Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jul 1925, p. 9

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i% THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG AMUSEMENTS || IW. J. RENTON PASSED ev ------------------_-- m {| What the Press Agents Say About SPORT AW NDAY N | 9 Coming Attractions | = -- | ---- i | "GREAT SHOW" AT caprtoL | BELLEVILLE HERE ON (He Was an Honorable Man | | It would be hard to find a more ap- WEDNESDAY EVENING and Highly Regarded In 8 - fo All Walks of LI = ; ! a ugias Sed) W Is SUCCESSORS TO THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE "Th tle French Girl," and which rere | [is the feature at the Capitol Theatre | the Raliroaders--tLocals { A splendid citizen passed away, on | » : | for the last time to-day. | Need This Game. {Monday evening, in the perfon of Mr. = . Featured in the leading roles are| | William J. Renton, 319 Valves) a : : 9 | Alice Joyce, Nei Hamilton, Mary 1 btw how and |8Venue. He had been a sufferer for | ' : | Brian and EH sthpcR atom: In the title | si 3 ves well Soy ee OW ay years from heart affection, and had '. 3 | role of the picture, Mary Brian, 3s | baseball fans will have sc th been confined to his home for the 3 : { Alix Vervier, finds that her mother si put up for "them when the Belleville | Past two months, hopeful at times for | erances tor Of Buta a kink in her {1nd Kingston teams clash at the Faiy|Tecovery, but always in full know: N CE ------ i From the Sensational Novel of |! English home, where it ié the mother's team gave Ki Po {And he had no dread ing 3 i 1 gave Kingston a rather stiff ar. |An © had no dread concerning his = French Morals and Manners | hope Yai will land for herself a good gument in Belleville last Saturday and departure. He was cheerful, buoy- | . . provider. ie, : in this game tomorrow they are ex- ant, resolute and happy in the as- . Al "og iy ih a t Here ow Roi? he Jove, with The pected to give the locals some real en- |sociations of his family and friends 2 \ 3 pe wa, re younger brother of her mother | tertainment. {who were constant in administering g urs ay, ri ay dal Yr a w vitally * interesting story | nne Douglas Sedgwick's novel. | pond Game Is Expected With | a France, so she invades a fashionable tario League fixture. The Belleville and nearing the time of dissolution. i chances for a suitable marriages in Grounds in a scheduled Central On-|ledge that he was growing weaker 1: { favorite, only to learn that he cares Th " a : é " : , : e Belleville team will likely pitch to him all comforts needed. On 4 "The Pacemakers | for another and that the other girl Jeffrey or Koen for a starter by Goyer, [otter he crn a ot ae JULY 23rd 24th d 25th a -------- | has eyes only for the older brother. So, who has been playing great ball on the | attor eight o'clock suddenly ceased ' an \ ; Fox News Sunshine Comedy | || you see, the love interest in the pro- mound for the C.N.R.'s will be ready 3 . . : diction avian a Ne Nyhus : 2 Hundreds of books priced at a mere fraction of their value. jver, ; pa i : their stride. Kingston needs this game | + by . . . . | enJhe oldes boy is killed in the war, | 10, tite. Kingston needs this game akon maa Wik} knows. ud re: Valuable Framed Pictures at a give away price. To see them is : f - | and his fiancee decides that she will thing into the fray from the start { ' y t WA th ! Good Thie | go into a convent to be happy in the J . {been associated with the wholesale ef 0 0 em. mu Wt = » [to Hve, to step in if the local sluggers get on| npr. Renton, born here sixty-seven $ . : 3 It was unknown today who would | i ° » | memory of their love--all this despite be Manager Daley's selection for the dry goods house, under various . - - - Church Picnic 5 ding of we tie French | ound but it speared. ca sau DAMES, but Row managed by Macnes Extra Special Bargains in Sheet Music p th, pred to | girl who 0es not want to see the ai Cairns would be put in again. Bert & Minnes. In city and country a eo WEDNBSDAY, JULY 23a. ff) Waste her life away for a no-aceount. | 5 hyn FBO (TL MEL SEM merchants regarded him as a capable Nearly 2,000 copies of popular and standard Songs -- regular prices Alix even goes so far as to tell of his Ww. Pk ¢ |salesman, a dependable and accurate | ! : ednesday evening's game for the lo- | SORE atinic with her mother. There's a ne-| J ngutes excaingls game forthe To | L000, 8 dependable and accurat ver. - -10 4 ia : : > mes this season and has BLACK! two girls--Toppie (Esther Ralstom) ---- {ternal and church life he was emin- 35c., 50c. and 75c.