FRIDAY, APRIL. 8, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG THE KING OF SPRING TONICS Phospho-cod This wonderful tonic puts the vim of youth into you. Positively the greatest tonic , which has been sold. Big bottle of life-giving medicine with marvelous re- $1.25 L. T. Best Druggist sults. FOR SALE Bateman's Real Estate $2,000--Frame, 4 rooms, B. and T., electric light. ,500--Brick, 5 rooms, B. and T., electric light, h.w. floors. $8,000--Frame, 7 rooms, 3 p. bath, electric light and furnace. 1.4 hand Ea WE ARE SHOWING A SPECIAL a FIND MANTEL CLOCK $1 3.00 This Clock strikes the Jhours and half hours on a cathedral gong. The TAMBOUR shape has a rounding top sloping down to a base about 20 inclies in width. These Clocks are splendid value. Others can be had in solid mahogany or Wal- nut up to $75.09 in price. ALLIES TAXI SERVICE Station included. Phone 240 250 Cou the hour $2.00. ALL LARGE CARS To all parts of the city $4,000 -- Brick, rooms, 8 p. bath, electric light and gas, deep lot and garage. /$5,000--Brick, 6 rooms, 8 p. bath, electric light and furnace, garage. $7,000--Brick, 9 rooms, all modern, central location. FREIGHT DELIVERY Local and long distance. All Motor Trucks with Alr Tires. H. L. BRYANT 384 Division Street. A SPEOIALTY Phone 1753. 1$7,500--Brick, all modern, c 1, MONEY TO LOAN. CUSTOMS BROKER ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. ] 111% BROCK ST. KINGSION Hamilton counefl at a mills. "Yardley Lavander Powder," Gib- son's. special meeting struck the tax rate at 22 1-2 Men's Caps All the newest fabrics . . $1.75 Oliver Twist Suits Boys' Foxes Suits , Best makes--wool lined -$10.50 & $12 . Cashmere Socks, black only Pure Wool--all sizes . . . Handkerchief Special Hemstitched--17 inch size . .. dC RONEY'S ¢]- Angel of the Message, Miss CHEAPER|N THE END 4 How ho is a contractor told his price is HIGH ? But if all facts were taken into consideration, the contrac- tor with the high price is the CHEAP- ER IN THE END, the cheap price has to skim or leave something for the man with p the work out. It has to be put in and you have an extra on the job whereas the high contractor had in- cluded it in his price. It pays to look into what youare going to GET. $ {CALL PICTON PASTOR T0 HAMILTON CHURCH | Bloomfield Talent Stage Page- { ant--Death of Nelson Mc- Henry, Aged 95 Years. % Picton, April 2.--Rev. C. L, Cow- an, pastor of St. Andrew's Presby- terian church, Picton, has received an unanimous call to become the pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, Hamilton, which has a much larger membership. Mr. Cowan has not yet declared his intentions. Rev. Dr. 8. D. Chown - of To- ronto stopped off in Picton en route to St. John, New Brunswick, to vis- it with his old college friend, Rev. Dr. Sherey. . The Soldier's Relatives' League will commemorate the battle of Vimy on April 9th by serving a sup- per to all the veterans in their hall. Mrs. Wesley Vanblaricombe was hostess of a dinner party on Thurs- day evening. James Grimmen and his sigter, Miss Mariam, teachers at Massas- saga Point, are home this week ow- a \ »| fng to an epidemic of mumps which has invaded the school. Mrs. S. B. Gearing and Mrs. P. C. MacNee both entertained last week in honor of Miss V. McLean who has left for a visit with friends in Ottawa and Montreal, prior to a trip on the continent. Mrs. A. E. Calnan entertained the W. C. T. U. at her home, Paul street, Wednesday. Miss Marguerite Metcalf of De- troit, Mich., is with her grand par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Brown, Main street. Rev. Father McDonald of Trenton was a recent visitor with Rev. Fa- ther Carson at the presbytery. Nelson McHenry passed away at the home of his son, William Mec- Henry, Ontario street on April 1st, in his ninety-fifth year. The funeral will be held from the home to Glen- wood cemetery on Friday. Special services will be conducted in the United Church next we every night except Saturday. R John Coborn will assist the pastor, Rev. J. J. Mellor. The Bloomfield talent drew a fairly good audience to the Regent theatre on Monday -evening when they put on their pageant, "100 Years of Victory." Over one hund- red took part in the play which was very well staged indeed. A few of the characters represented were: Mar- garet McQuade; Spirit of Christian ity, Miss Mildred Burr; Spirit of Methodism, Miss Bernice Williams, Rev. John Wesley, Mr. John Mal- lory; Barbara Heck, Miss Keitha Stark; Philip Embury, Mr. Holmes Matthie; Captain Webb, Donald Baxter; Rev. William Lossee, Mr. Clayton Burr; Pau} Huff, Mr. L. G. Ward; James s, Morley Wil- Hams; Spirit of the United Church, Miss Sylvia Stark. WADS OF BOGUS BILLS SEIZED IN MONTREAL Newly Printed "Currency" to Extent of $150,000 Drying When Officers Made Raid. Montreal, April 3.