2 SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1020. 19 FF Perhaps The Exact U The Britis Whig KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING _. Indexed, standardized and popular. ixed according to THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM, Inc, Philad All ads. are proper classification, and to the regular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES: Daily rate per line or cgnsecutive insertions: inimum charge, 25 cents. Daily. rates per line. Charge Cash sdays ...... eee 4 3 § days . RE 3 1 day . «ww 8 6 Deaths, Births, Engagements, Mar- riages, onb insertion charged, $1.50; 1.00. Sara Y Thanks and Memoriam Notices----Charged, $1.50; cash, §1.00 each insertion. Advertising ordered for Irregular insertions takes the one-time inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basig of four lines. Count six eversge words to the line. n Charged ads. will be received by Torpoone and if paid st The Brit. sh Whig Office 'within § days from the first day of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of times the ad. peared and adjust- ment made. at the rate earned. Rate per lne for white space is the same as a line of type. Special rate for yearly advertising right to edit Bion request. th uw hers reserve the : lassified advertising Taiaphone 243; ask for & want ad. taker. or reject all cl Announcemenss SEE sede Personals . ° MATRIMONY --*Humlreds seeking mar- ."" If sincere enclose stamp. Mrs. x Willard, 2928 Broadway, Chicago, MARRY Correspond with charming, Worth $1000 to $PL000L paciculary worth 8 to 3 free. Address Prof. Weed, B-515, Val- ley, Nebr. SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Moles, Warts, Birthmarks, Scars, Pits, ete, removed permanent- ly. Satistactory Glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed. Goitre cured without operation. e, Bar, Nose, Throat, Skin, 3258 % Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1136J Lost and Found 10 BOY'S COAT----Found, in Macdonald k. Owner may have same at Whig Birice. BICYCLE---Cleveland rt Model, 22" frame, serial No. D14686, stolen yes- terday afternoon from Collegiate In- stitute. Reward for anyoue giving In- formation as to its whereabouts to 83 Lower Bagot street. 'Phone 2158-w. DOOR KEY -- 'Found, on Johnson street, . near cogzneér of Collingwood. 'Owner may have same at Whig Office. GENTLEMAN'S GLOVE--Tan Kid, for left hand, found. Owner may have same at Whig Office. OUND PUP--- Black, White and Tan ale Hound Pup, found. Apply ton Humane Society. SILVER Ww. T WATCH--Found, y evening, on Barrie street. Own- or may hive same at 269 Breck Street. SILK HOSE----Pair of Black Silk Hose, lost, between corner Bagot and John- * streets and Post Office, on Friday. ~ Finder please return to 211 - Bagot RT---Lost, last Wednesday evening, k blue skirt, with white Belting, on one of the following streets: Up Fron- tenao to Brock Street, across Univer- y Avenue to Garrett Street, down rett Street to Division Street. Will finder please Tfeturn to 213 Division Street Automobiies . Automobiles For Sale 11 « USED AUTO PARTS FORD TOURING. FORD ROADSTER. FORD COUPE. CHEVROLET SEDAN, almer Auto Salvage P Corner Bagot and Queen Streets . on . One-ton Trucks, Tors drive rd | condition-- one "Phone sw osmY Rideau Street AN HONEST DEAL ' Say it is well to look before Ju leap. we have eliminated the . Dp al , Our Used Cars are selected overhauled with all the 36) iberat SS0ktaty to insure an est every customer. OVERLAY TOURING, six cy- linders, tal Motor, |, EBEDSTER. REO 8 WAGGON., STUD R SPECIAL SIX. Ny Rann RING. 3 0 TON TRUCK. 