Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Apr 1925, p. 5

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MONDAY, APRIL z7, tom. - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC 5 -- -- Phone 316 | HAD HEARTBURN | -- NS. LIVERY ror many vears | [News From District Places WHAT ABOUT THAT ROOF? ---- 5 "for Cataraqul| warereo a Ont., writes:--"I have | 1 Cemetery 3 Also » Ont, : Some movies" * "= "been trouniea wir searvarn una [I] BY AUTOMOBILE headaches for many years. There | were very few things I could eat with- Miss Phyllis Darling, Inverary, ) out suffering from either the heart- Las Dr. Waugh burn or severe headaches. Was Sevoraly Hurt A eek. DENTIST | A friend recommended me to try URN?' April 25.--The play put in St. Phone 250. Inverary, Ap 163 Wettigton MILB S on by Sydenham talent, on Friday LAXA-LIVER PILLS |nignt, was thoroughly enjoyed by the large crowd present. Yr Sale This I did and found relief at once While Miss Phyllis Darling was oO and have never been troubled since. | returning to the village from the) | play she was hit by an automobile Double Frame, Chatham Btreet,| to any of my friends who are troubled | and so severely injured that she has | been unable to return to Toronto near Princess. Full information at| with heartburn, headaches or any office only. Good opportunity for |other liver trouble." Rorma! school this week. Ford wc re. Mibu Laas ive at ar or onsld Gre, Bin, sag vor GENERAL INSURANCE sale at all druggists and dealers; put | in the neighborhood. GUARANTEE BONDS up only, for the past 30 years, by | pros Arthur, who was so severely The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, | shaken up and injured in the acci- R. H. Waddell |o dent, which befell her while on her 86 BROCK STREET way to Sydenham high school, and Telephones 826 and 806. who has been confined to Kingston » General Hospital for a month, is im- For Moving of proving and may shortly be able to FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, return to her home here. She will PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF not attend to school again this year. BYERY D RIPFTION The fine barn belonging to Thomas McCallum and sons was completely of id - . Kingston Transfer Co. lish Gabardine destroyed by fire on Saturday night. PHONE 377 | The loss will be heavy. Cause of fire 3 : | unknown. Mrs. W. L. Storms and Topcoats | family are at Elwood Thompson's. Mrs. Douglas Darling and daugh- DR.J.C.W.BROOM|| $12.00 ||-iiisiisits . . . | sent a couple of weeks, visiting Mrs. : | Darling's mother in Watertown, N.Y. Dental Surgeon pes 35 to 39. | Miss Frederick Ferguson and Miss | Doris Darling will enter Kingston's 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 679. €g- value $18. General Hospital as nurses-in-train- Evenings by appointment. ing next week. PIANO TUNING $16.50 ANDERS BiaoR FoxEs. Plano Tuning, Repairing and Sizes 34 to 38. They Are Growing in Numbers--A Emer rn poe ||] ¥ Reg. value $25. Murvator pen 30 Bai Qatan H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. urvale, Apr -- uin " L purchased a pair of black foxes from FHOXE 134, Pr \ ¥ 5 the Purdy Bros. last year and now e 0S S is the owner of four nice young a" , 2 foxes. The Purdy Bros." foxes have Tard 1871, 55 B 8 also increased considerably this BRITISH AMERICAN spring. Frances Shellington has one to Syracuse to spend the sum- T 1 Be In HOTEL 1784. DR. RUPERT P. MLLLAN he recent snow storm, in this dis- M. BOHAN, PROPRIETOR trict, prevented the farmers this KINGSTON week from working on their land. less The Ladies' Aid held a business OPEN EVENINGS BY meeting at the hall, on Monday APPUIINTS night, and the Community Club held . a business meeting on Wednesday onist Ew aight | 9 Geo A Wright & Son D. Taggart has sold his property . Phone I will always recommend