THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG "ty PRODUCE MARKETS i LIVE STOCK MARKETS, : Toronto, a ~ 20.--Export steers, Beice, $7.50 to $87 00: 8, $6.- 5 to 37.25; do. bulls, $4.75 to $5.- B50; choice store dehorned, $6.75 to "$7.50; butchers, choice, $7.26 to $7.75; do. heifers, $6.50 to $7; do. medium, $5.75 to $6.75; do. com- "mon, $4 to $5; baby beeves, $10 to 12; cows, fat, choice, $4.25 to $5.- " B0; do. grassers, medium, $2.75 to 8.25; do. canners and cutters, $2 to | 5; bulls, butcher, good, $4.50 to | 5.50; do. medium, $3 to 34; feeding | teers, choice, $5.50 ta $6.25; stock- ors, good, $4 to $5; calves, choice, "$11.50 to $12; do. medium, $9 to "$10; do..grassers, $4 to $5; spring- "ers, choice, $80 to $100; milkers, fice, $70 to $80; spring lambs, per lewt., $12.5¢ to $12.75; do. heavy, $10 to $11; buck lambs, $10 to $10.- sheep, choice, $6 to $7; do. vy, $4.50 to $5; hogs, f.0.b,, bia, $11.50 to $11.75; do. off cars, bid, 12.50 to $12.75; select bacon, off 'cars, $2.41 premium per head, Montreal. Montreal, Oct. 20.--Owing to the Increased offerings of cattle and th~ poorer quality an easier feeling pr.® | valled in the market, and prices for | gteers and heifers declined 25c¢ per . 100 Ibs., while, on the other hand, cows were stronger and sold 25c to " B0c per 100 1bs. higher than a week | ago. exporters for supplies to hipments with, and the best steers . gold at $7 per 100 Ibs, and some good quality cows $5.25 to $5.50 per 100 1bs., while the best heifers were _ picked at $6 per 100 Ibs. The trade "in butchers' cattle was rather slow, and the top prices paid for steers were $6.50 to $6.75 per 100 Ibs. while medium grades realized $5.75 to $6, and common $4 to $5. The best heifers sold at $5.25 to $5.75 per 100 1bs., medium at $4.50 to $5, and common at $3.50 to $4.25, with good cows at $1.50 to $5, canning "cattle at $2 and cutters at $2.50 to $3 per 100 Ibs. A weaker feeling developed in the "market for lambs, and prices de- clined 25¢ to 50c per 100 Ibs., which Was attributed to the very large sup- 'plies available, as compared with a week ago. At the lower level of the arket there was a good demand m local buyers and for shipment p the United States, with the result an active trade was done, and sales of good quality lots were made at $11.50 per 100 Ibs, straight car- loads of fair quality at $11 to $11.- 25, and the common lots at $10.50 to $10.75. The tone of the market for 'sheep was steady at $4 to $6.25 per 100 Ibs, as to quality. There was no change in the eon- dition of the market for calves. The Offerings were larger than a week ago, but this bearish factor was of?- by the good demand, and prices ruled 'steady with an active trade, Bales of the best lots of milk-fed iStock were made at $11 per 100 Ibs. medium lots at $9 to $10, and com- mon at $6.50 to $8.50, while grass. led lots sold at $4.50 to $5.50 per 0 Ibs. In sympathy with the lower cable advices on Canadian bacon and the ereased offerings of hogs, as com- ed with a week ago a weaker ng developed in the market, and prices ruled 50c per 100 lbs. lower th sales of selected lots at $13 per 00 1bs., moxed lots of good average mality at $12.50, and sows at $11 to 11.25 fed and watered. Buffalo. Buffalo, N.Y., Oct. 20.--Cattle, ping steers, $9 to $12; butchers, to $9; yearlings, $9 to $14; heif- 8, $4 to $8; fair to choice cows, $3 } $6; canners and cutters, $2 to $3; 5, $3 to $6.50; stockers and feed- $4 to $7.50; fresh cows and jers slow and easy at $40 to §. Calves, choice, §14 to $14.- )} fair to good, $13 to $13.50; ills, $8 to $12.50; heavies, $6 to grassers, $5 to $6. Hogs, heavy, yorkers, light do. and pigs, 50; roughs, $10.25 to $10.50; $7 to §9. Sheep and lambs-- $8 to $14.50; yearlings, $8 12; wethers, $8.50 to $99 ewes, 2 to 38. Chicago. Chicago, Oct. 20.--Hogs, good and h 240 to 350-pound butchers, 3.50 to $11.90; better grades 150 25-pound weight largely $11.60 $12: majority of 80 to 150-pound $11.85 to $12.25; select 140 to pund weight topped at $12.15; 210-pound BXaragen, $12.10; 1c! sows largely $9.85 to §10.. vyweight hogs, $11.40 t+ medium, $11.70 to $12.10; 11.25 to $12. Cattle, matur- around $16; weighty Mon. Ginseng There was some demand from | complete { Pr, Nn, janas. $11; she-stock about steady; ulls and vealers fully steady largely. $11 to $11.50; sheep, : Steady, at $15.25 to $15.75; odd lots fat native ewes, $7 to $7.50, steady. mse SHIP US YOUR feeding lambs, | 33¢; turkeys, 38¢ # 3be; TY "Why I Should Vote Conservative" bs o Benelits | By rotection The Ontario F armer--80 f wh sold in Canada. % al ose produce The workers in Canadian factories. The storekeepers in Canada who 'sell to the workers. | | The railway and steamship emplo ees, wh the Canadian factories. Poy WD serve The commercial travellers, bookkeepers, clerks, stenographers, retail salesmen, and all who help to sell. The doctors, engineers, lawyers, clergymen, archi- tects, teachers, dentists, builders, insurance men, laundry men, etc., who work for the workers, The bankers, brokers, and bond dealers, who help to finance Canadian industries. : In plain English--everybody. x VOTE CONSERVATIVE Ny Potatoes--Canada No. 1 white, gone to Kin + £ gston for medical treat- 31.80 2 ag, bulk; New Bruns-| ment. George Barr and family are , $1.75. spending the week Hay~--Quebee, $14 per ton; No. 3 at Napanee. a find Hmbthy, L320 to $10.50 per ton, de-| The Epworth League held a social ontreal. % at A. W. Thompson's on Wednesday ) ni. SVHine. A hid enjoyable time was AT MOUNTAIN GROVE. Spent In music, games, ete. Dr, HIII- : well, Arden, was present and enter- 1 tained for a time with his magic art. Epworth League Social--Child in Refreshments were served at the Mountain Grove, Oct. 20.--The : SE close. farmers have started ploughing. The membets of the W.I. motored to the GENERAL TRADE. -------------- Montreal, Oct. -20.--Butter-- Creamery, solids, 45¢ per 1b.; prints, 48¢ per 1b.; cooking, 37¢c. per Ih. gg TOT IED, pail, 20¢c; prints, Eggs--Fresh specials, 58¢; B5c; firsts, 45¢; storage or, firsts, 40c; seconds, 34c. Cheese-- Large, 25¢ 1b.; twins, 25 1-2¢ 1b.; Quebees, 24c Ib.; Stiltons, 27¢ Ib.; old cheese, 30¢ 1b. ens, 35¢ 2 per oe ens per Ib; rs, 38¢ » 45¢; selected chickens, 28c to ; ducks, 25¢ 30¢ to 38¢ per mm 3