SPORTING | I --H> ad THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG GENERAL HAY, AFRIL. 3, ses ---------------------------- TIMELY .M-0 OUTLOOK IS NOT VERY PROMISING ONE "Hamilton Watching for First Break to Come--May Join 4 Canadian League. Hamilton, April 3.--" Buzz" Wet- zel, manager of the Hamilton Club of the M.-D. League, left for his home in Columbus not any too well satisfied with the outlook of the lea- ' gue for the season of 1925. Hamil- ton appears to be the only club ready to toe the scratch, and Wetzel is of the opinion that the inactivity in the other cities is a bad omen. However, if anything happens to the Halligan League, Hamilton fans will not be denied professional base- ball. The Canadian league fostered by Joe Page, wants both Hamilton and London, and is waiting only for something definite about the M.-O. League before making his move to grab both clubs. Wetzel is very much in favor of e all-Canadian idea, and has ad- vised Billy Carroll, owner of the 'local club, to go ahead if the M.-O. fall to function this year. Jess Spring, who Will be with the 'Hamilton club this year, will be in fine shape when he reports to Wet- gel at Columbus on April 12th. Jess and Mickey Roach work out dally at Scott Park. INSIDE GOLF By Chester Horton Maker of 651 Golf Champions. "Golf's most successful teacher," : says "Chick" Evans. 3 The average player's sense of the golf swing goes wrong when ft makes him think that thé whole body turns from right to left with the swinging of the club. It seems obv- fous that it should so swing, but it doesn't, Pee MIPS TURN ONLY AFTER HIP PUNCH HAS BEEN APPLIED When you adopt the "straight line" principle you will observe that the left arm keeps straight and that the head stays down. It is impera- tively important to keep the head down. It makes little difference if the head moves back and forth some 'with the swing, but it must stay 'down. The player must be careful, 100, about the right side--it had a 'tendency to collapse as the clubhead nears the ball. Keep the right shoulder up as you come forward. The finish should find the right foot 'dragging' over to fhe left, the whole tendency of your weight being 10 go forward. The left hip may, in Raton: turn some to the left at the ish of the swing, but the hip line has been straight through the ball, and if it does so turn it will be after 'the hip punch has been applied to What Will Happen? .. Boston is not the only team which has an eye on Billy Burch. Some of the Western Canada teams would to have him, but Percy Thomp- 'son announces that he is not for sale, ] of which makes it look as though was counting on William to play 'centre for Hamilton again next sea- . The talk of the Hamilton play- who went on strike being expell- 'ed from organized hockey should be eg to waft out the same ear it a» I ------ a ---- ductor J. C. McCulloch, of the part sub-division, Canadian Na- "Railways, has been given merit marks for having dis- d a switch in defective condi- and taken prompt action. yton, N.Y., on March 30th, Xavier Colon, aged 89, one oldest residents and for years ; ly known boat builder of the Lawrence river, passed away. SISLER'S BATTING IS PERFECT TYPE FOR HIT-AND-RUN By AL DEMAREE + (Former Pitcher, N. Y. Giants) George Sisler, the great playing manager of the St. Louis Browns, is one of the real natural hitters of baseball history. He is a master at dragging the ball, bunting, and is able to hit long and hard to either fleld, making him an ideal "hit and run' man. While he is not what is known as a choke hitter, he does not grip his bat on the extreme end and is ond of the hardest forearm hitters in the game. In 1922 Sisler hit safely in 42 successive (games, breaking the Am- erican league record of 41 games held until then by Ty Cobb. BOXING GOSSIP Going on a pound for pound basis, the three greatest fighters of all time, asserts John J. McGraw, were (1) Joe Gans; (2) Jack McAuliffe, and (3) Terrible Terry McGovern. Benny Leonard has written a physicdl culture course, called "The Benny Leonard System of Promot- ing Physical Fitness." The book should yield him splendid financial returns. -- Jack McAuliffe, retired undefeat- ed lightweight champion, is the only boxer that ever lived who was never defeated. Jack Dempsey now runs the best equipped gymnasiums in Los Ange- les. Many famous fighters train there, Including Mickey Walker (world's welterweight, champion), Louis Kid: Kaplan (American feath- er champ) and-Tony Fuento (who recently knocked out Fred Fulton). Ruby Golstein is New York's lat- est fistic sensation. He comes from the Past Side and is heralded as a second Sid Terris. an -- When Gene Tunney beat Harry Greb recently he proved once and for all that he was Greb's master. This was the fifth meeting of the men. What champions in the various classes engaged in the most bouts? Here is the answer. In the heavy- weight division Jack Johnson leads with a complete record of 81 engage- ments, and Dempsey comes second with 69 bouts. Harry Greb, the present champion, heads the mid- dles, having fought 219 times, while 'Philadelphia Jack O'Brien comes next with 186 fights. In the welter- weight class Jack Britton leads with 280 scraps tucked under his belt, and Kid Lewis follows with 221 en- gagements, Among the lightweights, Beany Leonard (200) and Joe Gans (171). Johnny Dundee is the first of the feathers with 305 baftles; Abe Attell is next with 201. The ban- { tams are headed by George Dixon, |/ who fought 212}; the great negro, times, and Jimmy Wilde is first of 'the fiyweights with 128 scuffles. FROM THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN The more or less effete east has been properly castigated in a hockey sense. All that the east can reflect on now is the glory that once was theirs. Undoubtedly Canediens proved to be a poor travelling team, while the ten-man team of Victoria was apparently too much. The question now arises, where does this Cougar team fit in among the great teams that have held the cup. They are undoubtedly