THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG RES TE Jaeger Agents. Jaeger Agents. Heat Resisting. Breeze Admitting ummer Suits and Toggery For complete Summer comfort, for a full trim appearance, we have the outfitting that answers every purpose successfully. » ATHLETIC UNDERWEAR OUTING SHIRTS OUTING TROUSERS BATHING SUITS BEAUTIFUL NECKWEAR SWEATERS LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET Selling Agents Jaeger Goods Dog License Cases. Three cases in which citizens are charged with neglecting to secure a | dog license, will come before Mag- istrate Farrell on Friday. gl i City And Vicinity | { Placed Carriage On Tracks. | A tug of the Donnelly Wrecking { Company placed the boat carriags jon the tracks at the Kingston | Yacht Club Thursday morning. | Took High Standing. The many friends of Gordon Han- { ley, 11 Main street, will be glad to | know that he was successful in pass- ing his final examinations at Detroit, { Mich., where he has been attending college. Mr. Hanley passed with high | standing. Called on Old Friends. Mayor and Mrs. Balharrie of Ot. {tawa called on Canon and Mrs. W. | F. FitzGerald, Brock street, on their return from a motor trip on Thurs- day afternoon. Mrs. Balharrie wos a member of the Anglican church in Quyon, Que., whén Canon FitzGerald was rector there. Was a Queen's Graduate. Rev. J. A. Omond, who had charge of St. . Andrew's United Church, Sudbury, for the past few | months during the illness of the min- ister went to New Liskeard where [ ne will be inducted to the ministry |of the United Church. Rev. Mr. Omond was formerly of Prescott and is a Queen's graduate. Take a Hand In the Work. Old Home week is drawing near. Are you going to help make it a success? Of course you.are. The re- ception committee is anxious that all old citizens sacrifice a little of their time during Old Home Week, and to help to give the old-timers a warm welcome and a generally good time. » Cars Collide. Three cars figured in a collision on Princess street Wednesday after- noon. A car, which was parked on the right side of Princess street, going up, turned out and was struck by a car proceeding ~ up Princess street, the impact throwing ft against another car that was parked in front of it. Very little damage was done. Returned From England. Rev. Dr. BE. Hooper, Brockville, formerly pastor of the First Baptist church, Kingston, has returned af- ter spending ten weeks visiting chiefly , in London, England, and along the south coast of the Old and sisters in their own homes in England and enjoyed the trip very much. Kerr-Morris Nuptials. On Wednesday evening, at St. "ANDERSON'S - "Main Store: Princess and Division Streets. ! Department 2600, 2601, 2602. Business Office { ant's Office 865J, Wholesale Office 3 Tor . Princess Street. % "Phone 2431. FRESH WHEY BUTTER At This Season Buy Very fine, Eggs in Sealed Every Egg guaranteed 36¢. Ib. WANTED, THIS WEEK 1,000 Broilers, 500 Young, Fat Fowl. \ prices this week. Place Your Fish Order Thursday ing time for Preparation ro coy Friday morning, thus aford. ; Lake On- Fresh caught tario Whitefish, 1b, .20c, NT oH , New [PARSLEY FREE with orders. i ich on America's k cuts, Ib. .........85¢c.) Western Halibut order, 1b. .....88c. A Sec. to orde Salmon, k 1 Bolling eisai. B80. Steaks, Ib. ...........80c. frdiiisaiasniese 200 Luke's Church, the marriage took place of Lillie Belle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morris, Athens, and Mr. George Douglas Kerr, Mallorytown. Rev. J. de Pen- cler Wright officiated. The bride was given away by her brother, Dr. 8. 0. Morris, Lyndhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr will reside in Mallory- town. : Among The Islands. Saturday, Sunday, Monday, 2 p.m. fast time. Down the Canadian chan- nel and home by the American channel. One hour at Alexandria Bay and an opportunity to see all the islands. Visitors to our "city should not go home without seeing the beautiful Thousand Islands. Str. Brockville from Ferry dock. Adults, 75 cents; children, 50 cents. Concert at Mowat Hospital. The patients at the Mowat Sana- torium are very grateful to the mem- bers of the P.W.0. Regiment band for a concert they tendered the hos- pital on Tuesday