30x34 Skin Cancers, Automobiles "Automobiles For Sale 11 STAR ROADSTER CHEVROLET COUPE IN GOOD CONDITION. The CENTRAL GARAGE, Ltd "PHONE 600 Auto Trucks For Sale TC ns: gk Dl able for two or three decks. New Tar- paulin, 12'x16'. Apply 353 Frontenac Street or one 17%3-J. 12 Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts 18 KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND BODY CO. ~--Makers of Auto, Buggy, Boat Tops and Cushions. Commercial, Sedan, Coupe bodies, California Tops and Up- holstering. Awnings and Tents, etc. 347 King Street. 'Phone 1094. Business Services Business Services Offered 1s AUPTIONBSR City or county --- for sales st and courteous dealing, book ahead. W. A. Twigg, 192 Barrie Street. 'Phone 830J. CARPENTERING--When you -want a carpenter to do good work call Geo Hunter, Pembroke street, and nave it done without paying two prices. Tele- phone 948-w. Expert Plano Tuning. Player-Plano Adjusting. 'Phone 1544 C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED a ------ Ladies' Hair Pariors, 21a ALL TIRST CLASS R WO MADE TO ORDER--Ladles' Transfor- mations, bobbed curls, switches, sham- pooing, singeing, curling, Ladies' and Children's hair cutting. Mrs. Cun- ingham, 56 Bay Street, Xingston. Tele- phone 2999. . FRENCH MARCEL WAVING Water Waving, Round and Bobbed Curling, Hair bobbing and Trimming. Facial snd Scalp Treatment. - Special attention given io Hair Dyeing. Miss Switzer, 367 Queen Street. For ap« pointinent 'phone 2016. MRS. WILKINSON-- Experienced - in all branches of Ladies' beauty work, Marcelling, Hair Dyeing, otc. 360 Frontenac Street. Phone 1080J. FRANK ROBBS HAIR DRESSING Phone 678 for appointment. Marcel Waving, 8 pooling, racials, Hair D; yeing. Scalp Treatment Yor Falling Hair 185 WELLINGTON ST. PERMANENT WAVING, A. B. KINGSBURY, The only wave you can Shampoo, and that dampness improves. Just Hke naturally curly hair, We have the only Ladies' Parlor in Kingston equipped to do this work. 209 Princess Street. 'Phone 1338. Hemstitehing aad ART NEEDLEWORK Newest designs In stamped goods and material. Child- ren's work a specialty. Apply Mrs E. Dunlop, 181 Alfred Street. Phone 101F. oT EDGING --- Hemstitching, jing, work gusrenteed.. Mrs. Field, 362 Barrie Street, near Princess Stronc. 'Phone 2433). Successor to Mrs, rd. Insurance 23 ALL LINES---Of Fire Insurance, Sick- ness and Accident, Reliable compan- jes. 'Phone or call E. Willlams, 32 Couper street. ERNIE D. SLITER--Insurance Broker, all branched " Ihauresse LX, Pid ne companies of highest finan - ing. 381 street East. 'Phones 3678w. Res. 1 . B. COOKE~Life, Fire, Abocident and Ya k in reliable companies, die- trict manager Imperial Life. 'Phones: Office 603w. Res. 1731m. FIRE--Automobile and Casual ance. R M. Crumley, 420 Phone 1783M. INSURANCE--Only 'the most reliable companies represented. Strange & Offige: 95 Office. Insor- Street. Strange, established in 1860. Clarence Street, opposite Post INSURANCE--You will be well advised to consuit F. L. Jackson, 428 Princess Street, Kingston, who is prepared to arrange for you the pro jon of any~ thing of value--your life, your hom ur oar, your plate glass, ete. Al ines of insurance. 'Phone 338w. 1-N-8-U-R-A-N-C-H -- Mills - Company, 79 Clarence street, represent only first com jes. © laste every n form of Insurance, us what you require, and we 11 be glad to fulfill your request. We cannot tell where our business may be found. there something we can do for you? We arrange for mortgage and note loans. e sell Real Estate and Bonds.