Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Sep 1925, p. 13

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The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public F orum and a True Market Place BIRTHS. 3 E--At Strathcona, on September 4th, a Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Joyce, & daughter. on September Kingston, I " 18th, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. Gi. O. Seale, 521 Albert street, a daughter. | A At Bath, on August 29th, "$0 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Tom- kins, (nee Emma Fingland), & daughter. MARRIAGES, AYLOR ~~ At Convocation il, Queen's University, Kingeton, turday, September 19th, 1925, ® bride's father, assisted by t a ev, G. A. Brown, Macy Me- Kendrick, eldest daughter of Prin cipal ile Tayler, D.D., LL.D. " to 8 Horace Odell, elder son of Mrs. Mortimer Odell, Ottawa. DEATHS. KER---At Kingston, Ont., on Septem ber 18th, S926, th infant 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Baker, §3 York Street. 'took place this afternoon at 3 "b'clock to Cataraquf cemetery. ED In Kingston, on September i8th, 1925, Ada Clifton, beloved f8 of Herbert Lister, aged 41 ra, i from her late residence, 167 ne street, on Monday, at 2.30 p.m. Po Cataraqul cemetery. ds and acquaintances respectfully Invited to attend. : JAMES REID The Old Eirm of Undertakers and 256 PRINCESS STREET "Phone 147 for Ambulance ROBERT J. REID Leading Undertaker 577. y Mm. FUNERAL ME 49 COLBORNE "STREET AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1880. JOHN OORNELIUS Undertaker and Embaimer Parlors: 274 Princess Street Ambulance Phone 569 H. J. KNIGHT TAKER AND EMBALMER ALONE Sy beandres arker Verona, Battersea. Am mee 'phone 35, ROBERT MALLOCK UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER Successor to I. Ronan 356-w, 288-240 Bagot Street. Nights and Day p ply d Call ORIGINALS" GOOD WE Rood Music, Clever Dancing | and Comedy Orowded Into a Fine Programme. An entirely new caste, The Originals, who fought their way to favor with 'theatre-goers shortly after the war, | appeared at the Grand Theatre on Fis day, night in the opening of a twd- days engagement, "Thumbs Up." To #ay that they scored another triumph 'would be putting it rather mildly for J#hey created am even more favorable ion. than in their last app ance here. The scenic effects showed a ry marked improvement while the | gowns worn by Gene Pearson were the pe Of gasps of wonder from the ¢ rs of the fair sex in the audi- ence. Gene Pearson carried these gowns With ease and grace, showing them to splendid advantage. It would be impossible to describe each number fully in the space alloted ut suffice to say, there was not one number in the whole perfor- jance and the' audience showed its iation of the ¢ forts of the Ori- s by the he pplause that was corded. Stuart Callaghan the. King- ton boy whose _impersonatéd the t modern gitl, left nothing to be bd in his role and his tog-dancing his apparent feminine grace cans. no slight wonder. He scored a great "with the audience in his dancing Alan Murray. in, "Some Night, ie Waltz, Some Girl." » . 3 immy de was the same bright pn that has marked him as such 185 on the stage. Jimmy put over ww good jokes that drew the mirth the audience while Bob Anderson 'comic songy was the cause of much the applause of the evening, "Could pd George Do It," a novel comic 'drew much laughter from the pce. p very amusing sketches were onsby the company that were the 'of much merriment. "Oh Be If," depicted what people feall id say at a tea or some social af- ind then in the second part, de feting the same but this time unfold- what people really would like to such affairs. It was a very amus-- and provoked great laughter. Princess Must Marry" was also funny scene and despite the ness" of the court there was of humor crowded into the lit- fch, Foy 5 Bene Pearson -groved himself ite as before and his r impersonation Che Sritis i Whig CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All ads, are restricted to their proper glassification, and to the regular Daily Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES: Dally rate per iine or cunsecutive asertions: Minimum charge, 25 cents. Dally rete per | Caarge Cash 6 days + 3 $ aays l1day .. 