' \ SKIN BLEMISHES -- ¥ arts, Birthmarks, wt TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1028. MARRIAGES. TOBIN--BABCOCK---In Kingston, 27th, 1925, by the Rev. Father Hy Jand, Miss Gertrude M. Babcock Godfrey, to James C. Tobin, West- port. $ DEATHS. FODEN--On April 28th, 1925, residence of his daughter, Cronk, 39 Rushbrook Avenue, ronto, James Foden, formerly Kingston, in his 70th year Interment at Toronto. HENDRY In Kingston, on April 27th, 1936, the infant daughter of Mr and Mrs. L. E Hendry, beck Avenue. MOONEY--In Kingston, Ont., on April 28th, 1925, Ellen O'Donnell, widow of the late Thomas Mooney. Funeral (private) fromm the family resi- dence, 325 Karl Street, on Thurs- day morning at §.30 o'clock to St Mary's Cathedral, where a requiem mass will. be sung for the happy repose of her soul at 9 o'¢lock. Friends and acquaintances are kindly invited to attend the mass. REBS--In Boonton, N. J., on Aprfl 27th, 1925, Frederick Samuel Rees, aged 81 years Funeral from hig son's residence, 109 Gore street, Thursday at 2.30 pm to Cataraqui Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM. In affectionate remembrance of the late Mrs. William Dillon, called to rest on (April 28th, 1922. at the Mrs. vH of Mother, We think of you, dear mother, "We miss your dear, sweet face; Nor shall we find another To ever fill your place. still we see you as in life, 80 check the silent tears; In loving hearts, as mother, wife, You Itve across the years. ly missed by husband and family. JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers 284 and 256 PRINCESS STREET Phone 147 for Ambulance ROBERT J. REID - > 49 COLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1839. a i SEN JOHR CORNELIUS Undertaker and Embalmer Parlors: 274 Princess Street Ambulance Phone 589 I. RONAN 288-240 Bagot Street Calls Night and Day Promptly Attended H. J. KNIGHT UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER Pr ydenham, Yarker, Verona, Perhaps Th To- | 29 Eller- | ___Automoblies Automobiles For Sale AN HONEST DEAL | They say it is well to look before you leap. We have eliminated the leap altogether. Our Used Cars are selected and overhauled with all the deliberation necessary to insure an honest deal for every customer. OVERLAND TOURING, six cy- linders, Continental Motor. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. cLAUGHLIN SPECIAL SIX. UDEBAKER SPECIAL SIX, FORD TOURING. FORD ONE TON TRUCK, Starter and Ruxtel Axle. Boyd's e, Ltd. 129 BROCK STREET STAR ROADSTER CHEVROLET COUPE IN GOOD CONDITION. The CENTRAL GARAGE, Ltd 'PHONE 600 1924 FORD---¥Four Door Sedan, exoel- lent condition. Is in shop being revar- mished; ready Tuesday. Equipped with Balloon Tires, dash lamp, dome light, bumper, speedometer, motormeter, etc. Reasonable price. Phone 1625-J for appointment. Second-hand Parts for All Makes of Cars Dert, Chevrolet, Ford, e Exact U 11 Gray , Br McLaughlin, Studebaker, Mawel aie second-hand Tires, Auto Tops and] Cughloga, { For Sale--two Ford One-top Trucks, | worm drive, 4n good conditfon-- one | Maxwell Road H. SEN, 'Phone 2476w. 140 Rideau Sireet| USED AUTO PARTS FORD TOURING. FORD ROADSTER. FORD COUPE. CHEVROLET SEDAN, Palmer Auto Salvage Corner Bagot and Queen Streets Automobiles For Sale ROADSTER--One small Roadster in g00d condition. One 4 ton and one 3 ton Truck. One Disappearing Pro- peller Boat. Several 2 and 4 cycle Gasoline Engines. Fishing Boats. Davis Dry Dock Co., East End Wel- lington street. Auto Accessories--Tires-- Parts 13 and Battersea. Ambulance 'phone 35. Mon - -- mn «9 < The # tis) Whig KING. . uN, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Indexed, standardized and popular ixed according to THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM, Inc Philadelphda, Pi All ads. their a. restricted , to proper c fication, and to the regular Daily Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES: Daily rate per line or insertions: Minimum charge, 36 cents. Daily rates per line. Charge Cash GUBYS «v0eev arerse cones § 3 § days . .s arerans . 