Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Apr 1925, p. 5

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+.FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1925. ini: 'Phone 316 GODKIN'S LIVERY For Bus and Taxi Service, Buggies and Saddle Horses. Dr. Waugh > DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE You will soon be using your car, but before doing so have it insured. Let me quote you rates for the fol- lines: -- LO PUBLIC LIABILITY, PRO- PERTY DAMAGE, COLLISION, THEFT. You require protection BE- FORE not AFTER an accident or loss. The SAFE way is to insure NOW. R. H. Waddell on the system is the | comes | cough; cough all night long and can't get to sleep. » : Do You Cough, Cough,| All Night Long ? Terribly distressing and wearing cough - that on and you at night Dr. Woéd"s Norway Pine Syrup Will Give You Relief Mrs. John Lyman, Enterprise, Ont., writes-- "After having had whoop- ing cough I contracted bronchitis, and for days and nights I coughed continually, and could get no rest or sleep, but after taking one bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup 1 found great relief, and after having taken several bottles I was relieved of my trouble." This valuable cold and cough rem- edy has been on the market for the past 35 years; you don't experiment when you buy it; put up. only by The > Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, For Moviag of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. ON 877. EVENINGS 2231. yy 153 WELLINGTON STREET -DR. J. C.W. BROOM Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 670. Evenings by appointment. ' PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing and Player Piaho Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. 'PHONE 184. BRITISH AMERICAN HOTEL In Public Service Since 1784. M. BOHAN, PROPRIETOR @ KINGSTON "ey WATTS, Florist 182 Wellington Street - When Jou, want the best in Cut Flowers, Plants or design work call WATTS', 1768 Store, 1187 residence. Sole member of Florist Tele- Delivery for Kingston Your out-of-town orders so lcited. . It's the glowing warmth that gives such quick relief from a rub with BAUME BENGUE also relieves Lumbago-- Sciatica, Headache and: Backache. Keep a tube handy. 'At all dealers, First Aid for Aches and Pains WR McRae & Go. Golden Lion Block "DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST 84 Princess Street. 'Phone 1550 Gag for Painless OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT THE DA ILY BRITISH WHI G = -- EE ------ News From District Plac yu GANANOQUE We Stand" Behind It We stand behind every 'Plece of coal we sell to ydu. We are not pre- varioating. We know very well that we cheat you ofice, you won't come K to us. . We don't make any money selling one ton of coal--our jie t in selling several undred tong of coal. To do this, we must keep every customer who Wa must give simple; to give and ust do better for e! BOOTHS Co. FUE or Ss We Sell FOR CLOTHES THAT FIT TRY!! Wiliamson & Wellwood THE TAILORS ' Your Own Material 30 Montreal Street Phone Brus. .New & Used Lumber | Iron Sheeting L Cohen & Co. Specials Teg of Veal ............ 200 in om -------------------- | Loin of Veal .........,.18¢." Rack of Veal ........,..19 me i A eh ara | Front of Veal .......... 8 ---------------------------- Stewing Veal .......... 6c "ss sp dB0 Oven Romst ........0..e Pork Roast caren ARR ea April 3.--Wyman Mullin, golf profession, Ottawa, arrived in town yesterday to resume his duties on Gananoque links for the season. Wy says he has brought nice warm sun- shiny weather, so you can get your golf togs, ready. Miss Perry, Montreal, has arrived in town to be with her parents, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Perry for the Easter holidays. Mrs. John Gibson left yesterday to take up her residence.in Brock- ville. Mrs. W. J. Wing and Miss Nellie Hanley were in Kingston yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Lutz, Mrs. Stanley Shiels, Miss Jean Lutz and Mrs. Harold McCarney motored to Brockville yesterday. Colin MacKellar, Montreal, is visiting his parents, Mr. amd Mrs. James MacKellar. The congregational meeting of St. Andrew's Church was held. on Wed- nesday evening to go further into the matter of renovation and re- seating of the church. The canvas- sers had an 'excellent report to hand in showing the collection of about $5,000 towards the work. The contract for rewiring the church and lecture room was let to H. W. New- man Co. of Kingston; painting and decorating was awarded to Stone- man-Crawford, Toronto. The matter cf new seats or the recovering of the present seats was not finally de- cided and will be further discussed, and the matter be further consider- ed in about a month's time and after the wishes of