4 $ Deaths, , Engagements, Mar~ riages, one insertion coarged, $1.59; casa §1.00. Card of Thanks, and Memoriam J Notices--_narged, §1.50; cas, §1.00 each insertion. 9 Advertising ordered for irregular insertions takes the one-time inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. Count six average words to the line, i Charged ads. - will be received by telepuone and if pajd ar The Brit- ish Whig Office within § days trom the nrst day of inseriion, cash rate will be Bilowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day ana stopped before expiration will only be casrged for the number of times. the aa. appeared and adjust- ment m at Lhe rate earned. Hate per line tor white space Is Loe same as & line of type. Bpecial rate tor yearly advertising upon request. Fublishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classined advertising copy. / 'Yesephone 243; ask for a want ad. taker. Lost and Found 1 BUNCH OF KEYS-.Foupd. Owner ap- ply to George Robertson & Sons. DOG COLLAR FOUND--On street. Own= er CAD secure same at 38 York street. BLACK CLUB BAG--Leather, found on Bath Road, about § miles from city. Owner may have same at H.W. Bridg- land's, Bath Rdad. BROOCH---Found, on Wednesday night, on Bagot street, near Raglan Road. Owner may have game at Whig Office. FIVE DOLLAR BILL--Lost, on eifhef Quebec, Cherry or York streets" on Thursday. Finder kindly return to Mrs. Curson, 73 Quebéc street. GOLD WRIST WATCH--Lost, either on Falr Grounds or on way to grounds, Thursday night. Reward for return to Whig Office. GOLD WATCH CHAIN-Found, on Al- fred street between Princess and Fair Grognds. Owner 'phone 1097-J. GOLD EVERSHARF PENCIL--Initial- ded J.G.L., lost between Colborne and Bepek streets. Finder please return, to 291 Brock Street. FAWN SILK GIOVE- Found, on Wel~ lington street, on Friday. Owner ap- ply to Whig Office. MAN'S TWEED OVERCOAT---Found, on Queen Street, Owner may have same WL 288 Queen street. PURSE--Containing some bill, found on corner Wellington and Brock Streets. Apply to 261 King St. Bast. UMBRELLA~Found, on Union street. Owner may have same at the Arch- bishop's Palace, Johnson street SMALL KEY---Found, on Brock Street. Owner may have same at Whig Office, SMALL ROSARY--Black, found, corner Montreal and Stephen streeta. Owner may have same at Whig Oflice. SMALL PARCEL & Of goods. found on Thursday. Owner may have same at $8 Clarence Street. STOLEN~Anvil, Patent Forge, and Bench Vice, from my barn in township of Olden. Reward of $25.00 for infor- mation and return of goods to N. Avery, Sharbot Lake, Ont. STRAYED-Five head of young cattle onto premises of Sperry Reynolds, two miles north of Harrowsmith, about September Ist. Owner may have same by proving property and paying ex- penses. ee eer ese TWO GARBAGE CANS -- Found, on Earl Street. Ownér may have same by identifying. Apply to Police Sta- n. Help Wanted tere atari BT SN CARS srr | MO) Male Help Wanted ANYONE SELLING or wanting to sell' Greeting Cards should, see or write us immediatd}ly. Four different kinds of 1 to plek from. Can be carried with other lines or separately. Will increase your saleg $500 to $1,000. Weekly pay. oo Aeal Sirect with Ranytacturer, e to-day. aster Kraft Greetin, €ard Co, Toronto. i. SINGLE MAN--For farm work; must be' a good milker, teamster plough- man. State wages. Apply Box F-17, Whig Office. SuAR® a Wh hie 3 and. basket 0 ver t PI once to 338 Princess Str Mort Mer mer WANTED, MEN AND WOMEN -- To earn $6 to $15 weekly sparé time .