your Pills 182 Wellington Street to Robert Woolsey, and he and Mrs. When you want the best in Cut 120. G0e-288 ontario St. Thssars 1otend Josvisg or Lo An- wers, esign work All kinds of Stations Ma: geles. LA a res an 1187 Gas Engines repaired. Tie The Collin's Bay Dramatic Club residence. Prat. ik yi ieient Svevion presented a fine_play, "The Dust of Sole member of Florist Tele- the Earth," in the hall, on the 16th. graph Delivery for Mrs. P. Hare took the leading part District. - as "Nell, The Dust of the Earth." Your out-of-town orders so- For April Only The other characters were Mrs. A. To make room for our boat deltv- | | BE. Merriman, Miss A. Miller, Miss M. gry Coal and in view of the eer- || Waller, Mr. M. Britt, Mr. A. Rowley, fous anticipated lab anthracite coal frelds tras fair we|| Mr. P. Hare, Mr. S. Reid, Mr. H. R. are making special price om our Clark and Mr. D. Gardiner. ' Their CELEBRATED LACKAWANNA efforts were appreciated by the peo- COAL ple of Murvale and many intend see- Egg, Sto d Nut at ...... $15.50 per tom, delivered. ing the play again at Harrowsmith. Nut and Split Pea Mixed .... Spot Cash or C.0.D. A MISSIONARY SERVICE. 913.35 Ww. A Mitchell & Co. A Splendid Event in Mallorytown Telephone 67. Methodist Church, April 20th. Mallorytown, April 24.--The fun- eral of Mrs. George Scott, Caintown, took place on Wednesday morning. GET LP AND GET aus A large congregation filled the Meth- ITS WASHDAY odist church. The service was con- ; ducted by the pastor, Rev. R. Cal- vert, who preached from John XIV: 19, "As I live, ye shall live also." During the service the choir sang very feelingly "Does Jesus Care." The interment took place at Mallory- town. Reeve Root and his daughter, Min- erva, are recovering from their re- cent attack of quinsey. George Dar- WAS NG ling, Mrs. Salter and Mrs. Taylor are 9 THE Hi also on the sick list. On account of e on +h THE Scns the snow storm there was no service are t if hubby was Invi to ||in the Methodist church on Sunday. Go the family wash Burn Stoung amily or ® Sun A very interesting Haster mission- would say, "Let George do #. Our || ary service was held under the aus- Advice is to let one of our electric Washing machines take the sof] out Buggies and Miss Reta Burris, R.R. No. 1, corral You know that, during the last rainfall, WILLIE WILLIS By Robert Quillen "This black eye is on account of I elieve ffle men when they said I cquld lick Pug Nelson easy." pices of the W.M.S. of the Methodist church, on Wednesday, April 20th, Mrs. W. I. Mallory, the president, had charge of the service. The spec- ial feature of the service was a mis- sionary address by the Rev. Frank M. Wooten, of the United church, Brockville. A solo "Go and Tell" was sung by the pastor. A beauti- ful sacred pantomine was gone through by Miss Florence MacDon- ald, the words being sung by Miss C. Vickery. The missionary thank offer- ing was a generous one. Revs. Troop and Calvert and Messrs. David Hutchinson, Eugene Hagerman and John Collins attend- ed the Prohibition Union executive meeting of the two ridings of Brock- ville and West Leeds on Thursday night. GIFT TO AN ORGANIST. Miss Phoebe Smith Is To Take Up Hospital Training. Cataraqui, April 24.--Last even- ing Miss Phoebe Smith, who is soon to take a course as nurse-in-train- ing, was presented with a wrist watch and a purse of money. She will 'be much missed in church cir- cles, as she has been a most faithful worker in all the orgainzations, as well as organist in Christ church. Mrs. Pringle and Miss Ethel Pringle, Kingston, have been visiting Mrs. J. Baker. Traffic was at a standstill last Sunday on.account of the heavy snow in the roads. Miss Laura Ba- ker, teacher at Desert Lake, was detained here because of the storm. Mrs. George Wilson spent Easter hére with her mother, Mrs. Blair, and Mrs. C. Gillespie, Wolfe