CHOKERS FOR SPRING MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW. 'JOHN McKAY imited THE FUR HOUSE "APPLES APPLES APPLES Fancy quality Dehydrated Apples packed by the Dehydration . Committee of the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. Put up in one pound containers, ' One package will make 7 never tasted. Price is 35c¢. per package Pies----the like of which ou have} . HENDERSON'S on Brock St. ITALIAN WARRHOUSE "If It's Good We Sel ne Established 1868. SEE OUR SPECIAL Order Department NOW SHOWING ing Coats IN NEWEST MODELS MODLER & CO. Buy Here and Save Money 8 You've Everything to Gain by Good Appear. ance - - = Good clothes never kept a man back, They never hindered his progress or hurt his opportunity for success. | 'Most men show respect for the il} : man who shows respect for him. ll self---that's human nature every. where. Tt will pay you to see our new alien, and to know how well you be correctly dressed in the finest tatlored clothes for so little rrr -------- 'Phone 279. rr YOU BUY WHEN! The exceptional tone quality in the Weber Piano appeals to the most aesthetic taste. HEAR FOR YOURSELF AND BR CONVINCED, AY C, Ww. AINDEAY'S W Princess Street Warerooms, . Mem rrr RN ELECTRIC SPECIALS op Lamps ........... 5 for $1.00 ; 3 Class Vacuum Cleaner--r. : lar $65.00---Sale Price. .......$ BURKE EL EC 00 TRIC co Ee a ------ A ------------ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SWEEPING OF S INSTEAD OF WATERING | Boaed of Works to Try This Plan on Some ofthe New . Pavements, That sweeping be substituted for watering on a number of the streets where pavements have" been laid, and that a by-law be passed fixing the rate for the sweeping, was the decision of the Board of Works, at & meeting held on Wednesday after- noon, when the question of the watering and cleaning of streets was discussed at some length. Ald. Reid started tne DEIl rolling at a recent meeting when he stated that in his opinion it was a great waste of monsy to water the new pavements. The city engineer was asked to consider the matter and as o result he brought in a report on a number of pavea streets and asked that sweeping be substituted for watering on those streets. As at a former 'meeting, Ald. Boyd very strongly urged the pur- ll | chase of a flusher for the streets. il | He declared that the city is losing money on its present system of look- ing after the stréets. No action was taken by the Board on the proposed new regulations for | trafic on Princess street, referred back to the board by the council, owing to the fact that the comfer- ence between the retail merchants, %' | the motor league and the street rail-. way company, has not. "yet been held. It is expected that this con- ferénce will be held at an early date, and that the board will have some- thing definite to work on, and that a recommendation will then be made to the city council. Ald. Holder again brought before the committee the question of open- ing up Patrick street, from Stephen to Thomas street. Ald. Holder sald that objection had been raised to the paying for the opening of the street out of the general fund. -He had looked up the records and had found that no less than nine streets in the city had been opened up un- f| der the gemeral fund. Ald. Reid remarked that it would be found that in the case df the streets opened, the investment would be a paying one. However, he could not. see why some streets shoyld be opened under local im= provement and others out of - the general fund. In the present. case he was not convinced that there was absolute need for the opening of the street. After a great deal of discubstion, it. was decided to allow the matter to stand oVer till the next meeting. Claims for damages to autos on roadways were received from Dr. Jones, Dr. Williamson and George Graham and were referred to the Sey solicitor and the city engineer. 