&t home. 0 canvassing. pay.~cheques. 'Write Auto: Knitter losiery Company, Toronto, Dept. 19C, PEMBROKE GOLDEN JUBILER. . Rev. Charles and Mrs. Schroeder Fifty Ye Married. ' Pembroke, 19-1. honor will be accord Rev. and Mrs. Charles Schroeder on Sept. 33rd, © the occasion of thelr golden ee. The date recalls an all impo! event .in the lives of two toke's mbst worthy citizd] | BRICK HOUSE---Nearly new; 6 rooms, Help Wanted "r Real Estate For Rent Articles For Sale Business Services 'Business Service Female Help Wanted - CAPABLE RELIABLE MAID--Wanted; must have references. Apply 247 Brock Street. LARGE BED SITTING ROOM + Well! Rooms furnished; all conveniences; with pri-| vilege of light housekeeping. Apply 163 Sydenham g.reet. re COOK-GENERAL WANTED -- Family of three; no laundry. Middle aged wo- man preferred. Apply Mrs. William F. Casey, 213 King street. 'Phone 1345 ROOMS--Furnished or unfurnished, near College; all conveniences. Apply 232 Stuert street. for appointment. EXPERIENCED FEMALE COOK-~--For Royal Military College, at once. Must be well recommended. Wages $55.00 a month; with free board and lodging. TWO LARGE ROOMS--And one small room; newly furnished. Will rent rea- sonably. Apply 132 Clarence Street. 'Phone 1575-J. Apply with references to Quartermas- ter, RRM.C. Wanted To Rent 11 L HOUSEKEE! For a family of three, Apply stating age and wages required. Del Ferguson, R. R. 1, King- ston, Ont. HOUSEKEEFER-To go to the coun- try. No objeciions to one child. Apply Box D-17, Whig Office. MAID--Or woman for general house- ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED--By pthree roomed flat for light housekeep- 'ing. Apply Box C-16, Whig Office. married couple, bedroom and sitting room with board, in private family, or Real Estate For Sale Farias and Land 12 work; references. Apply to Mrs. Frank Anglin, 197 Queen Street. Agents Wanted | 4 FARM-For sale or to let. Apply en premises or write Mrs. Mary Heaney, Joyceville, Ont. A RELIABLE SALES AGENT---Wanted for every unrepresented district; good pay; free equip it; We are the larg- est growers of fruit and ornamental trees in Canada; sell for a Nursery, FARM, 100 ACRES--Near Latimer, fin- est in Frontepac; two first class houses, large barn, good fences, other outbuildings. - Apply Barton Collings, R 1, Elginburg. not for a Jobber. You will be ful. Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. vate $5 P Christmas Greeting Cards; le book free; men and women alredlly making five dol- FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT --160 acres, choice farm, near Kingston, on s =| Miscellaneous 15 NEW FALL SUITS -- And Overcoats made to your order, $30. Guaranteed fit. Easy termg of payment. 'Phone 2206-w. J. G. Patterson, 120 Johnston Street. 4 n --d REFRIGERATORS- Four Eureka Re- frigerators, 3 ft. 6" . wide by 4 ft. §" deep, § feet high; inside measurement. Slightly used. Will sell separately. Apply E. Wathen, 127 Nelson St 'Phone 139 1-J. SPRING Gas Ranges, Window Screens, Oil Stoves and Refrigerat at reasonable prices. Taylor 5 Hi {iton's, 83 Princess Street. 'Phone SMALL PUG STOVE -- And Ceal Oil stove; both good as new. Apply from 10-12 am. and 1.30 to § p.m. at Dr. Lake's office, 258 Bagot Street. UPRIGHT PIANO--Gourle; good condition. Apply 35 Cherry Street. USED BICYCLES--On easy terms; also tires from $1.75 up. Agent for Cleve- land Bicycles. George Muller, 371-373 King Street. Phone 1961-w. WHITE NEWSPRINT--500 sheet: for 40¢c. Suitable for WiLPping purposes or household use. Fize 16%" x 23". Apply British Whig. . $16.00, SPECIAL} Bed, Springs and Mattress, 3-0 and 4-6 sizes, $18.00. Frontenac Mattress Co., 31 King Street. 