Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Apr 1925, p. 4

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4 : : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG FRIDAY, APRIL 3, |1088. \ TOMORROW WE PRESENT EASTER'S NEWEST CREATIONS A display embracing practically every new style feature of the 1925 Spring season. Garments of charm--garments of individuality ----garments of exquisite newness for every Spring occasion -- await you here to-marrow. Tailored Boyish Form Suits Made by Mén Tailors in imported Done- gal Tweeds. Single or Double-breasted $25 to styles. Satin and Silk Crepe Linings, Wrap Around Skirt, handsome Buitonholes, ifi a splendid range of Grey and Sand mixtures. $39.75 DO YOU REALIZE THAT THE GOOD, OLD | SATURDAY. APRIL 4.00 |" 8:30.p.m. ---Concert to be given by [| hE IS GETTING SCARCER EVERY DAY (be Westinghouse Band go KDKA (809.1) Pittsburg, Pa. Yet we are still ablé to supply that same quality which has 9.45 a.m.--"Stockman' - réports WWJ (352.7) Detroit, Mich. | | 9.45 n.m.--Public Health service || bulletin: and talks on subjects of general interest. t made a reputation for itself. of the Pittsburg livestock markets; i ' Let us have your order now. general market review and agricul- tural items. } | 12 m.--'Stockman" reports of 12.05 p.m.--Jules Klein's Hotel Statler orchestra Hi the Pittsburg livestock and whole- . ° sale produce markets. 3 pm.--The Detroit News or- fj i 1 eet . 12.20 p.m.--Lenten services of | chestra. Victaria Str Phcne 1042. the Trinity church, Pittsburg, com- 3.56 p.m.--Markets. ducted by Rev. Milton" 8. Kanaga, : - i St. John's church, Pittsburg. CKAC (411) Montreal. 7 p.m.--Stories for "kiddies." 3.30 p.m.--Closipg quotations on 8 if hay, grain and feed from the 7.30 p.m.--Windsor "hotel or- | ¢hestra. ' ar FOR SALE ton A anai®: concert by the| 8:30 D.m.--Studio concert. Solid Brick House on stone foundation, 3 Westinghouse band. i abies a p.m.--Windsor Hotel red | | stories and attic, 9 rooms, 6 bedrooms, hard- i ie ips v0 iw ns wood floors downstairs, lights, gas, 3 piece [|| Bh Shoo! Meher. og of ATO een F l annel D resses 141s ments of the financial and commer- bath, hot water heating, on South side. Very [fii The Pittsburg sun Radio Sphinx | Benth OF Loe : Club, Richard the Riddler, presid Individual styles--individually exclu- 7 central. ' Price 2 Po cpm la Riad a 300.00 ! N 10.30 a.m.--Farm and home ser- . ; To : { $5, oP mart a vice. sive models--with the distinctive touch of 95 . .m.--"America"s rlory 7 | Salo 2 . M. 'B -TRUMPOUR bj 238 yo Ee oy pl Ti1E pm Nany, S380iiai trimming and fashionable appeal of line. 0) - « - PRI 3 v ~ Le x Phoge. 704 or 2073w. 70 NCESS ST. Northern Pacific Railway Com-| yon Trust Company, Chicago Plain colors, stripes and checks. to $25 pany. "Journal of Commerce," and U. 8. 4 | department of agriculture. ° ° ° ° 6.35-7 p.m.--Children's bedtime | f D h dD t{ { D Co : 7 at asning an IStinciive press ais ¥ 7-7.30 p.m.--Dinner concert. | 3 : : : » » " « Fashions that will win tke instant approval of dis- ; 8-8.68 p.m.--Musical programme. 'ooy pi : y " ¢ #4 I criminating Woman and Miss by their originality and v 12-1 a.m.--' 'Congress Carnival.' ' ou ee a 1Cy C e 1-2 a.m.--*"Insomnia Club" from |[i good taster ! he a ee sal | An exceedingly diverse collection featuring the smaller Collar, Novel Sleeves, . touches of Fur on Collars, Cuffs or Borders, Beadings, Buttons, Pleatings and the hawk hestra. for: Business, Pleasure ey Health A many other charming features of the new Spring modes. WJZ (455) New York City. In all the new fabrics and colors. Frou early morn till late at night the ' Dgdn. soy Park Lang or- I Siesz for Misses 16 to 20. Sizes for Women 36 to 48%. icycle plays an important part in our 4.30 p.m.