4 i day Srgesstre weaenerse 8 8 Deaths, Birthg, Engagements, Mar- riages, one insertion charged, $1.50; cash $1.00. Card of Thanks and Mymatisin Notices--Charged, $1.50; h, $1.00 each insertion. Advertising ordered for irregular insertions takes the one-time inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. Sount six average words to the ne. Charged ads. will be received by joiep one and if paid at The Brit- ish g Office within 6 days from the first day of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjust- ment made. at the rate earned.~ Rate per Mne for white space is the same as a line of type. Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising copy. Telephone 243; ask for a want ad. taker. are tive Announcemenss Personals ® Hair, Moles, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, otc, removed permanent- ly. tisfactory Glasses Att and furnished after - others have led. Goltre cured without operation. p Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, s Throat, Skin, 358 Bagot Street. 0lw. House 1136J Lost and Tound 10 BOY'S COAT---Found, in Macdonald BALK. Owner may have same at Whig ce. BICYCLE--Cleveland Sport Model, 22" frame, serial No. D14686, stolen yes- terday afternoon from Collegiate In- stitute. Reward for anyone giving in- * formation as to its whereabouts to 83 Lower Bagot street. 'Phone 2158-w. BOYS OVERCOAT---Found, on Rideau Street. Owner may have same by ay - lyiug to Mr. Bruton, 290 Wellington reel. BROWN - « BUFFALO ROBE---And one boot, Jost between Glendower ston. inder kindly notify 318 King street, or phoue EYE GLASSES -- In aluminum case, , on Sunday. Reward for their re- turn to Whig Office. GENTLEMAN'S KID GLOVE Found, on University Avenue. Owner may have same at Quick's Grocery, Univers sity Avenue. KNBE BOOT--For horse, lost betw wa Bloldg and Cooke's Finder Pietse return to Lennox Shop, 3 Montreal Street. ' MUSKRAT CHOK BR~~ Logt, on April 3nd, between Gananoque and Brew- Ss Mills. Finder return to J. R Hawkins, 's Mills, or phone 6 on 60: STRING PEARL BEADS--Lost, at Har- Finder's dance, Friday evening. please re 'ta Box and Tecelve reward: 185, Syd- ler's Bicycle hone 1961-w. tall Mteaved or picked up on or near Prin- a fo ETE Tn 57 sealing J. 1. McGuirk, New York art deal Py buying old master for £40,000 KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND BODY CO. --Makers of Auto, Buggy, Boat Tops and Cushions. Commercial, Sedan, Coupe bodies, California Tops and Up- holstering. Awnings and Tents, etc 3356 King street. 'Phone 2883 Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 FINE NEW GARAGE--Near corner of Division and Clergy Street West. Ap- ply 45 Clergy West or phone 588-w. RI -------- Business Services Business Services Offered 18 AUCTIONEER--City or county --- for honest and courteous dealing, book sales ahead. W. A. Twigg; 193 Barrie Street. 'Phone 820J. CARPENTERING--When you want a carpenter to do good work call Geo. Hunter, Pembroke street, and nave it done without paying two prices. Tele- phone 948-w, Expert Plano Tuning. Player-Plano Adjusting. 'Phone 1544. C. W. LINDSAY. LIMITED Ladies' Hair Pariors, 21a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC sed-Car Bargain You Have Been: Waiting For Is Here Keep In One thing was certain about the old backwoodsman who, when he was told about the great conflict waging in Europe in 1917, only shifted his black pipe to a sharper angle in his mouth and remarked: "Wal, they're havir' nice weather fer it." He was just a little out of touch with things! But how many people here in Kingston are a little out of touch with certain things--with the everyday op- portunities te save and make money that present them- selves on the Whig"s Classified Section? When you need household furnishings or any sort of merchandise, from a gas heater to a talking machine-- do you know where tc turn to get the best possible value for the smallest