. CAPITOL The Daily British Whig == COLLEEN MOORE YEAR 92; No. 188. » : KINGSTON, ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUS® 7, LAST EDITION. RUSSELL SCOTT WINS LAST FIGHT AND ESCAPES THE GALLOWS Findlay Station Tragedy Action Over Insurance Ended," Dead Woman's Relatives Receive the Insurance LAST PARADE [ioc ces™""SNO PROPOSAL [Foon wm 2 FOUND INSANE MANY STORMS OF OLD HOME FOR UNITING AND WILL G0 MAY HIT US WEEK GREAT OF RALLWAYS £5552 10 AN ASYLON "NEXT SUMMER Princess Street Was Packed Denial Made By Hon. G. P. (ira essesssscosniosses ANgy Scenes in Jury Room--- Cele of Hard Seasons Lik : With People Thursday Night. ham, Railway | Minister. Loud and Heated Arguments. Begin in 1926. " p eon CELEBRATION HAS GIVEN CO-OPERATION AIMED AT SAVAGE ATTACK IS MADE SCIENTISTS THINK THERE THE CITY ANEW SPIRIT AND NOT AMARGAMATION ON THE MENTAL EXPERTS MAY BE LITTLE SUNSHINE Question of a Divorced Man Being Pormified to Adopt It Was a Real Mari Gras That With a View to Reducing the Jury Out 3 Hows and 40 Min- Smspts Are at Motimm-- the People Witnessed on Heavy Expenditure and Pre- utes-~-Final Vote 9 to 3 They Wil Rach i yt the Last Night. For Insanity Verdict. ber and Reduce Sunlight. New York, Aug. 7. -- An inves- tigation by the district attorney of Queens county into the adoption + Sa of Mary Louise Spas, young daugh- venting Duplication. ter of immigrant pareats, by Ed- ward W. Browning, wealthy div- Kingston's interest in the parades Ottawa, Aug. 7.-- Hon. G. P. Gra- | orced realtor, was sought yesterday Chicago, Aug. 7.--Russell Scott OUAWE, Aug. .7.--Ave. 1926 a of Old Home Week never waned. ham, Minister of Railways, to-day hy Commissioner of Public Welfare | Yesterday won his last fight to es- | the. two h rr ' : oh an Princess street was = packed again emphatically denied that proposals | Cojer. cape the gallows. following it goi pry -- spectators Thursday night for amalgamation of the Canadian The commissioner sald the inves- A jury in the Court of Superior, ere a Solus oh AVS 'very saya ed When the fourth of these events National and the Canadian Pacific [tigation was prompted by charges |Judge Joseph B. David, found him ier? e or uno sums came down the street with glowing were under consideration. that Browning had given money to | insane. This is the ti enti : fire-works and the music of bugles "What is being done," said Mr. | Mary's parents in return for their| He will be 'committed at once to tryie & Question scientists ara: and bands. One wondered where Graham, "is in line with the state-|gigning the adoption papers. He |a state hospital. le ne 2 aust. They state that 80 many people came from. There ment to parliment when the rail- The jury reached its verdict last bio a ood is at next summer, Was certainly a large number of way estimates were brought down. evening after deliberating three moda) ro ta summers m= wisitors in the city, people from the I then said that I was going to ask hours and forty minutes. Its first a oly ollowing it, will be pes} countryside pouring in each day for the two railways to get together as ballot was reported to have been 7 a oe many storms, much alas the Old Home programme, and not much as possible and try to come to to 5 for insanity and thereafter the i To am naw st Sapshins. i the least of the attraction for them vote gradually swung to the insanity tor of the : Damion or iret : | CAPITOL MON. AND TUES. COLLEEN MOORE in "SALLY" | vrs 1925. . J CRETE PPPPIPNOPIOSISIOS " IMMEDIATE RESUMPTION | OF MINING IN N.S. + + ¥ + Glace Bay, N.S., Aug. 7.--Im- % mediate resumption of work in # the mines of Cape Breton was # # made possible by the conclu. sion of the contract between # the British Empire Steel Cor- # poration and its striking work- ers today. 'A contract, based on the compromise wage agree- ment just adopted by both sides, was signed here this morning by representatives of both sides. 4 OLD HOME WEEK REGISTRATION 8,200 Boulogne, France, Aug. 7.-- Announcement was made this morning that the attempt of Miss Gertrude Ederle to swim the English Channel from the French to the English coast * + % buildings on It was announced at the city Friday morning: % that the total registration in' # Memorial Hall for the Old # Boys' celebration had reached + 3,200. * As a result of the reglstra- + tion, Kingson now has a great % Book of Names," and it will % form a very valuable addition # to the city's records. * SEPP 00202000009 4 aE 4 5 + + * * + + + + * * * * * > L - * * * * * * + * + > * Bld FRPP PPPPISIOIPISORPY * * * + * * + + * sented Thursday night, whose names were neglected in the report of Wednesday's * parade, were: Walter O'Donnell, excavation; Willow Dale Dairy, J. Zakos, groceries and fruit, Clarke's Garage, Maxwell and Chrysler cars, Weber Pianos, God- kin's Livery, Burke Eféetric Com-| pany, Glidden Auto Varnishes, R. J. Reid, furniture dealer and under- taker, the Yellow Taxi Service and O'Keefe"s Beverages. The decorated autos looked well Thursday night again. Rockwood hospital was represénted by a pret- tily decorated car with floral adorn- ments, drive? by Dr. Ryan. Warden Ponsford's car, with its red "K.P." letters, again attracted much notice. MENLOVE COMMITTED. Northwestern Life Director to Be Tried. Winnipeg, Aug. 7.