WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1025. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC ---- Phone 316 GODKIN'S LIVERY For Bus and Taxi, Buggies vet] addle Horses. Bus for COataraqui metery Sundays at 3 p.m. Also] for moving. Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Phone 258. rr, EB ---------------- "For Sale Double Frame, Chatham Street, near Princess. Full information at office only. Good opportunity for quick buyer. GENERAL INSURANCE GUARANTEE BONDS R. H. Waddell 86 BROCK STREET Telephones 826 and sve. Na For Maviag of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF RYERY DESCRIPTION ston Transfer Co. PHONE 377. EVENINGS, 2231. 153 WELLINGTON STREET DR. J. C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street, "Phone 679. Evenings by appointment, PIANO TUNING H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. 'PHONE 184. BRITISH AMERICAN HOTEL In Public Service Since 1784, M. BOHAN, PROPRIETOR KINGSTON WATTS, For When you want the best in Cut Flowers, Plants or work call WATTS', 1768 Store, 1187 residence. Sole member of Florist Tele Delivery for Kingston gown Your out-of-town orders. sor licited. 3 Sold by V. R McRae & Co.|| = Golden Lion Block SlateWon't Burn That's why it is Economy for you to buy GOOD COAlwthe | kind we sell. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards - We Sell New & Used Lumber At Lowest Prices I. Cohen & Co. 207-275 ONTARIO STREKS "PHONES 836 and 887. STOP THAT COU COUGH NOW! With A Few Doses of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Mrs. Alex. Foster, R.R. No. 2, Pro- ton, Ont., writes:--"I took & severe | cold which settled on my lungs, and | my cough was so bad, at times, it seemed as if it were tearing my lungs to pieces. I sent and got a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and I got relief after the first few doses, and by the time I had finished the rest of the bottle I was completely relieved of both my cold and cough." "Dr. Wood's" has been on the market for the past 35 years; you don't experiment with some new and untried remedy when you buy it; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto; Ont. Sale of Boys' Suits $6.00 Sizes 26 to 35. value $9.00 to $12.00 [ | | | { n 1 BOYS' TWEED BLOOMERS $1.19, $1.49, $1.69 Sizes 26 to 85. MEN'S COLORED SHIRTS, $1.25 Sizes 14 to 17%. Regular value $1.75 to $3.00. Prevost's Est'd 1871. B55 Brock Street DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST Sen. mans 1850 Gas for Painless OPEN EVENINGS. BY APPOINTMENT Geo. A. Wright & Son MACHINE WORKS ret. . Oxy-Acetylene Welding. Ee Fc Borre * fl occeries § for COUGHS, coLDs ¥ a ond BRONCHITIS 4 RE INN NANA NNN iP) GET IT REPAIRED ne ae Tovsired tnd Spas 140 Sydembam Streét, Kingston * Phone 2006J. For April Only To make room for our boat deliv ery Coal, and in view of the ser- Jous anticipated labor trouble in the anthracite coal fields this ia fall we are making special price on our CELEBRATED LACKAWANNA COAL Egs, Seve and Nut at tom, Selinentd, Nut and yi Pea Mixed :.. 12.38 W. A. Michell & Cs Telephons 7. ° Meat Store Opp. Y.M.CA. Phone 1876. 'Tomorrow's Specials Leg of Veal ..........:.200 | Leg of Veal (half) .......28. Loin of Veal ...........18¢ Rack of Veal ...........1% Stowing Veal ........ ». Se Veal CHOPS ............B86 Pork Sausages ..........20c Hamburg Steak .........10e Pot Roast ........ ,....1%. Oven Roast ...... ......120¢ T (Late Thomas Hare of Bishop's Mills--New Boller in Cheese Factory. Bishop's Mills, April 21.