10 LUMBER WELL BOUGHT MEANS _ Well manufactured and properly graded-- the kind that brings repeat orders. A trial order and you will be convinced. ALLAN LUMBER CO. Victoria Street. Telephone 1042. ==t0 prevent constipation which causes headaches, and skin diseases. (A glass of Abbey's every order--will keep you in glowing health, ready to mest Site activities of the "RADIO-- | WEDNESDAY, MAY 27. KDKA (809.1) Pittsburgh, Pa. 9.45 a.m.--Stockman reports of the Pittsburgh livestock markets; general market review and agricul- tural items. 12 m.--Stockman reports of the Pittsburgh livestock and wholesale produce markets. 2,30 p.m.--Baseball scores. 3.20 p.m.--Closing quotations on hay, grain and food from the Stock- man studio. 8.30 p.m.--Stockman reports of the primary livestock and whole- sale produ¢e markets. 8.45 p.m.--The Dry Slitz Hour of Music. CKAC (410) Montreal. 1.45 p.m.--Concert. 4 p.m.--Weather and stock ports. WBZ (888.1) Springfield, Mass. 6 p.m.--Dinner concert by the Hotel Kimball trio. 8 p.m.--Jacob Fracht, James F. Knox, violinists; Dorothy Burchard Mulroney, pianist, presenting 'The Suite in Four Movements," op. 71 by Moszkowski, re- WGY (379.5) Schenectady, N.Y. 5.30 p.m.--Children's programme. 5.45 p.m.--Albany Strand Theatre orchestra. WEEI (808) Boston, Mass. 3 p.m.--Franklie Ward and his orchestra. 5.30 p.m.~:Campbell's orchestra. 6.30 p.m.--Big Brother Club. 8 p.m.--The Traveler Shoe con- cert. 8.80 p.m.--M. B. Cohen's half hour musicale. 9 p.m.--Broderick's orchestra, 10 p.m.--Dok Eisenbourg and his Sinfonians. WAHG (816) New York City. 7.46-8 p.m.--Harry Caffrey, te- nor. 8.15 - 8.45 p.m. -- Morningside string and male quartette. 8.45-9 p.m.--Helen Marshall, prano. 9-9.15 p.m.--Evan Davies, Scotch baritone. 9.156 - 9.45 p.m. -- 'Morningside string and male quartette. 9.45-10 p.m.--Harry Caffrey, te- nor. > : 10-10.15 p.m. -- Evan Davies, Scotch baritone. 10.10-10.556 p.m.--Glen C. Smith's Paramount orchestra. 11.06-11.30 p.m, -- Glenn C. Smith's Paramount orchestra. 80- WEAF (402) New York Oity. 11-12 a.m.--Edna Frandini, so- prano, accompanied by Winifred T. Barr; Young mother's programme. 4-6 p.m.--Arline Folker, soprano, children's stories. 6-12 p.m.--Dinner musie. KYW (586) Chicago, Ill. 12.30 p.m.~--Noon reports on the bond market. 1.15 p.m.--Report on the United States bureau on live stock and vege- tables. 5.18 p.m.--News, final markets. 6 p.m.--Children's bedtime story. 6.30 p.m.--Dinner concert. 8 p.m.--Musical programme. 12.30 a.m.--Midnight revue. financial and Complete radio programmes soll at Canada Radio Stores. YOU BUY WHEN! "The exceptional tone quality in the Weber Piano appeals to the most aesthetic taste. HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCED. AT C. W. LINDSAY'S Warerooms, Princess Street CROSS-WORD PUZZLE 2 | 5 ; Last year's may do for a while, but they won't last long. Bet- ter get mew omes NOW. We Zr Fo | Doors, Windows, Wee <3 I : AN "ay Galvanized and RI3[S 2 Black Wire Chesterfield Suites Specially Priced for This Week '3 piece Mohair Chesterfield--Arm and Wing Chair--combination covers--webbed price $225.00, for * eo siotele; iv siete. $175.00 3 piece good quality of cover Chester ld: cud 2 large Arm Chairs - gm worth $200.00, for wistwsivtnimeie. «$150.00 i 8 [9 |e Ten minutes is all you need to solve this pussle. If you find a hard word,. the crosswords ought to help you out of the difficulty in short or- der. Horizontal. 1. Bea eagle. 4. Valuable property. 8., English money. 11. To touch up a plate with brush dipped in acid. Lofty. Fit. Wreath used in a design. Portion of the mouth. Born. To partake of food. Old-fashioned male facial orna- ment. Corded cloth. Condition. Home. Affects again. To reform one's-self, Decree. a 12. 18. 14. 16. : if f Fis En26 sword. Devolured. Gardens. To sink as a bed spripg. Cylinder for holding wet goods. Game of cards. Beer. Apart. What you see with (sing.) Vertical Epoch. To reiterate. What fish are caught in. To do. Gleamed. Bar for slacking threads in a loom. Golf starting mound. To lubricate. Poured. High mountain. One who restores confidence. Theme. Weights of containers, Necklace. Ladies. Ingredient of varnish. Small. Pera amampm A good place to sleep. Pertaining to the mind. Yellow house bird. Jewels of delicate colors. Striped camel's-hair cloth. .| the Cove and has taken up his abode Tube «- « - 30x33 $1.15 Tube = « = 30x23} $L68 (Guaranteed) low prices Ba buts your es mail 7 Now you can buy Partridge "Quality" Tires here, in your own town, You can examine them you can b, mail. them and make your selection " right here in the store, without uncertainty and vexatious delays. Every one of these tires bears the Partridge guar- antee. They are tough, durable and will give faithful service. Come in and see this wonderful value. Sold by Te PARTRIDGE QUALITY TreSFcp Harrowsmith: M. F. Lakins. Elgin: John R. Dargavel. Sydenham: E. W. Horning. Lyndhurst: H. T. Webster. A. Chown & 0Co., Limited Distributors for Kingston and Vicinity DANCE HELD AT CLOYNE. Visitors From Buffalo and Toronto-- Service in English Church. Cloyne, May 25.