F CAPrTor THE TEN COMMANDMENTS YEAR 92; No. 219. Cle 1 "Back to the Land aily British Whi KINGSTON, ONTARIQ, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1925 Camp ®_- A) rt 0 LAST EDITION aign' of Lloyd George in Great Brit il OCEAN FARES KEEP PEOPLE FROM CANADA Pre Ki Ses Lbs Wi | Goon With th Fight 10 GET LOWER RATES . "Meighen Tells (he Prince " Edward Islanders That the Liberals Cannot Win: ie NS. Sept. 19a, the apple orchards of Annapolis Valley, Premier King yesterday concluded - his Nova Beotia campaign. He treat- ed mainly of the questions he had discussed at previous meetings, but on the ocean combine he went fur- 'ther. Ha declared that océan rates were absorbing the profits of the ap- ple growers and farmers, and he ask- od how could immigration from Eu- rope be expected with ocean fares at the present level. "The increase is not the result of fucreased é¢ost. It is the result of monopoly," he exclaimed, sharply. ~ "We are determined to go on with the fight for lower ocean rates," said the Premier. Meighen at Charlottetown. Lr Charlottetown, P.E.1, Sept. 19.-- * Instead of & single meeting, Right Hon. Arthur Meighen, Conservative leader, found two large halls crowd- ed to capacity when he arrived in 'Charlottetown for his only Prince : bata Island engagement last night. Mr. Meighen was accompa- nied by Semator G. D. Robertson, former Minister of Labor, and Pre- mier Stewart of Prince Edward Is- .Meighien 'predicted that the would lose Neavily in the s and that the Conserva- es would gain perhaps thirty seats Quebec. There was no possibility . ofa feiberal government functioning 'without "the assistance of Progres- sives, "for in the next parliament there Are certainly going to be fewer Liberals." Indicgtions are that they will have to rely bn the Progressives more than ever, the Conservative leader asserted. PRESENTATION TO COL. PENSE. By 21st Battalion Club at Peterboro £ Friday Night. . A Peterbero despatch says: At Friday night's enthusiastic seventh annual reunion of the members of the 21st Battalion Club, when repre- sentatives were present from all over the' province, the Kingston con- tingent made a presentation to an comrade, Col. H. BE. Pense, ls D.8.0., M.C., lately of Kingston,+al a = token of their appreciation of his un- fling support for their club since # inception. Rev. W. B. Kidd, M.C., the address .and W. C. Me- [8h made the presentation. day's market was a large sunshine brought out a and there were many for sale, Tomatoes were *plen- were s@d at from $1 a pair lamb brought 30 cents a t Eggs were selling from 38 40 cents a dozen and butter was cents a pound. Melons, citrons, and plums were seen in nce and everything that id be preserved in any way was for the thrifty housewife. El- rh and wild grapes were sell- at 50 and 75 cents a' basket. a Canada Might Distribute Loaves of Bread in China Vancouver, B.C., Sept. 19.-- "It would be a good idea for Canada to distribute millions of loaves of bread in China like Soap panufacturers distribute samples of soap. The Orient in the next ten ears will be the world's best wheat market," said J. Obed Smith, former Im- migration Commissioner for Canada in London, England, now renewing old friendships here. He was urging an effort to increase Canadian grain mar- kets, which increase in his opin- fon is the country's greatest need now. 5 WELLAND CANAL UNDERTAKING. By Canada Is a Bogey in New York State. Albany, N.Y., Sept. 19.--New York City is being deprived of much grain that normally flows through the port by differential rates from Buffalo {In favor of Philadelphia and Balti- { more and development of the Wel- |land Canal by Canada from Lake {Brie to Lake Ontario, is likely to divert much grain trans-shipped at | Buttalo at points on Lake Ontario je the Bt, Lawrence, the survey | commission, investigating the barge | canal, was told Thursday by Alfred E. Roche, speaking for a delegation of Troy business men. "Canada is spending $220,000,000 on the Welland Canal," Mr. Roche said, to which Commissioner McGill, agmitting astonishment, replied that We are crying like a lot of chil- dren about tremendous expendi- tures on our waterways." Mr. Roche submitted charts show- ing that the mileage of the route from Oswego through New York State is much less than that by way of the St. Lawrence. Commissioner McGill said that "We can handle much more grain in a single fleet from 'Oswego to the Hudson River than can the St. Lawrence River from Oswego to Montreal and at in- finitely less cost." RECOMMEND UPWARD In Oonnection With the Em- ployees of Olvil Service Who Complained. Ottawa," Sept. 19.