--J. F. C. Men- love, former director of the North- Western Life Assurance Company, was formally committed for trial by Magistrate Sir Hugh John Macdon- ald yesterda# on a charge. of mak- ing false statgments with intent to defraud. Charges of theft'and fraud laid against him were dismissed. Francis O. Maber, another director { of the company, charged with Men- | love, was remanded one week. R. F. 8. McCabe, the remaining direc- tor, is still being sought by the po- lice. ONE/BANDIT KILLED AND TWO WOUNDED & Many Costumes. Bridal parties seemed -a take-off for the. clowns. Pierrot costumes were numerous. Jumbo, the race-horse, had gathered several popular added, however, that it was a vio- lation of long-established precedent some arrangements of éo-operation Was the parade each evening. that would include, not only pas- verdict. The parades have been great suc- for a divorced man to be permitted esses and the enthusiastic manner to adopt a child in this city. Mary Louise was the successful in the people of Kingston ap- : them is very complimen- applicant for adoption out of 12,000 to those who participated." It more pennants since -the might be- fore. The policeman and the boy of the baking powder 'advertisement again made a laugh. John Scanlon, a former old printer, showed his spirit of youthfulness by doing a senger traffic, but an exchange of freight on an equity basis that would prevent duplication. To that end, and with a view to reducing expenditure, we are endeavoring to secure the co-operation of the two lines. What Scott immediately was committed to the Chester Asylum for the In- sane, The jury was reported to have become involved in a heated discus- sion of the case and did not take its when he advertised for a child to become a companion to 9-year-old Dorothy Sunshine Browning, whom he earlier adopted. { "Fastest Gunman on Dray? Was Not Quick Enough ing for Policeman, ed to sunspots number and through to the earth will be reduce states that the reason is that dur). or three years reach a maximum the sunlight coming the next two will a minimum not achieved since about 262 years ago, when Lhe last -- New York, Aug. 7.--Policemen matched courage and marksmanship with three bandits yesterday, kill- ing one and sending two, wounded 3 and prisoners to hospitals, where it of about 60 years Biel is believed they will die. are convinced, ad 11-year cc! Frederick J. Conklin, eighteen not so serious as the 60 years' years a policeman, made good his|and that in turn does not attain boast of two years ago that Wil- proportions of the 262-yemr cycles. liam Nagle, of 1562 Second avenue And during the next two or thres reputed the fastest gunman "on the years scientists estimate that the draw' in this vicinity, would tind 262-yéar cycle and the 60-year eye himself "not fast" enough if they |will reach the maximum of their ine ever met in combat. tensity at the same time, produce They met at 81st street and Third ing weather conditions on the earth avenue, with the first tinge of day- never before experienced in light spreading over the city, Na- known history of man. wi gle fresh from a hold-up and with The present 60-year cycle is the some of the alleged loot from the second since 1816, known as the robbery of sixty crap players which | year without a summer; and he and his two companions had 262-year cycle in the past coincids just perpetrated on the fourth floor with pestilences, poor crops, [itt] of 4 West 125th street bulging his or no summer and other disasters. pockets. After the hold-up the rob-|gix of tlNese 262-year cycles bers parted, two starting down town brings one to the time of the _t and one remaining in Harlem. Nagle's revolver missed fire, and the policeman's bullet struck him in the head. James McCann, 29, of 405 East 74th street, was struck by Conk- lin's second bullet as he turned to Tun while Conklin was having it out with Nagle, The bullet struck him just under the heart, and he died in Flower Hospital half an 'hour later, pleading with the police- men around him to bring his wife and two children to him before he expired. Canadian May Lead Geneva, Aug. 7.