Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Apr 1925, p. 4

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG THURSDAY, APRIL 80, 1925 ¢ CROSS-WORD PUZZLE FECL. " FE P 49 =2 Students of the Bible may put that book aside for the moment, and de- Yote .a religious interval to this erossword puzzle. It concerns an important event in Biblical history. Horizontal. Scattered soeds. Gen. 26. Boat of gopher wood. Gen. 6. Finishes. Gen. 6. Cleaner. Lam. 4. Southern constellation. Job. 9, Metal in natural state. Made of oat straw. Driving commana. Progeny. Gen. 1. Man who built the Ark. Gen. 8. To obtain. Black viscid fluid. It not. Gen. 30. Serpents. Deut. 32. An act of daring. Goes astray. Num. 15. Every (bit). Gen. 3. Devoured. Gen. 24. A doubling of string. Exod. 26. To shower. Gen. 7. Preserve or wine. Isa. 25. Burns; flames. Gen. 22. Drunkard. Fungus on rye. Pebble. Gen. 28. Work. Gen. 44, Marmoset. King. 16. Tenth of an ephah. Ex. 16-16. -- Vertical. Sea animal useful for washing. Matt. 27, Belonging to us. Matt. 6. Turns aside. Deut. 16. Poidt of compass. To decay. Num. 5. Eldest son of Judah. Gen. 38. 4.30 Wild goat. Prov. 15. City in Benjamin now called Auna. I. Ch. 8. ' Paid publicity. Half an em. Great grandfather of Samuel the prophet. I. Ch. §. ' Separately. Lev. 15. To dine. Gen. 2. Years of life. Gen. 47. Weakened. Isa. 44. To claim. Acts 17. To pay for one's freedom. Hos. 13. Announcer. Acts 17. Many (times). Mark 9. Jumbled type. Second note in scale. Animal similar to donkey. Gen. 49. Before. Num. 11. To tear; to cleave through. 2 King. 8. Part (unit). Gen. 3. Alleged force producing hypno- tism, Toward. Gen. 14. Answer to Wednesday's Crossword Puzzle: IRIAISIE] ERIE] OIC OID] LIRINIEPIRIOIVI | [Sio IA WIE] NIE BODIE INJIINIE Iwi TIlE TIS PIED INE ISIE [AMINE] SPIE IA REEMIONT MDI ABEL BRNIA STALL ICING) ANIL ISTERENIOWERTIIDIE |S PIE REMAIN IMIATTIERGINTE BIL EICITINAISIS! AIBIATIE) "HUNGARIA" with "Egyptian Echoes" "WHEN MY SUGAR the other side. ALKS DOWN THE STREET" by The Radio Franks with Orehestrs. "Take Me Back to Your Heart" is on the same record, "WHEN I THINK OF YOU" two new selections just out, by ick Lucas, 10s famous Crna iections Ju JOSEF HOFMANN plays i rai ONALS Is on the HARRY M. MILITAIRE" E on ck May Records. "Melody in F™ SNODGRASS of the Ivories" v : Th cn oo Spt Beth Nd St on TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS Co., WARD & HAMILTON or. Prin and Divisions Srvc } MURPHY-NOLAN NUPTIALS. Wedding Ceremony Was Performed at St. Anthony's Church, Centreville. Croydon, April 30.--On Tuesday morning, April 21st, a very interest- ing and happy wedding was per- { formed at St. Anthony's Church, at | Centreville, when Miss Annie Nolan, | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick {Nolan became the bride+ of Mr. | Joseph Murphy, son of Mr. and Mrs. | William Murphy, of Strathachona. | Miss Cicely Murphy, sister of the | groom, acted as bridesmaid, awd | John Dewey, an intimate friend, at- tended the groom. : Following the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. Father | James, the happy couple, together with their attendants, repaired to the home of the bride, where a din- ner was served to forty guests. The bridal gown was of penny brown bridesmaid was dressed in a navy blue ensemble suit. : The groom's gift to the bride was a string of pearls, to the bridesmaia a bar pin, and to the groomsman a set of gold cuff links, and to the organist, Mrs. Vincient Powers, a rosary. A reception was held at night for about eighty of their friends and relatives, after which the bride and groom- left for their home at Strat- achona, where the groom is a pros- perous young farmer. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Close and daughter Annie, have gone to their Summer camp between Moscow and Enterprise, for a few months. Mrs. A. Wilson attended the sugar party at W. B. Closes' on Wed- nesday. Mrs. H. King is visiting friends at Stratachona. Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace were Sunday guests at Mr. Alexander Hart's. Miss Etta Kring, Roblin, had tea with Miss Celia Nolan on Sunday. Much sympathy {is .extended to Mrs. Lacey and family, in the loss of a loving husband and father. Mr. and Mrs. William Galbraith, Mr. Donald :Me- Gregor and mother were recent visitors at Mr. George Barragar's. Mr. Donald Lochead spent Sunday evening at Mr. Albert Hughe's. ------ NEWS NOTES FROM CLOYNE. -- Fences Were Damaged In a Blaze on Sunday Last. Cloyne, April 30.