--The dance held at the town hall, Cloyne, last Fri- day night, was a real success in spite of all difficulties which came in the way of it. The music was furnished by Jack Trevreau, Billy Pringle and J. and "W. Bey. Everyone enjoyed it to the utmost and we hope for an- other soon. ' Albert Spencer moved to the Both place, this week, from the Wickware property, where he will reside for the summer. Alexander York has lost his job at at H. Saul"s at Northbrook where he works in the mill. Two car loads came through from Torgnto, Satur- day, on their way to Loon Lake to inspect the work on the cottages there. Miss Landon is visitiig at her brother's, Edwin B. Landon, Loon Lake, for a while. Miss Rachael Wheeler is visiting with her aunt at Harlowe for a short spell. Service was held in the English church here, Sunday afternoon and will be again a week from next Sunday. Murton Cummings was a Sunday guest at Albert Spencer's. James Head made a flying trip from Buf- alo, N.Y., last week, to William Head's, to get his eldest son who has been staying here all winter. He left again Sunday after having a little accident; mo harm was done though. ' Miss Leitha Wheeler visited at Mrs. BE. Deline's on Thursday. Wil- liam McCausland, Jr.,, had the mis- fortune to break his car last week but got it fixed up again alright. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lloyd, North- brook, were guests at S. Wheeler's, Sunday, also Mr. and Mrs. J. Miller, son and Miss M. Majarison. William McCausland, Sr., was a Sunday visi- tor at Mrs. Kate Meek's. Council was held here in the town hall, Sat urday, and all the members attend- ed; also a number of others. Mrs. R. Bauder and Mrs. Lyons were Sat- urday visitors at Mrs. Andrew Meeks'. The main order of the day Is put- ting in gardens for the women and for the men sowing grain and plant- ing potatoes. Rain and hail visited our burg. on Friday, also heavy thunder but it did no damage and . BUS Kingston-Ottawa vine Leaving Randolph Hotel Dally Kingston (leave) 1.30 p.m. Portland p.m. Smith's Falls .- --4.38 p.m. Perth -- «5.20 p.m. Carleton Place ---6.20 p.m. Ottawa (arrive) --7.45 p.m. OTTAWA INTERURBAN ~ TRANSIT "TRAVEL THE MOTORWAY" ALBERTA COAL Idmited quantity for sale, do livered in June at $18.75 per ton. Order now to be sure of * Cadillac Cleaner For a limited time the face tory will give a complete set of hments FREE " with every Cleaner, Telephone 810 now for des The fnost monstration. effi. HO CHA 0 U0 Sts J R.C.DOBBS & (0. St 'Phone 810. the rain helped the farmers along nicely. Miss Annie Stein visited her home last week and also again Sun- day last. Mr. Reid, inspector, made his daily trip around here week inspecting all the schools. r. and Mrs. Harry Liveau were guests at J. MeCausland's, Sunday. Mr. Le- veau has purchased a 1935 model which he tried on Sunday. MAKING READY FOR TOURISTS. Fernleigh is Preparing for the Sum. mer Visitors. Fernleigh, May 25.--The weather is much moderated since the big rain on Saturday which the farmers are taking advantage of, but nearly all are through seeding and planting now and many are preparing for the tourists this summer, Mr. and Mrs. George Salmonds and Mr. and Mrs. A. Lyons made a business trip to Kingston last week. 8. Babcock, Harrowsmith, is in this vicinity for a period of a couple of months. C. Mills made & business trip to Ardoch on Saturday. J. Lyons passed through here en- route to Flinton after a load of household furniture for Ervin Smith who is moving near Fernleigh. MF. and Mrs. W. Woods have been visit- ing at B. Thompson's and R. Hick's. Miss Greta Schonauer, Agnes Sal- mond and 8. Babeock at C. Mills on Sunday. Mrs. G. Salmond and Mrs. R. Mar- tin at B. Head's, Cloyne; H. Thomp- son at E. Thompson's; H. Martin at R. Bauder's, also Mr. and Mrs. C. Armstrong, Monday last. A number of friends calléd at the home of H. Thompson on' Sunday evening. a AT AMHERST ISLAND. Farmers Are Looking For Warm Weather To Help the Crops. Stella, 'May - 26.--Farmers are anxiously looking for warm weather to help along the crops and pastures. Emerald cheeses factory started making chreesé on Saturday night. An accident occurred in the vil. lage on Saturday night last, when a fear and buggy collided. The cari & Ford tourfiig driven by Ross McKee, ran into 8 horse and buggy driven by Gordon: Reid. The buggy was badly damaged. The car was also damaged to a certain extent. Luckily no person was injured. The Women's Auxillary of St. Albans and Christ's church, Emerald, held s sale of home baking and ice cream in the town hall on Saturday evening last. Considering the disagreeable night, it was well patronized. John Filson and Harry Filson are undergoing treatment in the King- ston General Hospital. It is hoped that they will have a speedy recov- ery, . J. B. McFern & Co., carpen ter contractors, have commenced work om Victoria Hall. Nxtemsive alterations and repairs will be made.' It will be opened up later in the PYNHE system poisoned; a raging headache. You know the feeling -- darting pains in the head, coe eye feels as if it was detached and turning round--and why ?