---Seénator Dan- durand, chief Canadian delegate, is being prominently mentioned for the presidénéy of the assembly of the League of Nations, which will begin its session here Sept. 7th. ------------ PEP 9 90009090000 * % TROOPS TO LEAVE minuet with an 18th Century .lady Kingston was incapable of such per- | {0 the music of the Salvation Army posals, is not known yet, but no . They have given the| Band, during a pause in the march. scheme of amalgamating the systems in sw spirit. Fun is a good|The "KKK. was out too. "Old been toanidered." a a . 3 ha | Behool Gl brought up the rear. bas . ham left. . for Brockville dets, with their band, and the tiny Sra ' ser "more h community and given eac tots in ¥nion Jack costume who led 5 gland, again drew | VIEWS ON IRELAND'S TOURIST TRAFFIC and all a new momentum that helps lause. The heralds Dublin Complains, While 3 o lift one out of the rut and mono- of by daily grind." It is to rhyme characters Ulster Reports the Traffic Greater. 'hoped such events will not 'p back again Mtg the oblivion characterized the past score f The Kingston Automobile b, and especially the late Mr. T. Asselstine, and Mr. Wightman, he sscrétary, . who took. over the Dublin, Aug. 7.--At the Rotary ; Club-in Dublin complaint was made that the tourist traffic, particularly from America, had not reached ex- pectations this year. One member 'who had returned from America said that he was humiliated there by the iter's work when he became ill, questions asked regarding Ireland, a a very great deal of credit thelr part in the success. by the doubts expressed as to wheth- er the country was:safe for travel- 'The last procession combined the best parts of the former three, the ers, and by the impression that Ire- land is in a backward state of civili- 0 foot and float parades, and made a long train of a great mriety. In addition there were reds of citizens, mostly the iF generation, out in masque- zation, "with pigs in the drawing room." P. J. O'Brien, ' secretary of the Irish Tourist Development Associa« tion, answering these statements said that while there had not bee. anything in the nature of an Ameri- can invasion, the arrivals at Cobh totalled more than 1,000 a week, and the traffic between Ireland and England on one of the most import- ant, services was practically double what it was last year. The transportation companies con- cerned were satisfied with both re- sults and prospects. In' Ulster the tourist traffic is reported in excess of previous years and in several dis- tricts has reached the pre-war stand- ard. first ballot until an hour after de- liberations were started. 'This bal- lot was reported to have been 7 to § for an insanity verdict, after which loud and angry voices were heard from the jury réom. An early ver- dict was not anticipated, and plans were made to care.. for the jurors overnight. Two hours after the jury started deliberating, it was reported that four ballots had been taken, the fourth ballt standing 9 to 3 for an insanity verdict. 'sunspot maximum was reached. The sunspots, it has been shown by records, have a recurring period period a many citizens who thought old will be the outcome of these pro- answers received by Mr. Browning » mot too much to say that there A Hydroplane Kills Two Girl Bathers Rome, Aug. 7--Two girls were killed and several other persons were injured when a private aviator, Alfredo Man- giarocchi, flying 8 hydroplane "near Porto Rosa, brought his machine to the water and ran into a group of bathers today. SAVED FROM DROWNING AT ALEXANDRIA BAY Youth Tried to Swim a Mile ~The Undertoe Wore Him Out. Alexandria Bay, N.Y. Aug. 7.-- Jessie J. Scott, aged nineteen, of Palm Beach and Jamestown, Va. was nearly drowned in St. Lawrence river yesterday after he had boasted to bystanders he could swim one mile from Cornwall's wharf across to Hart island. The unbelieving by- standers discredited his statement, 80 he donned his bathing suit. Wearing a straw hat and smoking a pipe, Scott started out and got along at a good rate until he was within 325 feet of the islind. Peter Savage, immigrant inspector hére noticed Scott did not seem to be making headway and Capt. Charles Cernehan, who had just landed at Cornwall's wharf, decided to see if the swimmer needed help. Arriv ing mear Scott, Captain Cernel offered assistance and was told to go about his own business as Scott was sure he was good for the after- noon. : Captain Cernehan turned about and went back to Cornwalls wharf. He had just arrived there when a Scott and Captain Cernehan reached there just in time to save him. Had he known of