'Phone 1961-J. make; in rs. A. Davy, Lake Shore. Immediate p on. Easy terms. Apply B. M. VanLuven, Portsmouth, Ontario. lars up daily, in spare time; experi- ence or capital unnecessary. Garret- son Company, Brantford, Ontario. MEN OR WOMEN -- Guaranteed $325, for 90 days' work, distributing Re- ligious literature. Cash bonuses paid, F. ARM--145 acres, township of Pitts- burg; all work land except about § acres bush; good buildings; well wa- tered; nepr cheese factory, school and store. Apply William Woods, 104 Upper Charles street, Kingston. Tele- phone 1043-J. oftering good chafice to earn $50 week- ly until Christmas, For particulars write Mr. Conrad, Spadina Building, Toronto. OUR AGENTS---Men and women, with- out experience, are making between $10 and $50 per week in spare time taking orders for "Imperial Art" Per. FARM, 100 ACRES-- 12 miles * from Kingston, on Provincial Highway; solid brick house; furnace; verandah: 2 barns; all necessary outbuildings. For further particulars apply to owner on premises. Mrs. Bridget A. Joyce, Joyceville, Ont. sonal Greeting - Cards. Always the leader, now better than ever. ke orders now, deliver later. Magnificent sample book free... Write, Brit Canadian, 122 Richmond West, Torofi« to. - 7 FARM--Copsisting of 134 acres, south part of lot 3, In 4th concession; also an adjoining 50 acres, centre part lot 2 In 4th concession, towngshi of Mughboro; half mile south of vi llage of Sydenham. Good buildings and well watered. Apply on premises. James Scott, Sydenham. Business Places 13 Apartments and Flats APARTMENT 6 rooms; heat, light and garage; one block from "street car, Heautiful location. Houses to rent $14, $18, $20, $25 and $30, in good con- dition. Bateman's Real Estate, 111% Brock street, Kingston. FLAT TO LET-¥For small family. Every convenience. $15.00 per month. BLACKSMITH SHOP--House, barn and half acre corner lot in village of Moscow on county road. Excellent sit- |. uation for any tradesman or garage, as it is only business of its kind din idlve of five miles. Apply Henry id, 'Moscow, Ont. Houses 14 Apply Dr. Nash, 183 Princess street. UNIVERSITY APARTMENTS--261 Uni- versity Avenue; convenient to ocol- lege and car line. Apply 337 Johnson Street. 'Phone 2174. BRICK HOUSE---Stuart street, all im- rovements, $4,700; frame house, on ontraal street, $1,800. Listings from &ll parts of city. "Phone 704 or 2072-w. M. B. Trumpour, 270 Princess Street. Business Places TWO STORES. 200 Princess Street; commodious, spacious windows; rear entrance; heated. Will alter to suit tenant. Apply I. Cohen & Cos One 8 BRICK' HOUSE--On Colborne street, between Clergy and Barrie; modern conveniences, garage, garden. 35 feet by 130 feet deep. Will be 861d rea- sonable to a quick buyes. 1068-w. ' tario Street. / Houses BRICK HOUSE---To rent; newly deco- rated, 326 Earl Street; nice location. Apply at 327. Barl Street. 'Phone 1012-m. : 1 " BRICK HOUSE--§ rooms; modern im- pr ; north side of Princess street. Possession September 1st. Rent §30.00. Apply J.-B. Cooke. Tele-~ phones: Office . Res. 1731-m. ; North pos- Apply 473 electric, gas, 3 piece bath. side. Rent $20.00. Immediate session. 