Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Aug 1925, p. 11

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~ \ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG = . 11 1920. FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, People Pick Up Many Se ---- Bargain By Following The Offers Presented Below Ii dd -- -- = BIRTHS. Automobiles > } Employment Merchandise JAMIESON-~In Kingston, Ont., on Aug. | ue eae errr | or sae Oop a-------- Sth, 1925, to Mr. apd Mrs H Automobiles For Sale 11 Teachers Wanted 33a Household Furniture 59 ; amieson, a son. -- id es | | : | IPI = > Wh i - { QUALIFIED LADY TEACHER-- With | FURNITURE Antique and moderi| SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE. Eleotrie" DEATHS, | EXCHANGED CARS There May 'Not Be Anything New | experience preferred, for junior room, re old and bouabt. AM Sram. light, Sua nd toilet, close to Trier : MORTON--In Kingston, Ont, on Aug. An Verona public school © Salary $700.00 Sases Antique Shop. Een rahe and school, $17.00. Apply | FORD ROADSTER--With Starter. per annum. Duties to begin Sep- 'Phone 1777 25, Elizabeth Boulton, aged fiogin widow oF : tember 1st next. Apply, stating age, Under The Sun-- Ty + excellent machine for a light delivery 31 Learn, widow of the late Joseph | eb. ..... CASH PAYMENT $109.00 qualifications and experience to Dr. T.| SALE OF MATTRESSES-3$3.75, $4.50] SOLID BRICK HOUSE-- On Victorls. Funeral from her late residence; 430 FORD TOURING--With Starter. This 8. Gelige, Secretary, Verona, Ont. and" 5.00. pecial value. Also Lamp street, Dewly decorated, at. Johnson Street on Saturday after-| is & good car for the money. CASH | - - : ob a Toh, aur require Aa athen, 137 Nelson Boon at 3.30 o'cluch (las time), to! PAYMENT 120.57 But, all the same, there are lots of things you haven't A Le TACHER WANTED =| tN S00 DTH King street. . 16, Township of Bed- SEPTRMBER 1ST--Brick house, 1 A real, little machine. Cataraqui Cemetery, .g | FORD COUPE noticed yet! ford. Protestant. Salary $600.00. Dut- Sqfvite Wil be held dn. .B8t. Luke fo 5 SH PAYMENT 3156.96 For instance, let's take a small corner of your in- ies to commence September 1st. Apply Machinery and Tools al arta, hw heating and ail 3 h | FORD SEDAN- ; FOr 8 eo ' , : . 0 : | CASH PAYMENT $165.00 teretis, bat one vary close 8 you and your pocketbook. 3% Seorge Bustenil], secretary, Fermoy GASOLINE ENGINE--310 horse power,| tenant. Apply 13 Hapt Straet : JAMES REID 2 FORD SEDANS re you in touch with all the chances to save money on a truck, for sale or will exchange - - rn. 3 FORD D3 that might come your way? Do you know about all the on a motor truck. Apply 218 Montreal! SOLID BRICK BUNGALOW § ng TEACHER WANTED-- Normal trained teacher; experienced; Protestant; for all improvements, on Division The Old Firm of U rs CASH PAYMENT $178.33 each 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET Street, fine garden; rent moderate. opportunities you have to get what you want and need FORD TUDOR \ ; be 'Phone 147 for Ambulance CASH PAYMENT $252.00 for less money than you would ordinarily. pay? Bones pesieo tn: Duties lo 3800, | WATERLOO THRESHING OUTFIT --| September let Apply at. of CHEVROLET TOURING-- : The Whig's Classified Section will supply the con- Apply Mrs, John Clark, Mountain| lbeluding se » qank, steam and| Street. of 10834 York Street. $ 2 gasoline engine, In first class condi- 2 necting link to-day and every day of the year! You can't keep up to the minute and down to the dollar on where the real values are to be found---in Grove, Ontario. Mrs. William Moulton, "77 ROBERT J. REID The Leading Undertaker TWO HOUSES-- On Charles Street, Apply rooms, electric light, gas for coo! . R., Westport. / o CASH PAYMENT $9%.68 CHEVROLET TOURING-- | ton. CASH PAYMENT $77.00 TEACHER WANTED Protestant, nor- 'Phone 577. 