Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Nov 1925, p. 13

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Eh ; DAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1025. ih THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG -- ---------- = = = « « TONIGHT A COLORFUL RACING MELODRAMA "THE SPORTING CHANCE" WITH DCROTHY PHILLIPS AND LUE TELLEGEN TOGETHER WITH THE FIVE MUSICAL CLOWNS And Three Other Vaudeville Acts What the Press Agents Say About ki - Coming Attractions | { NORMA SHEARER 1S i SUPERB IN MOVIE. | | AMUSEMENTS _|(HEARD ON THE STREET Local Briefs Gathered by Re- | porters--\What the Merch SPORT WINDSOR IS' IN SERIOR O.H.A. SERIES | | Star of "A Slave of Fashion" More | Grapefruit, 3 for 25¢. Carnovsky's. Beautiful and Talented Than Girls If you want to get a thrill be sure and see "A Slave of Fashion," which opens at the Capitol Theatre, INORMA SHEARER ma "A SLAVE OF FASHION" WITH LEW CODY, MARY CARR, WILLIAM HAINES 3 SCREENDOM'S NEWEST AND MOST BRIL- i LIANT FAVORITE IN A GRIPPING TALE OF LOVE, f Moanin TONIGHT ONLY: COMING ! MINE WITH THE IRON DOOR" LD) Ey @ 7 "THE GOLD RUSH" | 4 "Litertainment Monday for two days only. In the first place it stars Norma Shearer and Miss Shearer pever has { looked more beautiful nor worn such a wardrobe as she does in | Lew Cody plays the hero, Nicholas | Westworth, and he is the so hero any woman would be glad to | Mr. M. Murphy, Montreal street. | cordance with the constitution of Ho has never made love | iocal letter carrier who was Injur-| yho Ontarto Hockey Assoclation. Os. more wonderfully gifls than he does to Norma Shearer, who plays Kath- erine Emerson, the little girl from loway who goes to New York and through a series of coincidences finds h¥rself ensconced rt of a| in -the luxurious ants Are Offering. | | Cheese brought '22¢ a pound at | University of Toronto Must the Picton board on Friday. i Make Decision re Allan ¥:. Swaine, plano tuner; Orders | Cup Finals. reeofvea at 100 Clergy street west. | ~O { |'phone 564w. | special' ce W Come and see our Radio Demon- {Specialio The Whig. i > : ! Toronto, Nov. 7.--Border Cities {strating Room. H. W. Newman | Hockey Club of Windsor was admitt- {Erectric Coy, 167 Princess street. | ed to the senior series of the 0. H. One drunk was the only offender A. at a meeting of the = executive in the Police Court on Saturday | } here Friday night but cannot morning afd he was fined $10 and| 3.3 w on players from Walkerville or costs. | any of the other border cities. They Florida qranges at Carnovsky's. | must also enter a junior team in ac- i | ed this week in an automobile ac- goode Hall and Toronto Canoe Club cident, is progressing nicely but 18! were also taken into the senior ser- | still confined to his home, fos. We_have a wonderful sale of De- | " Walkerville and Wingham were Forpest-Crosley Radio sets two, samitted to the intermediate series. three, four and five tube, 'come IM | It was decided by the executive that CHARLIE CHAPLIN GRAND 375. HON, NOY. 16. A MU L MAIL ORDERS NOW. Rhidhtakad oa A "~ Aas A RYU] GIOIA VES f DAY OR NIGHT | All mew 5 aud 7 passenger Sedans Tickets Can Be Had at the Box Office Now e 0 s Univers SPECIAL CONVOCATION GRANT HALL * Monday, Nov. 9th ATS PM. » Lady Byng of . 4 | singing girls. Au wh, AL .| "Central," answering when you lift ~The Honorary Degree of Doctor | of Laws will be conferred her apartment of Nicholas who has hied himself to Europe for | street. a six months' vacation, Katheriné meets the man who lives across the hall. His name is plays the part. It looks for a time Sophie arrive. to 9.30. mind you. Mrs. F. as the greatest of all Chablin com- | purchased to avoid standing In line. | Paradis. 4 | MY CHINA DOLL COMING donated by q TO THE GRAND THEATRE. | George Guy. 3 One of the latest musical extrava- Second prize, boys: game, donat- { | Sansas to be claimed a hit is the |ed by Home and School Club, won 4 | piece of Le Com and Flesher's, | by Bdward Rankin. 