'Phone 1528-J. Princess Street. HOUSE TO RENT--At 184 Barrie St Apply 132 Barrie street or phone T4-J. i HOUSE--At once, seven roomed house with south Vera , barn and large : Jot on North Alfred Street. Apply J. Phone 539w. BRICK HOUSE--Three bedrooms, hard- $2,900.8 all improvements; central; térma. BE. W. MULLIN Real Estate and lnsurance Broker Johnson and Division Streets e Advt. Page 2. wood floors throughout. good. location near U: 800.00. Also 6. room br at- $2,300.00. © Cunnf; Clarence Street. & N E. CUNNINGHAM Insurance and 79 Clarence«Street Sood lot. versity, In the N. B. "Agent, 5 ungalow, § rooms; h.w. floors, Four beautiful homes on south side. Several farmg close to city. Houses. and apartments to let. Money to loan. Ipaurance sO! NO! 351 Princess Street. z Ry Wanted To Buy 14a h d, Eastview Park. hone 2784 r 3. DERN SOLID BRICK HOUSE~--Cen- trally located Apply Trotter's Hard- Ware, 345 Pr, 8s Street. HOUSE--Corner Colborne and Syden- ham streets, § rooms, all improve- id 259 Rideau Street, ¢ and 7 rooms each, all improvements. Apply 185 Queen Street. 'Phone 988-w. ments. 257 MIAMA, Will sell FLORIDA, AND DISTRIOT-- Wn price yr ud - Sur ° or Appraise same. Hewitt Co., Box 1124, Miami, Fla. Articles For Sale Miscellaneous 15 SIX ROO! HOUSE--All conveni- ences; electric lights; gas for cooking; bardwood floors downstairs; hot wa- AWNINGS--Verandah 5 Curtains. Appl; Frank W. Covke, "Phone 436. PY. tor heating; fireplace. Possession at once pv A 48 Johnson Street. Te HOUSES--On Cowdy street; elec rio light, toilet; good garden; rent $16.00; immed: io ASHES -- And heavy Clinkers. Especially suited ~ for road Work To be had for drawing. Apply t ve's Foundry, King and ° Queen ots. fate p ADRly HF. Norman, 69 Patrick Street. Tele- phone 130-w. a $26.00-560 Princess Street, bat minute Egy IRON--Amd wire goods in Can attic | qv, made by Partridge Wire Works, a King Street' West, and remember we 0 QUEBEC HEATERS .. Medium small. Reasonable, at 69 Arch street. Re Aa i fovms and the Swele cellar, electric and gas. App 353 Princcss Sirect " " A Large, roomy house, a for in a al: 3 n ectri. lignting. Wi lam hy -} gar: BLIZZARD s and truck with new Pipes; two ows; two héavy ho ; slights used §& h. Sines Hi Engi 10 © room fat: double tiie 0, edly Lely 331 University Avenue, - 3 COME A Blankets, PURNITURE-- ND SEEC-Ou stock in Army os, new and used; Men's ies, in in: # BE Se Fl rte oe 4 Bri Eel FURNISHED ROOMS. For ousekeeping. Apply 288 Queen TE . Mr, Schroeder, who has been | from active ministry, follow superacuuation; is a vener- of the United Lutheran Ottawa Valley, wh nnn i Ply evenings. 161 Union Sires Weal" MeCLARY RAN for nearly half a century he has worked zealously In the interest of his chi : GE~No. 9, hot water Vietrola. Apply 232 King front; also Street Bast. arch, 45 HENS-.And one cheap horse at 6a Chestnut Street; cheap to quick buyer. Apply 8a Chestnut Street. Building Materials - ROLL ROOFING $1.00 PER ROLL Slate Surfaced .... C. A. RANSOM, 627 Comcord Avenwe, Cam Mass. t. 16 BRICK---Hard and soft, ang quantity, Apply E. E. Wathen, 127 Ne! street. B A es 1891-J or 618. (Agent for Baker ric . 4 £ Radio and Musical 17 IF YOU CAN'T COME----To the EXhibi- tion to see us, send your name for free price lists. Canada Radio Stores. RADIO FOR SALE---One three tube ra- dlo set with B. Batteries and two pairs of 'phones. 'Phone 1108 r 12. Personal 0c, for wonderful entire life. Prof. Station, birth date and horoscope of your Raphael, 94 Grand Central New York. SKIN BLEMISHES Hair, Moles, Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers. Scars, Pits, etc, removed permanent. a Satisfactory Glasses fitted and urnished after others have failed Goitre cured without operation. 