280 Princess Street | \ aN Toilet. 1 house with garage. Apply . : {GRAY DORT TOURING--A real good merchandise, real estate, used automobiles and the other 10 COmmEnCS OF Sapte ete | EN DNTLL--Col 0 Piles oh + Chi Bolle Norman, $9 Patrick street. PP M. P. KEYES CAT. ...... CABH PAYMENT $120.67 fields of interest covered by the various Classifications ly, stating salary, to W. A. Steele,| ©3880 Aermotor Windmill. Buy a Chi-| == FUNERAL HOME: | CHANDLER TOURING--Wuuld make a unless you follow the ads in these coluinns regularly. Fichvorne, 'ont. Saga. Auto otisa Head for Jour ol Summer Homes for Rent : ar i B00 amily car . A 2 3 { : . . | ------------------------------------ - 49 COLBORNE STREET { "CASH PAYMENT $120.67 | You'll be starting a profitable habit if you begin to TEACHER WANTED -- Protestant,| Spence, Massey-Harris Agency. FURNISHED COTTAGE --Three . * AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1839, | CHALMERS TOURING--Would make & | read the A-B-C Classified Section to-day! : holding second class certificate, tor o. == rent by dhy, week or season: Us | good 1amiy ar 8. No. 11, Olden township. Salary Musical Instryments 62 hire, Ste, APDlY FE. Camp, Vers JOM CORNEL 2 > y' 700.00. Appl o Sarah W - ona, Ont. * ne § r 23, E; FL JOHN, CORNELIUS, | 'w TASH PATHERE HIG THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS aD. JB. to San Wagar. Me | Fy UPRIGHT PIANC hod ns § Undertaker an: 7 | We aré not making any big claims ALWAYS THE SAME---IN SERVICE neh, mahogany finish; excellent | FURNISHED COTTAGES -- Five « Parlors: 274 Princess Street { for these machines, but we feel you are | A TEACHER WANTED-------Second class,| condition; party leaving city. $200.00] seven rooms, at Eastview park, § Ambulance Fhone 569 getting the biggest value for the dollar ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY for S. 8. No. 13, Miller. Salary $700.00. | cash Box E-il, Whig Office. from Kingston, $35 to $36 per mi oi in these machines that you can find. Apply W. J. Thompson, secretary, Wil- Apply J. D. Boyd. 'Phone 3784-r-3. J KNIGHT All these cars are equipped with Li- son P. OQ. Ont PIANO -- Heintzman & Co. Upright | === cr H. J. censes and Starters. a: beautiful walnut case; full 7 1-3 oc- Wanted--10 Rent UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER We would suggest that you come In Situations Wanted-->Male a7 tave, ivory keys. Instrument in perfect PARLOKS--Sydenham, Yarker, Verona, |... these cars before you purchase. SER a ---- condition. Price 3350. Terms $35.00 3 N 3 ulance 'phone 35. s e E + | BARN--Wanted, suitable for three oF SB Barterseu. Ambulance heme 3, AN Business Services Business Services MPLOYMENT WANTED--By steam-| (¢, Daiance 35.09 por month. C.| four horses. Will pay good rent: Res ROBERT MALLOCK LUV BR . Ladi Hale P Fo | es = ---- electric engineer; used to large, steam | _". Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. | ply to $64 Princess Street. oo , PRINCESS STREET es ario a 8 plants; Mcensed; willing to go any-| 1s O---=8 . FAINT : UNDERTAKER AND BMBALMER \jyhere. Ontario or Quebec. Apply Box Ne an ToL Jakes. Own ay An anor August, J Successor to " FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinds.| [H-4, Whig Office. 1 I . Ph i y eels. aas-200 magoe seer. | AUTO WRECKERS : PERMANENT WAVING 'all and ose W. Driscoll, 23 John| smn $07.0 viene Atfest. Phone! puong 13ee-w, md Day promptly atfended | gesond hand parts for all cars, for| The only wave you can shampoo and! Street. 'Phone 296F. ¢ Financial a en ; Real Estate For Sale RR A SI that dampnéss improves, ' TRIN - Ee 2 | me sale Just like natural curly bair. UPHOLSTERING--Naw or used furnl- | Money To Loan 20 Radio Equipme 2a. TT Announcements OVERLAND SEDAN, late model.| Also Marcel Waving, Shampooing,| tire: Werk suacanteed. Call or drop a EVEREADY FLASHLIGHT Batteries Houses for Sale rR Price right Manicuring, Massaging, Hair Dyeing,|_ C*rd. - 4 ., ¢ EO! street! FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST-| ana Bulbs at Radio Headquarters. ot al 9 'ght. and all the latest styles in Hair Cutting. | 7; TRING MENT SOCIETY -- Incorporated in| Open evenings. Canada Radio Stores.| A SNAP-- That well-known Ladies Person . : UPHOLSTERING--And general repaii- 156 P " Finis a. Boarding House, "The Av - Palmer's Auto Salvage | A. B. KINGSBURY, lag, Leave orders at or drop a card | INS1. President, AD. Cartwright APP 00] BY ae Taine: Avoumerss SKIN BLEMISHES - Halr, Moles, | . WIT, to F. W. Harold, 104 Clergy Street.| YiCe-premdent, J. M. Farrell. Money to Wearing Apparel a3 y ' % arts, Birthmarks, Skin marent. | --OR. BAGOT AND QUEEN STREETS | 209 Princess Street. thone 3018-31 "Phone 1600-J. a eh Sy and oP Hess a BRICK HOUSE--203 Albert Street, nes 0 ermanent. = e h ; de- 32 . = --203 By Satisihctory "Glasses "itied, 850 FOR SALE Hemstétching 21h. Tlloring ana Fressing 30 | Lihibuoic monly ouiunge "Ho U0 | 458: hderwear: hosiery! socks, cate | Unio, 13 rooma; tiled bain, ava: furnished after others have failed. Cartwright, manager, 87 Cla ce Bt. Everything must be sold at sacrifice. ing; double lot; dot bi {tte cured wirhout opération. 38 ave PICOT EDGING --- Hemstitching.|w. ROBERTSON -- Tailor, Cleaning, | orb . gor. 81 Clarence 8t.| Surprise parcels valued $1.50 to $250 i: ot: double garage. BT Sle Rott Skin HY Hudson Touring Car | "Hine "¥0i° criitil 4% |, 2008 Repairing: Your ows oleh =O po Borns Sureet. "Phone pape 118 Lot-| Bote 1000 : ye, » 8 " . ' 21a; 7 P SEN: g . at, made u Samples in stoc ~ , orne Street. ' °e -m. BW y got Street. Phone 301w. House 11357 | 7 PASSENGER 1923 MODEL Street. Phone 2433-j. Successor to as Pars Bagot et _ Live Stock Emr Real Estar NaN. Broker 3 rm ---- ---- Ts. X . 2 ee -- - mm - re - ~ > 3 yr Lost and Found 10| The CENTRAL GARAGE, Lid. Sp Emplgffment Dogs, Cuts, Pets " Roma For Rent Phona Sow. 1 IO Ce : -- | "PHONE 600 Fancy Work 21c. TTT tin Rooms Without Board - 68 fe AUTOMOBILE TIRE Found. on Perth i" Help Wanted--Female 33| SGQTCH COLLIE PUPS--- six weeks J. B. CUNNINGHAM igs. d, near Glemburnie. Owner tele- LADIES' DRESSES--Stamped on color- old; one cocker spaniel, three months ~ 3 Real Estate 5 oS 2308 r 23. USED C A RS ed linene; Children's Dresses ard old, one Boston bulldog, car broke. ROOMS Taree furnished rooms on Insurance and Loans » 3 Rompers. ' Stamped goods for every | ... ANTE, > 1. | Muller's Bicycle Works, 371-378 King | Dathroom flat, to rent; always rented 79 Clarence Street 3 ® Baby's Pussyfoot Boot, found. | yo oo... that bufld a ermanent |" heed. Open dally and on Tuesday| COOK WANTED--Apply Plaza Hotel Street. Phone 1961-w. as a flat. Apply 87 Wellington Street. Owner apply to 48 Quebec Street. Tele- | i