outlay of money ? Do you follow the unusual offers fn business vice, real estate and automobiles that are made in the classified columns every day ? Start saving your time and money--Ilook through the A-B-C Classified Ads. to-day! THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS. ALWAYS THE SAME--AN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY, Touch! ser- ' Business Services Hemstitching '21d ART NEEDLEWORK--Newest designs in stamped goods and material. Child- ren's work a specialty. Apply Mrs. E. Dunlop, 181 Alfred Street. Phone 101F. PICOT EDGING Hemstitching, Pleating, work guaranteed. Mrs. Field, 362 Batrie Street, near Princess Street. 'Phone 2433). Successor to Mrs, Card. ALL LINES--Of Fire Insurance, Sick- ness and Accident. Rellable compan- ies. 'Phone or call E. Williams, 3 Couper street. ERNIE D. SLITER--Insurance Broker, all branches of Insurance in old line companies of highest financial stand- ing. 281 King street t. 'Phones 2678w. Res. 1131. J. B. COOKE--Life, Fire, Accident and Sickness, in reliable companies, dis- trict manager Imperial Life. 'Phones: Office 503w. dlm. FIRE--Automobile and Casualty Insur- ance. E. M. Crumley, 420 Earl Street. Phone 1783M. INSURANCE--Only the most reliable companies represented. Strange & Strange, established In 1860. Office: 95 Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. INSURANCE--You will be well advised to consult F. L. Jackson, 428 Princess Street, Kingston, who is prepared to arrange for you the protection of any- thing of value--your life, your home, your car, your plate glass, etc. All lines of insurance. 'Phone 239w. I-N-8-U-R-A-N-C-E -- Mills Company, 79 Clarence street, represent only first class companies. /e issue every known form of Insurance. Ask us for what you require, and we shall be glad to fulfill your request We cannot tell where our business may be found. Is there something we can do for you? We arrange for mortgage and note loans. e sell Real Estate and Bonds. --Mills' Com- pany, 79 Clarence Street. Telephone 102 and 2486-w. W. P. HEWGILL & SON -- Insurance Brokers. Warning! Insure your oar before not after an accident. See us now. Special] rates on Automobile In- surance. 281 King Street East. Tele- phone 25787. C. 8 KIRKPATRICK-- General Insur- ance Agent. Fire, Life, Marine and Accident. 36 Clarence Street, King- ston, Ont. Tel 568w. = Insurance Moving, Trucking, Storage $8 ALL FIRST CLASS HAIR WORK MADE TO ORDER--Ladies' Transfor- mations, bobbed curls, switches, sham- pooling, singeing, curling, Ladies' and Children's hair cutting, Mrs. Cun- ingham, 66 Bay Street, Kingston. Tele- phone 2999. FRENCH MARCEL WAVING Water Waving, Round and Bobbed Curling, . Hair Bobbing and Trimming. Facial add Scalp Treatment. Special attention given to Hair Dyeing. Miss Switzer, 267 Queen Street. or ap- Pp t 'phone 2016. MRS. WILKINSON Experienced In all branches of Ladles' uty work, Marcelling, Hair Dyeing, etc. 360 Frontenac Street. 'Phome 1080J. FRANK ROBBS HAIR DRESSING Phone 678 for appointment. Marcel Waving, Shampooing, racials, - Hair Dyeing. Scalp Treatment for Nios Halr 185 WELLINGTON ST. PERMANENT WAVING A. B. KINGSBURY, The only wave you can Shampoo, and that dampnesg improves. Just Mke naturally curly hair. We have the only Ladies' Parlor in Kingston equipped to do this work. 209 Princess Street. 'Phone 1338. GALE DID MUCH DAMAGE. Midland Has The Worst Storm In Its History. Midland, April 28.--Considerable damage has been done by one of the worst wind storms. in the history of this district. The storm lasted only a few minutes, but its completely wrecked a big travelling crane at the Midland coal dock. The crane which was a substantial steel structure ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars and yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor, 24 Russell Street. 'Phone 22565. GENERAL CARTING -- And ashes moved. Wilson Johnson, 8 Orchard street. 