Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Nov 1925, p. 10

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Sa THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1025. NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS © | ( COMING EVENTS | meen' | : 'LIFE"S SOCIAL SIDE 4 Armisidoe service at the cen in Wednesday, - Nov. 4 WEDDINGS. Martineau. The marriage was solemnized on i Saturday, November 7th, at St. Leo's Chnreh. Westmount, of Marie Paule, third daughter of Honourable Jus- The LO.D.E. will hold their annual} Macdonald Park on playing, refreshments were served |iith, at 10.40 a.m. and dancing was enjoyed till twelva o'clock. The music was rendered by Messrs. Douglas and Guy. Private Phone 857w. - . . ~ A most successful sale was held ! | ADVT, RATES, WOMAN'S PAGE: Coming events, not intended tp | 1 J False money, 2c. a word, minimum the Ladies' Aid of Princess street 2.9." 50c. If held to raise money, 4c. 8 tice and Mrs. Paul G. Martineau, church on Friday afternoon The staff of the British Whig pre- SP eomimumil a Dorchester street, Westmount, to "The visitors were received by Miss sented Miss vrtle Sidley, Whoss|f ,Jieceptions. engagements mics Mr. J. William Bain of Kingston, Wilder and Mrs. C. Clark, and tea | marriage takes place on Thanksgiv- Jicen. 2s words -or less, $1.00 per gon of the late Mr, James W. Bain "was In charge of Mrs. Lawrenson,|ing day, .with & handsome case of Era inmente. coBcerts. | mobets and of Mrs. Bain of Montreal. The i Rev. Father Oscar Gauthier, rector of St. Leo, officiated. The bride, who was given away by her fathef, wore an ensemble cos- tume of rust colored duvetyn cloth trimmed with brown fox, with hat to match and a corsage bouquet of &S, etc, 15c. per l'ne for readers; 10¢. per line for display advts. Mini- Mum charge $1.00. "Mrs, F. Graves and Mrs. Little. Pre-| flat silver. Miss Sidley has been pn ; : ling at the table were Mrs. Red-|the staff of the business office of the EB ; , Mrs. Caverly, Mrs. J. Breb-|whig for five years and will be much 'mer, Mrs. Kelly, Miss Graves and|mjssed among hef fellow members - Miss Fanny Peters. The work table |of the staff. After her marriage her | as in charge of Mrs. W. Gardiner, home will be In Byracuse, N.Y. (McCormack, Collingwood street, for D. Woods and Mrs. Marshall. bynere many good wishes will follow [the Alumnae meeting. HER EXCELLENCY, LADY BYNG, OF VIMY : "At the homemade fable were Mrs. ipo, | Miss Eva Martin, Earl street, has| who will receive the desres of! orchids and lilies of the valley. The § Gwatkin, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. W. . } {left for Windsor to visit Mr. and Dy om user's Universily 50 groom was attended by his uncle, § 'Wiskin and Mrs. Darling, Whils| principal Taylor will entertain at|Mrs. Arthur Martin. Righ hall. Mr. 8. J. B. Rolland. 3 Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. C. Watts and| 4}, principal's Residence, Queen's| Mrs. Whittiker, Union street, is After the ceremony a reception ' Mrs. C. Clark sold the aprons. The University, this evening for Sir spending the week-end in Ottawa. was held at the residence of the 'hall was decorated with yellow, and | pohert Borden, the chancellor, when . eo. The Editor Hears bride's parents. Later Mr. and Mrs. the tea table centred with yellow |;,se dining will be Dr. MacNeill,| Miss Charlotte Whitton and Miss Bain left for a trip to Boston. On 'chrysanthemums. The sum of $30|(,) Alexander Macphail, Dr. Moira Guthrie, Ottawa, and Miss their return they will reside at 277 was realized. Thomas Gibson, Dr. J. F. Sparks, Doris Stock, Hamilton, who are That Kingston will have a very| Alfred street, Kingston. 