Brice ait ne pr on and Friday evenings. Mrs. Dunlop, 181 : Fa Phone 2513-w. 34,300--Brick store and dwelling. Terms APRA) IS =| Alfred street. : - ARC - RE A ,400--Frame, 7 rooms; all im - phone 2ive-J. - eral terms that helps you to buy. : = es GIRL Roy 3 PUSEW Ok nd DP aL 120 _ Meret andise Rooms For Housekeeping 69 | ments, : ' proves - ber beads foun nsurance : bs : 2 S Farms for sale or excha h BEADS--String of amber phone 538. Articles For Sale 81 | TRRER FURNISHED ROOMS{-- On Insurance. Money to ye on grounds of church of Good Thief, Portsmouth. Owner may have same by 3M cLaughlin Special ALL LINES--Of Fire Insurance, Auto GENERA ddle aged woman for ramily of . Apply '288 Frontenac AUGUST SALE---Made to order Suits, bathroom floor; for cooking and T. O'CONNO 316 Barrie Street. "Phons 136 Bas electric lights. Apply 380 Alfred St. os tory. | 5 passenger Touring Cars, mobile, Sickness and Accident; reli- 5 N Hing a Rectory » 8 5 able companies. 'Phone or call ¥. Wil. Street. a Say lerms of Dayment Gusirs = hme TP hite, % 3 t . : . -w. J. G. - anted---Rooms COLLIE PUP--Lost, black and white 3 Reos liams, 3 Couper street. terson, 120 Johnston Street. wr Board | 72 Resort Property For Sale Answers to name of LADY--For kitchen work and to help five weeks old. | & "Buster." Reward for return of same | At 4 cylinder, 5 passenger; a six cy- NED SL ITER--lusurance Stoker, with cooking. Lake Sydenham, last ROOMS WANTED--Two or three fur- wr 2 i = 4 v i - rN + y 81 snfofmation te 2312 Division Street'! 1 qar five passenger -and a 4 Das-| companies of highest financial stand-| (WO Weeks August Apply Dorval] AWNINGS--Verandah Curtains. Apply Bet uraished ae, jogs SF. or phone . ; senger Coupe, six cylinder motor and| ing. 251 King street hast. 'Phones i i afgden, - 8 Orv} Frank W. Couke. 'Phone {if 1st. Must be central Witte Hox Kb, $ PUR NECK PIECE--Brown, found Own- | balloon tires. 2578-w. Res. 1131 . ' ' » Whig, Office. ' FOR SA A Par- SALESLADY--Must have experience in| BEST IRON--AnNd wire goods in Can. |S===--= ! or apply to Sakell's Ice Cream C. 8 KIRKPATRICK --General Insuf- Real Estate For Rent. ance Agent. Fire, Life, Marine and| Dry Goods or Ladies' Wear. Apply in| ada made by Partridge Wire Works, el a Pan of tortoise 2 Studebakers Accident. 36 Clarence Street, King- own handwriting to Box G-4, Whig King Street West, and remember we " " . S0aGL ES leh Dot vaen Cb. | Special six cylinder und a small four, | ston, Ont. Tel. 588-w. . Office. can plate anything. 'Phone 380. Sunny Knowle n and Hotel Liey corner. Will She Bader kindly return to 230 King Street? T BOX LOST---From in front of Ran- Light Ford 1 Ton Truck FIRE--Automobile and Casusity Insur- nce. HM. Crumley, 439 Earl street. 'Phéne 1783-M. INSURANCE--Only the Chevrolet delivery truck, canopy top. most reliable SALESMEN AND SALBSLADIES --Our business is securing subscriptions for publications on a mew and already very successful plan. Permanent po- sitions and exclusive territory for BABY CARRIAGE--Grey Wicker, 1 gas plate, 3 burner; also coal oil oven, in 800d condition. Apply 19 York Street, corner Barrie. Apartments and Flats 74 APARTMENT--23 Mack Street, seven large rooms. Phone 1325-m. A desirable summer nine rooms, hardwood fire-place and spacious verans dahs, completely furnished, also cottage, | floors, iph Hotel, that was unloaded from Sompanies represented Strahge producers. Writé General Saies Cor-| COAT--Ladies' Persian Lamb Goat, 36° ea dock, boat-house and garage, The | the