38 ears' experience. Tr. KE . ye, Ear, Nose, hroat, Skin, Bagot Street, Phone Fancy Work PICOT' EDGING -- Hemstitching, Pleating, work guaranteed. Mrs Field, 362 Barrie Street, near Princess Street. "Phone 2433-J. x= LADIES' DRESSES--Stamped on color- linene; Children's Dresses and ompers, Stamped goods for every r Open dally and on Tuesday and Friday evenings. Mrs Dunlop, 181 Alfred street. Ladies' Hair Parlor 2 ALL FIRST CLASS HAIR WORK MADE TO ORDER --Ladles' Transfor- mations, bobbed curls, switches, sham- poving, singeing, curling, Ladies' and Children's hair cutting. Mrs. Cun- ningham, 68 Bay Street. Kingston Telephone 23599. FRENCH MARCEL WAVING Water Waving, Round and Bobbed Curling, Hadr Bobbing and Trimming, Queen Street. pointment 'phone 2016. FRANK ROBBS HAIR DRESSING 'Phone §78-J for appointment. Marcel Waving, Shampeoing. Facials, r yelng. : Scalp Treatment for ling Hair 185 WELLINGTON ST. PERMANENT WAVING The only wave you can shampoo and th improves, curly hair. Marcel Waving, Shampooling, Manicuring, Massaging, Halr Dyeing, and all the latest styles in Hair Cutting. A. B. KINGSBURY, 209 Princess Street. 'Phone 2015-J. at Just like natura. = 301w. House 1138J | Miscellaneous CUT THIS OUT FOR LUCK-- Send WELL DRILLING - Sanitary Water ! Wells drilled by modern machinery; scientific methods, expert workmen. Water natant he Por full informas tion and prices write F. J. n, OF E. D. Shangraw, Colebrook, Ont. Expert Piano Tuning.' Player-Plano Adjusyng. 'Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED Automobiles Auto Accessories 28 FOR MAXOTIRES -- And Aero Cua ion Inmer Tires, see A.. Neal, 4 Johpson st A ageut for Vanks= 'Hill ck. Phone $76-m. KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND BODY CO, d anion at i, Sedan, au on) Ly Coupe bodies, California Up- Rolnering: Awnings Hp oto 347 King street. hone 3945. Automobiles For Sale 20 MeLAUGHLIN TOURING---- Automoblle and Ford ht Truck. Apply HB Lawrenson. 387 Princess Street. "Teles phone 1777-J, FOR SALE Hudson Touri 7 PASSENGER 1923 4 Car ODEL The CENTRAL GARAGE. Lid 'PHONE 600 AUTO WRECKERS | Second hand parts for all makes oth cars. 4 ; i Severalaused cars for sale. i 1 { { Palmer's Auto Salvage COR. BAGOT AND QUEEN STREETS Rosen & Pollitt Wreck- v ing Company 2 hand parts for all makes Insurance 25 PIANOS---Your choice of any square Pi#ho in our store for only $49.00. Terms: $6 cash and $5 per month. C. bd Lindsay, Limited, 131 Princess reet. - PORTABLE RADIO SET == One tube, and Brandes Loudspeaker; both in ex- cellent condition. Appl 337 Earl Street. "Phone 2189. y \. Fuel and Feed 18 HARDWOOD---Best dry hardwood, cut stove length. Sold by m: e. Also ary kindling wood. Davis Dry Dock 20. : ALL LINES--Of Fire Insurance, Auto mobile, Sickness and Accident; reli- able companies, "Phone or call E Wills 1 , 3 Couper street, ERNIE-D. SLITER--Insurance Broker, all branches of Insurance in old line companies of highest financial stand- ing. 281 King street East. 'Phones 2578-w. Res. 1121. FIRE--Automobile and Casualty Insur- ance. M. Crumley, 420 Earl street. "Phone 1782-M. . INSURANCE--Only the most reliable companies represented. Strange & Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95 Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. HARDWOOD---$3.50 and $3.76 quarter cord; mixed wood $3.75 and $3.25; Slab wood $2.75 to $3.50, according to qual ity; Joush and dre lumber, shingles, $3.50 per thousand and up. Sawdust sold cheap. W. H. Talbot, Concession street. Telephone 3753J. SWAIN'S WOOD YARD --. Good, dry, body hardwood, cord $4.50; ar boay mixed wood, cord, $4.00. Good Quality mixed Slabs, $3.00 load. Tele- phone 2516-w. Business Service Tailoring dnd Pressing 20 W. ROBERTSON -. Tallor, Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing; your own -elota made up. ples in stock. $20.00 and up. 2373 Bagot street, Professional 21 DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER -- W. A. Marcelis, corner of Barrie and Prin- cess streets. Chiropractic ust- ments. electric treatment and and massage. X. Elouings by tapeintmant mcs Oi venings on ce tele- phone $22-J. dence 'phone $57-J. LUCY-=Geo. F. and Jennie A., Chiro- 3 tors, Regi Nurse, 203 Bagot reet. 