--while they last 6 copies for 25¢., 12 for 45¢. Come early and get your choice. Not less than 6 sold to a customer. This is a real chance to have some Music in the home. r belove Many other bargains too numerous to mention. We simply must have Maman, who "cannot help it if she ig Baseball League: was held Monday | trar of Hugh de Payens Premier Pre- space for our immense new stock already on the way. Eo] : Phone 400 25 Any Yiu { loved " Ld t of sur~ ®¥eRIng. The winner of the local |ceptory and also.a Royal Arch Mason. | ll . , . . 2 QUU == LOC» the City | There's an unusual element of sur) STeRIRE. ° championship is sched. |In Masonic circles ha war | dco. Come in and browse around. You'll enjoy the friendly atmosphere = I |] mH | un shown | Panionable person. In social, fra- | condemning Madame Vervier, played ------ {ently and deservedly popular. He # ' WHITE | by Alice Joyce, and Alix Staff Vi Junior Chy: Teague. lwems roronae wn ropilyr, - He [Stoutly in defense of her hove A meeting of the Junior City | St. John's Masonte Lodge, was regis- in the first game of the finals and | Lodge, and worthily set forth prin- [ prise in the closing scenes uled to play Ottawa on August 8th |Buished offices, a member of Grand of our shop. Extra Sales Staff provided FOR QO0D . the committee decided to try and ar-|ciples of the craft. He was also a ' WIRING and EEA 'HEARD ON THE STREET range the game to be played here. |Farester of the Canadian Order. DROP IN AND LET S GET ACQUAINTED ALSO RADIO, CONSULT The winner of the St. Lawrence| In church life Mr. Renton was as- 7 League is to play Ottawa on the fol-|Sociated with Chalmers church, fol- "BENE SANDERS BlLoce Briefs Gathored by Ren L282 11 2 Gtr on BL rnd i Cen 0 GRINHAM'S BOOKSHOP AND CONTRACTOR porters--What the Merch- [to the faith, and with constancy and | 134 Beverley St. Phono 1855F, | ants Are Offering. [fidelity filling the various duties as pm 16 16 Pri S . | Tr signed hm as secretary and aivo as 0 0-162 Princess Street, Kingston College Bookstore Old Stand f There was no session of the police | chairman" of thé trustee board. He = Tele hon 919 s J P e . court on Tuesday morning. held the confidence of his associates | F : | BN i | Mr. Swaine, plano tuner. Orders The following games in doubles oh devoted, earnest, liberal urer- yy ---- EEN EEE | re | received at 100 Clergy street west,| have been played at Queen's green: | 0: | 'phone 684w. J. Derry won from Dr. Sparks, 17-| Mr. Renton was for years associat- Mr. Cyril Andrews of Toronto has| 12; T. Stewart from J. MeDonald ed with the Board of Education, an 4 : {appointee of the council. He was ' {returned to his home after a short| by default; L. Mason from R. Stev- devoted] N J : een S fo | business trip here, enson, 17-11; H. Price from Eg. 2°'otedly concerned In yine develop- , ce eal ar I { Mr. M. W. Harlow, secretary of the | Johnson, 12-11. In the postponed | ™eBt Of the children city, the ot apical Hesign Ate waite ire " . {future citizens, and was ambitious {local Y.M.C.A., left on Monday for |rink games L. Sleeth won from H. W. 'with expert care as to all de- Now tor i | R ' ! | that the best should be everywhere { London, where he will spend his va-| Newman's rink, 19-10. The first] | cation. sames in the singles resulted in a (Provided for them. His associates on | tails. No design is beyond our | DAY OR NIGHT {the board, of which he was an ex- skill. Nome too simple to re- Special price for Ba els , ry w ks 1 from R. J. Wil-| ' . 3 p Pp 8 r nquets. The eab that forced the prices Mr. J. 8. McDonell, secretary of| win for D. Funel | ) } b - rE i . ? son, 15-4. (chairman, will miss his influential ve 1 Families can make arrangements for their Sum | Queen's Athletic Board, has return- All mew 5 and 7 passenger Sedans led from a short vacation spent in and valuable services. He served tion. mer meals. 'well and faithful in this civic posi- i | Glengarry county. A REAL TREAT tion. J. E. MULLEN ARNIEL & HAMBROOK , M : ay Joi catches taporie thay the He was a true, devoted father and Princess and Alfred Streets, a ' i fd in th i 3 , ote er an . re » The KINGSTON OLEANERS || majority of dogs in the city are Odatellows' Teams To Play at Vic- husband. His famine war or ond Telephone 1417. [| Oorner of Division and Union Streets. Phone 1128 AND DYERS | akeed. il batiy om. pre toria Park. [stant thought and the genuine up- | oe 3 Clean anything that ean be cleaned || > The baseball fans will be given a bringing of five sons was his anxious |*" Y --~---- v. . . Heaven's artillery was in action . : 0. OOE & P. BARRETT [early Tuesday morning and alarmed |"! treat when the Cataraqui lodge, (and ever present concern. He gave ate Old-Time Indian Braves Adhd ha a 4 Amer ahh Office: 56 Ave Street. 