--Sherry's Tea 'orches- |i . daily life. P tra. \ ' : 19.95 to $59.50 5.30 p.m.--State and Federal ag- (| : ' Fr A It does its work 5 quietly, so smoothly, so ricultural réports; farm and home || tt efficiently, we scarcely realize its presence. market reports; closing quotations ° ® of the New York stock exchange; Ride to Work - foreign exchange quotations; "Eve- Newest Fashions mm Easter Frocks ing Post" news. , ww Throngs of workmen cycle to and from oF pm.-- Freddie Rich and his Ho- || A large collection of exquisite models that smartly antici- i work every day, saving time, car fare and the tel Astor dance orchestra. pate the style thoughts of the new season--i¥ line, design and 25 t 3 discomfort of riding in packed street cars or of coneby, Dm.--Llederkrans Society ff trimmings. 0 y walking long distances. # 10.30 p.m.--Waldorf Astoria || Youthful frocks for dqy-time and informal occasions--im- ' Multitudes of happy children -- teachers, dance orchestra. lll ported and domestic creations in all the favored Spring shades Ter 00 too--ride bicycles to school. And what in the WRC (469) Washin and materials. Modes for Matron and Miss ' > gton, D.C. * st ii world would the Boy Scouts do without bi- 6.45 p.m.--Children's hour by || cycles? * Madge Tucker. | Cl c RC V 7 p.m.--Dinner music by, the Ho" |} Economical Deliveries tel Washington-Irving Boernstein | {i 772 B 0. N All day long messenger bo d.5o Orchestra, from the Hotel Washing- [i | -- wd LTD. - e making light deliveries -- flit by on oy "8 p.m. Bible talk. I RINGRION ra Ont O = A Su cap A i x Occasionally a plumber pedals by on his si 2B Wiseteg, (95. 1 hia 2 Whee! on a hurry call--perhaps, a leaking 10. p.m.--Dance music by Vin- An sem = ' 3 cent Loper and his Hotel Mayflow- F. Simm ving. SIXT V h 'ARE. # Py ter with his kit wheels from one job to 8% Orchorav Chaliers Locks ah $1. The pa als e collector and the insurance agent glide . WR p.m.--Crandall's Saturday changeablé her, with many re- [First Fleet of 60 Taxis Placed on l along to make calls--many of them not near a car line. ga on m.--Dance music. be 1} ¥8in shouaty have Winidied the Ni oHtae. £ es : ple syrup. Mrs. W. E.| Buffalo, April = 3.--Sixteen-cent -- Emmons and children have moved ' Pleasure and Emergencies ' WGY (879.5) Schenectady, N.Y. to Kingston. . T. Simmons and M. a i ating 93 the J Out in the country, the city man rides for a day's 9.30 p.m.--Dance music by Phil E. Droyer are spending a few days (a transportation emergency order k fishing with his rod tied on his wheel. Coming to- \ Romano's Orchestra. visiting relatives at Kingston. issued by Mayor Frank X. Schwab. i wards him a farmer's boy wheels hurriedly to the city Fred Simmons Ii now able to sit | The mayor said 60 machines were to get a spare part for a farm machine that has broken WOO (508.2) Philadelphia, Pa. up a few hours each day alter a |ip the taxi fleet released today, with i d 12a bnnd visu. lengthy illness. J. Best i8 moving | more to be added later. own. ' p.m.--Grand organ and from Crosby to the George Kerr Away down in California, Mary Pickford and trumpets. farm, Clear Lake. The trappers are -- Satin os ken x "_-- Douglas Fairbanks ride bicycles for pleasure and to busy these days. cent fare recently granted the In- keep fit. Anexample that other men and women could WMH (825.9) Cincinnati, O. rr---- ternational --Rallway company by ! follow with benefit to their health. 