'Phone 981-w. ours 9-13, 1-5, 6-7.30. Consultation free. KNAPP, DR. A. E~-Dental office, 25% Princess Street. 'Phone 652-w. X-Ray. Open evenings by appointment. Ba _. Professional 21 CUNNINGHAM & Hl -- Barristers a moicions. fo arenes "Led M. Smith. : * DAY AND RE E--Barristers and Bollcitors, Clare ki ston. Al n o I arranged. 'Phone 205. HODGINS, WwW. Sie aimer, Solicitor, and Notary Public. ice: 38 Clarence Street. Over C.P.K. Tel 8 Tele phone 1980. Money to loan. DS, J. C--Barrister and Solio. rock Stheet. Mortgages ar- and farm property. - REYN tor, 81 and 1 Bank. Financial 20 FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. MENT SOCIETY -- Incorporated in 1861. President, A. D. Cartwright, vice-president, J. M. Farrell. Money to loan on city and farm properties: in- vestment. bought and sold; de- posits received snd Interest paid on minimum monthly balance. R. Cartwright, manager, §7 Kingston. . Miscellaneous 27 ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars and rds, clean job done. A. MacGregor, 4 Russell Street. "Phone 2255. Clarence St., HOUSES PAINTED-Piint and work- manship guaranteed. Estimates given, |" Also paperhaaging and kalsomining. . Rowley. 'Phone 1352-F. SIGNS --. Chipped Plate Glass Signs, Name Plates, House Numbers, ete Small signs inted to order. G. T. Hussey, 113 York St. "Phone 1393-F. STORAGE. For furniture, clean, ary, alry rooms and spaces; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299- 305 Queen St. SIGN PAINTING-J. 8. Robinson, rear ~ 275 Bagot Street UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a card. 'W. J. Gavine, 218 Bagot street. UPHOLSTERING---And general repair- ng. Leave orders at or drop a card to F. W. Harold, 'Phone 1600-J. King Street Garage TELEPHONE 2883. We call and deliver batteries, leavin rental if desired. Batteries charged, repaired, re-built, Batteries for sale and rental. Let us repair your Battery this winter and insure its proper stor age. Ignition and lighting alists. Generators, Starters, Horns, Repairs. In addition to above we have a first-class work: Pp. and are prepared to give a price on any job on any make of ear. Cars hed, greased and stored. All work guaranteed. a 'Phone 526. Res. 980-w. || 104 Clergy Street. | | of cars, Reo, Dodge, Gray Dort, Chevrolst, Ford, Briscoe, Laughlin, Studebaker, Maxwell, Baby Grand Chevrolet. x sale K-42 McLaughlin Roadster, Chev- rolet Half ton Truck, 1 Ford Touring. 140. Rideau Street. 'Phone 2475-w. g Classified Display "Join Anthony Burton, Anyone knowing anything of the 2béve or his family commection, greatly oblige by communicating with his daughter, Mrs. McBride, of Okie homa, now stopping at 238 Broek Street Kingston. x § He left Kingston for California with his uncle many years ago. His mother was Mary Burton. She remarried about 37 years ago. THE ROXBURY HOSPITAL | BOSTON * Offers an 18 months' course tend training to a lim t omen. Equiyal of BEE hah Bin and a small | to the Srberimisndens; Redhat Sow: : to begi pital, S87 Vermom Mans. in at nums W. KENT MACNEE Writh; . Fir ie BRO ng Fire, Li Automobile, Ae~ cident, Sickness, 2 other lines of Insurance. lazy ang 33 BROCK ST. 'PHONE 585-w. CRATING Let Abramshy's do 0 Expert workmen always ready do your crating on Hoe nable rates. Jos. Abrirassy, fi.2ons, Lids 0, $125.00. Also two a "sma | J. TURK'S 'PHONE 705. stove lengths. Choice Body Hardwood * Hardwood Slabs, Mixed Wood, Soft Slabs and Kindling. Allin excellent condition and cut in James Swit & Co.. Limited Foot of Johnson Street. 'Phone 135; (RE

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