5 NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS .LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE 'oman's Page Editor Phone 2613. Private Phone 857w. Was a pleasant affair and the bright shine was most welcome. The was in charge of Mrs. Allan pk, Mrs. W. J. Gibson and Miss Ferris. Among those 'Mrs. H. F. Richardson, Mrs. Sutherland (Toronto), Mrs, --.-- il h, Pa.), entertained at dinner at the Fron-| garden Island. Sherrah {Phtsburg |tenac Club, in honor 'Slater (London, Ont.), Mrs. A. Mordy, the Misses Anstruther- Mrs. Everett . John Carson, Frederick Cays, nsend, Mrs. den, Mrs. Bruce | Mrs. Victor Tremaine, 0. Georss Dae Mrs. Her- Cock, Miss Wurtele, Mrs. Beverley] The Steacy, Mrs. George McGowan, | Macdonald, Miss were also on this splendid pro- gramme and the result in money was | visiting Miss Jean Roblin, Victoria { street. | Mrs. C. O. Carson, who has been | with her sister, Miss Christie, Alfred | street, returned to Morrisburg on | Tuesday. Mr. Christian = Wilson, Wallace- burg, will arrive in town on Satur- E | | $10, which was given to the chil-|4.v 20g will be with his sisters, the | The Yacht Club tea on Wednesday | dren of the Home for Friendless Wo- | yio0es Wilson, Union street. men and Children. Not only were toys bought which will give joy to the little ones, but some warm bed- {ding for the coming winter was pur- present | chased at the request of the matron. brother, Mr. John Shortt, . =" On Monday evening Capt. F. Vokes of his son, Chris, who is leaving shortly for {Halifax to accept a commission in jehie (Edinburgh, Scotland), MYs. > ble McLeod, =" Edward Rees, | the R.C.E. Those present included | irip to Alaska. Col. and Mrs. Victor Anderson, Col. and Mrs. R. O. Alexander, Major and Mrs. HT. Flo Cunningham, | Mrs. S. W. Secord and Miss Secord, | Brantford, were visitors at the Y.W. | C.A. on Tuesday. Mrs. Mortimer Atkinson and her Brock- { ville, are visiting Judge and Mrs {| Reynolds at their summer home at . * . | , Mr. and Mrs. A. J. G. Lingham, | Gore street, have returned from their | Mrs. Z. Davies, Toronto, is with { her sister, Mrs. W. Leadbeater, Bar- rie street. Misses Anstruther-Ritchie of | Edinburgh, Scotland, are the guests John Nicolle, Mrs. Wendling [Miss Hilda Langwith, Miss Dorothea | of Mr, and Mrs. A. G. Mordy, West inglin, Mrs. Arthur Turner (Ham- Blarence Chown (Montreal), trice Lambert, Miss Eileen Fol- Tr. At the dance in the evening a mber of the members of the young ot were present and several yachts rought loads of visitors from umont, N.Y., Mr. Roy Sexsmith | Sands, Miss ton), Miss McKee (Toronto), Mrs. Patricia Sowards, Miss | Anderson, Arthur Gardiner, Playfair | Donnelly and Ben Cunningham. Dur- Dorothy Porter, Miss Messrs. George ing the evening Messrs. Anderson, Gardiner and Donnelly, three boys who have been with Mr. Vokes at R.M.C., presented him with a very handsome gift. After dinner the party went to Mrs. R. O. Alexandet's, | street, while in Kingston. { Mrs. J. H. Box and her daughter, Jean, Arnprior, are with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Elliott, Barrie street. * { Miss Aneta McMahon, Kingston, is the guest of Miss Alice Power, Ot- | tawa. Miss Mabel Burnetf, Kingston, is d his crew being among the danc-| where dancing was enjoyed until the! the guest of Miss Dorcas Randall, The other guests present were 'Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Kirkpatrick, Mr. and (Mrs. Wendling Anglin, Mrs. Bart- 1 it Dalton, Mrs. John Inglis, Ren- , Mrs. Arthur 'Macnee, Mrs. jolloway Waddell, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hill, Mrs. George Thomson, Miss fiildred Jones, Miss Laura Kilborn, [iss Nevada and Miss Margaret Best, Miss Jean Roblin, Miss Mild- Roblin (Napanee), Miss Anna nd Miss Gertrude Mahood, Miss riel and Miss Dorothy Porter, Filo Cunningham, Miss Hilda gwith, Miss