--Mills Com- ny, 79 Clarence Street. Telephone 02 and 2486-w. e know us now. Special rates on Automobile In- surance. 381 King Street East. Tele- phone 3878J. : C, 8. KIRKPATRICK--- hl Insur- ance Agent. Fire, Tite, Marine and Accident. 38 Clarence Street, King- ston, Ont. Tel G68w. 85)¢ ay .- ster. 802500 Touring Crrvsaae es $125.00 valanann eve | COOK THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG sed-Car Bargain You Have Been --p ating For Is Here Alexander The famed Macedonian directed his troops in battle phone-shaped device. without delay. and for many miles around Z Had A Great Idea! Tradition tells us that this instrument would carry Alexander's voice as far as five miles. something done he megaphoned his message to the troops Many of his important victories were gained by this direct and time-saving system of direct communication, To-day Alexander's plan has been everyone's use in the Whig's A-B-C Classified columns! Your wants and offers, made known little ads, will reach all the interested people in this city . You'll money in the direct results that will follow. If you're looking for 'new worlds to conquer"'--call 243 and ask for an ad-taker! THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS, ALWAYS THE SAME --IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY The Great conquerer is said to have by means of a large mega- When he wanted perfected for through these save time and Business Services Employment Painting, Papering, Decorating 20 ESTIMATES GIVEN---On all kinds of decorating, paperin, and painting. Prompt service. ( Prices right. H. Rowley. 'Phone 1352-F. HOUSE PAINTING--In all its branches. Frontenac Paint 8hop, 538 Frontenac Street. 'Phone 260-F. INTERIOR DECORATING--Paperhang- ing and Painting a specialty; work guaranteed by experienced workman- ship. Wall paper for sale. Milton 'Wart, 38 James Street. 'Phone 3730-J. BIGN PAINTING--J. 8 Kobinsoa, rear 375 Bagot Street. PAPERHANGING, PAINTING -- Tint- ing and Graining done in a quick, ciean and efficlent manner. Prices reasonable, 'Phone 2554w. Wal Paper eamples. M. Wart, 679 Princess Street. Professional Services an DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN -- Dr. W. A. Marcelis, corner of Barrie and Prin- cess streets. Chiropractic Adjust- meats, eleciric treatment and hand massage. X-ray service. Consulta- tion free. Hours: 9-12 am. X Evenings by appointment phone 322J. Reasldence 'phone 957J. Architects B. R. SIMPSON, ARCHITECT 194 Wellington Street, Telephone 1728 Chiropractic LUCY--Drs. G. F. and Jennie A., Chiro- ractic Specialists; Registered Nurse. Bos Bagot street. Phone 91-w. Hours 9-12, 1-5, 6-5. Consultation Free. 28b. Dental 28d. KNAPP--Dr. A. BE, Dentist. Office 253 Princess Street. 'Phome 658w. Open evenings by appointment. Legal 28e. eee ------ CUNNINGHAM & SMITH--- Barristers, and Soliciters, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.C.; Cynil M. Smith. DAY AND REVELLE --Barristers and Solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, King- ston. A. E. Day, Adrian L Revelle. Mortgages arranged. 'Phone 205. HODGINS, W. C. --Barrister, Solicitor, and Notary Public. Office: 38 Clarence Street. Over C.P.R, Telegraphs. Tele- phone 1980. Money to loan REYNOLDS, J. C.--Barrister and Solia~ tor, 81 Brock street. Mortgages ar+ ranged on city and farm property. 'Phone 2509. SHEA---Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor. Law Office, corner of King and Brock, over RoJul Bank. Money to loan. 'Phone 1999. Repairing { FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinds. Call and see W, Driscoll, 22 John Street. 