the undertoe and swiftness of the current he would not have attempted to cross t Lawrence, Scott said later, strong undertoe wore . . pageant. Daughters and Maids of England, the Orange Women in their attrac- tive red.and white uniforms, and the Sons of Scotland, were out in prac- tically as strong numbers as on Tuesday night. » Rebekah Lodge and the ladies of the Eastern Star also won much favorable comment. The crowds on Princess street were as enthusiastic as ever when the part of the parade on foot re- turned up Princess street. Those sections which went round by other streets also had large audiences all along the way. - CLOSING ARGUMENTS. Savage Attack On Snap Judgment of Mental Experts. Chicago, Aug. 7.--Russell Scott's last-minute effort to escape hanging on a plea of insanity was put in the hands of the jury in Judge David's court late in the afternoon. It was 4.25 o'clock when the jurors, in- structed by Judge David to comsider only whether Scott has become in- sane since having been locked up to await execution for the murder of Joseph Maurer, left the cour room. The closing argumems began after Dr. W. C. Krohn, state's alienist, had testified that he believed Scott safie. Scott's attorney appealed eloquent- ly for a verdict of insanity. William Rittenhouse and Harry Pritsker, de- puty prosecutors, argued powerfully for a verdict "that will give this man the punishment that he deserves." W. W. O'Brien opened for the de- fence with a forty-five minute speech, in which he attacked sav- ely the "snap judgments" of the tate's mental experts, "who looked at this man a few minutes only and then solemnly declared him sane." O'Brien avoided reference to the killing of Joseph Maurer, the crime for whieh young Scott must hang if the jury in Judge David's court finds him sane. He asked the jury to consider only the events that have pd famine of Diocletian, about 300 B.C. Chinese asirondmers record a great obscuration of the sun in 1372 whie is about 45 sun-spot J1-year eycl ago. ---------------------- CHICAGO VERDICT IS CALLED DISGRACEFUL State's Attorney Declares It a Verdict for the Oriminal Element. Chicago, Aug. 7.--The finding of the jury that Russell Scott, convict- ed murderer, was insane, thus plac- ing him beyond the reach of the rioose was severely criticized by the state's attorney last night. "It's a shameful and disgraceful verdict," sail' Assistant State's at- torney Harry F. Pritzker. "Scott is no more insane than any man in this room. The verdict is a victory for the criminal element. They can take life and get away with it. The jurors in this cass did not know the first principle of law involved. They are too ignorant. Jacob Maurer, father of the {youth who was shot down in the drug store hold-up, was disappointed in the verdict. "Its the law." he , "but I didn't expect justice. My boy is gone. I find no consola- : - - : ~ "Some New Floats. : There were some new floats in the 'while others had ed. cenotaph ---------------- AID OF THE MILITARY. 3 war widow seated at the 5 me df the C.0.B.L. players out In a van, as were many of the Rotary Club in their The Shrine Club had organized to contribute to the music. ; Curling Club were led truck with Master McMillan in of several curling stones, leycorn, whose burial the yre created much amuse- a long train of mourners night. Girls and men in "on horseback filled up 'sev- London, Aug. 7.--The situat! in the Welsh anthracite coal i became desperate yesterday, wi 126 miners and twelve policemen, cluding an inspector and chief ¢ stable, were injured in the riotim which began at Ammanford f Wednesday night and continued | til the early hours of the mo! APE BRETON AREA An appeal has been made for e Pe 5 3|tary aid as further and more Ottawa, Aug. 7.--With- & | 10US riots are feared. drawal of the troops from the #| The police were complefely- Cape 'Breton coal districts is #| Whelmed by the 600 strikers, expected soon in view of the ¢|%inging and shouting, threw probability of a settlement of ¢| 3nd used sticks and other missiles; the strike. The troops will be # | Reinforcements arrived, and by , withdrawn immediately a re. | Peated baton charges they quest from the provincial au- & thorities is received. The . of- ¢ ficer commanding the military ¢ district Has authority to order the withdrawal without con- & sulting headquarters here. % | the ko * PEs 2 0000000000] > Former Rugby Player Lays 36,000 Bricks Day Kansas City, Mo., Aug., 7.--Lay- ing 36,000 bricks a day, or approxi- mately three and one-half carloads, James Brown, an Indian and former Carlisle football player, has gained Horsey led the Old wearing the old rifle ERP eePre *ee teed 2 -