Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Aug 1925, p. 11

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} id 'SPENCER--At FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, This Is The THE Economy S DAILY BRITISH WHIG éction, It Also Happens To Be A Section Of Service BIRTHS. CARTER--In Picton, Aug. 25th, to Mr and Mrs Harry E. Carter, a son BOY ER--In Picton, Aug. 7th, to Mr. and | Mrs. Johnny Boyer (nee Rosela| McQuoid), & son. | HARRISON---At Prince Edward County hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Har- rison, a daughter | SIMMONS---At Bloomfield, Aug. 24th, a} son to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sim- sons. MARRIAGES. MONROE---HYATT -- At Plcton, Aug 38th, Elwood J Monroe to Violet J Hyatt, \Hallowell township. BNIDER--FAWCETT--At Glenora on Aug. 12th, Helen, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fawcett and | Herbert K. Snider, son of Mr. Mrs. J. N. Snider Aug. 24th | DEATHS, JAS sf Fo, Jackson, in her S4th year SON--{In Bloomfield, MeDONALD ---- Died in Kingston, on August 27th, 1925, Mary Ruburry, | beloved 'wife of Augustus MoDon- | ald, aged 47 years. | Funeral (private) from her late resi- dence, 7 Barrack Street, on Monday | morning at 8.46 o'clock to St. Mary's Cathédral, where a solemn Jequiec Mass will be sung at 9 o'clock for | the happy repose of her soul | Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the Mass. | MONTGOMERY--Suddenly in King-| ston, on August 25th, 1925, beloved | wife of James Montgomery. Funeral! will take place at 5.30 o'clock Saturday morning from her late residence, 242 Wellington street. Interment at Russell, Ont. Baltimore Maryland Aug. 23, James H. Spencer, Picton. WILSON--Entered into rest on 27th, 1925, Annie Donnelly, widow | of the late Thomas C. Wilson, aged 77 years. | Funeral (private) from her late resi-| dence, 309 Ear] street, on Saturday | afternoon at 4.00 p.m. Cemetery. JAMES REID | The Old Firm of Undertakers 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET 'Phone 147 for Ambulance ROBERT J. REID The Leading Undertaker _ 'Phone B77. 280 Princess Street | M. P. KEYES FUNERAL HOME: | 49 COLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1839. JOHN CORNELIUS Undertaker and Embalmer Parlors: 274 Princess Street Ambulance Phone 589 UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER PARLORS--Sydenham, Yarker, Verona and Battersea. Ambulance "phone 35. ROBERT MALLOCK UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER Successor to I. Ronan Phone 356-w. 285.240 Bagot Street. | Oslis Nights and Day promptly attended | | Announcements | Personal 9! 8 aN. BLEMISHES * Hair, Moles. | arts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, removed permanent- clot lasses fitted and afier others cur expe a, Throat, Skin, 268 | ne S01w. House 11357 | Lost and Found 10] BROOCH. String Beads and two pair | glasses, found. Owner may have siime at Jackson-Metivier's Store BROOCH--8et with large purple stone, found néar Sacred Heart Church gate, | Wolfe Island, on August 23rd. Owner | apply to Post Office, Wolfe Island, Ont. CANDLE STICKS---Left at Miss E. Pet- | ers' Millinery Shop, $2 Brock street.) Owner may have same by calling at above address. HOUND PUP---About ¢ months old; tan, | four white t, white tip on tall;| st ed onto premises of B. W. Harten, | R, 2, Kingston, co. Dan Conville, | last Saturday. Owner may have same | by paying expenses. | LADY'S UMBRELLA -- Found, in post | office. er may have same by ap-| plying to Postmaster Stewart PURSE With small. sum of money found at Kingston Yacht Club. Owner | May have same by applying to Stewart SCISSORS Two pair Sclssors found | feAr "St. Vineent's Academy. Owner| may have same at Whig Office { SUM OF MONEY---And other valuable | in wallet, lost Thursday even- beral reward for return to 126 e Street. wo GOLD RINGS--And brooch found in store of John Laidlaw & Son. Own- or may have same by calling at store | and proving: property. l i BODY IS IDENTIFIED. i That of Woman Who Tried to Enter United States. Toronto, Aug. 28.