the congregation have been obtained. Improvements will also be made in the Sunday school room and kitchen, and when finally completed St. Andrews will have one of the finest churches between To- ronto and Montreal. Word has been received here by friends of Miss May Bishop who re- cently graduated at St. Mary's hos- pital, Brooklyn, that she was suc- cessful in obtaining one of the four gold medals. Among the graduates was also another popular Gana- noquean, Miss Daisy Worth, who was also at the top of the graduating class. Cow Fell In; Man Fell In. At Clayton, N.Y., Miles Greenizen, In attempting to rescue ome if his cows which had wandered onto thin ice on the river, himself fell into the river. Following his accident he was seriously ill from the exposure, but is now recovering. To Have Great White Way. Smith's Falls is to have a 'great white way" lighting all the main streets. From four to eight 300- watt lamps will be on each block. At Athens on Wednesday, Miss Rhoda Howe, an estimable resident of the district all her life, passed awdy from the effects of a fall she sustained about two weeks Ago re- sulting in the fracture eof her hip. Deceased was eighty-two years of age. At Renfrew, little Neilson Clark, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Drew Clark, was knocked down, run over and seriously injured while out play- '| ing ball with his playmates. North Caroling now has 370,000 acres in National forest reserves, 11,000 acres having been recently added. The cost of living In Paris 1s now more than five times greater than before the war. | WILLIE WILLIS By Robert Quillen Kh "I love Papa have stomich ache and then my fav- erites is mamma and Jésus." A SPLENDID PLAY. Given in Moscow By Collin's Bay , Dramatic Club. Moscow, March 30.--The play given by the Colilin's Bay Dramatic Club, on Friday evening in the Me- thodist church here, was a great success and much praise is due the ladies and gentlemen for their splendid entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Dunn spent the week-end at B. L. VanLuven's. Some of the farmers are busy mak- ing maple syrup. Miss Leila Rit- chie is ill with la grippe. Mrs. Alma Alkenbrack spent Saturday in Kingston. Miss Ida Amey is visiting friends here. A number of relatives called on Joseph Lucas, Sr., on the evening of March 25th, it being his eighty- eighth birthday. Mrs. Howard Ni- cholson, Kingston, and Miss Flor- ence Huffman, Violet, spent the week-end with-their parents. Miss Helen Amey, who has been {ll with the grippe for the past week, re- turned to Centreville on Monday. Gananoque Officers. The Gananoque Canoe and Motor- boat Club has chosen these officers; Commodore, W. J. Wing; vice-com- modore, 8. Clark Taylor; secretary- treasurer, Dr. L. R. Stedman; man- ager, Harold McCarney; auditors, Messrs. Frank Mooney and H. Hawke; executive committee, H. Hawke, chairman; C. C. Skinner, J. B. Sampson, George Funnell, Frank Mooney. It is expected the Canadian Canoe Association will again hold its annual regatta there. The matter of an opening ball was brought up and May 22nd was the date tentatively get. - Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Wiltse, of Athens, announce the engagement of their daughter, Sara Gwendolyn Freeland, to Lorne Winfield Derby- shire, Toronto, son of Mrs. Maynie Derbyshire, London. The marriagé is to take place at Easter. / Did Not Make Deal. The Pembroke Board of Educa- 'tion was offered $10,000 for its old high school property by the sepa- rate school board, but asks $15,000, A new site can be bought for a high school at $30,000. To Celebrate at Newburgh. The county Orange¥ celebration will be held in Newburgh, on July 10th, under the auspices of Camden East and Newburgh lodges. inmate skin gets off. -time many of us are N the S el aa an. Sts are in the tf €S LARGELY ATTENDED FUNERAL. The Late John M. Joynt, 'Lombardy, Highly Esteemed. Lombardy, April 1.--The esteem in which the late John M. Jojnt was held was testified to by the largely attended funeral oh the 21st inst. The deceased was ill only a couple of days. All that me- dical aid could do was done for him but to no avail. He was a man of genuine worth, a great and a good friend and will be missed by his relatives. His wife died about three years ago. Sala Blancher will dispose of his farm, farm stock and implements, household furniture, 'etc., by auc- tion. Mrs. Dudley Joynt has been in Perth for the past few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Popple- well, the latter having been quite seriously ill. Miss Stella Kennedy, Philipsville, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kelly. Very few of the farm- ers have made much syrup as yet. Work has started on the provincial highway. The condition of James Kingan, who is in St. Francis Hospital, Smith's Falls, is quite serious. Hugh Kelly is ill at the home of his son, E. J. Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Ormond Joynt left last week to reside in the west. The directors of Lom- bardy fair held a meeting on Sat- urday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. James Hughes have moved from Smith's Falls to their farm near here. + MISS FREEDA ARTHUR. Met With an' Accident While Going To School. Inverary, March 31.--On Monday morning when Thomas Arthur was taking his daughter, Freeda, to Sydenham High School the king bolt in his buggy broke, throwing the occupants forcibly to the ground. Mr. Arthur escaped without injury but Freeda received serious bruises about her body. As a result she was unable to proceed to school and has been under the doctor's care since. It is not likely she will be able to return until after Easter when it is to be hoped she will have regained her former self. Five of the boys whom Joseph Foster, Moscow, was instrumental in bringing out from England have been placed among farmers here. Farm help is rather scarce. At the Model factory cheese meeting James Shepherd was appointed salesman. Miss Gertrude Gibson is spending a week with friends fn the city. Miss Fredericka Ferguson 1s pre- paring to enter Kingston General Hospital as nurse.in-training in April. Mrs. Tina Chrisley was called to Renfrew owing to"the serious ill- ness of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Spooner. Grant England, of K.C.I. spent the week-end at his home here. . MOST ENTHUSIASTIC REGARDING CANADA This Country Has Much to Offer the Right Type of Seftler. After nine months travel and ob- servation in both the urban and rural areas of Canada, S. Frank Mus- sared, of the South African Irriga- tion Association, Johannesburg, is "perfectly satisfied of the possibili- ties Canada has to offer the right type of settler." In a recent letter to Hon. James A. Robb, Minister of Immigration and Colonization, Mr. Mussared wrote the following un- solicited testimonial: 3 "I have the honor to advise you -1 have just completed an agri- cultural tour of Canada from Que- Bec to Vigtoria, B.C., from June, 1924, to March, 1925 Landing as an ordinary {immi- grant in Quebec, I have made a de- tailed study of agricultural condi- tions in Sherbrooke, Toronto, North- ern Ontario, Hamilton, Niagara, Guelph, Kitchener, Winunipeg, South Saskatchewan, Calgary, Vafcouver, Okanagan, Fraser Valley and Vie- torias, B.C. My investigations have 'been entirely those of a "free lance," but with the backing of agricultural ekperience in Scotland, Africa and Australia. "I may say I landed in Quebec, coldly critical of a country of whose colonization schemes I had heard such varied criticism, and after nine months strenuous work in urban and rural areas, entirely on my own in- ftiative, I conclude my tour warmly neighbor { from U. This splendid assortment is at your service. S. ANGLIN CO, LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Coal Bins. BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Telephone: Private Branch Exchange, Ne. 1571. LUMBER Our Lumber stock is assembled from the best mills of the Dominion, from British Columbia to New Brunswick, including Yellow Pine, Cyprus, White Wood, Oak and Mahogany. 8. Mills. VALUE ALWAYS ASSURED WITH . Tweddell's Clothes Exclusive Fabrics and Correct Styles in new , | Spring Suits and Topcoats | 18.00 © *35.00 'TWEDDELL'S '131 Princess Street re It's the Cut of Your Clothes That Counts Sn All the Latest Hits and Phonograph Records BUY YOUR EASTER CARDS NOW. THE MELODY SHOPPE OPPOSITE GRAND OPERA HOUSE - - PHONE 158. VICTORIA CAFE RE-OPENS SATURDAY, APRIL 4th After being closed for some time for extensive improvem and re-decorating, we will open SATURDAY with everything in a 4 class shape to give the public the very best lent service, = 54 King Street. meals along with excels YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. : Telephone 762. FREE WITH EVERY SUIT! * Made-to-Measure at $35.00 4 A NEW SPRING CAP Value $2.00 The CLUB 3 Doors Below Opera House en MARRIED NINE TIMES From 600,000,000 to 700,00! 000 kilowatts is the estimated ter power that the Alps can be to supply to France, The Electric Folks in LaSalle Parish, Louisi-|I8 ana, believe that "Aunt Ca'line," now Mrs. B. Hatfleld, fifty-five, holds a matrimonial record--she married the other day for the ninth time. Her first husband died from natural causes, one was accidentally killed, three disappeared and three were present when she divorced them. Mrs. Jeanette A. Hyde of Sait Lake City, Utah, has been nominat- ed by President Coolidge as Colleé- tor of Customs at Honolulu, Hawai.

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