'Phone 206F. hr pe or eed Ju. ture; work guaranteed. or pa card. W. J. Gavine, 316 Bagot Street. UPHOLSTERING--And general repair. ing. Leave orders at or drop 3, ard to F, W. Harold, 104 Clergy reed. Phone 1600J. Talloring and Pressing 80 W. ROBERTSOUN--373 Bagot stree. =~ pressing, repairing, dry cleaning. Suit samples In stock made to order, $30 and up. Suits pressed 75c. Employment A Help Wanted---Female 82 COMPETENT GENERAL --- For small family. Must have references. Apply in the Naring. Mrs. Richard . wright, 152 University Avenue. GENERAL--Wanted; other maid kept. References required. Apply Mrs. Howard Folger, 1 ily street. LADIES--Wanted to do plain and ght sewing at home. Whole or pare time. Se . Work sont any distance. arges paid. Send stamps par ticulars. National Manufacturing Coy, Montreal. OUNG Wanted. 1 house frou Ay ry is Office. work. CARRY ALL your perplexi prod-' classified section. © en ! Help Wanted--Male | COMMENCE NOW-- Earp upwards of 26 weekly growing Mushrooms for u. in Outhouses or Cellars. Illustrated booklet and rticulars for etamp. Dominion Mushroom Company, Toron- to. BOY--Wanted, to drive a grocery wag- gon. Apply to 30 Plum street. MEN--Wanted. Earn while learning, following greatest paying jrades. Au- tomobile, Englneering, Bleotrical, Batteries, elding, Chauftering, Bricklaylng, Plastering, Barbering, Mechanical Dentistry. atalogue free. Write Hemphill Government Charter- ed Schools, King street. Toronto. RELIABLE MEN---In every town and city to handle house to house free sample, almanac and circular distri- buting business. Experience unneces- sary. Outdoor work; pay; all Jour 'round. Write immediately tell- E us about yourself. Standard Com- pany, 2621 Cortland Street, Chicago, n | WANTED---ReMable men In each town and city to care for house to house distributing, sampling and sign tack- ing business. Good pay; nice outdoor work; no selling; write quickly tellin all about yourself. ACT Now. Ad vertising Manager, 2621 Cortland Street, Chicago, lilinols. Help Wanted--Man and Wife 88a MAN AND WIFE-- Wanted to act as Janitor for Villa St. Clare. Apply. to Apartment No. 1, Barrie and Wiliam streets, Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 85 BRIGHT MEN AND WOMEN---Who are not too proud to work and would like to make money during the.next three months; no risk; no experience; no capital necessary. Bradley * Limited, Brantford, Ontario. DISTRIBUTORS--Quickly develop own Independent business handling ~ Scot- mints Yeast Candy; new Ford Auto- mobile free; exclusive terrttory. Scot- mints Company, 268 Scotmints Bulld- ing, Jersey City, N. J. MAN OR WOMAN--Pajd $326 for 90 days' work, distributing religious 1it- erature. Spare or full time. For free piiticulars, write Mr. Conrad, Spadina uilding, Toronto. $10 A DAY--Taking orders for B. & BE. Silk Hoslery. Your cash daily. No collecting or delivering, Write B. & E. Manufacturing Co, Dept. 37, Lon- don, Ont. MAN OR WOMAN--To travel and ap- point local representatives. Position permanent. Yearly guarantee $1092 (being $21 weekiy average), and ex- {enses. Experience unnecessary . inston Co., Toronto. $15 A WEEK. MAN OR WOMAN WANTED with ambition and indus- try, to_distribute Rawleigh's House- hold PfBducts to stead eral ne open fhwne: y WwW and 50 youW\ can make up to $100 a wesk or more. No experience Pleasant, profitable, dign Write to-da kv Dept. CN3183, London, Ontario, Se Financial Money to Loan «0 FRONTENAC LOAN AND INV MENT SOCIETY -- Incor ou 1861. President, A. vice-president, J. M. loan on eit vegtment. TR Sn -- Instruction 4% MATHEMATIOS A final year student