Betty Nickle, Miss arta Sherron (Pittsburgh, Pa.), d a-number of men who are mem- of the club. - . On Tuesday afternoon some bright itl girls and boys gave an. inter- jsting entertainment at the home of and Mrs. James Miller, Albert¥ t. The never-failing charm of story of "Cinderella" was ht home to the audience of ups by the young actors. The 6 was charming, the step- iF a8 cross as could be and the d and haughty sisters a splendid A for.the beauty and sweetness of nderella." Songs and recitations small hours. - * " In honor of Mrs. John Inglis, Renfrew, a dutch high-tea was ar- ranged at the Cataraqui Golf and Country Club on Wednesday. Those present were Mrs. C. 8. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. T. A. Kidd, Mrs. Graham Ber- tram, Mrs. W. J. Gibson, Mrs. George Thomson, Miss May Rogers, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Eva and Miss Nora Martin, Miss Mamie Ang- lin and Miss Eileen Folger. - « - The Q.8.8.A. will give a dance in Grant Hall on Friday evening. . . -. Mr. Simcoe Daly, Lloydminster, Sask., is with his sisters, the Misses Daly, Albert street. Mr. T. V. Mounteer, Montreal, is expected on Saturday to spend two weeks with his mother, Mrs. Mounteer, Victoria street. Mrs. Stu Crockett, Barrie street, is spending » few days in New York. Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Stewart, Al- bert street, have returned from To- ronto. , x Miss McKee, Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. R. N. F. McFarlane, Johnson street. Miss Mildred Roblin, Napanee, is body & at tin of " PARIS PATE!" DeLzssmn, picnic you've very thing every» - TTS dente the thing for good A. | | Napanee. Mr. William Waldron, after six | months' absence in Britain and the | continent, will return to the city on | Saturday. | Mrs. D. R. Coulson, with her son, | Oshawa, will be among the former | Kingstonians in town for the re- lunion and will be the guest of her | sister, Mrs) L. C. Daugherty, John- | son stree | Mr. and Mrs. Ross J. Leach, Grand | valley, Ont., who have been visiting friends in Buffalo, N.Y., Oshawa and | Picton, returned home to-day, bring- ing Mrs. E. Seale with them for a visit. - . . Mrs. P. J. Milne and Miss Carmel Milne have returned. from Ottawa and Smith's Falls, where they have | been visiting for some time. Mrs. R. Gallivan, Ottawa, has re- turned to Kingston for Old Boys' Week, and is staying with her sister, Mrs. P. J. Milne. Mrs. John Inglis, Renfrew, is visiting Miss Mildred Jones, King street. Miss Constapce Armitage, New- ark, NJ. who is at Battersea, will be the guest of Mrs. L. T. Best, Al- bert street, for the celebration. Mr. Jack Cays, Oswego, N.Y., is with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Cays, Bar- rie street. Dr. and Mrs. "Egerton Cays will arrive in town for the re- union. - Mr. C. G. Ogden, Montreal, is at the Chateau Belvidere and is enjoy- ing his visit among his Kingston friends. Dr. W. H. Rankin and Miss Edith Rankin, Brooklyn, N.Y., who are at their summer home at Collin's Bay, will sail for England on Saturday. Mrs. Graham Bertram, Dundas, is with her mother, Mrs. H. W. Rich- ardson, "Alwington." Mrs. George Street, Winnipeg, is the guest of Mrs. F. H. Smithers, 246 Barrie street. She will remain In town till after the Old Boys re- union. - * » « Mrs. W. Harty, "Roselawn," en- tertained at bridge and mah jongg on Wednesday afternoon for her mother, Mrs. J. K. Kerr, Toronto. At the tea hour, Mrs. W. P. Wilgar and Mrs. Hamilton Roberts presided at the tea table which was effective- ly decorated with summer flowers. Mr. C. W. Timmerman, C.P.R., Montreal, is in the éity with his daughter, Mrs. Day, and Dr. H. BE. Day, Alfred street. visit old friends at Odessa and Yar- ker. . . Mr. and Mrs. Somerset of Bim- hurst, Long Island, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. C. NTo, Division street. Mr. Somerset is a former Kings- tonian. \ Miss Helen Hannah and Miss Helen Cornwall, Watertown, N.Y. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Blomley, Beverly street. Miss Betty Campbell, who is at Cedar Nook, Camp Bath, came in with Miss Mildred Mahood and was with Mrs. George Mahood, Univer- sity avenue, for a day or so before returning to the camp on Wednes- day. TOMORROW'S MENU + Breakfast Bananas Cereal Dropped Eggs on Toast Coffee Tancheon- Sardines on Letiuce Wholewheat Bread Stewed Prunes Cookies Iced Tea Dinner Clam Savory Baked Potatoes Sliced Tomatoes Peach Custard Coffee a Peas A "Butterfly" Sweater. The-following directions are -- for knitting a size 36 sweater with the new "butterfly" sleeves: Buy eight balls' of lustrafloss yarn, a pair of number five and one- balf knitting needles, and a size four crochet hook. Begin by casting on 70 stitches. *Knit plain ten rows (five ridges), and on the next row insert needle in stitch, wrap twice, knit the stitch repeat between these stars to end of row Next row purl, dropping wrapped stitches, * repeat between these marks (*) once; then repeat for entire sweater, increasing in the next five plain: knit stripes one stitch each side on the first, fifth and ninth rows 'and two stitches each side on the third and seventh rows till there are 140 stitches. Now work without increase for eight and one-half inches (about nine stitches make two inches; about ten rows make one inch). «There should be 12 rows of dropped stitches from bottom. On next piain knit row, * work to within four] stitches of end of needle; turn and| work to within four stitches of op-| posite end, * repeat between these marks (*) till you have eight groups of four stitches not worked, on each needle. On next row knit 20 stitches, bind off 36 stitches (this should be the fifth plain knit row of stripe). On -| remaining 20 stitches work twp in- ches, working across four more stit- ches from short rows every second row. Make other shoulder in this same way. Cast on 36 stitches for front of neck and continue working four more stitches each side till there are 140 stitches on row. Finish front same as back. Pick up 70 stitches around armhole, knit nine rows plain, bind off on wrong side ahd work single_ crochet around neck." This is a slip-over sweater which is comfortably loose and graceful about the hips; its sleeves are elbow length and formed like a "kimono sleeve" on dresses, except that they are looser under the arm. The careful woman never hangs a sweater on a hook or nail, when it is not in use, as that stretches the garment out of shape. Either keep it in a drawer or else hang it through an embroidery hoop which you have wound with a pretty rib- bon (and hang the hoop to a nail). Tomorrow---Favorite Preserves. All inquiries addressed to Miss Kirkmap, in care of the "Efficient Housekeeping' department, will be answered in these columns in their turn. This -requires considerable time, however, owing to the great number received. So if a personal or quicker reply is desired, a stamp- ed and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question. Be sure to use YOUR full name, street number, and, the name of you city ana state. guest of R. Tannahill. He is a Queen's graduate. ~ » » LJ The Editor of the Woman's Page will be glad to receive the names of visitors who are in town for the Old Boys' Reunion. Telephone 2613 or 857Tw. The Editor Heors That the wise ones say we are go- ing to have a dry warm August so the campers, who have felt we 'have had more rain than they care for, may look forward to a fine month. The farmers, however, are thinking, of the hay that has depreciated in value owing to the constant showers which have made it difficult to cure, | But the other crops are splendid and the pastures were rarely as green in the last week of July. That Lady Haig