Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Oct 1925, p. 12

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1z ; THE WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG - SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, tea. -- i -- . ll lil == ll La ------ ? | P------------ SS ---- ---- OE CAO EAN VETERAN toy; NEWS OF THE FARM | a Siw 8till Busy in the Fields--Ontario Holsteins Do Well-- [| K I N G S T O N "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Potato Prices Stiffen--Poultry Gossip. ta '4 | In the old days Ontario farmers at | This, it is claimed, will give rapid | - : | this time of year, with their live [ relief. . : | stock in the stable, their barns and | There Is still discussion as'to the | » | cellars full, would be toasting their | wisdom of pasturing alfalfa, but it | | feet before the fire between morn-| is done by many good farmers with | | ing' apd evening chores; but to-day | apparent success. If a good crop | with farming becoming more diversi- | is desired next year, however, the | i | tied there is still plenty of work out-| field should not be pastured after : [ side. In Western Ontario farmers | September. are still gathering in hay, the third --_ crop of alfalfa being larger than the Potato Prices Stiffen. Fim second this year. Some rw With the certainty of a et) . Ye " not been put in the silo, threshi is | smaller crop of potatoes in Eastern | % | going on in every county, roots and | Canada this year than last, and | < hb} g ? potatoes are being lifted, apples |large orders being received for ex- | picked, and any spare time is spent | port to Cuba and the United States, | om . . behind the plow. On the whole the! potato prices are rising. Exports MAJOR GEORGE WALKER late harvests have been fair, though | have commenced at a much faster J \ "I am a veteran of the Cri- | an over abundance of rain has hurt rate than they did in 1924, when . 3 @ mean War and Indian Mutiny," | beans, potatoes and beets to some | these was a much larger total to having served under Lord Ro- | extent. Apples are almost a record | market. Already 122,912-bags and ¥ berts. Fierce hand-to-hand fight- crop. Until the last few days tha| 27,358 barrels of Maritime potatoes ing and continual exposure left weather in Western Canada has been | have been shipped to Cuba, while me a great sufferer from Rheum- | decidedly unfavorable. Threshing | at this date a year ago only a little atism, so much so, that my legs | p,q been halted and much grain in| over 61,000 bags had been exported. Swelled uh Making it impossible | 11s fia1qs has been damaged. Out-|Ag the New Brunswick crop is only . Do ralk. oo caatipated side of the grain still to be Dut|about half of that of 1924 it is ap- : 5 , through the separator, however, the parent that comparatively few po- . that T was in terrible shape until situation is fairly satisfactory. There | tatoes from that province will reach Fiaemmn fo tse "Fruita-tives' has been plenty of feed for live the Ontario market. UNDER COVER IF WEATHER IS WET . : tock which are going into winter Rheumatism and Constipation. | ° & --n Today I enjoy perfect health-- | 4U8rters in first class shape. Poultry Gossip. no more Rheumatism or Consti- There is a fortune waiting for the pation"--Geo, Walker, Chatham, ____ Put Garden in Shape. man who will take the White Ply- Ont. Gardeners are advised to get their mouth Rock and breed high produc- "Fruit-a-tives" contain in tab. | }and in shape for the winter. The|yion into them, report credits Prof. let form, the concentrated. juices | *o8etable plot should ba dug, In- | seein, (hem TOPOrt credits Prof. 1ST.--BEST QUALITY BY ONE PRODUCER. of luscious fruits--Nature's own | corporating all tops and other refuse The variety has many of the good remedy for Constipation and its | With the soil. The latter should be » Ba d Rock, with- painful consequences. left ridged up, so that the frost and Yili en or The Sarees pow a - 2ND.--PART Y COMING LONGEST DISTANCE. "Fruit-a-tives" overcome all | rain may penetrate easily. If manure leaves dark pinfeathers on market : Intestinal troubles in a way no | is available this Is a §08d time to dig | irs. Whotors 1a rarer crbiiet 3RD.--LARGEST DELIVERY FROM ONE PRODUCER. other medicine can. At your [it in. Tramp down all tops In the, 0 1o or not, poultrymen at the : dealers. 