in Honor Mathematics and Physics Will tutor Junior and Senior Matricu- on Mathematics and Physics. Ap~ ply Box B-30, Whig Office. YOU C OT aff to ord miss iT thr buyers in the Classified | | | if Frank W. Cocke, 'p sive Stock Merchandise Real Estate For Rent Dogs, Cats, Pew 47 PUPPIES--One pair well bred Red and White Cocker Spaniel Pupples; five months old. Apply 87 Earl Street. Horses, Cattle, 1 4B 50000 CHALLENGBER--In condi tion. Apply to R. H. Falr, 183 Wil- llam street. Poultry and Supplies 49 BABY CHICKS--Pure bred, to lay. Bar- red Rock, Rhode Island White Wyandottes and 8 White Leghorn. 100 guaranteed Hve. Give us your order or phone 151-w. Your eggs hatched if desired. Kingston Hatchery, 101 Queen street. BEGGS For hatching. from laying strain of White Le rns. Apply to W. T. Gordon, 740 ntreal Street or 'phone 2012-J. PLYMOUTH ROCKS -- Barred and White, eggs for hatching. Barred pen handed by cockerel, whose dam laid 211 eggs in pullet year. White jet headed by cockerel, whose dam 260 Nelson 386 egms In pullet year. Street. 'Phone 1653-J. Wanted--Live Stock 850 POULTRY---Hens of all kinds, wanted to buy. 'Phone 2560. Merchandise Articles For Sale sn SPRING AND SUMMBR SUITS-- $30, With extia pair of trousers, $35. Easy terms of payment. Guaranteed fit. 'Phone 2306-w. J. G. Patterson, 120 Johnston atreet. . \ AWNINGS--Verandah Curtains. Apply one 436. heavy Clinkers. ASHES --- And Bespecially suited for 30 be had for 0 Angrove's Queen Streets. BRICK and soft, ary quantity. Apply E. E. 'Wathen, 117 Nelson street. Photes 13931J or 618. (Agent for Baker ck). BICYCLES-- See our new ' Cleveland Sport model delivery Bicycles, fitted With balloon tires and basket in front. Just the thing for deliver your par- cels. Muller's Bicycle Wor 371-373 Klong street, 'Phone 1061-w. ' . BRICK--No. 1 and No. 3 stoek; No. 1 and No. 2, Pressed; No. 1 and No. 2, Rough. Oriental Tapestry. Every- thing in Brick. A. Neal, Agent, 470 Juninson street. 'Phone $76-m. DINING ROOM SET--Epglish oak, or- dered make, § ft. buffet, 4 ft. china cabinet, 4 ft. dinner waggon. 1 celler- etie tdble and ¢ chairs, Genuine lea- ther seats and 8 Anti 807 Princess Street. Tele- GRAND PIANO--Broadwood Grand, In §0o0d condition, mahogany case, ivory keys and full 7 1-3 octave. Price only 175.00. Easy terms arranged. C. W indsay, Limited, 121 Princess Street. GENUINE ARMY LEATHER BOOTS -- few and used, aiso Men's fine black and tan boots. Big stock of second- hand tools. Bargain prices. A. Shapiro, 46 Princess Street. GASOLINE PUMP. One Bowser Gaso- ne Pump, nearly new. Box F-3, Whig Office. ply Articles For Sale 51 WHITE NEWSPRINT--$00 sneets for! 40c.. Suitable for wrapping purposes or household use, Size 164" | Apply British Whig. } WOOD~-- "Phone 889, 1X wood, L186, wood; dry m! dry soft or hardwood slabs. Cedar kindling, split; $3.06 losd. J. Peters| & Son. Yard, coroer Brock and To-| ronto stréets | WHITNEY WHITE 'WICKER-- Baby | Carriage, large and small Wheels; in| e best of condition. \ Cheap. Apply | at 130 Ordnance Street or 'phune 20934. WASHING MACHINE-- Water Power, | --aiso a punt. Both in good condi- | Can be bought cheap. Apply " r body Dare | $2 King Street West. WAGGON--Two seated, in good ocondi-| tion; heavy Spring waggon; which | would make good milk waggon, in first class condition. Apply 4 Conces- sion street. 'Phone 2462-w. Machinery and Touls 61 BINDER--One slightly used ft. Mas- sey Harris Binder, MoCormick Mower, Express Harness, Buggies. See our new Uream Separators: J. C. Spence, Massey Harris Agency. Radio Equipment Gla MAIL ORDERS--We prepay 'em all to your door. 