--Real nice weather is being experienced here now. It is very warm and spring like. Everyone made a lot of maple Syrup this year as there was a good run. Mr. H. Spencer, R. Wheeler, RE. Wheeler and V. McCausland visited at Jack McCausland's Sunday. Jack Lloyd of Northbrooke visited Cloyne on Sunday. A number of men from Flinton are working at the mill here. They visited their homes over Sun- day. Harry Levere drives the mail every day and then turns around ond goes back for freight and other goods every night. " Nr. Osgar Huffman, A. Spencer and C. Spencer are still working at Bon Echo. John Bey and Harvey Spencer are working for S. Wheeler, helping him with his new store house. Miss Leitha Wheeler spent the week-end with friends at North- brooke. . Bert Wickware has returned to live in his house here for the sum- mer, after spending the winter in Toronto. 8. Wheéler and son made a trip to Tweed on Tuesday with his two trucks. The dance held at Tom Perry's last Friday night was greatly enjoy- ed .by everyone who attended it from here. Another one is expectea next Friday night at Jack Mc Caus- land's. Mr. and J. Miller visited friends here Sunday. Mrs. B. Haw- ley visited S. Wheeler's place Tues- day on business. Salt Lake Mill is still busy cutting logs and is making a real cut of it. Miss V. McCausland is still work- ing at her sister's here. A fire broke out at G. H. Spring- or's on Sunday, which started from a lighted stump. It damaged some fences, but was soon extinguished by the help of numerous men. The marriage of George Brown, head of lake, to Mrs. Flora Thomp- son of Northbrooke took place on Monday, April 27th at Madoc. They will reside at his house north of here. All are sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. John Flake of Ardoch. We sympathize with the bereaved ones of Edward Kennelly, who died last week near Northbrooke. - -- -------- Coal is so high in Chile that rail- Ways are using motor buses which run on rallway tracks. MORE HUMORS satin, trimmed with lace and fur, | with coat and hat to match. Her | A BRIDAL COUPLE SHOWERED AT ATHENS |Big Event at Home of Mr. and Mrs. Howarth--The High 8chool Fund. Athens, April 29.--The suburban | home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ho- | worth was the scene of a happy gath- ering last night, when about one hundred and fifty relatives and friends tendered a shower to the daughter of the home and her hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Parish, the bride and groom of last week. The house was prettily decorated with evergreens, festoons of white and an immense white wedding-bell. Good-fellowship and mirth prevail- ed and music lent its charm, so that time passed rapidly. At a certain juncture, a witty song, composed for the occasion, accorded a welcome to the bridal pair, with sage counsel for "Jasper" and "Mary" as they are familiarly known. Following this the presents were opened and ad- mired for their beauty and useful- Desw, in a neat speech the groom thanking all for their kind remem- brances. Refreshments in abund- ance were served and the guests de- parted about midnight, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Parish bon vayage. Captain Harrison, of the Salvation Army, Brockville, and a number of workers were here last week making a house-to-house canvass, it being called, "Self-denial week." Dr. Maloney, provincial health of- ficer, was here last' week on official business. Attendance has been called to the fact that the $2,180,15 reported last week as having been received by the Athens High School Alumni As- sociation was exclusive of the $300 received from the proceeds of the laying of the corner-stone. Includ- ing that sum the total receipts are $2,480.15. Subsequently several other subscriptions have been re- ceived. The room set aside for the library has been newly painted and decorat- ed and presents a Pleasing appear- ance. The grounds of the town hall are being levelled and seeded. We are sorry to lose Mr. Woods- worth of the Standard Bank staff who has received word of his trans- fer. A new sign in large block letters has been affixed to the side of the local Standard Bank. There was a large attendance on Saturday at the sale of the effects of the late Miss Rhoda Howe. Her residence, so pleasantly situated at the corner of Church and Reid streets, was purchased by Percy Al- ford. Mrs. M. Foxton, Isaac street, is