25¢ and 50 cents a box. pershaial border, o cut 'hem off Q.A.C. are sald to be trying to In- 7. aches from the surface of the crease the production of the White soil and leave them on the border to ; Rocks in the same manner as they teh th y rm he a ni pi 8 in nn Cl fl BUYERS FROM ALL LARGE CENT RES 3 NL Barred variety. J | ors ox Protest. the puts and lower| "ALS ANGE eatle tn the WA Pp pecially those with a southern ex- production of eggs of high hatcha- } L p se N . . a . . posure, by piling leaves or straw | PIty, according to Prof. Halpin of Auspices Agricultural Committee, Kingston Board of Trade. We have decided to clear out loosely about them. the University of Wisconsin, who our stock of choice Wall Paper has been working on light and its F f h : £ 1 at SACRIFICE PRICES. \ effects for some time. Direct sun- or further 1 : In Plowing Down Alfalfa. light, unfiltered. through glass, helps y un information apply Come and save money. Farmers who are having their » first experience with alfalfa, will ry ee ® Aa tL Ja S. SIBBITT, JAS. Ww. BELL, H. D. WIGHTMAN, W. G. VEALE [fj ma vowing under ot this crop trom developing leg weakness. Chairman, Agri. Com. Supt. Poultry Fair. Séc. Board of 'Trade. 14 Bam gruel JI Lens provosiion. The reote| TL 4 ryman® never makes BERT a depth of five or six feet. Some money by culling; he simply loses ARSE sam farmers notch the front of their plow less," is Helen Daw W hittaker's THE 0 H'S JOB point, leaving two teeth, the one on 2Y of saying tht weeding out poor the left long and the other short | Pirds after feeding them for several This together with a sharp point months is better than nothing, but Somethi f the taskmaster. the will shear off the roots close to the Bot 1 be Deftite Io Weeding She general ah the diplomat, and a ot of | Dottom of the furrow and the broad roughl that no culls at hed o the doctor must be hidden away in the | 00th on the right will let the sever > . y 3 ° are hatched in nan who would be the coach of a suc: | ed portions slide by without any | the first place. : 9 . cessful football or track team. = friction. . : Emergancios of All Kinda rs his daily Score One for Ontario. : foutine. A thoroug| OW! o I Canada as a whole, and Ontario : aid edge of the nternational Plowing Match. in particular, scored a remarkable i ial knowl iby Sayed by ha How The International Plowing Match Bumps, bruises, strained ligaments | at Brockville last week brought out| Wit at the London Dairy Show, held and ries ES -- day Eee a crowd of 30,000 during the five | this Week in London, Eng., under the but the coach never omes contemp- | gay contest. Most of the visitors | 2Uspices of the British Farmers' As- IN A, i I MARKET, tuous ¢ 'them. He knows that if neg- were farmers and came in auto-| S0¢iation. Exhibitors from this pro- lected, they may result in anything. vince took all four leading awards § ? in cheese, first and second in honey, : hi biles, 1,300 cars being parked on Trainers here keep Absorbine | MO : Jr. in their The it no the ground the biggest day aut loc y, use. it not Sovids In ze first in eggs, and got into the list in i i but | alone. Soil and weather conditions : v " i: . 4 é Suly Jor Sine, [8 nd bruises. | of | were ideal and with over 300 en.| butter for the first time in: yeats. All In every line of endeavor concentration is the one vital force which spells success--and particularly is it its disinfecting properties. In one con | tries in all classes competition was | the top places in butter went to 3 rhe " d i x Ch yeaient container it combines the | oon. Tromer ch, Oto in the | Western Catadian. creameries. Last so in sales and advertising. To win and hold all markets, concentration must be made in each market, distpi- year Australia swept the butter * bution as well as consumer appeal must be thorough. To sell goods in the many Ontario markets, no one or two functions of a number of preparations. stubble was ext ood and was It is the first of all the First Aid S¥Wa. foo classes and South Africa the egg : : . ; section, but this year the tables mediums will serve to make your sales effective; nor could one or two retail outlets serve the whole Provirice. requisites in use in all of the leading | Commenced on all sides. Several men EE che entered both the horse and tractor eyo x with both | Were turned. Ontario creamerymen Each city i isti in i yi i ; 8 i a Sy coals