'Phone 2213-w. STORAGE--For furniture, clean, dry, airy rooms and spaces; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299- 305 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. 989w. Painting, Papering, Decorating 20 about 70 feet high and 300 feet long ESTIMATES GIVEN--On all kinds of decorating, papering and painting. Prompt service. Prices right. #. Rowley. 'Phone 1352-F. INTERIOR DBCORATING--Paperhang- ing and Painting a specialty; work guaranteed by experienced workman- ship. Wall paper for sale. Milton Wart, 38 James Street. 'Phone 2730-J. BIGN PAINTING--J. 8 Robi rear 375 Bagot Street. PAPERHANGING, PAINTING -- Tint- ing and Graining done In a quick, clean and efficient manner. Prices reasonable. 'Phone 2554w. Wal Paper eamples. M. Wart, 679 Princess Street. Professional Services EJ DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN -- Dr. W. A. Marcelis, corner of Barrie and Prin- cess streets. Chiropractic ments, electric treatment and massage. X-ray service. Consulta. tion free. Hours: 9-12 am. 1-6 p.m, Evenings by appointment. Office tele phone 822J. esidence 'phone 957J. was caught by the gale and bent, and twisted like a straw, and is a total wreck. . The mass of steel completely blocked the main tracks of the C. N. R., and a gang of men were busy all the afternoon clearing the tracks. Business Services Ea tiga Architects 28b. B. R. SIMPSON, ARCHITECT 194 Wellington Street, Telephone 1728. | FRONTENAC LOAN AND Chiropractic 28c. LUCY--Drs. G. F. and Jennie A., Chiro- practic Specialists; Registered Nurse. 239 Bagot street. "Phone 943w. Hours: 9-12, 1-5, 6-8. Consultation Free. 28d. Dental KENAPP--Dr. A. E, Dentist. Office 358 Princess Street. 'Phone 653w. Open evenings by appointment. Legal 28e. eee sett + 8 CUNNINGHAM & SMITH-- Barristers, and Soliciters, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston... A. Cunningham, K.C.; Cyril M. Smith. DAY AND REVELLE --Barristers and Solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, King- ston. 'A. E. Day, Adrian I. Revelle. Mortgag arranged. 'Phone 206. HODGINS, W. C. --Barrister, Solicitor, and Notary Public. Office: 38 Clarence Street. Over C.P.R. Te aphs. Tele- phone 1980. Money to REYNOLDS, J. C.--Barrister and Sollia- tor, 81 Brock street. Mortgages ar- ranged on city and farm property. 'Phone 2509. SHEA---Ambrose, B.A., Barrister and Solicitor. Law Office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money to loan. 'Phone 1999. Repairing oN FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinda. Call and see W. Driscoll, 22 Johan Street. 'Phone 296F. UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a card. W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Street. UPHOLSTERING--ARNd general repair. ing. ve orders at or drop a card to F. W. Harold, 104 Clergy Street. Phone 1600J. Financial Money to Loan «0 INVEST- MENT SOCIETY -- Incorporated in 1861. President, A. . Cartwright, vice-president, J. M. Farrell. Money to loan on city and farm properties; in- vestment. Bonds bought and sold; de- posits received and interest padd on minimum monthly balance. R. C Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence St., Kingston. | Merchandise | Radio Equipment | RADIO LICENSES -- $1.00 1.03. Send us your order. adio tSores Waated--To Buy oe COLONIES OF BEEsn--Wanted to pur- chase a few colonies of Bees and an extractor. Apply Box Y-28, Whig Of- fice. By Instruction Wanted----Instruction 46 FRENCH LESSONS -- Wanted, to be taught in evenings. Apply stating charges, etc., to Box A-38, A Office. wive Stock Poultry and Suppiies 49 BABY CHICKS--Pure bred, to lay. Bar- red Rock, Rhode Island Reds, White Wyandottes and a White Leghorn. 100 guaranteed live. Give us your order or phone 181-w. Your eggs hatched if desired. Kingston Hatchery, 101 Queén street. BEGGS For hatching from laying strain of White Leghorns. Apply to W. T. Gordon, 740 Montreal Street or 'phone 2012-J. PLYMOUTH ROCKS -- Barred and White, eggs for hatching. Barred pen headed by cockerel, whose dam laid 231 eggs in pullet year. White pen headed by cockerel, whose dam laid 336 eg®s in pullet year. 260 Nelson Street. 