--The task of dealing with complaints of employees of the Civil Service against the classification fixed by the Civil Ser- vice Commission has been finished by the Government and an Order-in- Council has been passed recommend- ing to the commission an upward re- the recommendation made Jast year in the case of the postal employees and in part on new material and arguments submitted by the differ- ent grades of the service in support of their claims. OAPT. STANTON PAYS A VISIT TO PICTON Formerly a Clothier, Now River, B.C. Pieton, Sept. 19.--Capt. Stanton, a generation ago a member of the firm of Fralick and Stanton, cloth- {lers, Picton, is down from British Columbia to visit his brother-in-law, George Waring, Picton, The captain fs steam-boating on the Fraser River, his home being at New Westminster. On his way to ; Ontario he saw, to use a mautieal 'term 'oceans of wheat," and every- thing looked prosperous in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitob®. There are a great many people coming from 'the States to take up land in the country through which he travel- He was much impressed enroute with the efforts of the railway offje- i1als to make his journey comfortable and happy. He says he appreciates a copy of the Whig that REVISION OF SALARY vision of salaries, based in part on : WHAT ENGLIS THINK ABOUT THIS COUNTRY liea Abroad Canada Not as Bri tish as Other Dominions. ENGLISH DO YOT WANT To Be Deprived of Their Glass of Beer When Ia Emigrate, Bishop Bidwell Says. Ottawa, Sept. 19.--Right Rev. Dr. Bidwell, 'Bishop of Ontario Diocese, speaking at the University Club of Ottawa, on the question of immigra- tion yesterday, told his audience that one of the reasons why the Do- minion of Canada was not getting its fair share of British immigrants was that in England there was an idea abroad that Canada was not so uch British as some of the Dominions. "There is an idea over there that we in Canada are more American in our views and customs. For instance, they do not want to be deprived of their glass of beer when they emi- grate. Bishop Bidwell said he had found in his twenty-one trips to England there was far too much ignorance about conditions in Canada. This wide-spread ignorance had amazed him, he said. There was a certain amount of mistrust of Canada over there also, he had found. He thought this might have arisen from the "unfortunate Grand Trunk rail- way affair." -------------- FIELD CROP COMPETITION. Winners of Prizes Announced at the "THE first prize winnérs in the Field Crop Competition sre as fol- lows: Buckwheat, Rutledge Bros.; rye, Benéon Coulter, Glenburnie; fall wheat, Benson Coulter: spring wheat, J. B. Penny & Son; timothy, A. D. Hegadorn, Kingston No. 3; white oats, Sibbit Bros.; clover seed, Rutledge Bros.; peas, J. E. Penny & Son; P. B. Beans, D. Coombe, Cata- raqui; corn, H. E. Sutton, Napafiee; field crop, oats, Earl Sheppard; sheaf, Ex. white, A. D. Hegadorn. Sheat exhibit for field crop compe- tition only, Thos. Doyle, Pittsburgh, Earl -Sheppard, Alfred Franklin. Sheaf fleld crop competition--RBar] Sheppard, James Henderson, J. B. Penny. Sheat Exhibition. Sheaf wheat, spring or fall, A. D. Hegadorn, J. BE. Penny; J. Beckwith, Inverary; J. 8. Sibbit; J. L. F. Sproule, Westbrooke. Sheaf oats any variety--J. | Penny; J. K. Hull, Portsmouth; D. B. Smith, J. D. Morris, A. D. Hega- dorn, F. Smith. Ensilage corn, Barl Sheppard, Colin Rogers, 2 and 3. ---- Cheese Instructors' Prizes. The prize winners in the "Cheese Instructors' Competition" were an- nounced on Saturday morning asd are as follows: First MH. B. Sand- with, Kingston; second, H. Stinson, ham, and J. F. King, Avon- / The prize money of $50 was offer- ed by the cheese instructors for the purpose 'of increasing the exhibit at the fair. The Federal Field | In Winnipeg Sept. 28th. Winnipeg, Sépt. 19.--Prime Min- igter -Mackenzig King will open his western camp. in Winnipeg Sep- tember 28th, gad not on October 5th, as previgisly announced, Lib- eral headquartges stated to-day. Liberals. will gontest thirteen of Manitoba's sevefiteen constituencies, it was announced. pe Leeds Eonventions. Brockville, Sept. 19.--The rival political parties of the riding of Leeds are mustgping their forces for the battle at the polls on October 29th. The Cons@rvatives of fhe rid- ing will hold their convention to select a candid , Select officers, etc., on Thursdgy, September 24th, and two days later the Liberal con- vention will be held. -- Want Bourassa. Ottawa, Sept. 19.