Founded 1847. Dress Well And Succeed 'A New Hat Will Improve Your Appearance SMART IN STYLE Fall Hats Hats that set you off from the common lace---Hats that say quality at a glance-- i that look as if they belonged to you-- . such are the Hats that are being offered in "our great Fall display. 3 SEE OUR SPECIAL HAT $3.99 Boys' Golf Hose Special purchase, Camel Hair color. Sizes 8} to 103--all wool--extra good value. 75¢ : WE I LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET 2 If Of Your Route It Pays To Walk n Bros. Ltd. : LARGER MARKET Main Store: Princess and Division Streets. "Phones Retail Order Department 2600, 2601, 2602. Business Office 365w. Account~ _ ant's Office 865-3. Wholesale Office 1767. Branch Store: 338 Princess Street. 'Phone 2431. . 1 Homekeepers Take advantage of next week's supply of FRUITS For Canning and P ing. Also Vege- tables for pickling, Chili Sue Catsup, Sweet Pickles, etc. We have planned for a EE . Old Fashioned Damson quart basket +. 1... il 81.20 Reine Claude Gage Plums, |] gts. ... .85¢., A PEACHES, Overflow Pack baskets to clear next week. Arse bite els ien CITY AND DISTRICT Teachers' Excursjon. The members of the Teachers' Ing stitute of Lennox will leave for a trip to Ottawa on Oct. 1st, in company with the teachers of Frontenac, ih- stead of holding the usual conven- tion. Cheese Board Sales. Picton, 908 at 22 b5-8c. Iroquois, 740 offered, 22c bid, and refused, Listowat, 2,770 offered, 21 1-8¢ to 21 1-4c bid; held for 22c. Children Lose Balloons. A number of gas balloons escaped from the hands of some children at the fair on Friday and soon drifted up into the clouds and out of sight. Some children were wise and tied the string around their wrists, Death of Lord Sydenham. Eighty-four years ago, Sept. 19th, 1841, the death of Lord Sydefham, first Governor-General of United Canada occurred in XKingston.. His remains lie buried in St. George's cathedral. Additional Pony Prizes. Miss Irene Eves, of this city, was the winner of first prizes offered for the best unregistered pony in har- ness, driven by the ownér, and for the best unregistered pony under saddle. . To Preach in St. George's. The Ven. Archdeacon Heathcote, Vancouver, B.C., deputy prolocutor of the General Synod of Canada, will be the special speaker at the morn- ing service in St. George's Cathedral on Sunday. ---------- Returns From General Synod. -- The Very Rev. Dean Starr re- turned from the General Synod on Friday. The Ven. Archdeacon Heathcote, of Vancouver, B.C., de- puty prolocutor of the General Synod of Canada, is his guest. To Act At Shannonville. R. B. Orser of Gananoque, one of the departmental judges, who has been in the stand here all week, will not officiate on Saturday as he is leaving to act as judge of horses and official starter at Shannonvyille. Egg Laying Contest. The following is the result of the egg laying contest at Kingston fair up until Friday evening: Mrs. Gar- diner, 14; H. L. Kiell, 13; G. F. Holland, 7; J. White, 11;/ C. L. Hicks, 6; C. L. Hicks, 14. Resignation of Minister. In a circular issued to members, Rev, Dr. A. H. Scott, pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian ' church, Perth; since 1888, has signified his intention of placing his resignation in the hands of the congregation, at the New Year annual meeting, Engagement Announced. Mr, and Mrs. M. D. Frego, Brock- ville, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Marie, to Ja- son George Pridmore, Detroit, eld- est son of Mr. and Mrs. John Prid- more, Brockville. The marriage will take place the end of the month. Kiddies Enjoy Fair. 'Judging by the number of children at the Fair Grounds Friday after- noon, nearly every youngster in the city took advantage of the holiday ven them and visited the exhibi- tion. They had the time of their young lives collecting free samples and souvenirs, Talk on Kingston Hi A public meeting of the Hospital Aid will be held in the Historical Hall, Napanee, Sept. 25th. Mr. Armstrong, superintendent of the hospital, and Miss Baillie, superin- tendent of nurses -of the Kingston General hospital, will give a talk on the needs and work of the hospital. ---- 1 Wish to Bé Kiwanians. The following have made appli cation for membership in the King- ston Kiwanis Club: R. Arthey, opti- clan; F. W. Grinham, statigner; N. R. Grimm, confectioner; rome, music dealer; A. G. Mordy, banker, and Col. D. 8. Tamblyn, veterinary surgeon. Monday. He underwent a serious operation but it was entirely suc- 'cessful and he has gompletely re- covered. Police Court Brevities. pearance in the police court on Sat- urday morning, when she was ar- raigned before Magistrate Farrell, | on a charge of stealing a gold watch. | She pleaded guilty, but as