'Phone 1653-J. Merchandise Articles For Sale 81 SPRING AND SUMMBR SUITS-- $39, with extra padr of trousers, $35. Easy terms of payment. Guaranteed fit. 'Phone 2208-w. J. G. Patterson, 130 Johnston street. WNINGS--Verandah Curtaink. Apply ank W. Cooke, 'phone 436. BRICK---Hard and soft, any quantity. Apply E. E. Wathen, 127 Nelson street. Phones 1391J or 618. (Agent for Baker Brick). BABY CARRIAGE--White wicker, first class condition. Will sell at a big reduction trom new price. Apply ov Frontenac street north. BRICK--No. 1 and No. 2 stock; No. 1 and No. 2, Pressed; No. 1 and No. 2, Rough. Oriental Tapestry. Every- thing in Brick. A. Neal, Agent, 40 Johnson street. 'Phone §76-m. CROWN FELT MATTRESSBES--(Were $12.60). This week $6.40. Get them now. Your old Mattress renovated. Frontenac Mattress Co. 'Phone 1961.J. 3717 King Street. DINING ROOM SET--English oak, or- dered make, 6 ft. buffet, 4 ft. china cabinet, 4 ft. dinner waggon. 1 celler- ette table and 6 chairs. Genuine lea- ther seats and backs. Lesses Anti- que Store, 507 Princess Street. Tele- phone 2610. GRAND PIANO--Broadwood Grand, in good condition, mahogany case, ivory keys and full 7 1-3 octave. Price onl 176.00. Easy terms arranged. C. W. indsay, Limited, 121 Princess Street. HARDWOOD--$3.50 and $3.76 quarter cord; mixed wood $2.75 and $3.25; Slab wood $2.75 to $3.60, according to qual- ity; rou and dressed lumber, shingles, $3.50 per thousand and up. Sawdust sold cheap. . W. H. Talbot, Concession street. Telephone 2753J. Tailoring and Pressing 80 W. ROBERTSON---278 ot stree. pressing, repairing, dry cleaning. Suit samples in stock made to order, $20 and up. Suits pressed 75c. 1 -- Employment Help Wanted--Female 2 CHAMBERMAID--At once. to Apply . Prince George Hotel. LADY~To act as housekeeper, 87 Earl street. Apply YOUNG GIRL OR WOMAN--To assist with housework. Phone 806-J or 185 University Avenue. Help Wanted--Male 88 COMPETENT MAN---To run grist and saw mill, also capable farm hand for team. Midmer, Millhaven, Ontario. LEATHER COUCH-- Mahogany settee, ga8 plate and oven, ron beds and ngs, mattresses, tables. Apply 37¢ rl Street. ¢ MILLINERY-- Salé of Millinery goods, isting of Ribbons, veiling, hats and hat shapes. Apply 112 Wiliam street. MEN'S SUITS--Come and see our stock of Men's Suits, slightly used; good as new. Army Boots, Breeches, Leggings. Bargains in every line. A. Shapiro, 45 Princess Street. PIANO--Everson Louis XV.; {ivory Keys; ben to meatoh. Price reason- able for cash. Apply 149 Colborne Street. SILVERWARE PLATED--Like new -- everything in plating. Reflectors fin- ighed same day. Partridge Wire Jy orks, Plating department. 'Phone ee "te \ See SELECT NUT COKE--WI11] burn In any stoye and last over night, 40c. bushel or $13.00 ton. Also the coke I always sold at $10.00 ton. 2% soft. cord- wood or heavy slabs, $3.00 truck load. Rr hardwood $4.00 lo: Phone 2440w. . C. Bruton, 200 Wellington street, corner Ordnance. MAKE MONEY AT HOME--4§1 to $3 per hour for your spare time writing showoardg for us. No canv ng. We instruct and supply you with work, West.Angua Showcard Service, 17 Col- borne Building, Taronto. Bolicitors, Canvassers, Agents 85 BRIGHT MEN AND WOMBN---Who are not too proud to work and would like to make money during the next three months; no risk! no experience: no capital necessary. Bradley Limited, Brantford, Ontario, . -~- STUDENTS OR THACHERS--May earn $600 to $1000 or more during Su holidays distributing religious litera- ture, spare or full time. $3.59' per day guaranteed; commission and cash bonuses besidés. For free particulars write Mr. Conrad, 129 Spadina Ave. Toronto. Situations Wanted---Male 87 SPEND A LITTLE time and save a lot ot money. Read the classified ads every y. : The roof of a building at the Chew Lumber Mills was damaged and several lumber piles were blown down. Several big trees were also up-rooted. SCALES All kinds, new"ikngd.second- nd. Cash or easy terms. Toledo Co., 1td., 309 Princess St, King- ston. 