Ottawa-Kingston bus, A re 4 N Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95 oration, Ltd, McKinnon Bldg. To-| long, 36" bust. M . cottage is beautifully situated on + Will be given lor any information Jatended whee! th, Dlattors. Clarence Street, opposite Post Ottige. one, wa 5 Ova is roaving or nee, 42 Business Places for Rent. 1s the Fanks ot the t. Lawrence 1 on & Oe Address Bos tires : Moving, Trucking, Age 25| STENOGRAPHER| WANTED With BIY 333 Johnson Street. I | TWO STORES--At 290 Princess Street, mile of ar yan in -- a 'y BD i . 4 - some experience in bookkeeping. State! EXIDE TTERY 1 commodious, spacious windows, rear tage cug has a magnificent view OBILE--Starting Crank lost on A Used Gar b oRiY as good a8 the] ASHES Cleaned out of _celiars and| fon poche "Box T-1. Whig OF.| condition TaLRI44 volts, sh Sood| entrance, heated; will alter to sult! | of. not only the St. Lawrenpe urday, August lst. Finder please | reputation of the house selling it, Janis, clean job done. A. MacGregor, fice. 'land Street. tenant. Also apartnients corner Bar. but also of Lake Ontari, Apply notify A. Hamilton, Kingston Mills. Inquire about our guarantee pol-| 2% Ruesell Street. 'Phuae 2355. ~~ | Ea and Lringess Strests. Apply 1, NICKLE & FARRELL, ete TO. 5 TO A YOUNG GIRL--Of years, | LARGE MIRROR--F h i 4 BN nimsk Tetsiah Rute with nt an SE PAG ar Sone Fr musically inclined, i os walnut bedroom ar oo. antizue m Ontarie Breet, r 3 rost' ity | 8 ho ye i - 3 othe ces - - hs eld, lost on Wednesday nigh*. BOYD S GARAGE, and key. JF 3 City Storage, 29y- Tae, 0d_heip with twa 'child Dold Abs Tex Places of Houses Houses For Rent 77 der please notify 182 Alfred Street. 305 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. 989-w. 129 BROCK STREET gen. a fine, musical education is of- ered in 8 good home under a leading BRICK HOUSE--4 rooms; modern im- MERCHANDISE 'Phone 1520-J. eee ~ Painting, Papert Decorating Bg | ~Proresaional musician Tn Eastern On-| REFRIGERATORS-- Four Eureka Re. . a ~ RE Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts 13 . ng ting 20 tario city. References required. Write| frigerators, 3 ft. §" wide by 4 ft. re provements. north side of Princess 8% a an rom an ESTIMATES GIVEN--On all kinds of] PoX R65, Whig Oftice. Taig oo han, nes ees Feent $30.00 Apply J. B. Cooke. Tele: : CRA TING . ; AX ES -- - . yao , ~~ B. Cooke. = W's church, child's red coat, brass| FOR HAXOTIRES dd Aero Cush Sssorating, baperin read ph Sintig. : Apply E. E. Wathen, 137 Nelson St.| phones: Office 503. Res. ¥i31-m. oi buttons: also umbrella deft on arm| JO CIEE Also agent for Vank- R np! As 1352. J "| WAITRESS--Wanted. Apply Randolph| 'Phone 1391-J. ous 1 " Let Abramshy's do your erating. in ady's chair. Telephone | joo 11) "Brick. "Phone ahs cr owiey. one -F. Hotel, Princess Street. SPRING GOODS-- Gas Ranges Widen FRAME H Sr ad Aves Expert workmen always 'rea -W, 2 hy . . 0 your erating on t - e KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND BODY CO. Screens, Oll Stoves and Refrigerators | Main Street notice. Reasonable rates. Cra LADY'S COAT--Taupe, braided panel| Makers of Auto, Bugky, Boat Tops SIGN TAINTING--J. 8. Robinson. reat] YOUNG WOMAN Respectable middie Dioreasonable prices. Tayior § Hain. | -- ee for sale », On back, two tassels, silk Uning. lost. | and Cushions. Commercial, Sedan, aged or young woman wanted to work 15 32 Princess Street. Phone 418. | FURNISHED HOUSE Eight rooms; al] Jos. Abramsk & Lid. Wednesday, on Johnson, Barrie of | Coupe bodies, California Tops and Up. on farm near a town. No heavy work| Two SIDBBOA ¢mprovements; good yard; close to 4 - y Sons, Tngon streets. Kindly return to Whig holstering. Awnings and Tents ete. required of them. No objection to ome A --pBno RDS--One with marble Queen's University apd car line; also PHONE 1446. oe, . 