Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Jul 1925, p. 9

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THE I DAILY BRITIS SH Wiig Carpentering & General Jobbing 27 Uhiversity Ave. 'Phone 1963w BASEBALL Before and After the Game Kat FISH and CHIPS J. H. JARVIS Princess and Albert Streets ~ Walter Cannem Pinsmith, Roofing and Furnace Work a abbing a. Specialty. Autatiobile Radiators repaired 60 BAGOT BT. "Phone 1805. 5 Cut your coal bill in half by using our genuine Pocahontas low in ssh, high in heat and no clinkers, Price $11.00. Our ett"s Creek Serapton in unsurpassed. and Ohestnwt, $15.00 ---- by 1 a winter supply ordered. DENNEE.-& MORRIS OFFICE. #7 | 0 Brock Street. | statement of 'The KINGSTON OLEANERS : AND DYERS . Clean anything that can be cleaned ©. COE & P. BARRETT Office: 86 org Street. 'Phomne 1225w, d deliver. -- ay of special design are made here with expert care as to all de- tails. No design is beyond our skill. Nome too simple to ve ceive less than our best attem- + When a Child Complains of Headaches The parents should at once suspect eye strain. Any child who seems healthy, but who complains of headaches is al- most sure to be a sufferer from eye strain. If allowed to con- tinue this straii will be reflect- ail 10 the child®s Ick of ncyrost in studies, maybe in di lo ence. Glasses are indicated. We can supply them. R. Arthey, Optometrist _ AMUSEMENTS _| What the Press Agents Say What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions AT THE CAPITOL A photoplay bringing a scathing fndictment against the modern tend- | | 2 "HEAPER TO MARRY" conventions | ency to tear down opened last night at Theatre. It is * the {| who have established themselves as | among the most popular men einen | the screen. They play B A SEB A LL | business who, on fundamental ques- as Jim Knight, holding conventions and matrimony in contempt, s. VICTORIAS Nagel, as Dick Tyler believing ° with the aid of Marguerite de la| Friday, July 31st 30 as the . play reaches iis | startling climax. { through the entire production, 6.15 p.m. handled for the most part by the NOTICE very capable Louise Fazenda and a "grass widow" seeking a fourth { husband, and Claude, a '"'wealthy in hereby given that the garineraily a) old bach," ually falls into her trap. Plumbers, 50 Princess Street, miths ud | hun been this day dissolved by mutual | consent of the partners. All debts owe | paid to me, and 1 will settie all cin { aginst the sald partaership. saver mamiLron. |Looal Briefs Gathered by Re-' porters--What the Merch- ants Are Offering. tions of life, differ radically, Stone marriage and practicing his theory, CRICKET FIELD, | An excellent vein of comedy runs Claude Gillingwater. Louise plays TAYLOR & HAMILTON, Tinsmit ing to the said partnership are Soe be | HEARD ON THE STREET Kingston, July 27th, 1025. Notice to Creditors Col. A. E. Harris is in Peterboro In the Matter of the Estate of on duty. Fine A ny " the ONY of | The post office is being decorated do D for the old home week. Widow, ased. NOTICE is hereny stven RUAN a Blueberries, quart boxes and large Section 58 of the Trustee ' hs Act, R.8.0., 1914, Chap. 121, that baskets, at Carnovsky's. all creditors and others having Slaima| There was no session of the police demands aghinst the esgate © ord Johanna Hunt. who 'died on or court on Thursday morning. about the loth aay of March, AD 1935, | Mr. Swain, piano tuner. Orders at sald City © lngston, are requir tved at 100 Clergy street west, rh od pefore the 81st day of August, oe d a Clergy A.D. 1925, to send by post prepaid or 'phone 564w. deliver to P ATRICK J. HR I a, Tan Mrs. H. Campsall is spending the iL. ston, On ° me > the RE the sald Johanna Hunt, | week with her mother, Mrs. William their « Shristian _Bames and syrnashol) Blair, Westport. addresses and desoriptions, e u v y particulars in writing of their claims, a; Miss Rhea