evening. Twenty members of the organiation went out nad contributed a long programme of music on the lawn that lasted tin 9.30 pm. The patients appreciated the entertainment very much and hope the band will come back again soon. -- Fine Librapy Lawns. G. Hyland fx receiving many com- pliments on the appearance of the lawns about the mew Douglas Lib- rary. The grass was not started till Anchovy Saues ..........85. J} ay i Land. He visited his nine brothers | | STOCK MARKETS | (Reported by Johnston & Ward, | 86 Princess street, membess of the Montreal and Toronto Stock Ex- | changes, ) Montreal. | July 30th, 1.30 p.m. Abitibi Power ... .... .. 65% Asbestos, com. .., ... «se 73% Asbestos,.pfd. ... ... ... 105 Bell Telephone ... ,.. .. « '140 iBrastl ©... ai. «re. 58% { Brompton 22 [Can. Cement, com, eee eee 105% [Can. 8.8, com. ,.. ... ... 10% Can. 88, pd. ... ... . 456% {Dom. Bridge .,. ... .., . 87% {Dom. Canners ,.. ... vers. 110 Dom. Textile .., ... ... 85 |Laurentide .., ... ces oo. 80% {Mackay ..., '.,, «7... vee 127% | Montreal Power 1941; | B.C. Fish tases een a 43% | National Breweries, com. .. 43% |Ottawa Power ... Sent on 951% | Ont. Steel Products ... .. 7 {Penmans ... ,,. ... «+. 1586 {Price Bros. ... ... see» 48 | Quebec Power |, . 106% Spanish River, com. see oe... 102 Spanish River, pid. ... .. 112 Smelters sree eee see. 108% | Shawinigan |, ., tes see oo. 163% | Steel of Canada ' 851; {Twin City .., tee ea. 62 | Winnipeg wreees sae eas BIY -- New York. | July 30.--1.30 p.m. Amer. Loco. , ce ose a. 113% Amer. Can... *e ee se a. 210% Baldwin Loco.., .. .. ee. 112% B&O............°: 76 California Pete. ,. .. ce oe. 283% Continental Baking "B" ... Crucible Steel. . ve wa Dodge Com.. ,, { Dodge Pfd.. ,. Fisk Rubber. . Foundation Co. . «ve. International Nickle. . Inter. Marine Pfd.. . "oe Marland Oil. . N.Y.cC........... .e Northern Pacific.. .. ". wn Pacific Oil.. ., ., .. . Pan. Amer. Pete' Fev ve en { Pan. Amer. Pete "B" ,. Pierce Pete. . | Royal Dutch... .. .. | Anaconda Copper. . | Briggs Mfg .... .. .. .. Moon Motors.., .. .. .. . 3314 Sour. Pacific... .. .. cee. 98% Sinclair Oil... ., .. .. vee. 21 Skelly Oil... .. .. .. .. 28% Shell Oil.. ., ., .. .. . 23% Studebaker.. .. ,, .. --- 47% Texas Of. . .oiice vi ce «« B51 Union Pacific. , «so. 1394 U. 8. Rubber... .. 57% U. 8 Seely op veive oo . 118% Woolworth. : 4 .. ...i +o 165 GRAIN QUOTATIONS. nn-- Chicago. July 30th, 1.30 p.m. _- Wheat : [July Sept. .. Dec. ... . Corn July ... . Sept. ... ... .... Oats -- JY oo cua eee, Sept... ...... id. Wheat-- July... «ai... FORE aie ine can wd | Dee. Lo vad caw Oats-- Oct. Dee. .. { July Band in Macdonald Park. By kind permission of Lieut.-Col. E. B. Sparks and officers, the P.W. O.R. Band will play the following programme in Macdonald Park to- night (Thursday), July 30th, at §.15 o'clock, weather permitting: March--Invergargil. Medley _Overture--=Scoteh melo- dies. i Patriots, Sgt. Armstrong and Bands- man Allen. £8 Waltz--A southern Dream. March--A Royal Bridesmaid. 'Fantasia--In Coenland. Waltz song--A Merry Re-Union. Fox trot--Will You Remember Me. March--Gladiators Farewe! "God Save the King."...... TU WL CHRISTMAS, W.0. Xx Bandmaster, Note: --"A Merry Re-Union" was composed by Mrs. J. H. Birkett ex- et | "KINGSTON'S GREATEST SHOPPING CENTRE" JULY SALES SPECIALS IN LINENS AND STAPLES With Our Old Boys Week Celebration but a few days away it will be well to look into your needs for fine Table Linen in Cloths and Napkins, Serviettes, etc., and staples, to be in readiness when the com- pany you are expecting arrives. Fe Cornet duet, by request--The two | 36 Only Pure Irish Linen Table Cloths SPECIALLY PRICED From our stock of newly imported, fine, Irish Linen Table Cloths we have chosen three dozen Table Cloths in various sizes and marked them at a most reasonable fig- ure. The designs and patterns of these Cloths are of the best, being patterns select- ed for their beauty of appearance. Pure Irish Linen Cloth--size 2x2. $3 75 Regularly priced at $5.50. Special . Pure Irish Linen Cloth--size 2x21. $4 50 Regularly priced at $6.75. Special . Pure Irish Linen Cloth--size 2x3. Regularly priced up to $8. Special pressly for the Old Boys' Re-Union. El a a Sa-- Sent --