'Phone 1338, SRE---O uebec. Jix 9" lids, be- fore buying. wrenson's, 387 Prin- ogg street. 'Phone 330w. SONORA PHONOGRAPH---Worth $215, with -records. Will seM cheap for quick sale. Apply 201 William Street. ur $39 RING GOODS--Brooms 3bc. White aint .50 gallon. Supply of Brueh- 8, Scrub Pails and Mops at d pices, at Taylor & liton's, 89 Brincess Street. 1:4 cord Pal ak ia ai' stin Fy labs 34.00. Soft slaba $3.00. OF- re tor carloads aber Prone 23516w. WHITE NEWSP sheests for table for wrapping purposes or id use. x 23" Apply British Whig. © Size 16%" WOO! . 9,385, drz body ha- 3 mix ood, $2.76: oi lt: ane nb Peter nT Yard, corner Brock and Tor ronto streets. RMWITH PIL ~ Plano lamp, ble bed. di kitchen Xx 3; Linoleum rugs, nearly new. No nable iter refused. ly 188 Apply Rooms For Rent Rooms Without Hoard os FURNISHED BEDROOM--Algo bed sit- ting room; all conveniences; central Apply 163 Sydenham Street. Where to Stop In Town HOTEL CHATEAU BELVIDERE Every room with a bath, European pian. Single room with bath, $3.00 and up. Double roams with bath $2.50 per person and up, Commercial and Jackiy rates on application. 'Phone 0. Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats 74 APARTMENT -- In Sydenham Apart- ments, Brock street, four rooms and bathroom; modermn in every particu- lar. Apply 69 Brock Street. APARTMENTS Parkview Apartments, 133 King street, near city park, one modern heated aparument. Public telephone. [MFireplace. Janitor ser- vice. lossession 1st May. 'Phone 2880. : TWO FLATS--On Sixth street; 6 rooms poh; 3 plece bath, electric lights, gas r cooking. Apply H. ». Forman, 6y Patrick Street. 'Phone 730-w. Business Places For Rent 7 NEW STORES--290 Princess, now sub- divided, very convenient; large win- store. Also store at 368 ; apartments at oorner Bar. rie and Princess. All these properties are heated. Apply I. Cohen & Com- pany, Ontario street. THE PROPERTY --ALt present ocoupied by Fallon Brothers on Clergy street, between Princess and Queen streets, suitable for a garage or livery stable. For further parmoulars apply to Nickle & Farrell, 194 Ontario St, Kingston. WORK SHOP-- Good size work shop. Entrance Queen street. Apply Aber- nethy Shoe Store. 72 Houses for Remt. 7 BRICK HOUSE--605 Princess street, all conveniences, furnished; will rent as apartments if desired. Garage and pri- vate driveway, Apply 605 Princess Street. FURNISHED HOUSE-- 230 Sydenham Street, 7 rooms all conveniences. 'Phone-1915-w between 9 and 4 pan. or 6 and 8 pam. FOR RENT---University Avenue, good location, hot water heating, electric, Bas, ten rooms, garage for three cars. Possession May 1st. Apply J. K. Car- toll Agency, 66 Brock Street. FINE BRICK HOUSE--Near City park. Rent $50.00 per month. J. E. Cunning- ham, real estate agent, Clarence street. HOUSE -- 59 Queen Street, § rooms, Single garages at 69 Queen street 44 and 47 Concesston_street, § rooms each. Apply 186 Queen street. Tele- phone 988-w. HOUSE-- Furnished or Unfurnished house, 7 rooms, h.w. floors, all con- veniences, gas, electric lights. Pos- session May 1st. 'Phouoe 1915-w, be- tween 6 and 8 pam. NEW SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE Pressed brick, to let; also six roomed semi-bungalow for sale; both have all convenlences; electric lights, fire- place. Apply 73 Pembroke street. BIX ROOMED HOUSE-- On Wolfe Is- land. Apply to Hattie Davig at store on Main street, Wolfe Island. SEVEN BOWS HOUSE -- All im provements; ece ; good gur- jen 844 barn. Apply 2 Concession SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE--With barn 4nd large Sot. North Alfred. Apply to . D. Boyd, Iniversity Ave , 'Phone 1083-m. y nue 238 WELLINGTON STREET-- Brick, six rooms, bath, Will instal] electric. Rent 325, advance, includes water. Al- #0 15 Lower University Avenue, frame, six rooms, bath, gas, barn, with electric. "Rent $25 plications by letter only. , th