4 Phé application - of the Checker J] Taxi station to install a gasoline tank in front of their premises at 110 Clergy street, was granted. © The petition of W. I. Brownlee and others, against the paving of Raglan Road, between Rideau and Montreal. street, was filled. W. HX Sullivan, 66 John street, complained about the flooding of his cellar and a letter was £180' re. celved from Cunningham & Smith, on behalt of residents on Stephen and Montreal street, "complaining about the flooding of their property. Both complaints were referred to neer. The Board received a létter from T. M. Asselstine, president of the Kingston Automobile League, re- garding the pro pew traffic re gulations, but the letter was laid over, pending the comferésce to be held for the discussion on the mat- ter. The Board is securing prices om (the cost of markers for street cor- ners. Tenders were opened for supplies for the engincer's department and were left with the engineer to be|X tabulated and considered by the board. The chairman, Ald. Price, prodd: ed at the meeting, and the other members present were Alds. Wood, Boyd, Reid, Holdér and Jo¥n Fife the city solicitor and the city engi- | Re ------------------------------ THE YMCA CANVASS)¥ Up to Wadnesday Night 880.50 Had Boon Sub. scribed in thé City. At a meeting of the canvassers, who are working in connection with the Tnancial campaign being held in connection with the Y.M.C.A. this week, it was announced that §$2,- 556.50 had Been collected on Wed- nesday evening. The association is in need of $8,000 to carry®on its work during the year, and it is ex- pected that, that sum will be realiz- ed during the four days of is cam- paign. The "Y" men Htarsned in the campaign are very much pleased with the result up until the present time. ' It fs understood that some of the largé annual contributions which the "Y" receives each year have not been receé'ved yet, but they will be before the campaign comes to a close, A. J. Meiklejohn, chairman of the campaign finance committee, presia- ed at the meeting, which took the form~of a supper at 6.30 o'clock, af- ter which the captains of the dif- ferent teams reported the amount of the collections which tney made dur- Ing the day. It is the intention of the campaign committee to have supper each' evening during the campaign. : P. J. Lee, general secretary of the Y.M.C.A. for the provinces of Onta- rio and Quebec, who is in the city directing the campagn, in the course of a few remarks stated that during the years that he had been connected with the "YY" work and had been coming to Kingston he never SAW the men take such an in- terest in the campaign. He stated that the years that he had spent in the association work had brought him face to face with the wonderful work which the Y.MU..A. has ac- HR plished, and he told the names men who occupy prominent posi. tions in the life of Canada and United States who got' their start within the walls of the "VY." C. 0. Chamberlain, physical di rector, had a few remarks to makes about the work whichis being car- ried on in his department. Graham Thomson, one of the young boys of the association who was present at the supper, thanked the "Y"" for what it had done for him. / The Y.M.C.A. board gratefully acknowledges the tollowing sub soriptions. y $200--A. Davis & sons, I. Chowan & Son, Mrs. A. F. Richardson. $100--T. A. Kidd, D. G. Laidlaw. $80--Dr. C. C. Nash. $50-Bibby's Ltd., Mrs. M. A. Al. lan, W. H. Dyde, William Gill, 8. Mahood, W. T. Minnes. $25--~W. B, Dalton & ns. No¥- man i& Shaw, Smith, Bread Co. Geo. Mills, Mokeiver 8 & Birch, W. J. Crothers, J. A. Minnes, Robertson. Grocery, C. Livingston Bros, H. Breathwaite, James Reed & Sone, A. J. Meiklejohn, H. N. Rob- ertson, King Battery Service, R. H, Ward. 20<~Anderson Bros. A. Maclean, , $15-=Dr. G. W. Bell, George Bawden, Lt.-Col. F. W. Partfidge, H. D. Wightman, H. V. Chowsi, Dr. W. T. Connell, W. F. Musssimey, Pr L. Newman. $16---Chinese Subns. $12--John BE. Gow. A. F. Chown, MacPhail, I. Cohen. Jackson Me- tivier, Bank of Toronto, Allan Lem- monn; \J. M. Farrell, L. M. Arkiey, Prin. R. B. Taylor, J. B. Walkem, A. W. Winmett, A. W. Sirrett, J. M. MeCartney, W. HN. MeCartuey, Steacy's Ltd, gh MacPherson, John Angrove, Anglin, J. C. Ponstord, Dr. A. B. a Dr. W. R. Glover, D. B. Murray, M. @. Johnston, A. BE. Day, Friend, F. W. Woolworth, Imperial Optical Co, It. Uglow &'Co., R. T. Atkinson, J. H. Sanssland, R. J. Reid, R. Derwy, F. . Mahood, Abernisthy's Bhos Co., © L. Gordon, W. H. Wormwith. $9--Mrs. W. Hasson. $10--W. H. Linton; Mrs. D. G. : erro ------------------------------ y GINGHAMS, 25c¢ Pretty Ginghams, 27 inches wide, in Checks,' Stripes and Over-plaids; all colors, fine quality, did quality and fast colors. CHAMBRAY, 30c 32 inch fine Chambray, in all colors. A stlen- GINGHAMS, 35¢ 32 inch new Ginghams in pretty, small Checks and Plaids or Stripes nw coloringe-- guaranteed fast. 7 ' GINGHAMS, 39¢ and 45c. 86-inch English Ginghans in a splendid range of Clscks, small Plaids and plain shades, in all colors. Absolutely fast to washing. GINGHAMS, 50c and 60c¢ Dainty Ratine Ginghams and Silk Chambray in Blues. Fast Re PICTORIAL PATTERNS make home sewing easy. Sa Newman & Shaw . THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE . 'Hats ~ RATE FRICH 'Parisian Shop 883 BROCK STREET " "$7+-H. Sharpe, A. Buck. $6--R, B. Kent, Hallid R. H., Waddell, Dr. B. F. M. H. Claxton. $8---A. Strachan, J. B. Cooke, H. Blectric, orrance, \ P.|R. Chown, F'. H: Rutherford, F. S. Bvansop, W. J. Mercer, I. BE. Ivey, E. J. Rigney, ¥. A. Hattuer, A.D, Nelson, W: K. Macnee, Dr. Jordan, Rev. T. W. Savary, Ven. Archdeacon Dobbs, Miss TF. Derby- shire, D. M. Helse, W. W. Anglin, 0. J. Hickey, A. W. Catheart, N. VanPatton, Geprge R. Wright, Dr. A. R. B/ Williamson, J. Hopper, Harvey Milne, Capt. Harvey, - John Gibson, Joseph Cullen, Gen. F. W. Hil, C. W. Neville, J. F. Leslie, Campbell . Bros, Dr. F. A. Gays, J. 8. Crawford, O. Aykroyd, A. Calla- han, Hugh Douglas; Dr. 8 J. Keyes, B. A. Bediord, H. V. Moore, A. R. Warden, C. B. Marrisan, J. R. C. Dobbs, Maj. DNLatta, Nell Davies. Undér $5---A total of $63. Phtal--$2,856.50. . -' AT QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY By Our Student Correspondent. Students were sorry to hear that Herbie Hanna, well-known Queen's : boxer, injured Nis ankle alighting from a train in Montreal while 'on the way to the bouts at Yale. The - injury Prevented i bis participation. Mets. defeated 8 Science in a keen- . | of carrying firearms. RELEASED FROM "PEN," Is UNDER ARREST AGAIN init ' Herold Doyle Is Taken into 'Oustody by the Toronto ' . Police. . . Har6li DOYS, on ticket-of-leave from the Portsmoutn penitentiary, according to the police records, was placed under arrest im Toronto on Wednesday afternoon, on a. charge With three other men, it is alleged that Doyle had been loitering around the cor- ner of Spadina avenue and Oxtérd street, acting in a very suspicious manner. At this corner there Ts a Dominion grocery store and it was a collector of the Dominion groceries who was held up on Yonge street on Feb. 23rd and robbea of $5,000. Doyle was released from . the Portsmouth penitentiary on Jan. 14th, 1924, after serving three years of an eight-year sentence imposed in 1921, on four charges of shop- breaking. He has been reporting to the police. "| 9END IN THE NAMES TO THE CITY OLERK For the invitations to be Issued For the Old Boys' 'Reunion. Dr. W. W. Sands, city clerk, has received a'big.batch of letters from former Kingstofilans, replying to the invitations sent out tor the old boys' reunion and in each case the invita- tion has been accepted, and writer home week. t Already 1,500 invitations have been issued, but the city clerk is still very anxious to.get the names of &li '| the former Kingstonians and is mak- ing another appeal to the citizens to send in the names at once. being very enthusiastic over the old, to the Secord firm which contract, learned that the ft masons were the only men who were Hot on. the job on Thursday morn- ns; work on Wedgesday in sympathy with the masons, were back at Died in Orillia. Mrs. W. H. Warren, Brock street, received word on Wednesday eve ing to the effect that her sister, Johnston. "There are many names to be sent in yét," said Dr. Sands, "and 1 would like "very much if citizens would "send in the names to me'at once, 50 that the invitations can be sent out. We would like to. have all the invitations issued right away, as 3 wil give the pebple ample time to make preparation for their visit to the old town." CREAMERY THURS D A Y Double Parlour. -3 pounds for . g Room, Kitchen. ? Four-piece Bath. Rev. Dr. Baldwin Spoke. ¢ Rev. Dr. Baldwin was the aoa speaker-at the week of prdyer vice at Princess strest Méthe thuréh on - Wednesdpy . evening. Speaking from the words "We have found Him," he indicated soe of the rebults in life that. oe suéh |) Raith A aiondet met for prayer afd praise. MASONS STILL OVY- They Refuse to Join Toronto Union As Ordered.