--Patrol Sergt. Seott visited local undertaking par- | lors on Queen street west yesterday | positively identified the body ot the woman who was taken from Lake Ontario, near Mimico on esday afternoon, as that of Nel- Plerce, a saleswoman employ- the Gossard Corset Company, lle, Ont. An inquest will be | on the body on September 2nd. 9 identification was made pos- sible in a peculiar way. The woman first came to the notice of the po- lice on August 34th, when she was them by the immi- the steamer the Yong» H This official stated that the wo- man had boarded the steamer with- out a ticket at Brockville, and had tried to enter the United States at | -- _-- | | and | August |= to Catarasjul | The British Whig | INGSTON, ONT. LASER] ED ADV ERTISING © Indexed. standardized and popular- «d accordinr THE BASIL L. SMITH £y STEM, Ine. Philadelphia, Pa. are restricted to [their classification, and tu the i 3 style of type. consecutive , 25 cents. Charge Cas 4 Mintmum c¢ Dally rates per 1 6 days . 3 days 1day ... 6 er Birt Engagem ments, Mar- riages, one insertion charged, $1.50; cash $1.00. Card of Than} Notices--Ch jnsertion. aqrdered for Irregular kes the one-time inser- ; no ad. taken for less than of four lines six average Memoriam 1.50; cash, $1.00 Count words to the line. Charged ads. telephone And fei Whig Office wi the first day of insertion, will be allowed. Ads. ordered for. more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of "times the ad. appeared and adjust- ment made at the rate earned. Rate per line for white space the same as a line of type. Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit or rejéct all classified advertising copy. Telephone 243; ask for take will be received by if pald at The Brit- thin days from cash rate a want ad. "Automobiles "Automobiles For Sale 11 OLET , SEDAN Baby G Barg for quick buyer. Main Stree t. CHEVR vpe p 86 RD Cou more us ply FORD C AR --1918 model; in ning order; equipped with bumper; good {ires and spare tire Price $100. E. J. Courneya, Queen's Hotel, Tam- worth, Ont. "Good ag new; have no| r it and willl sell right. Ap- In evenings. 183 William Street rood run- g [1820 DODGE ROADSTER- tion. Privately owned. -Good condi- 'Phone 1224 Automobile Apply E Street. Tele- [ Me LAUGHLIN TOU RID and Ford Lawraenson phone 1777 McLaughlin auto- Both autos in first . P hon or F 2839- J Hudson Touring Car PASSENGER 1923 MODEL ' The CENTRAL GARAGE, Ltd. 'PHONE 600 Rosen & Pollitt Wreck- ing Company Second-hand parts for all makes of cars. Gray Dort, Chevrolet, Ford, Bris- coe, McLaughlin, Studebaker, Max- weil, Baby Grand Chevrolet. For sale 5 Ford Touring Cars, one Gray Dort Touring, McLaughlin K82 Road- ster, two Maxwell Touring Cars, two 490 Chevrulets. 140 street. 'Phone 2475-w. USED CARS At prices that build a permanent business and a financial plan of lib- | eral terms that helps you to buy. 3 McLaughlin Special 5 passenger Touring Cars. 3 Reos At 4 cylinder, 5 passenger; a six cy- Rideau |linder five passenger and a 4 pas- senger Coupe, six cylinder motor and balloon tires. 