was greatly de- lighted with her trip to the coast and commented upon the arrange- ments made by the Canadian rail- He will also | ways for the comfort of the party. She had a splendid view of the far- famed falls of Niagara, when accom- | panied only by General McBrien and the pilot, she flew across them and saw this great waterfall from the air. x That the band concerts in Mac- donald Park will be one of the great attractions of the big celebration. The visitors will no doubt wander into the old Martello tower, now turned into Kingston's museum, where the relics of the old days will | be kept. # That the Kingston shops are put- ting out their mos attractive' wares for' the "Old Girls" who will no doubt replenish their wardrobe in their home town. The late summer sales always are a lure to the woman who wants to dress well on a small income, and to those, who no matter how large their income may be, dear- ly love a bargain. "Pa. thought that noise at the lawn party was folks applaudin® his jokes, but they was just. slanpin' mosquitoes.y Margaret McGurn, employee of Marshall Field's in Chicago, has the distinction of 49 years of con- tinuous service, Collin's Ba Dancing Pavilion EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Dancing from § to 12 (Standard Tim Sia Fox Orchestra " attendance. " Special Evenings for Old 'Boys' Week Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday August 3, 4, 5, 7 H. R. CLARK, Manager GALLAGHER'S SERVICE 960 25¢ 'wor DAY OR NIGHT household cleaning. Made in Canada One teaspoonful of Gillex fo a gallon of water takes away most of the drudgery of E. W. GILLETT CO. LTD. MY HEART IS IN THE HOMELAND My heart is in the homeland, like --hearts-the wide world o'er, And when I take the home road its good to be ashore! Yet once I looked upon the sea and I was glad to go, Jo trust my fate to little ships that travel to and fro! Aye, they have been the good friends and they've been staunch and true; They've carried me across the world and brought me k to you! And yet they never had my heart, who sailed the seas with me; My heart was where my home is, and you have kept the key. I never sniff a shore breeze but that I smell the pines That mark the place of my home, and never becacon shines But guides me to the homeland across the miles between, And sets my heart to dreaming of grasses cool and green. 89c. a pair. a pair. Silk Stockings $1.00 a pair. Silk Stockings, * $2.00 a pair. "Phone 191. When tropic skies are clearest and 'I am keen to go. It's good to be alive then, but best of all to know, i While joy within my heart leaps and thrills me throygh and through - like wine, ' That you are in the homeland and you and home are mine! , Engagement Announced. The engagement is announced of Miss Ethelwyn Maude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Switser, Port Perry, to Rev. Charles Delbert Daniel, pastor of the Seymour Unit- ed Circuit for the past year and who is a son of J. H. Daniel, Anaheim, California. The marriage will take place early in August, and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel will reside in the Sey mour parsonage, Campbellford. To make tasteless meat savory let it lie over night in a dressing of oil, vinegar and paprika with a little on- fon juice. SUMMER STOCKINGS FOR WOMEN F ancy Lisle "Stockings, English - make; very new and popular at 75c¢., Sport Wool, . Silk and Silk an Wool Hose in a big variety of colors and patterns; all sizes, for 59¢. to $3.00 -- the. celebrated Luxite make; in all colors and sizes for in fine qualities -- every new shade, at $1.50, $1.75 and I -------------- W. N. Linton & Co. The Waldron Store FIVE HUNDRED and SEVENTY DOLLARS The price of a Plano of high reputation and one which will give you satisfaction for a life- time, the same as it has for hundreds of others. THE Heintzman & Co. Style:>0."