Island, with her aunt, Mrs. Weston. F. A. Smith, B.A., is home from Toronto University. Mrs. Cassel- man, Kingston, is the guest of Miss Sharp. Miss Dorothy Cooke and her friend, Miss Helen Michaelson, South Porcupine, have returned to Ottawa. Born on Thursday, April 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. W. MacRow, a son. John A. Saunders has gone sailing on the Upper Lakes, T. Morley is ill in the hospital. FROZEN TO DEATH Near the Five Mile House on April 20th, 1905. A. D. Shewell, Cataraqui, who has been a reader of the Whig for over fifty years, informed a reporter' cn Saturday that he could well romem- ber a man named David, who was found frosen to death in Truedell's fleld, near the Five Mile House on April 20th, 1906. The man lived in a shack. He had walked out to- ward the main road, fallen in the heavy snow and perished owing to the extreme weather. That's why it is Economy for of the garments and the toll out of to GOOD CO your wife's life. Let emon - you bay AL--the strate their worthiness And Sam kind we sell. teedness. BOOTH & CO. || BURKEELECTRIC@ 188. ; "Phone Grove Ina Yards § | | EEE TRATINRE TITS PHONE:423. 74 PRINCESS St Perennial seeds may be sown from now up till mid-June but the earlier they are sown the more certain will bea display next year. Few of thé perennials bloom the first year from seed, the larkspurs and platycodons being two which will give a display from early sown seeds this year. Sow hardy perennials with the earliest of hardy annual seed and success is much more certain next year: The longer the growing sea- son, the larger and healthier will veesevsms 0c. [I be the spikes of bloom next year, Leg of Veal (half) . pe S80. Loin of Veal .... ceeue180 'Rack of Veal .....cenue 290 Stewing Veal ... cou poe G0 Veal CHOPS «.... con ce 280. Hamburg Steuk ......u10c Bolling Beef ...... cou. So. Pot ROASE «.ocouony oommdfio Oven Roast ...... ,seseelBe of the popular perennials that must be sown early or it will wait two years before giving a display. Plants which may be sown in June and July with the most certain pros- pect of bloom next year are the vari- ous hardy pinks and sweet williams. Perennial larkspurs sown in June and July are also among those which will be reasonably sure to make good another year. Gaillardias are best sown as soon as the ground fis workable. JEREREE i PRODUCE MARKETS the water leaked through and soiled the plaster and spoiled the floor. Napanee Retall Market. Have it repaired or renewed now, when Napanee, April 27th, . . ADDIS, PK.. .... 0 ne ..40-60 carpenter labor is plentiful and Wood Apples, No. Spye, pk.. .. ..85-76 1 i i Robi. Rusa Lo Shingles are reasonable in price. Maple syrup, qt. 50-65, gal 1.80-2.50 Cranberries, Ib. ... ». ve 36-30 S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Tulips, cut bloom, doz.. .., .$1.25 Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins. Sweet Peas, cut bloom, dos.. 35-75 BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KIN + ONTARIO, Snap dragon cut bloom, doz $1.50-§2 Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, Ne. 1571. Narcissus, ¢ut bloom, dos. ...$1.00 Roses, cut bloom, doz ... ..$2-§3 Carnations, cut bl, dos... .. . .$2 Daffodils, cut bloom, doz $1.25-$1.50 Parsndps, pK. wwe «it eee en....20 - Beets, PK .... ee 40 vevem «.30 Turnips, bus ve evve op «00.60-76 Be RADIO Y ' Carrots, PK.. .. vy soem ve on 3 Lettuce, Jest, bunch. . +o = 10-0 Without a : dl Lettuce, head .. ee oe ...15-36 Cabbage, €ach.. uo jor,.. o.05-30 WE HAVE Saundower, each.. em ¢0....10-26 One Tube Set--complete, ready to install cemeemmes « oe + $25.00 Selsey: based... a we mae 3526 Two Tube Sets--complete, ready to install .....m.... . $89.50 s , ve we dl- Three Tube Sets--complete, ready to Install ...meme.. $41.50 Po v Towa', Sone oT wane a:89 Five Tube Sets--complete, ready to {nstall ..........817500 Butter, creamery, M. ...... 