not recovering as well as might be hoped following her two recent oper- ations, and on Thursday last re. turned to Brockville where she en- tered St. Vincent de Paul Hospital for a time. . On Sabbath morning, Rev. H, E. Warren, M.A., B.D., gave an illu- strated sermon on Sabbath observ- ance, a timely 'topic in these days of laxity and lawlessness. Some time ago 8. C. A. Lamb of- fered a medal to the high school stu- dent who would write the best essay on "A History of Education in Athens." The award is in favor of Cecil Leeder. Miss Hazel Burns, of the Lamb's drug store staff, has been called to Frankville owing to the illness of her sisters. The annual business meeting of the Young People's Soclety was held on Monday evening, when reports of the year's work were given by heads of departments. For 1925-36 the following officers were elected: Hon. president, Rev. H. B. Warren; 1st vice-president, Miss H. de Renzy, B.A.; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. H. E. Warren; 3rd vice-president, Miss M. Hollingsworth; 4th vice-president, Mrs. E. F. Neff; secretary, James Brown; treasurer, Murray Curtis; pianists, Miss 'H. Burns, Miss J. C. Chant. The interment of the body of Mrs. Philip Slack, a former Athenian, who died last winter in Springfield, Ohio, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. K. C. Berney, took ptace here in the family plot, Tuesday morning. Mrs. Slack left a bequest to the local Methodist church of which she was for years a member, Following about five months' resi- dence in New York City, Miss A. Hunt returned Tuesday afternoon to her Victoria street home to spend the summer, She was accompanied by 'OF HISTORY le the home owner. Earl Construction Co. - A. M. Sweet & Son - E. E. Johnston - Williams Bros, . = Writeus to-dayfor booklet ""A Roof the Owneris Proud of."' It is fall of roofing facts for FOR SALE BY A. CHOWN & CoO, OTHER NEARBY MEALKRS: Tallman & Robb . . . - rd's Shingles are made to resist time HE enduring qualities of ass phalt--the time-defying powers of slate--are "built in" to the very fabric of Bird's Asphalt Twin Shingles. Heat of the sun, warm drying winds, blizzards and snow, or driving rain have no effect what- ¢ver upon these permanent slate surfaced shingles. When you roof with Bird's As- phalt Twin Shingles you provide the last word in efficient roof pro- tection. Nothing to Rot, nothing to Rust, nothing to Paint and at no greater cost than ordinary shingles, Bird & Son Limited--Hamilton, Ont, "and Pont Rouge, Que. ASPHALT WIN SHINGLES - KINGSTON C. W. Hartley & Son her sister, Mrs. A. U. Williams, Watertown, N.Y. eee, At Bunker's Hill Bunker's Hill, April 30.--The Snow storm made the roads very muddy but they are quite dry now. School has reopened after the Eas- ter holidays. The grass is quite green after the snow storm. There has been quite a few Bales this spring. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Lee- man were visitors at Warner Swits- er's one day last week. of S-------------------- Kenneth Crippen, Brockville, ar- rested recently for the theft of a car at Ottawa, pleaded guilty and will be sentenced on Friday. Painful Sprains, Bruises Restored By Nerviline There is soothing power in Nervi- line that has made it famous for nearly fifty years past. It sinks in deeply, it penetrates quickly, it takes away the pain from a sprain and brings grateful relist to bruised, ach- ing muscles. If your Joints are stiff and you are suffering from Rheuma- tism or Lumbago; if Neuralgia both- ers you now and again, use trusty old "Nerviline." It works wonders, whether the pain fs internal or ex- ternal. Get a large 35 cent bottle from your dealer to-day. Oc cea Special Store on Brock 40 foot lot on King street Best building lots in Streets and Kens Garage for rent--1423 Lower Albert Street. Doctor's house and office wanted, KINGSTON AGENCIES, Lud 07 CLARENCE 8ST. TEL. 708. FOR SALE Large, well appointed dwelling, 188 Lower Albert Street. New dwellings, Stuart Street. 'Warehouse, Brock Street, R. R. Siding. Store, 14 Market Street and 36 Clarence Street with apart. Street, between King and Welling- i central location. Kingston on Collingwood, Victoria ington Avenue. J. O. HUTTON, WALSH & DERRY HIGH GRADE TAILORING Prices $45 to $65 ALSO REPRESENTING INTERNATIONAL TAILORS OF NEW YORK AND MONTREAL Prices $25 to $45 CALL SOLICITED, WALSH & DERRY fe of the Standard.

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