great, but are they better than the Ottawa team of 1921 ? What a battle Frederickson of the present day and Nighbor of 1921 would have pftovided# In 1920 Ottawa beat a team which Jad Holmes, Foyston and' Walker as its brightest stars, and certainly these 3 three can't be any better to-day. The others are unknown quantities in the | east. All fandom can hope is that the same Victoria team repeats next year, and comes east, so that they may be appraised and their merits proven or disproven under the fire of competition away from home. The defeat of Canadiens probably means the passing of another ma- chine that failed to hit the heights they should have attained. Tempera- ment did much to mar this graceful combination, and the fact that the athletes could not keep themselves attuned to conditions did much to hold them down in the race during the season. Vics at home they probably would have won. Canucks are not as good a training squad as Ottawa or Hamilton, and the east would have been best represented by the latter when their form in the final games is considered. The gecord of the Ottawa team in being the only aggregation to twice bring the cup back from the West will not be equalled or surpassed for many years. \ \ The Kingston Tennis Club hopas to run on a bigger scale than ever this season and indications are that the membership will be very ma- terially increased. The club plans to have a few social events thrown in with the tennis this summer. ¢ The golfers are getting impatient and are ready to go. long now before the caddies will be doing the trailing act. 0.B.A.A. ANNUAL MEETING. It won't be i a laws and constitution the annual fees. must be paid before thir repre- sentatives may participate in t proceedings. This year's executive are holding their fii al meeting at the Carls-Rite this evening to clean up the work of the past year. SOUNDS LIKE MOVIES. Early Start Will Be Made This Time. Toronto, April 3.--The Ontario Baseball Amateur Association an- nual meeting, booked for Saturday at the Carls-Rite Hotel, promises to make history in the amateur base- ball movement in this province. President MacFarlane, of Harriston, has planned to open the session at 9.30 a.m. The report and lengthy list of amendments, as well as the election of officers, necessitate an early start in order that the work of the convention be finished in time for the delegates to catch the even- ing trains. Horse Poisoned Before Kentucky San Diego, Cal., April 3.--Chilho- wee, famous Kentucky racc-orse, was poisoned shortly before running the Coffroth Handicap at the Tia- juana course last Sunday, it is indi- cated here in the statements of course veterinaries, owners and trainers who have been conducting an investigation. Chilhowee was at no time a contender during the race, although he was the favorite. Following the race, the horse was The credential committee will be ready at 9 a.m. to accept fees and lists of various delegates, thereby eliminating any undue delay. All leagues are reminded that by the by- OUT OUR WAY, 4 . .. WHAT ? FOR A LITTLE THuNGr LIKE THAT? WHY WHEN [ was A KID I ALWAYS HAD TH SEAT OUT OF MN PANTS. THEY USED "TO CALL ME CnNNENY GiNNEY WHN MOTHERS pn GRAN. | "LIKE FALER ALIKE Son! Had Canadiens played ' Still The, Most For The Money returned to its stable and fell in a heap, with a fever of 104 degrees, Ernie and Harry Hart, owners, de- clared. Trainer Dick Watts and Jockey Fred Sharpe attended to the prepar- ing of the star for the race. Veter- fnarians who have been attending the horse state that all indications point to poison having been admin- istered. After the running of the race, it was with great difficulty that the horse was returned to his stall, ac- cording to the Hart brothers. Chilhowee was said to be .an ex- tremely sick horse, and in a state of utter exhaustion. Detectives have been employed to guard the horse, and are aiding In the investigation, Hart brothers stated. Jockey Club officials are lending every co-operation. STILL HOLDS OUT. Babe Dye is still missing from the Buffalo training camp, and rumors have it that no further overtures will be made to the Toronto boy. Babe was awarded a contract which call- ed for more money than he received last season, but he sent it back un- signed, and the Buffalo management has not bothered any more about it. Webb has only three outfielders, however, and unless he can pick up another before the International lea- gue season opens, he may have to talk to the Babe. The Buffalo News says that Dye proved a'fairly good By Williame hitter last season, but that he looked mediocre in the field at times. ---------- SARNIA ADMITTED. Will Play In Kent County This Year. Chatham, April 3.--The executive of the Kent County Baseball League at a meeting here accepted the ap- plication of the Sarnia team for a § berth in the Kent county circuit by a unanimous vote, and in the same manner designated that the league for the coming season be composed of four teams, Dresden, Blefiheim, Chatham Independents and Sarnia. The London and St. Thomas teams, who were réported to be seeking 3g- mission to the league, were not ve- presented at the meeting. The mat- ter of an application had been in- formally made to President Little of the Kent League by George Mar- tin, 'London, and President McFar- lane, of the 0.B.A.A., but the motion made limiting the league to four teams eliminates all chances of thess two southern counties' aggregations becoming members of the Kent Lea~ gue this year. W. B. Jennings was named as Sarnia's representative v the executive board. , a Electric locomotives similar those in the U.S. are being made by, a Japanese firm. DIAMOND TAXI | PHONE 32 25c¢ orp { RIGHT NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A BICYCLE OC mM MASSEY MASSEY BICYCLES are the best in the world and we are selling them at $5.00 less than last year. Come in to-day and pick yours out. Treadgold Sporting Goods Co 88 Princess St., Kingston. "Phone 529 on IMPERIAL BEERS Rich and Supremely ALE LAGER, Mellow a py STOUT