2 Studebakers Special six cylinder and a small four. Chevrolet Light delivery truck, canopy top. Ford 1 Ton Truck Extended wheel base, cab, platform. Body with side racks; pneumatic tires. A Used Car is only as good as the reputation of the house selling it. Inquire-about our guarantee pol- fey in these cars. BOYD'S GARAGE, 129 BROCK STREET EXCHANGED CARS FORD TOURING 1318 mode) with license. FORD ROADSTER With starter, license and spare tire. FORD TOURING With starter, license and spare tire. 2 FORD SEDANS With starters, license and spares, GRAY DORT Touring with starter, license and spares You may purchase these on the easy payment plans. We would sug that you inspect these machines before buy- oy as We have real value for the dol- VAN LUVEN BROS. PRINCESS STREET A Good Idea That's Bound To Get Better When you have some need to be filled-- when there's something you want to buy, from a rug to a runabout-- It's a mighty good idea to turn to the A-B-C Classi- fied Section for satisfaction. If 'you've tried it, you know what a good idea it is. And if you've made this move a number of times, you know that the idea seemed to get better and better every time, There's only one reason for the growing audience of regular readers of these columns qf little ads It's be- cause they give the kind of service that most people need and appreciate! And you'll discover that th# variety of opportunities of all sorts makes this the one most consistent way of saving money that you can find. THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME---IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY "Business Services "Automobiles | ~ Auto Accessorles--Tires--Parts 13 13 ! "tainting, Papering, "Decorating "20 | FOR MAXOTIBES -- And Adto Cush HOUSES PAINTED---Paint and S| | ton Inner Tires see A. manshipMguaranteed. Estimates given. | em; | kalsomining. | F. Johnson street. Also agent for Vank- | 3 -s jeek Hill Brick. Phone 876-m. | H. Towiey. Phong And KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND BODY CO. --Makers of Auto, Buggy, Boat Tops | aud Cushions. Commercial, Sedan,| ! Coupe bodies, California Tops and Up-| Tents, etc. 2945. Professional Services DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER -- Ww. A. Marce r of Barrie and Prin- cess Chiropractic Adjust ments, eleciric treaument and Land massage. X-ray service. Consulta- tion tree. Hours: $-12 am. 1-6 pm Evenings by appointment.' Office tele- | phene §22-J. Residence 'phone 957-J Chi ropractic | holstering. 34 King | -- | Business Services f TE Cte | Business os Serv { | Awnings and street. 'Phone | =| | ed 18 ices "Offer | Expert Plano Tuning. 1 -- lay 8 { LUCY-- Gee. F. and Jennie A, Player-Plano Adjusting. | practors, Reglatered Nurse, 202 Bagot | Phone 1544. | Street. Phone 33i-w. Hours 9- 12.) LINDSAY, LIMITED Consuitation free Dental | KNAPP--Dr. A. E., Dentist. Princess Street. 'Phone evenings Ly appointment. Chiro- | CW. 28d. ee 363 | Plate Glass Signs, Numoers, ele tu ciaer. G. T 'vhone 1392-F. SIGNS -- Chipped Name Plates, House Small signs painted Hussey, 113 York su -------------------------------- WELL DRILLING Wells drilied by scientific methods, Water guaranteed. tion ana priceg write F. J. BE. . _Soangraw Jolebrook, ont. 'Ladies' Hair Parlors. --- sanitary Water ------ modern machiner 3) | ------------------ em ets me va. | CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Ua rrison, "rl Kingston . A. B. Cunningham, Cyril M. Smith. DAY AND HREVELLE --Barristers and Solicitors, ©y Clarence Street, King- ston. A. E. Day, Adrian I. Revelle Morigages arranged. 'Phone 205. ALL FIRST CLASS 1iAlR WORK | MADE 10 URDEr--Ladies' Transfor-| mations, bobbed curls, switches, sham- Ang, singeing, curling, Ladies' and Children's hair cutting. Mrs. Cun- ningham, §6 Bay oureet, nmangston. Teicphone 2999. FRENCH MARCEL WAVING Water Waviug, Hound and oubved| Curiing, Hair Bubbing and Trimaming, Facial and Scaip 'Ilreatment. Special] attention given (uv Hair Lyelng. Miss | Switzer, 287 Queen dlreel. ror ap- peoinunent 'phone 2016. HODGINS, W, C. --Barrister, Solicitor, and Notary Public. Office: 38 Cla Street. Over U.P.K. Telegraphs. phone 1980. Money to loan. REYNOLDS, J. C.