--Swooping in from front and back doors under cover of darkness, a large squad of men of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police seized "$150,000 worth of counterfeit $10 bills, at least 500,- 000 cut papers of the same size, ready to be printed, a foot and power-driven printing press of the most up-to-date design, plates and other paraphernalia, and arrested seven men in a farm house some three miles beyond L'Assomption, in Girard Parish. The raid was the biggest by far ever undertaken against counterfeit- ers in Canada. The men under arrest are Joseph Beaudoin, farmer, aged sixty, and his five sons, Plerre Paul, Joseph Raphael Maximilien, Alfred, Joseph Isidore Medgric, and Gustave, own- ers of the farm, and Denis Viger, of Montreal. The bills, which. were" laid out to dry on the floors, tables, chairs and beds of two large rooms, and which {clung to the muddy boots of the mounties when they rushed into the dark farmhouse, were all imitations of,$10 bills of La Banque Canadienne Nationale. x Part of Motorists Thumb. Had to Be Amputated N. J. Cole, Brockville, who with COUNTY COURT CASES To Be Tried Before Judge Lavell Next Week. The following is the docket ofthe civil cases entered for trial at the | non-jury sitting of the county court | of Frontenac, to be held at the court house, commencing on Tues- | day, April 7th at'ten o'clock in the | forenoon, with Judge H. A. Lavell presiding. Fallon Bros., plaintiff; va. Cooke's | Ahto Service, defendants. The plain- | tift's claim is for $438 for damages | to their motor truck occasioned as a | result of the alleged negligence of | the defendants in repairing the said truck. Ambrose Shea for the plain- tiff: Cunningham & Smith for the defendant. Fenwick, Hendry Co., plaintiff; vs. J. B. Livingston, dotend==td the Baker Bakes Company, 'Toromgo, a third party. The plaintiff's claim is for $204 for goods sold to the defendent. Cunningham & Smith for the plaintiff; vs. Murphy & Me- Donald for the third party; T. M. Costello for the defendant. Cooke's Auto Service, plaintiff; vs. George J. Maloney, defendant; The: platinft's claim is for damages for injuries to his motor car caused by alleged negligent driving of the defendant, his ros or agents. The defendant 8 not appeared in this action and interlocutary judg- ment has been signed against him. Action entered for assessment of damages only, Cunningham & Smith for the plaintiff. BEER BILL PASSES COMMITTEE STAGE All Amendments Voted Down and Integrity of Legisla- tion Unaffected. Toronto, April 3.--Undergoing its final assault at the hands of the Opposition before joining the com- pany of the laws of the Province, the Ferguson Government's measure | for 4.4 per cent. beer was piloted | last night and early this morning! through the committee stage in the | legislature. Its passage was by no means uneventful. From all quart-| ers of the house amendments com- fronted it in rapid succession, only to be voted down by the Government members leaving: the integrity of the legislation unaffected. e-- R. J. ELLIOTT RETIRES, Abeer Thirty-Seven Years on the Post Office Staff. After thirty-seven years of faith- ful service, Mr. R. J. Elliott of the staff of the post office is to Peceive superannuation at the end of this month. For several years, Mr. El- liott has been on one of the business walks down town, and his long ser- vice has made hi knqwn to thous ands. Through k ng' years of ser- vice, his work has been remarkable for regularity and faithfulness. He will receive six months leave of absence with pay and a pension: When he came on, thirty-seven years ago, there were eight walks, now there are twenty; during, the same period the number of em- ployees has increased from twenty to sixty. Kingston Bank Clearings. The following figures of the Kingston clearing house are an- nounced: For week ending April 2nd, $568,883; corresponding week 1924, $604,188, ------ "Morny Opera Powder," Gibson's. LUCKIN'S Opposite Capitol w= THEATRE Western Roast . 15¢. Our Special Roast 17¢: 1b. Pot Roast . . 12¢. Ib. BR A AA AAS ose Sa | NEN 4 do Sean oP PROBS:--Fair on Saturday; not much change in temperature.' Dress Up for Faster Sale We. have prepared for this great annual event with outstanding values in-- Coats, Suits, Frocks and Millinery Our Easter displays sparkle with the season's most de- lightful styles at prices that are astonishingly low! It would be impossible to give you even a hint as to the many attractive styles, fabrics and colors--suffice to say they are fashion"s latest in detail and these facts coupled with our extraordinary low prices should be sufficient to attract every Miss or Matron in search of new Spring wearables, 9 Suits Outstanding values. Priced from $16.50 to $35.00 and up. Coats Priced from $10.50 on up through a complete price range to $75.00. Dresses Special values in Flannel and Flat Silk Crepes, in all the new styles and colorings. 9 Silk Stockings for Easter Ina sis range'of the season's smartest shades in all the best makes, Priced at. 85¢., $1.00,.$1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 up to $3.50 a pair. e largest display of fine Silk Hosiery in the city at popular prices, awaits your selection here to-merrow! Millinery 200 New York Hats -- the season's newest styles for Easter. Priced at ....$4.98 i