HEARD ON THE STREET! a { DRESS WELL AND SUCCEED 1925 Bi ocer riots smmored by oul} : porters--What the Merch= GOOD CLOTHES DO ATTRACT ATTENT ION ants Are Offering. Flags are floating all over the city in honor of St. George's day. Clear-up Auction Sale at Jenkins { Saturday afternoon and night. Mur- | ray, Auctioneer, Mr. Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, ° {'phone 564w. ( Varnish your linoleum regularly \ with Carmote. Linoleum Varnish. urtamn 1S Will last for years. Ask STEVEN- SON & HUNTER about it.--Advt. Northcote R. Burke, Trinity Col- lege, won a prize in patriotics. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Burke, | sv ER, resin. Specia lly P rice d | | | { and Winnipeg, has been elected a vice-president of the George Hall Coal and Shipping Corporation of Canada. The annual meetings of the Nap- anee and Picton districts of the Two special lots of fine quality Net Curtaine, priced at | Methodist church will be held on May 19th at Napanee and Picton re- so low a figure that you can-not help but take a vantage spectively. of this offer and trim your windows with dainty Curtains Clear-up Auction Sale at Jenkins' f S : Saturday afternoon and night. Mur- or Pring. ray, Auctioneer. The cricket field is nearly all dried up, and soon the baseball en- thusiastics will be "swatting the old pill" around once again. The as ane 88 8 tok saiien 10 Pairs only Net Curtains GOOD CLOTHES HELP CARRIED OFF Labo. ||f| $4.25 pair Appearance like charity, begins at home. If your dress y ¥ passes mustard with the wife, it's a cinch it d ith the outsid : world. That's why " work Mo tone Suits like ours--good OVERLOOK VALUAB L in everything as well as price. : . " Burglars Ransacked Albert TWO FINE GROUPS a yan piwik 0 Doro $4.25 pair $25 and $27.50 Burglars are still at work in the OTHERS ........ $18.00 to $35.00 Se oiaegie aa 12s wedk bor . were burglarized, and now it would Spring Topcoats rein, $25 Hie fs 8 en eo Gabardine Toncoats FOR RAIN $1650 to §25 JI: Sabi i 25 Pairs Sample Curtains 0PCOALs oR sHINE «JU 10 Too Soaal Bus xi Sook vm ta to clear of liquor. Evidently the thief or thieves were thirsty and were minus ) 9 the necessary prescription and the We have made a big reduction in the prices of 25 pairs of Sample Cur- wherewithal to cash it. tains in Nottingham, Novelty Net, Marquisette and Filet. A few of them B The house was given a thorough are slightly soiled, but in no way is the quality harmed and every pair is search, while members of the fam- dainty enough for your best windows, The designs and patterns are varied QUERN'S 75-79 BROCK ST QUEEN'S ily were absent, and a lot of valuable in many exquisite and fancy figuring. The msonsmomhi » -- UNIVERSITY 2 } ite hg Syeroomn. The ive SWEATERS "IF OFF YOUR ROUTE provers, ON ASsled to the Reg. $1.25 for .....$ .75|Reg. $3.00 for. 1.69 All styles; All styles; ; IT PAYS TO WALK" correct col My Reg. $4.25for ...... 2.50|Reg. $7.50 for' . 4.25 correct colorings orings Superintend E i eg neg. Poe nowt of Edugetion | |} - Reg. $1.50 for .....$ .85 Reg. $3.75 for . 2.25 Rev. 1. Curtis, REDD, super. Reg. $6.50 for ..... 3.75|Reg. $5.95 for .. 3.50 intendent of education in Newfound- \ / land, is in the city, the guest of his 1,500 1bs. Chickens and F owl wanted for the brother, Rev. J. K. Curtis, of Prin- cess street church. Dr. Curtis is on week-end. Highest prices for quality. We aj Zous Javing hema Tot gt Cre Ma d + as, 3 6' w i de f 3 5 % Foros " later Te Winniges to » K secure r. atton, ormerly princi- NDERSON'S [iiss 29c yard the new college in St. Johns, New- i I PURE BEEF | IRE Tysdlase. We are making a special offering of fine y 2 » - - - - . Swift $ Jewell RR Pn ST. GEORGE'S DAY. > quality Cream Madras, 36 inches wide: eight Shortening Mr. Anderson ME | ror semen. The Local Englishmen Will Hold different patterns to chose from, with plain or 3 Ib. pail, 46¢. 15¢. Ib oie Cn wn al bordered edge. Specially priced for quick sale : ' Phone 2481, o 1D. good Englishmen gather to cut off --at 29¢ yard 53 : Arent 1ov tho Kiddies. Te ------------------------ the dragon's tail. They say they are a - > fe - lor i ei Tr i : 1000 Dozen Sweet Mexican Oranges Gime for tho es 286, 14 case $2.25 [| more torte Chan the Ste, vio ow ° EF » compelled to swallow agels to the ; Splendid Assortment of Fruits d Me of 01s Eaetont sounds Fine Curtain Nets 50c yd Mushrooms-- 14 1b. cartons " more inviting to the civilized palate, Te Shs, cach Boe. | Ostifornin Bunkist Just a She Lroulens. dle & mars civ. New Curtain Néts in shades of Cream, 36 - ilized costume than the kilts. 3 A . Tho local followers of Bt. George . inches wide; excellent quality; lace edge; suit- are gathering to o . . v dragon-slayer in the Belmont to- able for draping any window in the house-- night and will make the most of the neat d . to choose from 50. 1 occasion. Tea and Sale. i Better grades of quality according to price N hi y 1- a Arr ie Pd FA from 75¢. to $1.50 yard. cooking and candy. Admission, 10 cents, On May 2nd, the Seat of the Jew J a. ' hs Friggin Special Panel Net wood. She will be called the Robert ae : : J. Buck. : $2.95 yar d Miss Lee Alice Spencer,. Cloyne, i was united in marriage to Frank Ag- e The new Spring Curtain Material --very neer Teney, Point Anne.' i . suitable for the den, sitting room, or sun room windows. Fine Panel Net, 214 DAILY MEMORANDUM. C.W.L. sale home cooking, King and yards long, in very pretty English Figur. Clarence streets, Saturday, § a.m. ; ing designs, Many patterns to choose nham Street Pageant repeated to-niat Admiseion 366 Children She a 60M <vvvers vnssssrs, $295 YARD Husband" St. ; ; Parton HAIL rocnight, 3 oclonk. . }, : et H. & 8. Club tea and sale of Ween hee 20¢. homemade' ooking, 4% pm. gd 2 ' Fo 7 nae pril 2 C ki ; I W.ALS. of Princess Strest rt a ih ad ie hs er ele b.. . 30 /hitefish, Ib. _ _. 20c. |