--Barrister and Sollel- | tor, 81 Brock Street. Mortgages ar-| ranged on city and farm property.| 'Phone 2509. | SHEA---Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and Bolicitor. Law Office, corner of King | | FRONTENAC MENT SOCIETY --- Incorporated | AUGUST | AWNING | WALNUT FINISH Employment Financial | Money To Loan 40 LOAN 1881. , President, A. vice-president, J. M. vestment. sits received and inimum Cartwright, Kingston. manager, Farrell. loan on city and farm properties; Bonds bought and sold; de- interest paid un monthly balance. a7 Live Stock AND INVEST-| in | D. Cartwright, | Money to | in- RC Clarence St. |] Dogs, Cats, Pos 47 | POLICE iels, red. Several other breeds dogs boarded. er, Kingston 371-373 DOG PUPPIES--Cocker Span. 6 weeks old; Colile Puppy. for sale. Also] Kennells, King Street. SALE--Made $25.00. Easy terms of anteed fit terson, 120 Johnston 'Phone 2206-w. to order Suits, payment. Guar- J. G. Pat- Street. Frank W. Couvke. Verandah Suriains. Apply 'Phone 4 BEST IRON--And wire goods in Can- ada made by Partridge Wire Works, and remember we 'Phone 380. King Street West, can plate anything. ELDER'S-- Tobacco Keeps the tobacco Yours for 2%c Pouches, moist. Pigskin, Reg. §0c. ELDER'S--Here is a leader for Friday | Regular 75¢, pipe Blackwood, vulcanite stem, briar head. | and Saturday sale Sale {%c. ELDER"S--It it's new we have it. Have Winchester This is an Imperial hit and is a record you tried the breaker at this store Cigarette, 20 for 25c. : | BLDER'S--There is always something | interesting in our store for the smo this week. and especially bargains youd should of er | We have take advantage | CLDER'§ French in our $1.75. Ar window. Pipes in cases, Amber Stem- | tars, silver mounts. See them | Wonderful value -- | REFRIGERATORS-- Four Eureka Re- t wide by 4 ft. ¢" side measurement. frigerators, 3 . deep, § feet high; Slightly used. Will Apply E. E. Wathen, 'Phone 1391-J. sell 127 separately. Nelson St | sp RING GOODLS-- Gas Ranges, Window Screens, Oil Stoves and at reasonable prices. ilton's, 89 Princess Street. Refrigerators | Taylor § Ham- 'Phone 418. | BDISON 15 H.P. MOTOR-~One planer and match- Merchandise | Machinery and Tools 61 | Real Estate For Rent Houses for Rent. " GASOLINE ENGINE---30 horse Power, | on a truck, for sale or will exchange on a motor truck. Apply 318 Montreal] Street. | WINDMILL--~Get our prices on a ¢hi- i cago Aermotor Windmill. Buy a Chi-|z cago Auto Oiled Head for your oa Tower: oil only ohcé a year. J. { Spence, Massey Harris Agency. { Musical Instruments 62 PHONDGRAPH--And 20 Re- cords, in perfelt condition. Special at- tachment for Columbia Records. Easy terms arranged. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. 121 Princess Street. UPRIGHT PIANO----Slightly used. Own er leaving city. Terms If desired. Ad py AY Colborne Stre 'Phon 3417-J. . Radio Equipment BRANDES TABLE TALKERS-$10.00. Complete stock Radio Books, 26¢. each. Canada Radio Stores. Wanted to Buy KITCHEN STOVE -- Wanted to buy, preferably Quebec Heater with oven. Write Box M-28, Whig Office. LADDER, SECOND HAND--Wanted to/| buy. - Extension or ordinary straight one. Apply box J-3i7, Wing Office. er; tennoner; band saw. Box I-22 ; Whig Oftice. Rooms For Rent Rooms Without Board as ROOMS--Several furnished or unfurn- ished rooms on bathroem fiat; single or double Apply 87 Wellington Street. | 'Phone 2513-w. Sma casaan Apply Rooms For Housekeeping 69 TWO HOUSES--On Cowdy street, elec tric light, toilet; good garden; rent $16.08; immediata possession. we H, F. Norman, $9 Patrick Street, phone 730-w. Swmmer Homes for Rent a 5 FURNISHED COTTAGES -- Five and 3 seven rooms, &t Raaevien 5 miles from Kingston, $35 to month. Apply J. UD. Boyd. Pabne 3 NT84ored: Wanted--To Rent - > Si A SMALL HOUSE«-Or several rooms unfurnished within'two blocks of Ban Righ Hall. Apply to C. M. Van. Luven, Anglin Apartments, corner w ellington and Barrack streets. FURNISHED APARTMENT WANTED --A well furnished apartment of four or five rooms; no children, te Box L-28, Whig_oftie Office. 