3| known as "My Chisa Doll," which is{ A beautiful mamma dol, which | Ragtime," "Tales The Blue Belle | Morris. that has causéd hér to be acclaimed the "hit of the show." The balance and a kaleidoscope of smiling girls, Reports from nearby cities where "My China Doll" has shown, indicate that the attraction is something to look forward to seeing; and some- thing to remember having seen. Send In mail orders now in 6rder to secure best seats. ' and see our demonstrations. H. WY ir the University of Toronto wished Co., 167 Princess | one of Manhattan's richest bachelors Newman Electric {to play in the O.H.A. senior series ANNUAL TEA AND SALE { This decision means that if U, of T. Dick Wayne and William Halles : Of Robert Meek Home and School | win the Intercollegiate championship Club on Friday, as though Katherine is really going The annual tea and sale of to fall for Dick, but at the psycho- | Robert Meek Home and School Club | logical time her family, including | was held in the assembly hall of the | her mother, her father and her Aunt | school, Friday evening, from 7.30 course if U. of T. decided to play people | only in the Intercollegiate and won There dre some exciting scenes in | were welcomed Reynolds | the championship of that Union which the man threatens to €Xpose | and Mre. H. J. Wright, and after they could take part in the Allan Katherine as an imposter unless she | paying their will permit him to make love to her. Fred Paynter, proceeded upstairs to Which she refuses to do. He shows | the hall, where the ladened tables his cave man instincts by locking her | were beautifled in a room, but she makes a perilous | chryanthemums., escape. along the window edge and | the tables were: up ten stories from the ground, too, Home zooking, Those in charge of Mrs. J. Dunlop, ---- | Mrs. McCormack; fancy work, Mrs. | Chaplin's New Comedy Note. Harper, Mrs. F. T. Wright: touch Though a new note is sounded in | and take, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Bryant: the showing of Charlie Chaplin's | candy, the teachers of the school: new nine-reel comedy feature photo- | ice cream, Mr. Hipgon, Mr. Chater, | Day by the Y.M.C.A. The five mile play, "The Gold Rush," described | tea table, Mrs, Paradis, Mrs. Low Mrs Maxam, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. edtes--the public will see also all | Adoo, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Cole. J | the Chaplin tricks that have put this Delicious tea was made by Mrs. $ | picture star in a lclass entirely by | Gallaher. himself. "The Gold Rush," a Unit- Mrs. Basson poured tea at the ed Artists Corporation release, | tily arranged tea table, with so 4 | Which is scheduled as the feature |the senior girls assisting, attraction for the capitol theatre Prizes were offered 4 | next Wednesday for four days, is de- | girls and the two boys selling the scribed by those who have seen it | most tickets, as far and away the best piece of First prize, girls, J | work Chaplin has ever done: and by [donated by Jas. Reid, won by Betty | competitions respectively, An ad- | tar the funniest. Tickets for the Lowry; second prize, box candy, do- evening performances may now be [nated by J. Zakios, won by Mabel | races to be held on Thanksgiving ry, | race is attracting more attention Leman Guild and pret. | sanctioned by the Y.M.C.A. Athletic me of | league. All competitors must be reg- They were as follows: doll carriage, | C. A, and are two and three miles | mission fee of ten cents is charged | will be three prizes for each race, watch, [and the winner's name will be by | placed on the shield. Every boy ftin- [ishing in the two and three mila First prize, boys, | entries up to the present for the five due at the Grand Theatre, Monday, | was donated by Mr. H. Moore, was Nov. 16th, for a matifies and night. { won by Miss Jean Mercer. 3 Here again will be seen a gorge- In the afternoon the children en- ously mounted production combin- | joyed the mysteries of a fish pond in ing such tunes as "The Land of | one of the play rooms. Dreams," "How De You Do Miss | charge of Mrs. Mr. Lowry sold ice cream, Told," "Jazzmania," "Rose" and {and the senior girls sold candy and "The Wedding of My China Doll and | dolls, Mrs, J. Rankin was present, Me," in a mirthul melange of be-|and helped greatly to give the chil- ! wildéring scenic effects and novel- | drén enjoyment. ties, with a chorus of dancing and During the evéning many delight- ful piano numbers were played by Cecil Manners is playing the title | Misses E. Asheroft, K. Guild, H, role. She is pretty, agile, artful and | Smith, M. Hyland, D. Allafl. The fond of fan. She dances and sings [sum of $166 was realized. : ening -... BOc., 76¢., $1.00, $1.50 dq i PRICES: : he nia 280. 50c., Fa . 