0-08 Prof. Heaton, Mr. William Berming-|among the Queen's graduates in |hearty welcome tor Her Excellency, Lady Byng of Vimy, when she comes to our collegiate town on Monday to receive the degree of LL.D. Lady Byng is a woman of wide interests. She has written several books, is a botanist and better still, a flower lover. She has more than a formal interest in the many societies or- ganized by Canadian women for the betterment of their country, and i: is not only as the first lady in the land, but as a woman who is inter- ested in other women's endeavors, that she will declare formally open, Ban Righ Hall, that great achieve- meht of the women graduates of Queen's University. That several of our readers Lave sent in the verses "In Flanders Now" and we are most grateful to them. This little poem is particularly in- teresting to our readers at this sea- son of the year. | WOMEN'S INSTITUTE i town for the Alumnae meeting and Bruce Taylor, Toronto. the dinner to be held this evening in WY Grant Hall, are with Mrs. Douglas Principal Taylor and Miss Lois Chown, King street west. Taylor, the Principal's Residence, Mrs. Frank Yeigh, who has re- will entertain .at supper on Sunday |.ent)y returned to Toronto from the evening for Sir Robert and Lady|n,.. Fast, where, with Mr. Yeigh, Borden. she has been visiting the relief sta- tions, is with her sister-in-law, Mrs Alexander Laird, Wellington street. Cadet Teddy and Cadet Mac At the regular meeting of thelp.m Mr. A. G. Mordy and Mr. W.M.8. of Sydenham Street United 'Church, held in the hall on Friday, 'the mite boxes were received by Mrs. ¥. W. Coates and were found fo contain $180. The president, Mrs. R. O. Jolliffe, and Mrs. W. S. Gordon, who have been in Toronto at the meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Churches, gave Interesting reports. During the afternoon Miss Tweddell sang, Leslie Jolliffe played & violin number and Miss Bessie Et- finger a piano solo. Tea was served )y & committee of ladies, Mrs. M. S. Richmond being convener. 1 . - . CROSBY. The Crosby Women's Institute held its regular November, meeting at the home of Mrs. E. Watts. The meeting opened by singing Institute Ode, followed by the roll call with fifteen members and several visitors present. | Mrs. R. G. Leggett, district presi- dent, visited that meeting, to which she was asked to. draw the lucky ticket on a quilt. The number was 41 and was held by Mrs. F. S, Stan- ton, who won the quilt. Plans were made to hold a bazaar |! on Nov. 27th. A paper was read by|| Mrs. 8. Stout. After which Ilfinch was served by the hostess and di- rectors, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Proud, Mrs. Mustard and Mrs. O. Rowswell. A vote of thanks was tendered the hostess. THE MELODY SHOPPE OPPOSITE GRAND O - - *. so» Mrs. Alexander Macphail, Clergy street, is giving a small tea this af- ternoon for Miss Grace Loucks, Ot-iy, pon poval Military College, have tawa, who is with here mother, Mrs. left for Montreal. Edwin Loucks, Division street. " & © . itu Miss Thelma Wright, of Living- Cadet Davis, senior under officer| avenue, will om? the week- at the Royal Military College, 1is| 4 in itawa, with Miss Muriel spending the week-end in Toronto. Graham. ' Miss Dorothy Wilkins, Toronto, i Mrs. E. W. Lachance has left for 'ennandale Chapter, L.O.D.E., in the in town for the meeting of Queen's|\; 0..." +0 spend Thanksgiving Masonic Temple on Friday after-|Alumnae. with Mrs. Hugh Jesmer. noon. The prizes for bridge were : ...." Mr. Harry Downer, St. Thomas, won by Mrs. Clarence Weagant and Mrs. John Sutherland, Gore street, will spend Thanksgiving with Rev "Miss K. Millan, and the winners of entertained her quoto of St. George's| y 1 ana Mrs. Boyd, University ave- 'the mah jongg prizes were Mrs. H.|chain on Friday by giving a motor |... 2,4 Mrs. Downer who has been J. Dawson and Mrs, Francis Macnee, |drive to Gananoque and a tea after- visiting her parents. Mrs. J. 8. Skinner was in charge of | wards at her home. Mrs. D. A. Shaw, Mrs. C. R. Me- e tea, and with Mrs. BE. J. B. Sew Leod and Miss Vera Shaw are spend- Pense, presided at the table when Miss Nora O'Connor, Earl street,| ing the week-end in Toronto. _ the tea hour came. gave a jolly party on Friday evening| Migs Hurlbatt, Deanfof Women a for some of the freshettes of her|gat McGill University, Montreal, is class at Queen's University. the guest of Mrs. Donald MacPhail, - 150 PRINCESS STREET CUT FLOWERS Wedd! B - That make suitable sitts and our | Welding Bosvuets and Decors: framing Is exclusive. Prompt deliverys TELEPHONES 432 and 1218-J. For To-night Women's Chamoisette Gloves -- plain and with gauntlet - cuffs. Big va- PICTURES ; Most successful and pleasant was the bridge and mah jongg given by That a fascinating lecture was given this week in convocation hall on "Mountain Climbing" by Capt. H. Westmorland, who is now living in Kipgston. Seldom indeed have those, who live in parts of the country where mountains are unknown, an Well Worth It. { After morning service the family || dined, and churches and their pro- The euchre party and dance held cedure came in for criticism. h By the Regiopolis Club at the Roman : or Bagot street, | FIDE Street. Spporiunity o Bening how en eand| Father criticized the sgrmon. 