'Real Esta Estate For Sale SIRES Farms and Land for sale. FARM~200 acres; 3 miles out on York Road; brick house; three barns; all other necessary outbuildings; tile drained; wire fenced. Easy terms. Furnished house, central, to let. Insurance. Money to loan. T. U'CONNOR. 316 Barrie Street. 'Phone 1368-J. Houses for Sale 84 EW, LLIN Real Estate and Insurance Broker Johnson and Division roots Phone i Sw. See Advi Page ON WOI WOLFE 18 ISLAND-- Waterfront, lar lar, house, 12 rooms; three acres Ilan (deeded); large ice house; barn; hens house; motor boat; 250 chickens. Sell cheap to quick buyer; ill-health reas Jou i for selling. 'Phone 12 r 2, Wolfe sland FURNISHED ROOMS -- Two or three| front furnished rooms on bathroom] flat for housekeeping; all conveni-| ences; heated. For further particulars| phone 1517-w or call at 436 Princess| Street. | THREE FURNISHED ROOMS -- For | light housekeeping, on bathroom flat; gas for cooking and electric light. Ap- ply 380 Alfred Street. Wanted-- Rooms or Board 78 ROOMS WANTED---Three or four un- furnished rooms for light housekeep- ing for two people. Central. Write Bux E- HW nig Office. Real 'Estate | For Rent. Apartments 4 and Flats 74 WHITE NEWSPRINT---§00 sheets Avec. ot' househo!d use. Apply British Whig. Suitable for wrapping purposes | Size for 16%" x 23". WARDROBE--Large Oak, dition Frost's Queen Street City in fine Storage, con- 209 DIN 6 Chairs, stove, Edison phonograph, tain rods, Daveno, curtains, ham street 1 kitchen cabinet, Quebec cook hall rack and seat, roll top desk, cur-| dinner dishes ING TABLE-- 2 dressers, bed complete, | 152 Syden-| and Brock, over Hoyal Bank. Money | "Phone 299. FRANK ROBBS HAIR DRESSING 578-J for appointment. Shampooing, Facials, FURNITURE SE FISHING Of all Kinda | all and W. Driscoll, 22 John| tren "Phone 206F. | UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni-| ture, work guaranteed. Call or drop a card. W. J. Gavine, 218 Bagot street. | Lp HOLSTERING--And general repa r-| Leave orders at or drop a card '. W. Harold, 104 Clergy Street. 1 J 'Phone Marcel Waving, Hair Dyeing Beal, Treatment for ralling Halr 85 WELLINGTON ST. PERMANENT WAVING The only wave you can shampoo and that dampness improves. Just like natural curly hair. Also Marcel Waving, Shampooling, Manicuring, Massaging, Hair Dyeing, and all the latest styles in Hair Cutting. A. B. KINGSBURY, Tailoring ana W. ROBERTSON -- Tailor, Cleaning,| Pressing, Repairing; your own cloth % used Matched as new. Sash, Doors, tor. % in. All used, but in tion. 209 Prince | hone 2016- J. FOR SALE large refrigera- clear Pine. Several sections panel work. 1 large truck and trailer. DAVIS DRY DOCK C0. East End Wellington Street. Pine, good APARTMENT --Corner Barrie and Prin- cess Streets; "mlso one at 290 Princess Street, furtiished-or unfurnished. mod- ern, with all conveniences. Apply L Cohen & Co. Ontario street FLAT --Three large roogs, kitchenette, gas for cooking, watef and lights, in good repair. Apply 286 Queen St. PARKVIEW APARTMENTS--133 King Street, near City Park. Upto-date| housekeeping apartments. Possession | ist September. Apply 'phone 2880. 