Road, Kingston, Ont. TT 80 many good things among classified columns tha hole family ought to read them is a a Jminecesssry words and on" Ve out necessary wo. you write a classified ad, NS Whew "ARTIC CALE" 15 & for thrifty buyers in the hve ction. Classified | Ty mati] Canada| TWO HOUSES -- On Charles street; § Real Estate For Rent crea Houses For Rent ki rooms; ecleotric lights; gas for ook» ing: toilet. Apply H. ¥ Norman, Patrick Street. Phone 730-w, 188 UNION STREET WEST---Furnished or unfurnished house, 10 rooms and sun-room, hot water heating; all eons veniences. Apply 188% Union Street West. = Summer Homes For Roms 80 FURNISHED COTTAGE -- On Lake' Opinicon, near Chaifey's Lock. In. quire E. A. Alford, Elgin, Ont. R, D. & FIVE ROOMED COTTAGE-- On bay shore, 3 miles from city space In grove for tents. Reasonable rent. Pigs nie parties arranged for. Apply C. Wi Neviile, 149 Collingwood Street. SUMMER COTTAGES-- To let or fas sale at Bast View Park on St. Laws! rence. Furnished Bungalows with 6 or!' 7 rooms, screened verandahs and fire. places. Groceries, milk, ice and mall | dally. Also water lots and bungalows! for sale. Apply J. D. Boyd, 333 Unis versity Avenue, Kingston. Telephone! 1083-m. THAT DESIRABLE SUMMER COP!' TAGE--For reat or for sale, known ag "Sunny Knowle" with water front 3 Dead Man's Bay, garage and boat house. For further particulars ap to Nickle & Farrell, 194 Ontario st : Kingston, i = ITS Farms and Land for Sale. 88 FARM---In fruit section near Ee on Lake Shore, 106 acres of whith acres are tillable land, rest ol 2 pasture and bush. T-room frame "house, outbuildings, telephone, mail delivery. Will exchange for ci property or sell on terms. We havy & bargain price on this. Apply J, He Carroll Agency, 56 Brock street. MARKET GARDEN--15 actes. A 3 small farm of 50. acres with : house and buildings. J. B, Cun 3 ham, real estate agent, Clarence St. Houses For Sale 84 $4.300--Brick, all improvements, Bart Street; 7 rooms. $3.300--Frame, all rooms; central. $1,800--Frame, 4 rooms, house. Houses and flats to let. T. O'CONNOR, 3 316 Barrie Street. 'Phope 1368-J. BRICK DWELLING -- 8 rooms, two blocks from Queen's University; ail modern conveniences. Price $4.300: | Apply J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock reet. / BRICK HOUSE-S$ rooms, 3 plece furnace, gas, electric, clothes closets, garage, verandahs. Can be seen by 3 ointment. 'Phone 2134-w, or w x J-14, Whig Office. $ improvements, § barn and hea E. W. MULLIN . Rea] Estate and Insurance Broker Johnson and Division Streets 4 Phone B3dw. See Advt. Page J. FOR SALE--Frame dwelling of seven rooms, verandah, side entrance, stone foundation, - three piece bath, ctrio light, Rood condttion. Lot 49x1 West end. Price $3,000. Apply J. Carroll Agency, 66 Brock Street. FOR SALE--Brick dwellin combined; dwelling meron ron Sure Water heating, eleotric if ht, © A three piece bath. hat of property. Price §5.200. Apply J. Carroll Agency, §6 Brock Street, SOLID BRICK HOUSE-- Every oon- venience; § rooms; 6 bedrooms: piece Rath; h.w. heatin, ors down ; fireplace; verandah. Newiy decor: throughout. 'Phone -W, J. BE. CUNNINGHAM Real Estate Insurance and Loans 79 Clarence Street MERCHANDISE STOVES Wood Cooks, Coal" and ood es, Queb heaters Pugs and other J. TURK'S real cheap. "PHONE 706. W. KENT MAC INSURANCE BROKER Writing Fire, Life, Automob; Acs cident, Sickness, Plate a Ac other lines of Insurance. : 33 BROCK ST. "PHOND Sag. makes. Finish out the season with a half ton of Domestic Coke $6.50 and disé¢over what excellent fuel good Coke James Swift & Co., Limited | Foot of Johnson Street : T-- BRINGING UP FATHER 3 33 $2 NM 8 '® a as un BY -------- JUST LOOR ISNT IT TOO Ban THAT IT 195 RAINING ? WE CAN'T 40 SHOPPY ALL THE BARGAINS AT 3 ay SOL Les RAININ'.I SAVE 'MONEY. THEY CANT GIT QUT - ™M GLAD Ig NOTHIN ™ 0ST' IMITATING A [ HELLO <1 Tris wee HIGHPRICE AND COWELL "THIS 1S Mee NGG S - SEND OVER Two RAIN 'COATS C.0.D. MY DAUGHTER AND MYJELE WANT TO GO DOWN