sresiielymen ch city is a distinct market in itself, covered wholly and thoroughly only through its own newspaper, and in And there are just as many everyday | classes and won prizes hes for Absorbine Jr, in the homes of | types of power. A 'horse pulling con- : : . as there are in the training test was very popular, the champion | Tesults, as they feel that they are practically every city the home newspaper reaches 100 per cent. of the homes. Street sales and down-town de- camps. ways keep it in the home " significant of a change in the - : : : : : : : you can "jump to it" in case of rn ening 3.360 pounds welling rere Sra er livery of out-of-town mediums will not sell goods. The purchasing agent whose office is at home must be gmergency. $1.25 at your druggist. .. | boats along a gravel road: There was XA. S-------------------- fy reached--and that is where all buying is planned. a speed contest where 50 per cent. OU was allowed for the rapidity of the EE ou. OME FROM? work and the same amount for the Where did you come from, baby thoroughness of the job. The first dear? " 20¢. PER LINE " ear? / . man through plowed his third of|,.. of the everywhere into here. $ an acre of stubble in 80 minutes but will cover a 5,000 line cam- ; an the winner of the contest took an Where did you get your eyes so paign in any six newspapers e Av ne 0 ario even hundred minutes but did a much better job. There was one en- Blue? of the swaller Outarie. cities; IS THE PROVINCIAL CITIES try from New York State, one from Out of the sky as I came through. plus the Susseni el dealer Quebec, and. some from practically So-opgration. of the newsps It is the Provincial cities of Ontario that form the backbone What makes the light in them 4 every county in Old Ontario with a per. Every dealer is per- : i : : y, in + sparkle and spin? sonally known 10 these Hews. of Ontario, where home life is at its best, and the people live few from the New Liskedrd area. Some of the . i i i i i the starry skies left in paper officés, and is more well and happily. They enjoy the best things of life, are interest- Ontario Holsteins Do Well. Where did you get that little tear? readily influenced to a pro- ed in new food products, automobiles, luxuries. They have more The Ontario herd of Holsteins at| I found it waiting when I got here. duct advertised in the me- leisure, and the time and inclination to read their home newspa- the U.S. National Dairy Show, held : dium that carries his own : i : ; per because every news item is of interest; they know where to recently at Indianapolis, maintained | What makes your - forehead so store news. A 3 the high reputation already secured smooth and high? buy every article advertised. for the cattle of this province at|A soft hand stroked it as I went by. former shows, It brought home the 3 : 3 State herd championship, five firsts| What makes yonr cheek like a out of a possible of 14, and a fair warm white rose? 5 share of the lower awards. The Ha- . . ley and Lee cow Belle Calamity| saw something better than anyone é » : Wayne was senior and grand ¢ham- knows, OVIIClia : ne ar els 0 tario pion, and W. J. Rigie of Sault Ste. Marie had the junior champion built. | Whence that three-cornered smile Provincial Jersey and Ayrshire of bliss? breeders did not enter a herd this] Tree angels gave me at once a Kiss, & Each of the Newspapers Thoroughly Covers Its Own Field year, : 3 A remedy for bloat. Where did you get this pearly ear? . be Sa a : During the past few weeks there | 90d spoke, and it came ont to re have been many reports of losses of > : are untae sting. Some farmers| Whee id you get those apms and : : City Trade Ares Paper are blam the death ® i Pash Re aa on froten Love made itself into hooks and|f] : ee Lat Bruun whip alfalfa. A simple remedy which has| bends. ; 7542 20,000 Post been tried by some and recommend- v : | 17,380 23.000 Review ed highly, is to drench the cow with | Feet. Whenes did you Some, you : ound ; 60,000 Sun-Times one pint of warm milk in which a darling things? . IR Hay 10 awaans ins 40,000 Examiner cupful of coal oil has been From the same box as the cherab's ; Arthar .... ... } News-Chronicle ~-- - wings. : yp oh Kalan Standard oh i St. ee . Times-Journal \ you? ed ; : WE : ers an at aver ae Canadian Observer thought of me, ahd so I grew. TN

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