146 WELLINGTON STREET roomed bath flat, newly ater heating Six decorated, 5 | TWO STORES--At 290 Princess Street, commodious, spacious windows; rear entrance; heated. Will alter to sult tenant. Apply 1. Cohen & Co, Ontarlo Street. Business Places fe Tor Rent 12 ALWINGTON AVENUE -- Frame bungalow, known as the Baker Buns galow, 6 rooms and 3 plece bath, new- ly decorated, hot water heated, 2 fire~ places, electric lights, storm bo he and porches, garage, lot 70 x 180, trees and shrubs, lawns. Apply on prem ises or 'phone 1869-J. 106 BARRIE STREET--For sale or to rent, opposite City Park; 12 rooms; improvements; hot water furnace; large garden, 60° x 132°. Apply M. BE. Mciaul, Pek Johnson Street. Tele phone 273%-w J. E. CUNNINGHAM Real Estate Insurance and Loans 79 Clarence Street PROPERTY FOR SALE--That very de- sirable property, forming north-west corner King and Pembroke streets-- brick dwelling, garage and vacanh land. Price, terms, etc. see Mills Com- pany, 79 ¢ Clarence Street. 3 Instruction THE ROXBURY HOSPITAL] BOSTON Offers an 18 months' course in ate tendant training to & Hmited num ber of young women. Kquivalent to one year's High School work reguirs. ed. Good rooms, board, and a allowance to begin. Apply by let 0 the Superintendent Roxbur, 3 pital, S87 Vermen Street, a MERCHANDISE Houses Tor Rent, " good condi- | BRICK HOUSE--¢ room BRICK DWELLING--S8even rooms; 273 Division Street; all modern conveni- ences. Apply to 271 Division Street. ; modern im- provements: north side of Princess Street. Possession September 1st Rent $30.00. Apply J. B. Cooke. Tele- phones: Office 503. Res. 1731-m. CRATING Let Abramshy's do your cra Expert workmen always do your crating on the shorted notice, HKeasonable rat for sale "Cran Jos. Abramsky & Sons, Ltd. 'HONE 1440. made up Samples in stock. $20.00 And up. 3 Bagot street, | 27 A omatitehing 21b. | [= PICOT EDGING Hemstitching, | Pleating, work guaranteed. S. Field, 362 Barrie Street, near Princess | Street 'Phone 2433-). Successor te Mrs. Card. SALESLADY -- To solicit orders for == = "Lila Lee" stom-made flannel dress- es. Responsible, energetic repregsenta- tive cin earn $¢ dally Write for In- formation, stating experience, If any. Lila Lee Dresses Limited, Kitchener, | "Employment Help 'Wanted--F emale Fancy Work 21e. LADIES DRESSES--Stamped on color-| linene; Children's Dresses and) quite new; dition. equipped with anchor, cushions, Whig Office. Buildings and Bldg. Single cylinder engine life preservers. A -- | ONE MOTOR BOAT---4% feet x 18 feet; | in first class running Son | Boa paddle, | Apply Box oars, Materials 54 Stamped goods for every and on Tuesday and Friday evenings. Mrs. Dunlop, 181 { | Ont and yan Help W antea--ale MAKE MONEY AT HOMB-- §1 to 32 per hour for your spare time writing | showcards for us No canvassing. We instruct and supply you with or West-Angus Showeard Service, 17 Col- ! Insurance - -------------------------------------- ALL LINES--Of Fire Insurance, Auto | mobile, Sickness and Accident; reli-| ROLL ROOFING $1.00 PER ROLL Siate Surfaced "oa. $2.00 C. A. RANSOM, 527 Comecord Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. Dept. M. per roll able companies. 'Phone or call E. Wil-| ltams, 2 Couper street. $RNIE D. SLITER---Insurance Broker, all branches of Insurance in old tine | borne Building, Toronto. | Help | Wanted--Male and Female 33a hw poly E. E "wathen, 127 Nelson street. 1391-7 or 818. (Agent fgr Baker | Phones Brick). a | | | any quantity. companies of highest financial stand- ing. 281 King streét East. 