--H. Per- ry, of the vicinity of Roebuck, who purchased a team of horses from J. Booth, Ottawa, passed through here one day recently on horseback, hav- ing ridden all the way from Ottawa, a distance of over forty miles. There. passed away, on Friday morning, April 17th, an old resident of this vicinity, in the person of Mrs. Thomas Hare. Deceased was in her seventy-eighth year, and on Wednes- day performed her household duties as usual, but at eventide was stric- ken with a paralytic seizure and pever regained full consciousness. She was a quiet, home-loving wo- man and won the respect of her friends and neighbors. A large number of relatives and neighbors attended the funeral service held on Sunday afterngon in the Metho- | dist church, and conducted by Rev. [J Leach. She leaves to mourn her loss, besides her husband, one son, Simon, on the homestead, and two daughters, Mrs. J. Hough and Mrs. { Aliberry, Wolford township; two sisters, Mrs. J. Oakes, and Mrs. N. Barber, and one brother, Thomas Gardiner, all of Wolford township. The pall-bearers were: Messrs. A. | Minish, G. Edwards, A. Hough, D. Bradford, A. Paterson, W. McDon- ald. Mr. and Mrs. W. Keegan, Kempt- ville, were visiting relatives here recently. Mrs. C. Byers and Miss E. Powell were visiting Smith's Falls friends this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Greer, Brockville, motored here and were visitors at K. Nottell's re- cently. The new boiler has been installed in the cheese factory, and it is ex- pected the new factory will be ready for the manufacturing of cheese on Wednesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Buker and Miss Helen Buker motored to Pres- cott on Thursday. Mrs. Henry Gowers and son, Gordon, returned from Toronto, on Wednesday, and will remain here during the sum- mer. Mrs. A. Wier spent a few days in Ottawa, this week, the guest of Rev. and Mrs, Wiseman. Mrs. H. Throop, Maynard, was a recent visitor, at the Misses McLel- lan's, Main street west. The regu- lar meeting of the Women's Mis- « | sionary Society was held at the home of. Mrs.. A. Wier on Tuesday evening. so PLEASANT VALLEY NEWS. Lots of Visitors During the Holiday Season. Pleasant Valley, April 15.--Far- mers _are preparing for seeding. Willowdale creamery representatives were in the vicinity recently solicit- ing patrons. The remains of the late Elizabeth Barr were removed from Harrowsmith vault and con- veyed to Lakeview cemetery, near Westport, for interment. It was with regret we learned of the death of Bert Freeman. He was a young man of sterling qualities, an ardent church worker, who will be greatly missed. Our sympathy is extended to thé bereaved ones. Ir- win Mouson, Peterboro Normal, is spending the holidays with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Manson. Harry Snider and family, formerly of Wilton, have taken charge of Miss Youman's farm. Miss Doris Hughes spent A few days with friends at Murvale. Misses Grace and Ethel Wattam are spend- ing the holidays with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. Wattam. A number attended district quarterly meeting at Odessa, on Sunday. Jack Keén- nedy, Cole Lake, spent a recent Sun- day with friends here. Miss Mary Wattam was recently the guest of Miss Willlam Bauder. Mr. and Mrs. F. Armstrong and children, Enterprise, were recent guests at T. A. Watson's. Garnet and Elmer Kerr are spending their holidays at Edgar Hughes'. Miss Barr called at T, A. Watson's, re- cently. Miss Myrtle Bauder was a recent guest of Misses Gladys ana Minnie Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Garrison at A. Gowdy's. Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Kerr, Watertown, N.Y., also Mrs. J. W. Babcock, Harrow- Miss Leona Joyner, Kingston, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Bradford. Mrs. D. A. Barr smith, were guests at Edgar Hughes'. |' WILLIE WILLIS By Robert Quillen 7] "Parents don't ever lle to little boys except about ginger afl will make it s0 you cannot taste caster J| ofl," - ------------------ Better give to the unworthy than not give at all. with OVER-SIZE Grip It Abolishes Finger Cramp Like the Duofold Pen It's a perfect color match, too UST as Parker's Oversize Duofold Pen supplies a full hands, fullbhanded grip that never slips out of the fingers. Just hold it gently--it's a fit, so stays put. To fill, slip in the lead at the writing tip. No need to remove its "insides." Non-Clog Propel- ler turns lead OUT and IN. Pull off the Gold Crown and see the healthy eraser -- three times average size. Under that, a well for extra leads. ? A pencil every bitas good look- ing and hard to mislay as the Duofold Pen--made of Duofold Pen stock--hence a perfect color match in handsome lacquer-red or in flashing black. 'The Parker Fountain Pen Co., Limited Factory and General Offices Toronto, Ontario News From District ct Places slim RODE TEAM OF HORSES, DISTANCE OF 40 MILES 7 A0T0 TRAFFIC IMPEDED By the Great Fall of Snow-- The Fishing Is Very Siow. Deseronto, April 21.--J. H. Top- pings and his daughter, Helen. of the Arlington Hotel, are visiting his sis- ter, Mrs. Del Cooke, formerly of Deseronto, at Oshawa. Thomas Deans, Trenton, is spending a few days = with his brother, Patrick Deans, College street. Michael Ryan, who has been staying with his daughter, Mrs. James Dunn, St. George street, has gone to Toronto and will make his home there in future. Misses Young, who have been spending the Easter holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young, Thomas street, have return- ed to their school duties at Peter- boro. Kenneth Hall, of the public school, has returned from his home at Campbellford. Miss Merrill, of the public school. who is in hospital, will be unable to resume her duties until the middle of June. Mrs. Woodgate, Thomas street, who was admitted to King- ston hospital, on Saturday, April 11th, is in a very serious condMion. A. Therrien, Deseronto, has post- poned his journey to Orchard Point, Lake Bimcoe, owing to the snow. He will leave for there in a few days to get his summer hotel in shape for | H. Aylesworth, Rich-' the season. mond, was in town on Monday. Sev- eral Deseronto young people attend-. ed the dance at Shannonville Hall on Friday night. William Stoddart, Oshawa, is in town for a few days renewing old acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Covert and children, Torrance, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Galt, Dundas street. Mrs. Tora Pin and her son have returned to Hamilton after spending a few days with Mrs. E. Powers, Park street. . Sandy Harvey, Thomas street; has rented Mrs. Gouge's house, on St. George street and will take up his residence there in a day or two. Over twelve inches of snow fell on Saturday night and Sunday morning and the roads are now im- passable for motor trafic. Sleighs and cutters were in general use here on Monday. The fish suppers which have been fairly plentiful since the ice disap- . peared, is now falling off, and fish- ermen report poor catches. Some have ceased operations for the pre- sent. DANCES WELL ATTENDED. The Young Folks About Oso Station | Enjoy Hops. Oso Station, April 19.--The snow storm has made the roads somewhat muddy. The farmers are busy put- ting up their sap buckets and pre- paring for spring work. Some have been plowing. The bee and dance, on Tuesday, at Ernest Henderson's, was a success and was well attended; also the dance at Sarfiuel Cook's on Wednesday. All report a good time. A few of the people from here at- tended the sale at Alex. McCoy's on Thursday at Clarendon, and also the sale at Elsworth Webster's on Baturday. The stork haf been visiting here again and left a baby boy at Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bourk's, also a boy at Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McPher- son's. Mrs. John Thornton is visit- ing at John L. Bourk's for a few days. James Warren and Wilfred Bourk spent Sunday at Johm Craw- ford's. Miss Ellen Bourk, Perth, is visit- ing friends here for a few days. William Conboy has purchased a new car. Miss Ethel Townsend, Harrowsmith, fs visiting friends here. Our teacher, Miss Garrett, has returned after her Easter holl- days. Miss Bella Ferguson, Ma- berly, has returned home after spending a month with Mrs. JoSéph Warren. Mrs. David Webster spent Friday with Mrs. Joseph Warren, A REGRETTED DEATH. Is That of Mrs. George P. Scott of Junetown. Junetown, April 20.