4 olic Assembly Hall Friday even-| Mrs. G. R. Rooney, Bagot street, ' uv. Women who have the desire strong( nj iper disliked the blunders of the |! 1 . was one of the most successful | entertained at tea on Friday for St. Miss Mildred Tait, Montreal, a|in them for surmounting all difficul- organist. The eldest daughter] riety of colors at 50c., 75c. and 89c. a the season. There were twenty-| George's Cathedral. graduate of Queen's of 1922, is with | ties and scaling by what seems to the thought the choir's singing was | parr. tables in play and eleven games Bk, S04 her cousin, Mr. L. B. IClark and isiase re Epfurmon able atrocious. i > 'were played, Miss Vivian Callan Mrs. Roger Clarke, Vineland, and | Mrs, Clark, Earl street. Mrs. Clark's | heights achieve their goal. n But the subject had to be dropped || . . . » ning the ladies' prize and Mr. D.| Miss Mildred Jardine, Newington, |other guests are Miss Beatrice Turn-| Eastern Canada, where real when the small boy of the family, |' Silk Stockings that give satisfactory who are here for the Queen's Alum-|er and Miss Rita Varcoe, Cobourg. | mountains are not, these feats! iy the school-boy's love of. fair]: wear, in all the new shades for $1 00 y . hy the gentlemen's. After card nae dinner, are the guests of Mrs.! Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Harper, Nelson | Seem marvellous. Those of us.whe play, chipped in with the remark. he W. R. Sills. reet, motored to Ottawa to spend | have crossed the Great Divide and}apag, I think it was a Jolly good a pair, Mrs. E. 8. Warner and her sister, | the week-end. have seen the snow peaks of the o'er 0 penny." . Miss Dorothy Burton, who were the * 0» Rockies and the Selkirks, the huge 5 : guests of Mrs. McCaig, Johnson Mr. W. Shaw, Bagot street, has|rocks of the Saw Tooth range be- EN Silk Crepe Scarfs S---- plain shades i left for Hamilton to see his old |tween Banff and Lake Louise, are team mates, the Ottawa Senators, play against the Tigers. | Miss May Rogers, spending the holiday with Dr. and street, left on Thursday for their homes in Toronto. Miss Kay Gallagher, training in the Kingston with contrasting ends very special for $1.25 each. still lost in wonder at the pérsistance | and endurance of the men who, with | | such slight aids, conquer the moun- | i "DIAMOND DYES" o COLOR IT NEW WITH who is in General Toronto, fs tains with the glaciers filled with oe Hospital, was a guest at the Col- : : ' A . legiate "At Home" in Napanee this| Mrs. Bruce Hopkins, King street. snow-hidden crevaces in which whole Men's Flannelette Night Shirts -- A Gleamy, Thick, Wavy wook. \ Miss Elsie Saunders, Ottawa, is |Dparties might be swallowed up and = iy . ie with her mother, Mrs. Herbert |who still persist in this sport. There[! Just Dip to Tint or Boil extra big and well made, for $1.50 each $3 Hair ina Moment is a romance about the danger that lures men on. Saunders, Alice street. Prof. J. K. and Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. George Wiskin and Miss Emma Peters represented Princess street Union church at a Young People's conference held in Port Hope on Friday." : Mrs. Charles with her sister, Mrs. Miss Mabel E. Nesbitt, Toronto, is: the guest of Mrs. R. W. Nesbitt, 337 Johnson street, for Thanksgiv- ing. Dr. A. E. Marty, who is a dis- tinguished graduate of Queen's Unj- versity, is with Principal and Mrs. 8. W. Dyde, Centre street. to Dye Each 15-cent pack- age contains direc tions so simple any woman can tint soft; delicate shades or dye | rich, permanent col- J} ors