it was her first offence, the magistrate allowed her to go on suspended sentence, A drunk was fined $30 and costs. Wolfe Island Fair Postponed. On account of Kingston Fair be- ing extended two days, Wolfe Island Fair will be held Wednesday, Sept. 23rd, instead of Tuesday, Sept. 22nd. Games of ball and, trials of speed. Boat leaves foot of Brock sreet, § and 11.30 am. 1.45 and 3 p.m; returning at 5.15 and 6.30. There will be a dance held in C.M.B.A. Hall Fair night. The Special Acts. The special acts were again given in front of the grand stand on Friday. The clown, with his funny acts, provoked laughter from the children, who were in their delight watching the antics of him. The Riding Establishment of the Royal Military College repeated their act and the crowds marveled at the splendid horsemanship shown by the riders. A Delightful Sail. Come and enjoy a delightful sail to Cape Vincent, N.Y., Saturday and Sunday, leaving Kingston 7 a.m. and 1.15 p.m.. Passengers taking 7 a.m. boat and returning on evening boat will have an opportunity to spend three hours in Watertown. The Sus day 1.15 p.m. boat makes a trip through the Islands, and to Cape Vincent. Fare round trip' to Cape Vincent, returning same day, 7bec. 'Phone 2195. Kennedy-Brennan Wedding. A wedding of interest to Kingston people took place recently of Miss Rita Margaret Brennan, of Ottawa, to Dr. O. BE. Kennedy, M.R.C.8., of Biggar, Sask., at St. Paul's church. Rev. James McCaffrey, O.M.I, of fieiated. Mr. Martin Kennedy, of Castor, Alta., brothef'of the groom, was present. Dr. Kennedy is a form- er Queen's University. rugby player and has a distinguished war record. Dr. and Mrs. Kennedy will reside at Biggar, Sask. Passed Away at Detroit. The death occurred in Detroit, Mich., recently of Dayid L. Moore- house, a former resident of Brock- ville. He was forty-one years of age. He left sixteen $ears ago, and on. taking up ce in Detroit went into the real estate business. His wife, who died seven years ago, was, before her marriage, Miss Alice Rowsome, Brockville. He is sur- vived by two children, Miss Gladys Moorehouse and David Moorehouse, both of Detroit. The late Mr. Moore- house took a prominent part in Ma- sonic circles. : To Help in the Work. Mr. R. Douglas, has joined the staff of the Smith's Falls United church. He is study- ing for the ministry. His principal duties will be among the young peo ple as director of religious educa- tion. He will assist the pastor in all branches of the church's work as well. The congragation of the United Church is an extra large one neces- sitating an assistant, and is made up. of the former Methodist congre- gation and the. Unionist minority of the Continuing sbyterian Church there. There are 600 families on the membership roll. bash. To Admit the Pupils. Smith's Falls Board of Education agreed that the town pupils number- ing about fourteen, who applied for admission to the Collegiate Institute, after the four hundred and twenty- rolled, will be admitted. Principal A young girl made her first ap-|° Cochrane, Ont., | five limit of students had been en-| -- f-- Wy ag WY Sy "KINGSTON'S LAIDLAW'S GREATEST SHOPPING CENTRE" ' SATURDAY NIGHT STORE NEWS * ANOTHER REMARKABLE .. OFFERING Men's Fine Broadcloth Shirts © $2.50 1 "fine Shirts for Men we have been fortunate in securing another shipment of Fine Eng- lish- Broadcloth Shirts; in shades of White," Mauve and Pongee. Every Shirt has a separate collar to match, and made in good, + tailored, generous sizes, double wear cuffs. $2.50 EACH. MEN'S SILK AND| MEN'S BLACK WOOL SOX |CASHMERE SOX For Fall wear, thdsg fine Silk | The sensible and dressy Sox for and Wool Sox are onal, | the cooler days. The double in a wide vange of shades:| heels snd toes give these Sox Grey, Silver, Fawn, Brown and | greater wearing qualities. All Blue. * All sizes. sizes and priced from 69c¢. to $1.25 pair | 50c pair to $1.25 pair To meet the popular demand for these .~ LADIES' FANCY' RIBBED SILK . STOCKINGS Fashion favors and decrees fancy ribbed Silk Stockings. New Autumn shades to match the cos- me apparel for Fall. Sand, Grey Log Cabin, Airedale. Priced ? $1.50 and $1.75 pair fashioned with double heels toés are good value, $1.00 PAIR LADIES' BLACK SILK. STOCKINGS, For smart street and dress wear, this $1.00 line of pure Silk Hos fery of good, stromg quality, full and | | THE BALEEeAR ONE AND TWO PIECE DRESS TOPS THE MODE For this autumn"s trim street and sports wear, these one and two piece Balbriggan Dresses are quite the top mode. They are finely woven and smartly finished with kick and side pleat, two pockets, fashionable loops for smart, bright, steel buttons. Colors of le, Natural, Pansy, Pencil Blue. - $12, $13.50, 315 ew ahh dh dah 7 haa