--The Journal says that a petifion is being cir- culated by Liberals of Labelle County, asking Henri Bourassa, edi- tor of Le Devoif; Montreal French language newspaper to accept the candidacy, The fiominating conven- tion will be held September 28th. " Former = or to Run. New Westminister, B.C., Sept. 19. a other A W. Gray, fofmer mayor of New Wi estminister, wa# yesterday selected as candidate of the Liberal Associa- tion to contest the federal riding of New Westminister at the forth- coming election. Denial by Lemieux. Ottawa, Sept. 19.--*I have no in- tention yet of retiring from public life," stated Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux. Speaker of the House of Commons, on his arrival here shortly after mid- night from his summer home at Mur- ray Bay, Que., where he has spent the past two months. Mr. Lemieux stted that he had been asked to ag accept noniina- tion as the Liberal candidate for Gaspe at the general elections to be held on Oct. 20th While he did not desire to make any definite state- ment in the matter at present, Mr. Lemieux however, that he would obahiged candidate in the constituency "of Gaspe, Tk Eastern Ontario Liberals, Ottawa, Sept. 19.--~Delegates from sixteen constituencies comprising the Eastern Ontario Liberal Association, will meet here in a large pre-sléc- tion rally sext Weddesday when im- portant matters dealing with the election on Oct: 29th will be con- sidered. The elimination of three- cornered contests is on the agenda for consideration. i CARRIED OUT THREAT T0 DROWN HINSELF If His Father Made Him Go to School---New Brunswick Tragedy. Kentville, N.S, Sept. 19. -- *I1¢t father makes me go to school, T will drown myself. You can look. for me in the river. I won't be anywhere else," Edward Vidite, eleven-year-old Berwick boy confided to his bro- ther on Wednesday morning, He disappeared from home a few hours later. Yesterday afternoon his lifeless body was found floating in the Cornwallis river at Metarville near here, ahout eight miles from his home. GASOLINE PASSENGER TRAINS TO BE USED On the St. Lawrence Division of the New York Central o HIGHWAY DAY IS OBSERVED IN GANANOQUE Opening of Pusch Bowl Bridge and Main Paved Street, PREMIER OF ONTARIO Delivers an - Address----Four of the Town's Oldest Residents Break the Ribbons. (By Staff Reporter.) Gananoque, Sept. 19.--Friday is a day which will long be remember- ed in the history of Gananoque. The new permanent pavement through the town which connects up with the Toronto-Montreal highway, and which was constructed during the summer months, at a cost of ap- proximately $60,000 was officially --~Gas0- | would be built. opened. The "Punch-Bowl" bridge, 8 steel structure which has been built across the Gananoque river for the convenience af the people living in the western part of that town, was also opened. The Hon. G. H. Ferguson, K.C., Premier and Minister of Education for the province of Ontasio, had the honor: of opening both highways. Among the distinguished guests who were present for this celebration were the mayors of Montreal, Otta- wa, Smith's Falls, and other towns, as well as representatives from across the border. Dr. P. H. Doo- little, president of the Canadian Motor League was among the out- of-town guests, as well as A. A. Campbell, Dominion Commissioner of Highways, Upon the arrival of the train from the west, which carried the majority OL the speak: | formed, and headed by the Ganano- que band, proceeded to the "Punch Bowl)" bridge, where the Premier of Ontario declared the bridge open for traffic. ! Four Old: Residents. A unique feature in connection with this bridge is the fact that Mayor J. W. Wilson and his commit- tee, which had charge of the ar rangements, selected four of the old- est residents from the oldest part of the town to do the duty of break- ing the ribbons which prevented traffic crossing the structure. At the western end of the bridge where the Premier entered, were station- ed Mrs. Paul Bishop and Mrs. John McLelland, while at the other end was Mr. John La Rose and Mr. John McLelland, . It was thought to be only fitting that these people who best knew the need of a bridge should have the Pleasure and honor of opening the trafic gates. John McLelland, whe: is eighty years of age, informed the Whig that when he came to live in that part of the town there was Practically nothing there, and he had seen it grow until at .the present time it is one of the nicest locations in the town, John La Rose was borne in 1837 in Quebec, and has'lived in Ganano- que for. sixty' yeas" «ble, like the other three, said it will be great thing for Gananoque to have this) new bridge, as the residents of that part of the town will be able to get down to the business section in much less time than formerly. For years there has been talk of builaps this new structure, and the was Informed on Friday that it was one of the planks in the plat- form of the late Senator Taylor, of Gananoque, when he first ran for municipal honors, 'that this 'bridge Lloyd George Has Started "he a" Ca d DAVID LLOYD GEORGE London, Sept. 19.