'Phone, call or write for prices. Canads Radio Stores. a rt Gr SES. Se Rooms For Rent Rooms Without Hoard es FURNISHED BEDROOM---Algo bed sit- tng room; all conveniences; central Apply 163 Sydenham Street' FURNISHED ROOMS -- Three, large, bright; on bathroom flat; 3 piece bath; electric; gas; suitable ror small fam- ily. Apply 10 Ne reet. Where to Stop in Town HOTBL CHATEAU BELVIDERE Every room with a bath, European plan. Single room with bath, .00 and up. Double rooms with bath 2.50 per person and up. Commercial and eokiy Ttates on application. 'Phone 330. ~Roal Estate For Rent = "Apartments aud Flats 74 APARTMENT -- In Sydenham Apart- ments, brock street, four rooms and bathroom; modern in every particu- lar. Apply 6% Brock Street. APARTMENT--To let. Newly deco- rated. Taree rooms and bathroom. Heated. Down town. Rent $25.00. Apply to Cunningham, Keal kstate Agent, Clarence street. HIGH CLASS APARTMENT--In Brock Apartments, 235 Brock street. Janitor Service, hot water furnace year round. Rent moderate. Apply M. Hanson, 'Phone 1066 or .2000. TWO FLATS--On Sixth street; § rooms each; 3 plece bath, electric lights, gas for cooking. Apply MH. F. Norman, 6% Patrick Street. 'Phone 730-w. Places for Rent in NEW STORES--290 Princess, now sub- divided, very convenient; large win- duwa; deep store. Also store at 368 Princess; apartments at corner Bar- rie and Frincess. All these properties are heated. Apply I. Cohen & Com- pany, Uniario street. Bust w ity; shingles, Sawdust Concession street. to qual. &h lumber, $3.50 per thousand and sold cheap. W. Talbot, Telephone 2753J. KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS--Si}ver plat- Wor kmastenip 43, auto parts replated. a ; service, quiel artridge Wire & West. Phone $3.76 to $3.50, acoor rou orks, King Street 380. BRNO wood ttn ant Rte by Fall present occupied on Brothers en Clergy street, en Princess and Queen Streets, suitabie for a garage or livery stable. For further parsiculars apply to Nickle & Farrell, 194 Ontario St, Kingston, 77 _ Houses for Rent. BRICK HOUSE--605 Princess street, all conveniences, furnished; will rent as Apartments if desired. Garage and pri- Sate rover. Apply 605 Princesa ree! THE PROPERTY --At refrigerator, piano cot, etc. Mrs. LaFiair, Street. McCARTNEY POWER MILK ER---New, none better. Lightning rod equip- ment. Frost & Wood farm lo- ments. Improved and pasture farms in townships of. Portland, Hinchin- brooke and Bedford. Apply Joseph Wilkins & Son, Verona, Ontario MATT -- Layer Whit RC 0 he - 'Phone 1861-J. od A Mahogan Oak "and ON MAY 4th--Divanettes i and leather; also Pumed Leat plain fig- price. Un y cage, 169 Johnson Brown her; marked in View &rotnd. Soon Moaes wg r Monday, view," 133 King Street. y PIANO---Everson Louis Foy 1 vory Keys: bench to manoh. ce reason- ro cash. Apply 149 Colborn L) deol Wem SELECT NUT COKE--~Will burn n any stove last over night, 40c. bushel eo Also he coke I always or 41 sold. at s 80 = truck J ood or vy siaba, $3. iy corner Ord ve SEE OUR FENCES--Gates, Garden Bor- r. Every kind at lowest ces. ' 330. Pa Foon Westridge Wire Works, eat. SEB-Our $1 usbes, six 9" fore buyute' Laval " MOT GOING OUT IN THIS RAIN YOUVE LOST EVERY OMBRELLA WE'VE HAD I'VE A HIDDEN ALL YOUR | CLOTHES - FOR RENT--University Avenue, good location, hot. water heating, electric, gas, ten rooms, garage for three cars. FP May 1st, Arpls J. K. Car- roll Agency, §8 Brock Street. FURNISHED HOUSE--148 EARL ST, FOR SUMMER MONTHS OR LONG- ER; HW. FLOORS; 2 BATH ROOMS; HOT AND COLD RUNNING WATER IN BEDROOMS; 3 FIREPLACES; GAS