in lingerie, silks That once more the outward sign that the men who sleep beneath the poppies that still keep the fieldsfof Flanders blood r&d aré not forgotten will be the small red peppy worn in the buttonhole. Just a trifle, a gay W. N. Linton & Co. "Phone 191. The Waldron Store Hanson, Montreal, is C. F. Con- } le Semetyille . alia Miss stantine at the Commandant's Resi- | blossom, but to those who wear it! ribbons, skirts : Vernon: Crothers, Centre street. dence, Royal Military College. the symbol of their grateful hearts. | waists, dresses, coats, I J Miss Florence Keyes, Toronto, who Mr. and Mrs. W. Harty, "Rose-|Do not let us ever forget what our | stockings, sweaters, is one Of the speakers at the Alum- lawn," have returned from Toronto, | world would be like if it were not draperies, coverings, ~~ nae dinner this evening, is the guest bringing Mrs. BE. F. Osler and Miss| for those who sleep beneath the| hangings --- every- 3 Anne Osler, Bronte, with them for | poppies, who gave their bright young! thing! of Mrs. H. A, Lavell, Earl street. Sir Robert and Lady Borden, Ot- tawa, are in town for the week-end and are with Principal Taylor and Thanksgiving. has returned school, Montreal. Miss Nadine Harty from Miss Rdgar's lives, cheerfully and with a laugh, , for us, that we might live in this happy Canada of ours and enjoy the Buy Diamond Dyes--no other kind --and tell your druggist whether the material you wish to color is wool or silk, or whether it is linen," cotton Miss - Wilhemina Nobes, Toronto, is spending' several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Nobes, Division street. Mrs. W. F. Nickle, Toronto, will liberty they died to give us, To many homes it is a day of sad mixed with pride, for the vacant place has never been filled and never will, and the silver cross the mother Miss Lois Taylor, the Principal's or, mixed goods. Residence, Queen's University. Lady Borden will be the guest of Queen's Alumnae at the dinner in Grant Hall tonight. ie. : be i town for the opening of Pan | wears so proudly hangs over a heart : B! > 3 ease . i Cadets Hartland Macdougal, Le eel Ty Nith ao less ache, . But donot let any of us forget to wear our poppy and not idly, but with a sin- Boutillier and W. and B. Ogilvie The Whig will be glad to have oh have left. for Montreal to spend , Ea a the names of visitors in town and |Cere gratitude and a loving remem- hy who try this. When combing and| Mra. D. B. Calvin, Toronto, fs a|t0 Dave an account of various social | Pants of those who "sleep between _ . ot ou . events for the social colunm. Write | the crosses, row on row, in Flanders Queen's graduate who is in town for the week-end events at the uni- your hair, Just moisten your Ferd." fair brush with a little "Danderine" g or telephone to the Editor of the 0 your hair. The ! Your hair will ap- Tn nick and heavy Spark- 5 'life and possessing that in- Ig Wi. PE versity. Cadet Clarence Rogers, Royal Military College, is with his parents, Woman's Page, No. 2613. ------------ "When I am ten," boasted Billie, Cured. "How blase you are. You do not enthuse over anything." and | Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rogers, Johnson { "I'm going to have a cake with ten "My dear child, once I enthused and Just delicately per- street. . sandies on in." i id Be over a man--and then I married THE * * Ee ha "When I am ten," Bendy, " Got y 4 CW > the hair" Dan-{ Miss Laura Allen, Toronto, who is! "I'm going to have ten cakes with him! : % : . rine" is also toning' Stimulating fu town for the meeting of Queen's| one candle on top!" ot Posted. : : & C0 i 4 Rick. out) Alumna, is sha guest of Mrs. His- utcher--Do Jou kiiow that Wash . Fd d dandruf . | dh Brady x Cadet Morris Blanchett, Rothsay, ; in peace and-- ye STYLE "IONI "ws \ x er and just see NB, is spending Thanksgiving with Lok Pupil (eagerly) --And first in the i ' : | youthful your hair Ra. W. E. and Mrs. Kidd, Welling- | American League--yes, sir.i |} Is a Cabinet Grand Piano of exceptional beauty, both in * PRICE ' 9305, SOLD ON EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT.

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