1 28 Dauce HugTamume. A pinch of bicarbonate of soda [the public service commission had a y WT pe oC hastens the cooking of vegetables |not resulted in improved service More People Riding a J Wh Horton's Ho- but does not injure thé flavor or ap- [the company Che li, on . pearance. i, ooredectlcare siding bl... Jets. Tubing, strongly. te- WARS. 5 " Russian prince arrives at New | For first time in decade, gold coln- past. The paved roads are Look at the brillisit, lus: YAH ( 19.4) New York City. .{ York seeking to recover Rem-|age has appeared at Johanmesbyrg, so oe 80 clean, and so trous enamel--durable and iis LSB pecial midnight pro- brandts. South Africa. easy e on, they are las And the glistening : 2 3 creating new riders by the Jasting. And the glist : thousanda. op- Complete_radic ie A IO XA, A I A per 80 it won't rust. rosrAmmas 80 Just climb on a C. C. M. Glimpse the new Gi st Canada Radio St " : yourself and see how exhil. Pedal, too--so- 1 ) arating it is to ride a bi- Its silvery frame " Telegrams Werd Falsehoods : cycle, of minum and cannot "New York, A iarlog , April : 3.--Charles < See how easily it glides rust. Duell, cross-examined yesterday - - , : along; thank to the C.CM. aed. buck and look at a witness in his suit for an injunc- ples Hanger ink linea. "A besser tion to compell Lillian Gish, motion that gives the ces Rb, Suyone would i bs {Slats ar to Smplets Hew Son 5 of so much speed of. And one that k with him, found himself forc- pep--and Specd mand ears 313 04 years of ed into conflicting testimony and : Then Ee Yack on fiz dx viere into an admission that he had sent 2 ouneed a e<<most telegrams to Miss Gish on Novem- 4 3 Jou pedals nd Ja everybody. dom. ber '37th. '1024, containing "abso- smoothly the Her- year . prices ute falsehoods." cules Coaster Brake have again been ps 12 resi : They're now $20 to 'less Ca on n than the after-war Sir Willfam Pétersen will come ote pit tetramers HER : io Otiawa in avout. & week in cons i the frame is. fection with ocean freight agree 8 : | : ay ano that| A young lady's fadey turns to] WY ij a 4 J Trotsky has fied from the Caucasus. Baster styles. Here goes Miss Na- LL amm-- Ha " rage of Indian chief jn western States ia [t51'c Hammond. CONERter al : mond, n i cles charged 'with burying girl alive. {season's mode. A real vest and cane . 2 ey give finish to the mannish effect. Hs easy oF ep ena ' x Bava vi Mss roca oe OY WAVE SET wt li ctorin 2 : TWO POUNDS OF RAIMENT. J: 'thi WwW. PERFECT--RED BIRD | on Sf ng ay" | F xe * | Will Be All Fashionable Women Will | --- Sa s Mrs. Ex } Es "Th B gaps + Require This Summer. y > [9 :. e Bicycles with ih the 1~ i : y who has lon m '| ed C. CM. Tri 4 2 New York, April 2.---Woman's h hoi d { : riplex H. - | srowing. emancipation from clothes r oice In - * Al bi will Topeh the aber this summer, : ere Soap; 2 ; 'Canada Cycle & Motor C , Limited when it she dictates of ! 2 T & fashion exactly two pounds of rai- My Ms) Sali sly wonistel for Sei we 2 Mastrenl re, HESTON OH ip, Vr ment will clothe her. 'And half the * 2 pry ; pv-oh in almost no time. the edict set by a - : : es re ToL Sars, oF cou i ie pus; ing abit 4 the Fashion Art Sunlight. simply grease so thas convention here, they just rinse away. d weighed the silk- mt, and mot ut. for bo Just | pt to wo- be ple-

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