1.00 4 | through the Miting songs, in a way 4 SEAT SALE FRI, NOV. 13th. 1 -------------- Will Build House, of the'cast includes Bessie Delmore,| EB. D. Wood has secired a permit y= Leona Stater, Lottie Proctor, George | 2t the office of the city engineer, for Wakefield, Amos Harper, William p, the erection of a brick veneer resi- dence on the Murphy, Tom Crowley, L. G. Milton street, between Bartlett and "Prin- oess streets. Fifty Canadian authors have en- tered in the 1925 contest for the David Literary prize. Provincial legislature of Quebec will officially open January 7th. in two days. its sessions on| $7,600 towards the Bank Memorial it must take {ts chance in the Allan cup playdowns through that body. should be beaten in the O. H. A. and they could not take part in the Can- adian championship series, or if they won -both series they would gO through as an O.H.A. team. ot Cup games. There will be another meeting next Friday night when ap- plications for change of residence and clubs will be considered. Y.M.C.A. ROAD RACE. Keen Interest in the Events to be Held on the Holiday. Keen interest is being taken by the boys of the city, in the road from the Queen's students than among the boys of the Y.M.C.A. The Velles Shield competition is open to the boys of the city, and fs istered either with Y.M.C.A. League or the A A.U. of C. The Stagg and Hoag shields are only opén to members of the Y. M. to all entrants of these events, Thera events will receive recognition. The mile race are Mr. Trenouth and Mr. Revelle. A large number of Queen's students are going to enter, but be- cause of the game in Montreal they will not be able to sign up till they return. Entries in the three mile race are Vernor Coe, Ralph Darling, William MacLaughlin and W. Wood. Those competing in the two-mile race are George Ashby, Ralph Darl. ing, Robert Wood, Barl Allen, John staged. Mon.-Tues.-Wed. SPECIAL MATINEE MONDAY Auspices of the Rotary Club. Benefit Rotarian Child Welfare Fund See the best local talent production ever I -------- Box Office now open. Make your reservations NOW. MATINEE ...... 25c., 50c., 75c., $1.00 NIGHTS . . .25c., 50c., 75c¢., $1.00, $1.50 Plenty of good seats available. Auction Sale Tuesaday, 1 pam, 480 Alfred Street, (Above Princess) Mahogany pacior suite, Nordheimer plano, a; beauty, in grand condition: Wilton and Brussel Rugs, special hall rack and seat, handsome dining' suite in quarter cut oak, paintings and other ploiures, walnut writing desk and Swane, BE. Henderson, J. R. Me- Laughlin. More entries are expected on Monday. -------------- Blind Girl Gets High Honors. Miss Mary Josephine Cursio, of the New Jersey College for Women, a department of Rutgers University, has been elected 8 member of Phi Beta Kappa, the séholarship frater- nity, in addition to having graduat- ed summa cum laude and winning the Alliance Francaise prize for the student attaining the highest grade in advanced French. Miss Cursia fs blind. tables, hand made; bedroom furniture, blinds, linoleum, Pandora range, 2 burn- or glectric plate, water power washer, kitchen furnishings, Gem jars, lawn mower, etc. (No antiques). TWIGG, Auctioneer. 'Phone 820-J, A Sale and a Concert. Findley Station, Nov. 6.--On Mon- day afternoon the Ladies' Ald held a sale in the Orange Hall and in the evening a concert was given in the church, Rev: My, Servage was chairman. A programme was given by Kingston talent, under the direc tion of Mr. Madrand. Rey. Mr. Police in Winnipeg are searching for a man who held up ten men with- St. Thomas was organized to raise Fund of $500,000. Central Now Says "Number Please," When Yoli Pick Up Receiver. "Number, please?" You have noticed, of course, that ]! your teleph receiver, is now add: ing an engaging "Please?" to the interrogative "Number?" "What is the reason for the 'Please'? The Whig asked Manager A. J. Evans of the Bell Telephone ompany today. "In the use of that word 'please'," 'Mr. Evans, "we are simply add- 2 i : i i sg 5 5 E *E ts : FEE fH : | ; Lancaster, St. John's, in his usual plasing way, gave an address. Over $125,000 was taken in. Charles Thompson and family are moving to Gananoque in the near future. Miss Campsall is spending the holiday with her parents at Hartington. A dumber of children are down with the measles. The Ladies" Aid met at Mrs. Charles Thompson's on Thursday afternoon, Mrs. W. Campbell and Mrs. James Thompson served lunch. Mrs. James Wilson is able to be out again, Wil- fred Bennett has erected an up-to- date hen house, THE FLORENCE HUDON | PRIVATE SCHOOL ot PALMER, n Shispsto AND DANCING Ton er Wa ' Queen's Students After a hard days study, 13 FISH and CHIP SUPPER, 20 bE them at JARVIS, corner of Albert and Princess streéts, 5 minutes run from the college. 'Phone 2373-m, ND DYERS " Ything that can be cleaned | O. COE & P, BARRETT | «Office. 80 Arch Street. "Phone 1220w * Call and deliver, we DR. H. A. STEWART +4 'DENTIST Has resumed his practice at 84 Telephone 2092. BROCK ST. |

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