'Phone 1330w. ] No. 10, and Kingston lodge, No. §9,|to them, in concert with his devoted Call and deliver. X Sreat many people, . The rainfall of the Oddfellows, clash at Victoria |and gentle wife, the impetus and | B® but not f TA J 4 henry ut Rot for any length of Park next Friday evening, for the stimulation of worthiness and up- 3 ' Charles Bissett, the young Scots- W. F. Nickle trophy. Kingston waa| rightnges that will be a source of Lane S otor ransfer|..c convicted of robbing A. X the winner of the trophy last year, | strength throughout their lives. Two 2 ai , i tvaq | Put Harold Nicholson, who is looking | sons, Dr. Thomas H., in Kingston, Local and long distance. Nive oe Jo, 2a arrived after the Cataraqui ball tossers, and Dr. John E. in Trenton, are City A Bjiecial Zuseation, in. penitentiery claimg they are ready to dethrone | well-known dentists the other three Prices right. nigh y 3 : Kingston in Friday evening's game. | younger in years are. interested in 286 BARRIE STREET, KINGSTON om oF Sry wars Brousit sovy He has had his players out to prac | business and school life. His widow, < Phone 2723. | the alght in the police cells ore tice and has some very nice material, [formerly Florence Wilmot, of this | helo among thém being such old timers as | city, and the boys will have the ten- 3 being taken out to the penite: ry " | ISAAC J. JENKIN on Tuesday morning, where they Frank Gillespie, "Shorty" Dick and der sympathy of many citizens in » * * Walter Easton. Jack Burke is tak- their sad bereavement. ommen two- t hy | Carpentering &x 1) 0mm. ced two-year sentences ing care of Kingston, and he and his| Deceased was a son of the late \ . players are just as confident of re- James Renton, of this city, and 1s General Jobbing 1s Fhe Bible True? Pasting last Youre yertormagse as survived by a sister, Miss Rentofl versity "Phone On Wednesday evening, this week, | Cataraqul are of winning it. Much | Kingston, and a brother, Mr. John L. Wy Ave. 150g {In the Gospel "Tabernacle, Unjon | interest is being shown nad it should Renton, Winnipeg. Our fellow eitizen --_-- ------e~--~- | street, Dr. H. A. Boyce, will give an | Prove to be a real snappy game. It |iived honorably and died triumph- BASEBALL | Dildtens on the reasons "Why I be- B hated thE Granite lodge will jantly. | liece the Bible to be the inspired | challenge the winners, The funeral on Wednesday is of a Before and After the Game Eat | word of God." This promises to be a private character. y FISH and CHIPS very helpful and interesting ad- BERT DALEY STARRED dress and a large number have al- The Belleville Ontario, comment- & H. JARVIS ready signified their intention of| ing on the Kingston-Belleville game Princess and Albert Streets hearing it. Meeting at eight o'clock. | at Belleville on Saturday, gives great 5 - Singing conducted by Mr. BErnie| praise to the Belleville juniors, who Thomas, played on. the Belleville team, and Walter Cannem ------ et Be also to Bert Daley for the fine game Tinsmith, Crates of Raspberries. he put up, saying in part: ' On sale fonight and Wednesday. "Ningston gave a perfect exhibi- 24 quart crate purple Columbia for | tion of hitting and flelding, more so $3.00. Red Cuth 8, $4.00. Black | in the latter line, and Daley who has Greggs, $3.50 at Carnovsky's. . not played much this summer, and _ ---------------- Teepell stood out very prominently. AND CHIPS Alexander Brown, Seeley"s Bay, | Daley made two very hard catches in Ladies Why cook! During the hot| pleaded to one charge in keeping | fleld, one in particular being bril- wether EAT FISH AND CHIPS. liquor in an illegal place and not|liant, in that he speared the ball OLD ENGLISH FISH AND CHIP SHOP | guilty to keeping liquor for sale. The | as he was falling, turned a complete Phone 3005-w. Cor. Bay and Bagot.| cage was adjourned to Thursday. somersault, and came up with the Your Order will be ready. John Foy, who died recently in an| bail. That play was the one that ' Oven 8 am. to 12 pam. Ottawa hospital, was for many years| hurt, had the Moguls got over that & resident of Almonte, where he did | play, the reading of the score might business #8 a merchant. have been different." H. A. Jordon, Renfrew, a very valuable member of the Renfrew! A memorial to G. F. Watts, the BGG, STOVE AND CHESTNUT [| hospital board, has resigned, owing| artist, has been placed in North Price $15.00 10 the pressure of street, Guildford, Eng. ; season's supply ordered Pocahontas, ify ml Si tl E | £ F is gk tok } i i 5 : hp i : jet if AH i i ; fs 5 E t & Er ns iii Bifeis

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