347 King street, 'Phone 3946. Professional Services 28 child. State wages® desired. Write orkan and other useful artis ane | Bor Ii wh opient A408. Write = LOST--Black and White Spaniel Business Services Offered 18 | DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER -- W. 4. | ook 1-5. Whig Office. ply to 10 Corrigan Street, Gl Didi mi aii INR : . , about five months old, Ten dol Marcelis, Sore; of Barrie and Fwn- Help Wanted--Malo 38 WHITE NEWSPRINT--500 chest 7 ip a) DIVISION FIREET ~-- Frame, SEALERS reward fof return to owner, In- Nd iropractic Adjust - or. sheets for ouble, rooms, P. th, electric : 3 - formation which will lead to recovery Expert Plano Tuning. meats. Seotric, Jrentment and band BUTTERMAKER -- iret class butter: Pe Saitanis Jor Ste Ji Rurposes lignt. gan. Fossession immediately. Pints, 65c.; quarts, 90c.; of pup will be appreciated and re- Player.p Adjustin tion free. Hours: §-13 am. 1-6 p.m.| Meker wanted. Write, stating experi-| Apply British Whig. F - ; 2 t 1.10, whil # Street, el Armstrong, HS Bagot Pheheitdd . Evenings by appointment. Office tele-| ence to Box N-8, Whig Office. =a 3 HOUSE--To let, corner Colborne and 1 quarts, $1.10, while they A HN P hon 5 a pa Y 7A 4 one pad. phone 322 Kesidence 'phone 957-J. MAKE MONEY AT HOMB-- vi to 3: ngs and Bldg. Materials 54 Sydenham streets, § rooms, ail im- ast. . i ; IRSE--Found, in local ice cream par- CW. LINDSAY, LIMITED provements. $9 Queen Street, 6-room. : g BUR Owner may have same by a SIONS Che Pe Chiropeaitic =e, Pr hout Jor Jour 8 rns writing BRICK--_Hara ana wort, NeleJuantity.| ed house; all Improvements. Apply J TURK'S 3 "Ing property at 168 York Sireet, Name Plates, Mouse Numbers, | Ste . lustract and supply you with Work.| Phones 1381-) ber Vg 421. Rel for Baja: | 138 Queen Street. "Phone §88-w. . % ' LOLASSSS -- Found at Fair! PUSH signs painted to order. G. T| LUCY-- Geo. F. and Jennis A. Chiro. preat-Angus Showeard Service, 17 Col- | Brick). HOUSE--At 311 Queen Street; 10 rooms, REORE 45 x s, on Wednesday, Owner may | Hussey, 113 York St. 'Phone 1393-F. bractars, Kegistered Nurse, 202 Bagot he ng. Toronto. bath, hot water, tollet, gas, electricity. [hve same at Plaza Hotel WELL DRILLING ~-- Sanitary Wate! 1.5, 6-7.30. Cousuitation mer *12| SALESMAN--Live wire salbeman want. - furnace. Immediate Tele- y - ONE ; iL Wells drilled by modern machinery. I 1.30. Sousuitation tree. ed to handle Watkins 150 quality pro- ROLL ROOFING phone 1877.w. Ta : IF MONEY--Lost, Friday mom-| golentific methods, expert. workinon Dental. 28a, | ducts direct to homes in part of $1.00 PER ROLL BUSIN SERVICE : 'Finder please return to 303 Ear! goa Aad prices writ bor fall informa- gr Tungsten. Wite IL Jyat Kins Com. - Siac 8 + LONE REASOL why you should take + a prices write F, 133 3ison, or | KNAFP--Dr. ASB dentipt. Office 253 y . . on, Ontario. urfaced .... $2.00 per roil time to nr ® classified ads is be- -- ---------------- LD. Shangraw, Colebrook, : " ce C. A. RANSOM, use you will not ha ake 3 MONEY Found, on Pri i i rare) Street. one! 61w. . Open N---For each town: Kingston, 527 Comeord Avenue, Cambridge, ot it ¥ ot have tot much W . KENT MACN - ye irsday