--The death occurred to-day of Mrs. George P. Scott, formerly Miss Elizabeth Smith, Escott. The deceased had been ill for about two weeks. She was fifty. one years of age and besides her husband she is survived by seyen daughters, Mrs. Charles Glenn, Mag- gle, Edna, Vera, Jessie, Annie and Gladys. Several homes here are saddened to-day to hear of the death of their rector, Rev. Mr. Dowdell, Lyn, who end at Elf Tennant's.: Avery's. Mrs. Eva Kelly, Mallory- Ss Material prices) steady. It will not pense any longer. Footwear BASEBALL SCORES BY RADIO See them every even- ing in our windows! CANADA RADIO STO} "™™ 269% PRINCESS STREET. Take A\ Tans we are 5A Ties--priced This Four 2 $3. 75. one pair phones, and C Batteries, a equipment and ini $75.00 CO} One week's freq RADIO LICENSE\pg The Radio Headquarters of Eastern Ontario! \ __ re VALUE ALWAYS ASSURED Tweddell's Clothes Exclusive F abrics and Correct Styles \ Spring Suits and Topcoats *18.00 t *35.00 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess Street s It's the Cut of Your Clothes That Counts Gore, with is another 'PHONE Winnipeg and the West Good connections at Regina for Saskatoon and st Calgary for Edmonton Ar. WINNIPEG Ar. REGINA 11.05p.m. Ar. SASKATOON 6.05a.m. Ar. CALGARY _ 4.30p.m. 10.00 a.m. 4. .m. . M 11.10p.m. Ar. VANCOUVER 7.00p.m. Dining Car, Tourist, Standard, Compartment Observation Sleepers, Hagtom St. Travel DESTROYED BY FIRE. House and Barns of A. Lyons, Fern- leigh, Burned. Ardoch, © April 20.--Very little seeding has been dome owing to the prevailing cold weather. Sympathy is extended to Alphonso Lyons, Fern- leigh, who lost his house and barns by fire. Misses Margaret and Ma- donna Scullion, Kingston Hotel Dieu, also Miss Anna Fraser, Matawatchan, spent their Easter vacation at their respective homes here. The teach- ers, Miss BE. Ireton and Miss L. Rod- gers also holidayed at their homes in Perth and Denbigh. Miss Gretta Brown, Wensley, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Winters, on Wednesday last. We are pleased to note that Charles Hermer, who is under Dr. F. Goodfellow's care, is progressing from a slight attack of many friends. His position as local blacksmith has been filled by Mr. Winters, who recently arrived from arrived, Saturday, from from Harlows to iat ae Snehial Mrs 8, Gray. Sud Bind Hi shih | SEE NATURE'S WORK OF GRANDEUR THE MAJESTIC CANADIAN ROCKIES Full information, tickets, reservations, ete, apply City Ticket Sis: 180 we. Kingston, 'Phone by James Derue fs again on. route. Glenvale Notes. Glenvale, April 20.--The hea snow fall on Sunday makes one as though summer were a long off yet. concert at Murvale, on Friday Those who attended ing, more than enjoyed the play titled, "Dust of the Barth" given Collin's Bay Dramatic club, and port it the best of the Everyone is pleased to hear Mrs. George Irwin is doing nie in the Kingston General Mrs. Ross Davis and som, spent Easter week with friends fi Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. 8. \ 8 The Vancouver Express Leaves TORONTO 9.00 p.m. Daily for CANADIAN PACIFIC | ] Billie, Dl and son, Niel, Rochester, N. Y., Mrs. John Mouldy and Gertrude, Bath Road, 1] spent o with Mr. and Mrs. I. Van Order cently. Mr, and Mrs. | Young at J. R. Van Order's; ert Deo, Desert Lake, at Hi Curl's. School has re-opened Miss T. Dobson at the helm. 1144