'Phones 2578-w. Res 11 FIRE--Automobile And Casualt ance. E. M. Crumley, 420 Ear 'Phone 1783-M. INSURANCE--Only the most reliable companies represented. Strange & Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95 Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. Moving, Trucking, Storage 28] ASHES-Cleaned out of yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor, | | PANT MAKERS---Wanted Livingston & Bro, Apply to C. Brock Street. | { | CARDS| line now | i Insur- street. | SELL PERSONAL GREETING ~Sampleg free. Christmas ready Immense variety, unusually! fast selling dewmigns Popular prices. Earnings $10 to $30 weekly. Whole or spare time. Lady or gentleman. We| pay weekly. Write to-day for par-| ticulars. Master Kraft Greeting] Card Company, Toronto. | Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents ew) celiars and| Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers 56 | HARDWOOD--$3.50 and. $3.78 quarter cord; mixed wood $2.75°and $3.25; Slab | wood $3.75 to $3.50, ity; rou and' shingles, $3. Sawdust sold cheap. H Concession street. Telophong 27537. thofsand and up| di og to qual- lumber, | Talbot, | SWAIN'S WOOD YARD -- Good, KX cord d, % cord, Jody hardwood, a ed Sha phone 23i6-w bs, $3. 4. 30; 00 24 Russell Street. cae 2358. A RELIABLE SALES AGENT --Wanted| for every unrepresented district; good| Household Furniture Clean, dry. | pay; free equipment; we are the larg. | est growers of fruit and ornamental trees in Canada; sell for a Nursery, not for a Jobber. You will be success- ful. Pelham Nursery Co.. Toronto. STORAGE-For furniture, ME rooms and spaces; your own lock key. Frost's City Srorage, a 305 Queen St. 'Phone 526. Res. 958-w. SIGN PAINTING--J. 8. Robinson, rear; ACT NOW---See to your Mattress, whe-| ther repairing or new Springs. See us 'Phone 1861-J. Ask for price list. | Frontenac Mattress Co. 377 King St. mattress. Also Teachers Wan 33a | TEACHER WANTED- F 8. No, 8, Denbigh, holding second clasg certi- ficate. Dutiés to commence Sep-| 275 Bagot Street REASON why you snould take read thé cl ed. ads is De- tember 1st. Apply, [ating salary ol e to take much } J. KE Irish Vennachar, FURNITURE-- An furniture sold and er, 507 Princess Streets successors to Lesses Antique Shop. als Will, find that rant news value. i i and modern | ught. M. Cram- | | classified =|} PEOPLE | classified offers are TOUSE--To let, corner Colborne and Sydenham stree 8 rooms, all im- provements. 257 Rideau Stredet, 6 rooms, all improvements Apply 186 Queen Street. 'Phone 988-w, HOUSE~--Comfortably furnished bright house, eight rooms; modern improve. ments. Close to Queen's University. Also near City Park. Good yard. Im- mediate possession. 'Phone 2780-w. 30 QUEBEC STREET -- Six brick house; all improvements; elec- tric lights; gas Possession Septem- ber ist. Apply W. Jenkins, 15 Quebec Street roomed SMALL HOUSE--Apply 2 Miller's Lane, between Montreal and "Bagot Streets SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE-- Eleetrie Nght gas and tollet; close to street $17 8 $ply 387 regularly read the the ones who make their maney go the farthest LET A classified 84 handle that per- plexing business deal for you. SEALERS Pints, 65¢.; quarts, 90e.; ¢ quarts, $1.10, while they last. J. TURK'S | want when you want them. INSURANCE BROKER Writing Fire, Life, Automob Ace cident, Sickness, Plate Glass and other lines of Ingurapce. 33 BROCK BT. "PHONE 585-w. "JOIN THE HAPPY crowd. classified ads and get he things made in any quantity. tion.guaranteed, James Swift & ads. + BRINGING UP F ATHER GOOD MORMING DADDY DEAR: HOW DO You FEEL? WELL "MY DARLING WHAT WOULD YOu LIKE FOR BREAKFAST 3 TM GONG TO COO {TT FOR YOU - V JUST FEEL This is great Coal for grate fires. Foot of Johnson Street. CANNEL COAL Deliveries Quality and prepa Co., Limited : "Phone 135. OF FICE. PWEL IGG SPE ve HONORED HELLO "1S THIS MR.IIGGE. L-THIS SMR. AIN'- SEND UP

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