McCann, Westport, left thelr accounts, and the on Wednesday for Brooklyn, N.Y. nature of the security, if any, held by] to visit her sister. ha TAKE NOTICE that after such Alice street is being made ready last mentioned date the said Adminis-| for paving, and a large gang of trator will proceed to distribute the| men are busy there. assets of the sald deceased among the y ) parties entitled thereto, having regard The reception committee for the only to the claims © ch he all} » ed have notice, and that the said Ad-| old boys 'celebration, held a meet- ministrator will not de _llavie lor the | ing on Wednesday night. any! Bid ames or wena of witee olaim he| Registration of the old boys and od notice at the time of such girls will be commenced at the city Dated this 30th day of July, A. D.| buildings on Saturday noon. 1926. P. J. HUNT. The Old Boys' welcome arch at Administrator of the estate of the corner of King and Brock streets was redecorated with evergreens Thursday. Johanna Hunt. Address: 18 Earl Street, Kingston, Ont. Visitors in the city complain about the system of watering the paved streets. They consider that it is quite unnecessary. The fountain at the Court House has been fitted with colored lights, Many large flags now adorn the Eastern Dairy School buildings. Canton No. 6, 1.O.O.F., is plan- ning to tbfn out in good numbers for the parade next Tuesday night. i There are also prospects of the dd I Fellows putting two floats into the procession. Mrs. Clinton Grice, Brewer's Mills, {who suffered a severe double com- | pound fracture of her right leg in {jumping from a buggy at Seeley's , Bay, has had to have the leg ampu- tated at the General Hospital FIRE. IN BASEMENT OF HOSPITAL AT RA.C. Believed to Have Been Caused by Upsetting of Bottle of Spirits. Fire broke out in the basement of the hospital at the Royal Military ! College on Wednesday night about 19.30 o'clock. The blaze was discov | ered by Nursing Sister Wurtelle, who at once gave the alarm and the fire brigade was called and the blaze was extingaished in a short time, the | flames being confined to the base- ment. One of the walls' was quite roadeloth Dresses $1.98 PEs GINGA DRESSES, He Shopping CHECKER Taxicabs Phone SOO "77 Amy place In eity DAY OR NIGHT The eab that forced the prices down. All mew 5 and 7 passenger Sedans AX] BLACKE| WHITE Phone 40-2565 FOR GOOD ELECTRIC WIRING and REPAIRS ALSO RADIO, CONSULT J. BRUCE SAUNDERS | ECTRICAL ENGINEER D BUN TRACTOR | badly scorched. The fire is believed to have been Enjoy a Good Time With the Old Bovsand Have Your Meals at | 'QUEEN'S CAFE SPECIAL OLD BOYS' DINN ER, SUNDAY, AUGUST 2nd LARGE, COOL DINING ROOM. ARNIEL & HAMBROOK, Proprietors. | Gomer of Division and Union Strats, "Phone 1123 2 caused by the upsetting of a bottle J | containing inflammable spirits. A j Sour of inquiry was assembled to inquire into the fire and the report Iwill be forwarded to Ottawa. hah WR Judge Choquette, a well-known , Montreal judge is to run for a seat {in he eg 8 federal Section. BEST . The t House o ommons OF SERVICE. | voted approval of the admiralty's naval construction programme. The Italian government makes plans to improve relations with So- viet Russia. $15. 0 : eS, Winxipee Capitol | Cheaper to Marry," | An exceptional cast is seen in| i this film. Heading the list are| Lewis S. Stone and Conrad Nagel, A Picture You'll Want to See -- oni partners im | and | In| I" SPORT || '|QARNOOKS DEFEATED LOCAL SOFTEALLERS | An Exciting Game Played at! the Isiand Town on Wednesday. In one of the most exciting games of softball played this season, Vic-! | toria Maud"s Garnocks, Gananoque, defeated the Y.M.C.A. girls by a | score of 13-11, at Gananoque Wed- | nesday evening. The score does not! by any means indicate the play as | the local girls certainly deserved a win, and would have but for one | bad inning, when Lady Luck turned | against them. After that, the "Y" | girls played air - tight ball. These | two teams meet here in Old Home Week, the first game at 10.30 Mon- day morning at the Cricket Field and the second on Wednesday even- ing at 6.30. The teams are very evenly matched and the local fans who have seen them in aetion, know the brand of ball they serve. The two encounters here should attract large crowds. The teams were: Y.M.C.A--Wilson ef; D. Allen p; Angrove rf; Hall If; Truesdell 2b; Horne ss; M. Allen ¢; Powell 3b; spares Sinclair and Philipps. Garnocks--Edgelly ec; If; Sinclair 3b; Munroe ss; Nuttal rf; Connors 1b; Gilbert cf; Rich- ardson 2b; Whalley p; spares, Allen and Bullock. Umpires--Richards and Dorey. Kingston Team Beaten. The Kingston Oddfellows baseball team motored to Gananoque Wed- nesday afternoon and were defeat- ed by the Gananoque Oddfellows by a score of 8-6. Kingston were handi- 'tapped somewhat by the lack of reg- ular players but it was a real snappy game. Davis 1b; Mirandi ANOTHER VICTORY. The Frontenac Regiment Defeated Eastview Team. The Frontenac Regiment softball team kept up its long string of straight victories by defeating the East View team on Wednesday even- ing at the East View grounds by the score of 24-15. Over one hundred enthusiastic fans were in attendance at the game and there was plenty of good snappy baseball put up for them by the two teams. The score by innfngs: Frontenac Regiment 206540304--24 East View 130124400--15 The teams: Frontenac Regiment -- Reilly, Montgomery, Van Blvery' Stagg, Des Rosiers, Cornelius, Vanalstyne, Robertson, Watts. East View--Frost, Boulton, Eng- land, Simonds, Merritt, Sullivan, Copley, Hall, J. Hanson. Umpires--Eccles at the plate; Breathwaite on the bases. DUKE DAINTY BREAKS ARM WHILE SLIDING Oshawa Defeated Belleville on Wednesday by Score of 4t1. Belleville, July 30.--Oshawa base- ball team journeyed to this city Wednesday for a C.O.B.L. contest withi the local C.N.R. team, and went away with a victory by a score of 4 to 1. Dainty, Oshawa's ace pitcher, was on the mound until the seventh inning, when he met with an un- fortunate accident. He was en- deavoring to steal second when he fell heavily on his right arm, break- ing it just above the wrist. Belleville--Weir 3b; W. Ross cf; W. Mills ¢; H. Mills 1b; Blakely ss; Meagher b2; Hagerman If; R. Ross, rf; Jeffrey p. Oshawa--Rowden ss; Dainty and Lennox p; Tyson ¢; Saunders 2b; Morrison 3b; Algers rf; Dineen 1b; R. Fair cf; Roddick If. R HB .010100002--4 4 0 .001000000--1 3 2 Oshawa. .. Belleville. . M-O League. London 1, Kitchener 0. Hamilton 4, Saginaw 1, Flint 9, Bay City 7. mpi, BOWLING hd . Rockwood Defeats Deseronto. | Rockwood bowlers won all but HA"NTED AGAIN Rathburn, 12-9, 15-14; Hodgins lum, 20-7, from and from Burns, : won from Campbell, 12-10, but lost to Burns, 15-11, and to Rathbun, 11-9; Sears won from Rathbun, 15-10, from Campbell, 15-11, and from Allum, 15-9. Club Games. In the doubles at the Queen's bowling green Wednesday night Skip Elliott won from Skip Tur- cott, 14-11 and Dr. Sparks from H. Angrove, 20-16. In the singles W. N. Linton won from J. Baker, J. A. Newman from A. Baker, E. Johnson from E. Williamson, 15-12, and R. D. Sloan from C. Creer in the pre- liminary round,/ 15-13, and from F. Newman in the first round, 16-14. TEMPORARILY CLOSE HONAN MISSION WORK Bishop White Decides to Move Anglican Missionaries for Summer. Toronto, July 380.