RANGE. APPOINTMEN® BY TELE- PHONE 2199, Street; ¢ rooms, Ave stieet rooms oan street. Tele- HOUSE -- 59 aesh Single Saresogins ch. oo 185 Q each. Pply uw phone 988-w, LARGE HOUSE--With bara and stable; about 3 acres minutes-to car, line, Rent month. , 'Woodshed of 'land; 4 $20.00 Apply Box C-30, Whig ofrlce. NEW VEN ROOMED HOUSE -- Drcosed bor to let; also six roomed "Houses For Rent 7 ROOMED HOUSBE--With bara and large lot, North Alfred Apply to J. D. Boyd, 332 University Avenue, 'Phone 1083-m. TWO HOUSES -- On Charles street; § rooms; electric ligats; gas for cooks ing: toilet. Apply H. FF N Yatrick Sweet. "Phone 30-w, 188 UNION STREET WEST--Furnished or unfurnished houséndo rooms and sun-room, hot water heating; all coa- Jaaieaces. Apply 188% Union Street oat. ' YOUR CHOICE---Of two h ne furnished or unfurnished; all con- veniences. Gued location. Reat moderate. Appiy :30 Sydenham Street. 'Phone 1915-w, between 9 and 4 pam. or § and 5 p.m. EE ty Summer Homes For Rent 80 FIVE ROOMED COTTAGE On bay shire, 3 miles from city; spade in grovg for tents. Reasonable rent. Plg- Dic parties arranged for. Apply C. W. Nevitle, 149 Collingwood Street. SUMMER COTTAGES-- To let or for sale at Bast View Park on St. Law- rence. Furnished Bungalowy with 6 or 7 rooms, screened verandahs and fre- places. Groceries, milk, ice and mall dally. Also water lots and bungalows for sale. Apply J. D. Boyd, 353 Uni= versity Avenue, Kingston, Telephone 1083-m. THAT DESIRABLE SUMMER COT TAGE--For rent or for sale, known ag "Sunny Knowle" with water frént on Dead Man's Bay, Sarage and house. For further particulars app to Nickle & Farrell, 194 Ontario strest, Kingston, Oat. Real Estate For Sale Business Property HOTEL--In Yarker, doing ness; post office in connection. person considering Al such bustaess would do well to enquire. R. = Burgess, Yarker. Farms and Land for Sac w FARM--In fruit section near on Lake Bios, 106 acreg of ooh 88 acres are tillable land, rest orchard, pasture and bush. 7-room frame house, outbuildings, telephone, rural mail delivery. wil exchange for ity property or sell on terms. We have & price on this. Apply J. K. Carroll Agency, 58 Brock street. SEVEN 82 busi. Houses For Sale $4,300--Brick, all improvements, Eagl $00, 3 rooms. 3,300---~Frame, all § Tovement, rooms; central mp .. 3 $1.300--Frame, 4 rooms, barn and hem- house, Houses and flats to let. T. O'CONNOR, 316 Barrie Street. 'Phone 1368-J. BRICK DWELLING -- § rooms, two blocks from Queen's University; all modern conveniences. Price $4. Apply J. K. Carre roll Agency, 58 Br: BRICK HOUSE--¥ rooms, 3 pi ba furadce, gas, electric, Clothes slogeta, seen by ap- 34-w, or write poinument. > Box J-I4, Whig. Oftice. E.W., MULLIN Real Estate ang Insurance Broker olinson aud Division Streets Phone 538w. See Advi. Page 3. FOR dwelln, rOOWS Vera eo ast --. foundation, thres piece bath, elect light, good condition. Lot 49x1 West end. Price $3,000. Apply J. KX: Carroll Agency, 68 Brock Street. FOR SALE--Rrick Awallin combined; dwelling BEYOR: roma tole Water heating, electric It h yea. three piece bath. A well Bulge Plese . K of property. Price $5,200. A Carroll Agency, 56 Brock Street J. B. CUNNINGHAM Real Estate ¢ Insurance and 79 Clarence Street La MERCHANDISE STOVES Wood Cooks, Coal Wood Ranges, Cubans Pugs and other heaters real cheap. J. TURK'S 'PHONE 705. BUSINESS SERVICE W. KENT MACNEE INSURANCE BROKER Writing Fire, Life, Automobile, Acs] apd cidenyy Sickness, Pl Glase oy, Sie of Fhsurance. 33 BROCK ST. 'PHONE §g5w, Finish out the season with a half ton of Domestic Coke $6.50 Foot of Johnson Street