35-40 You may be quoted lower prices but you won't get the Butter, dairy, Ib.. wu «vo oo 32-35 quality. We guarantee satisfaction or your money will be ree Cheese, new, 1b.. ww o.eq .o.28-26 turned immediately. One week's trial. Cheese, old, D.. .... 4s 4. ..30 'Phone 1207 for complete list. Mail orders invited. Eggs, fresh, doz. . ..".... ,.25-30 Lard, .1ul CANADA RADIO STORES Sugar, granulated, cwt. $7.25-$7.50 2693 PRINCESS STREBT. 'PHONE 1207, Shorts, ton.. .. .... .. .. ..$38 The Radio Headquarters of Eastern Ontario! Wheat, western, bus .. .. ..$1.85 Wheat, local, bus.. ... .. ..$1.85 Bran, ton.. .. .. .. .. .. ..$30 Buckwheat, bus.. .. .... ..$1.40 Corn, feed, cwt.. .. .... ..$2.75 aay, sated ove. 5 ll VALUE ALWAYS ASSURED WITH Hay, loose, ton . + ee ..85-78 Oats, local, bus ,. .. .. ..80-75 T edd 1° Cl h Youse pigs, pair.. .. .. ..$13-315 WwW e S ot es Fish: Mudcats, BD ...q eo co wm == 30 o ° Halibut, ™.. wenn oi 30 Exclusive Fabrics and Correct Styles White fish, » .. .. .. ....20-22 : Salmon, ®» .. .. ., .. ....18-25 In new Fillet of Haddle, ™ .., ., ....33 Finnan Haddie, D ., ., .. ,..18 nasser... unl] OPring Suits and Bteak, porterhouse, 1b. ......38-25 Steak, round, Ib. ...... ewes.18-20 T Stewing cuts, 1b. cememscanB-12% t Beef, western, cWt. ..em..w..10-14 opcoa 8 Steak, T-bOD® ...c ou oo wa ..38 Boiling cuts Ib. voovos oma. I=12 Beef, hinds, cWt. .....w ewss.13-17 y Beef, local, Ib. ..ccveevnae.8-13! $18 00 t $35 00 Veal, stewing, ™» .. ,, ....10-1b| 0 Veal, roast, » .. .. .. ....15-235 ® * Veal, chops, Dd .. .., .., ...18-20 Veal, cutlets, » ., .. ....15-35 Pork: ) ? ' Loin roasts, 1b.. .. .... .. ...27 Hogs, live weight cwt.. .. ..$13.50 131 Chops, 1b.... .. v0 we ovo. .20-28 Prix 1Cess treet Sits Por, rT ve oe +..231 5 acon, breakfast, Ib.., ., ,. .31-45! ? the - Tha Co Bacon, Peameal.. .. .., .. ig It's Cut of Your Clothes t unts Roast pork, sliced, Ib... .. ...55 Ham, cooked, Ib.... .... .. ..55 Ham, smoked, ® .. .... ...35-45 Picnic ham, Ib.. ..... .. .. 23-25 Hinds, Ib.... .. .. +... .. «.19-24 Pork sausages, d.. ., .. ..15-30 Sausage, beef and pork, Id 10-12% Lamb: Carcass, yearlings, Ib.. .....20-35 Carcass, spring, \b., .. .. .. .38 Hinds, yearlings, 1b.. .. .. .20-25 Hinds, spring, Ib.. .. .. ,. .28-30 Forequarters, epring, ib.. .. ...38 Lamb chops.. .. «u oe oo. .35-30 Mutton, carcass, Ib.. ., .. ..15-18 Poultry: Fowl, B.. ov iii nv «...18-28 Chickens, 1b .. .. .... ..~.28-28 Chickens, Ib, mi'k fed .. ..28-30 Ducks, ccee pe ccve om ooee26 Gees, ID .... eo oo oo we o.35 Turkeys, D.cee mood 80 mm <..80 Local ---------------- Low-Cost Trip To Pacific Coast. A captivating four-week tour of Western Canada and the Pacific Coast, with a trip. through the Unit- ed States on the return journey, is being planned for Canadian teach- ers and their friends this summer, Those who take advantage of this trip will seé the greatest scenery on the continent--the Buffalo herd at Walnright; Jasper National Park; with its unsurpassed mountain scen- ery; Mount Robson, the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies; the totem poles of Kitwanga and the mystic beanty of the Skeena River. At Prince Rupert the party trans- fers from train to boat for the glo- rious water trip of 750 miles through the sheltered Scenic Seas of the North Pacific Coast to Van- couver, Victoria and Seattle. On the return trip five wonderful days will be spent touring Yellow stone National Park by motor, with a trip to Salt Lake City and three days at Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. Then it's Denver, Clear Creek Canyon, Idaho Springs and Lookout Mountain before head- ing for Chicago and Toronto. The Tour leaves Toronto July 9th, Sealed JL Hg EH ech Hi

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