afternoon. Apply at Busin Servi y Appel Tamworth, Tweed and Erinsville, Mass. Dept. M. RUN YOUR fluger down the indexing INSURANCE BROKER Z i, and prove property. N S Ness Seo ces 28 Profit 50 per cent. Article genuine. Fuel Faia neem | terms in the classified columns and see Writing Fire, Life, Automobile, Ags 'ound, left in Bank of Lailes' Hair Parlor Ba. | -------- . > a= ulate address 277 Church Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers 56 hae sasy Ss te od ad Beason want. || cident, Sickness, Plate Glass F le = N ha at per- other lines of Insurance. 3 "week. Owner apply to Re CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers] plexin siness deal for you s 3 3 and Sollaftors, 1% Cl 8 HARDWOOD----$3.60 and $3.76 quarter| P'®' a ROC » i ti . MAROEL Wavi Kingston "A. B. Cunningham, Ke;| Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 85| cord: mixed wood $1.75 and $3.35; Slab pls AR OPDOrL aan taef] 13 BROCK ST. - PRONE SM Gold. dropped durin, Water Waving, Round aud Hobbed! Cyrii M. Smith. Wood $2.75 to $3.50, according to qual- ying. 3 Ay night, fonnd Owner | Gurilng, Hair Bobbing and Trimming, A RELIABLE BALES AGENT--Wanted| ty; = rou; and' dressed lumber, ; + Office. = 1 and Scalp ent. Sli DAY AND REVELLE --Barvisters and | for every unrepresented district; shingles, $3.50 per thousand and up. he attention given to Halr Dyeing. Miss Solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, Ki pay; free equipment; we are the \ SBuwdust sold cheap. W. H. Talbot, 3 Swi or, a ho usen Street For ap- fron A. E. Day, Adrian I. Revelle ost row of fruit ornamental Con street. Telephone 2753J. . hon / or 'Phone 205. ; #e a 3 J Join sages arranged. . Rot Bors Jopter. Fon on pe ener. | INE WOOD TAD -- Sei Hamilton By-Product Coke in Stove and FRANK ROBBS [000i ¥: 5 Pare, foustior| ot Folham Niroery ch Boronia: | Sod wardroot, 4 cord $018 oi otary i noe : = HAIR DRESSING Street. Over C.P.K. Telegraphs. Teie-| AGENTS--Get In a table, all-year | Quality mixed Slabs, $3.00 load. Tele Sizes--$ 3 iPhone 613-7 for Sppotntment. phone 1986. Money to lean = sommission business' or your own. Phone -2518-w. Nut 13.00 a ton delivered Marcel aving, . acia Pp OWher : - £ a : Hair REYNOLDS. J. C. and Soligi-| of ine hundred ¥arieties| JOIN THE HAPPY crowd. Road the : i 5 Scalp Treatment Jor a tor, $1 Street. Mo, % ar-| of hardy Red Tag ads and get the 3 you ' We positively guarantee that this Coke will not in any way ¥ 188 WELLINGTON " ranged City and farm propérty. every week ul want when you want ¢ . 5 Inked O08. , {ind lasTactions wae "CE TWIdE As muon for half asf| 10jure your grates. Let us solve your heating problems by advising R kod RT CLASS HAIR NORK CTR a Nurseries. Montreal, Que. | much. ihe" cltasined ads. bow this fuel can be economically used. : - ER-~Ladles' - Barr and | : EN mations. Bobid curly Switener-stam oval Bank. Money| Coolidge cabinet member attacks|. Cargo of Canadian whiskey was . . imp 2 asle Apply; poving. singeine. curling. ad Be Be Ton 0 sa Chicago Board of Trade and orders on yacht captured in the Mississipp! ames Swift & Co : : lin auto. a Sa | Rev. W. Evans, Bridgend, Wales, ne house." _lmear Charleston, Mo. FA Ee) Swul 1.OLELS } - W, | end, tawa t an official to edal for lite is I ; TDR mR n first . saying is being Foot of Johnson Street. 'Phene 1 Prospect for oll In tar sands north [sought for Capt. C. Lynch, of St, ne 135. * ' : " ww Re eR * Catharines, aged sevent ¥

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