--Word has been received by the office of the Missionary Society of the Church of England in 'Toronto that Bishop | White, who is in ¢harge of thy Ang lican missionary work in the Pro- vince of Honan, China, has decided that it would be better to close all work dependént on foreigners and have all the members of the mission- ary staff leave at once for their sum- mer vacation. Bishop White has sent word that the consul-general in the City of Hankow also suggest- ed such a move on the part of the missionaries, and accordingly the missionaries have already left their stations. The Bishop reports that Miss McIntosh, Miss Rapson, the Williams, Roswells and Lewis's have removed to the town of Peitai- bo, while he himself, Mr. and Mrs. Simmons, Miss Masters, Miss Tra- vis, Miss Peters, Miss Watts, Miss Robbins, Miss Naisbitt and Miss Shaw have gone to the 'city of Chi- kungshan. The Chinese governor arranged for a special train to convey thy foreigners who wished to move from \Sillsville, the city of Kaifeng to Chikungshan, some 30 foreigners in all taking ad- vantage of the governor's offer. - It is stated that the missionaries have removed from the field for the sum- mer, not because of any danger to life, but to avoid unpleasant treat- ment and to help the situation by keeping out of sight of the students, VERY SUDDEN DEATH. Of Miss Pearl Hoselton, Bath Oc- curs at. Orillia. Bath, July 30.--Word was re- ceived here od Tuesday, of the sud- den death, at Orillia, of Pearl Hosel- 'ton, eldest daughter of Chagles J. and the late Mrs. Hoselton. The body will be brought here for inter- ment. Hope Swayhe, Maynooth, has been spending a few days with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Swayne, at St. John's Rectory. Mrs. Creighton, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Loyst. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Kellar and family, Rochester, N.Y., are visiting at Faber Covert's. Mrs. Max Calver and baby spent a few days last wéek with friends in Odensa. Mrs. J. M. Wemp is spending some time at Oak Leaf with her sister, Mrs. R. J. Green, who is seriously fll. Mrs. Gould, Napanee, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ross Sexsmith. Rev. E. Burgess, Kingston, whd is camping near the village, occupied the pulpit in the United Church on Sunday evening. Miss Audrey Davy, Kingston, spent a few days last week at W. H. Hall's. Miss Margaret Forester, Waterdown, N.Y., is spending her holidays with her parents, Mr. aad Mrs. John Forester. John Aylesworth, Toronto, has been spending a few days with Rev. and Mrs. Swayne, at St. John's Rectory. Miss Mary Hamm who has spent the last five years in Japan returned home on Saturday she was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Fred Hamm, who spent the last few months with her there. Italian Fascists and Opposition supporters staged a fight at Paler- mo, following Orlando's speech. News In Condensed Form Off the Wires Chicago woman died after receive! ing over fifty leech bites while bathing. % Big earth movement threatens Ale pine villages on Italian side of Matterhorn. C.N.R. head effice denies ru that $3,500,000 hotel will be at Vangouver. § Brantford police are storing cap tured liguor to be used next winter as anti-freeze. . i: Cardinal Gasquet, Vatican Hb rarian, expresses disgust at women's dress. f Actor at Vienna took a tam constrictor into court to prove it was harmless. London denies report that Duke of York will visit the U States next year. Dr. J. B. Ayotte, of Plantagen Quo., is charged with gift or | of narcotic drugs. Abd-el-Krim, Moroccan I makes Riftian independence condition of peace. French psychologists are in gating a story that a mummy Paris recently spoke. Walking sticks of grotesque \ for women are being shown in ) smart London storss. British expect from con nations sixty million pounds payment to Washington. Roman Catholic farmers in County are praying for ex tion of the corn-borer. Hon. Jacques Bureau, Minister Customs has quite recovered fi his illness, and is able to resume | departmental duties. Bdgar Addison Bancroft, can ambassador to Japan, died day night at Karuizawa. Death the result of a duodenal ulcer. Wychwood Presbyterian ¢ tion, Toronto, extended an mous call to Rev. H. B. Lee, Fairmount Presbyterian Chi Montréal. He will be offered 600 yearly, with a month's OUT OUR WAY sa

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