--Former Premier David Lloyd George has entered up a "back to the land campaign," which, if it succeeds in attracting the votes of the | agricultural areas to the Welsliman's banner, may do much to retrieve the ill-starred fortunes of the Liberal = party. Astute. political observers, how- ever, . believe there ; is little chance for the new Lloyd George programme to be adopted for THE ANGLICANS WOULD INSURE OWN CHURCHES Claim That the Rates Are Out of Proportion to the Risks. Ottawa, Sept. 19.--Insurance of Anglican 'church property was dis- cussed by the executive of the Gen- eral Synod of the Church of Eng- land in Canada, who met under the presidency of Archbishop Matheson, of Rupert's Land, Primate of Can- ada, yesterday. It was claimed by the church authorities that-the rates for church insurance were out of proportion to the risks, and that the Insurance companies were making money on church risks. There is a. movement on foof for Anglicans to organize and manage. their own in- surance for church property. It is expected some definite submission to the Gemeral Synod. ARTHUR LEAROYD DEAD. Had Been in Secretary of State's De- partment Fifty Years. . Ottawa, Sept. 19 -- Arthur G. Lea- royd, former assistant registrar-gen- eral, prominent Methodist and temp- erance worker, died in Brockville yesterday, following an operation. He had motored to Brockville on a visit and had been taken ill on his arrival. He had been in the Becrs- tary of State's .Department in the Civil Service for over half a century. Pembroke Girl = ~~ Pembroke, Sept. 19.--Lena Haw- kins, a school girl of about fourteen years of age, is in General Hospital "Jas & result of being knocked down yesterday afternoon when on her way from school by a car driven by Joseph Raglan. Mr. Raglan unfort- proposition will be drawn up this afternoon for LARGE CROWD PRESENT AT FAIR FRIDA Muddy Track Allowed Only ( a hg THE SCHOOL PARA OF the County Childrea---Palag School, Bath Road, Won the First Prize. Friday was Children's Day at ¢ exhibition and the boys and thronged the grounds during the tire afternoon and evening, city schools declared a half-holid to give the youngsters a chance see the fair and a large number the county schools also made : vision for their young people to havi an outing. The children made & happy: care-free crowd and enjo; their holiday to the full. They pa rofiized the swings and riding vices very freely and also did ; siderable, trade with the dealers eatables. A tew of the bolder spl tried their luck at winning cup! dolls and to! all appearances fi quite as well as their seniors, though boys and girls could be on every side they were congregat most densely in front of the si show splelers where they made most attentive audience. The lai models in automobiles did not fal to attract some attention from young folk whose comment mar them as quite conversant with t motor world. As in former ye the Exhibition management special arrangements for a very I admission price to children so none would be disappointed ii Although 'the fire di had a detachment at the ) grounds all 'week it has not called on once, nor have there any city calls during this time. The attendance on Friday quite a drop from the high sét on the previous day but ab five thousand paid admission. TI threatening weather of the morn no doubt deterred a large nu of people living at a distance fi attending, but the clouds, gave to warm sunshine before moon aj the day was a most enjoyable one. hal -- The Horse Race. Owing to the muddy condition the track, a classified race was thi only one held. There were six d tries and the races were very fi) considering the impediments, Ralsy Patch won first money, taking iiree firsts, and Peter range second, ; two thirds and a second. The I heat was a very close one, the hors all getting off to a good start ending with but few seconds bet: them. The results were: Daisy Patch, 8. Hollings- worth, Athens Plate Giass, PF. Metcalfe, Kingston * Peter Range, T. Nicholson, Kingston .: Robert Murphy, C. Woods, Pittsburgh Kitg Lar, 11 6 5 + Napanee se 4 Time, 2.39 1-4, 2.39 1-2, 2.39 Dr 1-2, " The parade of the ¢hildren, took prites in their respective s fairs throughout Frontenac co was a feature attraction of the There were seven schools en and the children certainly pi r school. siderable trouble tn deciding unately is.a cripple and works a car with special hand shifts. $4000000000000000 ¢