to plus fours in hall, #0 the enterprising undergrad in- vented a loose pair-of flannel trous- ers, which he could slip over them. The practice spread--and the tailors were not slow to develop the idea. To them are due the varied colors, of which fawn has certainly come to Stay. An old graduate of the uni- versity tells me fhat a similar vogue marked the year 1881----as back files of Punch may testify. Hut it only lasted six months, and of course there was no such thing as turned- up bottoms. The modern 'art- exhibition Just opened at the new Chelsea Galleries by the American Ambassador. dear gentleman, must be a little studio Joke. Almost the only recognizable picture there without intelligent human brain, and compelling the practised critic, 'however versed Futurism and Cubeism, to look at his catalogue. [1 Lowov re || the French. A Savings Account a Splendid Investment ARI TGA een N absolutely safe investment rarely returns more than four or five per cent. And should it become necessary to realize cash a sacrifice of two or cent of the promptly, three principal will probably be entailed. To depositors in the Standard Bark of Canada is offered abso lute safety with interest at three per cent. And deposits may be withdrawn at a moment's notice, with- out sacrifice ! BG TORT STANDARD ATI TTT BANK i OF CANADA UNDRED AND THIRTY.ONE BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA Ne Sa ears. te Kingston Branch . S, if you. can save uring your earning wv A DECISION to place a de. fini you earn in a week the first step. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Ul Capital Paid p $20,000,000 rtion, of what vings Account each month is Pro or Fund $20,000,000 =: A. G. Mordy, Manager self snarling against the latter lke the primeval force she is. The two babies are just faséinating, convul- sive balls of fluff, and the tragedy is that they cannot share a common nursery as playmates. ---------------- r Sarg { From AULD SCOTIA | The Rev. Thomas Connelly, M.A. has been inducted as minister of the Parish of Glassford. The death is announced of John Mackie, Busby, chairman of the Mearns Parish Council, Robert Cairns, a young man be- longing to Leith, lost his lite by drowning off Belhaven Sands. Fully £100 was realized at a fete at Caerlee, Innerleithen, on behalf of the local nursing association. A sale of work in aid of the im- provement funds of St. James' Par- ish Church, Clydebank, realized over £100, A new School built at Kelloholm Kirkconnel, was opened recently by the Dumfriesshire ' Education Au- thority, Dr. J. Rudge Wilson, minister of Wilton Parish, has applied to the Kirk Sessioh for an assistant and successor, Miss M. Jenkins, Coldingham, has been 'ded a Carnegie Research Scholatbhip of £175, at Edinburgh University. Mearns United Free Chureh con- gregation have built a mew hall to accommodate 300 persons, at a cost of £2,000, John -Cameron, Gleushellach Ter- race, Oban, an employe of the Oban Railway, was found drowned near Dunollie Castle, Douglas Lonsdale Cowan, aged six, was accidentally killed hy a mo- tor bus on the Kirkintilloch road at Blshopbriggs. A. H. Macdonald, who has been town clerk Deputy of Hamilton for four and a half years, has resigned his appointient. x Dunoon Town Council has refused an offer for the purchase of ground near Kirk Braes, for the ereétion of a picture house. Hugh McCullough, the retiring councillor in Langside municipal ward, will not seek re-election ow. ing to ill health. A sale of work held in the grounds of Shandon House, in ald/ of the Shandon District Nursing - Assocla- tion, realized £1782. The farmers in the Bishopbriggs district took advantagé of the fine weather on a recent Sunday to bring in their harvest. James Clark, B.L., Craig Place, Aberdeen, has been appointed As. sistant Clerk to Dumbartonshire Bd- ucation Authority, The death has occurred at Yellow Terrace, Selkirk, of Alexander Mit- chell, for several years chairman of Selkirk School Board, : John Purdie, aged 18, died in the Broadstone Jubilee Hospital, trom injuries received in the shipbullding yard at Port Glasgow. * In order to meet the 'growing needs of Dunbar, the loeal Town Council have decided to extend and develop the gas works, Thomas Goodwin was sentenced to 30 days' imppisonment at Glas gow Police Court, for assaulting a woman on Crown street, The Board of Health has suthoris. ed Airdrie Town Council to with the on the Chapelsid

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