Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Feb 1925, p. 15

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rine = ThE BRITISH WHIG -- The Classified Offers Will Please You Because Of Their Plentiful Po BIRTHS, Ki February BL Ail, i 2 ani Sea Charis (nee y Gindys Adeline Fergus J. 101 Pine treat, a daughter, (Janetta Lorre DEATHS, DONALDSON in ga Agile, wile mn, on Feb. w of the late her 8rd on Saturday, February 21st, at runs from R. J. Reid's parlors, to ul REMAIT: oe ihtances are respect- oy to attend. Mich., a he WATSOR---tn Detron_ > ey. "Moore, ore, on Februar bry Tock, 3 Tose, In Ron te formerly or Rainn: oars. aged 38 yéars Funeral will place on Monday af- ternoon at 2 yo alacs. from the Yaoi. gence of her son, B. R. Watson, 186 Shiveratty Avenue, Kingston, to Cataraqu etery. WLY--At Oshawa, Ont., on Feb. 1 on, 1926, nas 8B. Yelowiy, be- low ibang Grace Patter, ye sania Funeral cm Arrival of the fast train et outer station from the west on Saturday afternoon to ui oetn ete] T - ry. Che British 3 Whig CLASSIS EN T.BING, Indexed, ised and popular- according to ized THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM, Ino © Philadelphia, Pa. tion, and to Whig style of we. CLASSIFIED RATES: Daily rate per line or consecutive insertions Minimum charge, 35 cente. Dally rateg per line. Charge Cash ® seeses sue oo § dats . » s § n, Births, Merriages, 8e; 00. of sad Memoriam 'sed, $1.50; cash, $1.00 eac. insertion. Advertsing 'ordered for irregular insertions takes tae one-time lnser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than of four lines. foant aix averuge words to the Chirged ads. w will il be osaived by by ish Whig Oe witha 6 in &-daya from the 8 Bre da fay of nse: t type. rate for pA Rdvertising quest. upon re Publishets serve the to edit ar reject all classified vertising Teil 243; ask for & want ad. rr. Announcements selling interests in common. The Whig's Classifl diate touch with hund you need. A few minutes' look thro fied opportunities every day. ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY \ Do you think that the United States would have spent those hundreds of millions of dollars on the Canal--if short cuts didn't pay? A short cut is the shortest distance between two oceans, two cities and two people who have buying and Section brings you into imme- of people here in Kingston who offer unusual opportunities in buying things that you on the short cut to get some everyday necessity at a big saving of time and money. Keep an eye on the Classi- THE A-B-O CLASSIFIED ADS. ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE Panama ugh these columns may put ' A CY Business Services Chiropractic asc. LUCY Drs. G. F. and Jennie A., fire. urse, 53% Bae t Street. Phone $43w. Hours: $- ee 6-8 Consultation Five. - Dental TE KNAPP.-D T. A.B. Dentist. 0 Office: 253 cess Ctreet. Ehoile . Open ite A y appointment Saw DR. J. C. MARRIGAN x Dentist SYDENH. ONT, ° Evenings by puintment.. Legal We. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH Barristers and Solicitor, Kingston. BY Cunningham, x Cyril M. DAY AND REVELLE---Bar solicitors, «9 Clarence tin AE ston. A E. Day, Velie. Morigages arreoned Paoune HODGINS, W. C.-- Barrister, Heitor and Nowy Publis. Qi Oltice: 38 R08 treet. LUver C.F, raphs. 'Lele~ 'phone 1980. fn 0 Jonn: REYNOLDS, I J. Ci--~Barrister and Soliei- laf, bd Brock street. Mortgages ar- anged on city and farm Pnone 2509. \ Automobiles Automobiles For Bale 1 FORD BEDAN-- 1926 mnodel, run less than 500 miles; reasonable reduction in new price. on for selling owmn- er leaving city. Apply Box A-19, Whig Office. Ee, dar Noes Phone 301w. House 11353 Lost and Found 10 AY. P.A. PIN--Found, near Owner may have same at fice, Office. ig Of THE ALDH BANQUET Held at Queen's--Address by mr. 'Francis King, K.C.-- Officers Elected. : Sefenty Queen's alumn) sat down in thy Arts ¢lub room on Thursday evening to the most successful alum- banquet which hag yet been: held. conclusion of the dinner the err Professor 8. J. Gra- ham, in the absence of the President G: M. Campbell, spoke briefly of the history 'of the local branch of The Queen's Alumni Association and of its alms. They will help to arrange "tor '4he.'15 re- nal 1s planne for 'the com- _ Anpther object 1s to secure © the tion of alimnl' associa tions which exist in various centres, bat. dre 'mot yet in favor of such a r Graham then introduced LMP Francig King, K.C., who recall- ed in delightful rashion memories of . the prefessors of other days in theif moments of wrath or olympian lagghter; Young Frank King pre- senting to the registrar his scholar- ship whith entitled him to forty dol- lars, being politely asked to * prefent it next week as the univer- Slty. account was at the moment . overdrawn; Dr. James Williamson giving mathematics and astronomy under difficulties; poor Prof / Qeapdrey, harassed as the French i professor invariably was in those good old days; "no French but more "tun," sald Mr. King; Professor Rob- ertson giving Geérmag; the difficult- les of Latin when a co-ed had the con fo come among the males; Guy artis translating a given pas- . sage ot' 'Latin with remarkable flu- ency hut unfortunately from the w @ of the key: the great ! at went on before dame- ing lancers was permitted at the 'eo! ",' and the provision of high class entertainment such as chemistry and physics experiments for who did not wish to take oi in he eine: the 'stories other in & way that & © listeners, Other Ae] tollowed. aroused by those of Mf. King, and then Dr. P, M: MacDonnell sang, after which the election of officers took place as fol- | betha, Kaa, five who must be & lows: President, Professor §.° N. Gra- ham; vice-president, Mr. J. A. Min- nes; secretary-treasurery Mrs. G. ray Smith; committee, Messrs. t, C.'8. ek, a Dr. A.C. Nenll;: 4. A FRR HB. Dey. AIREDALE PUP-- Lost, answering to the name of Rags. Kindly notity G. Hewett, Barriefield and receive re- WAT CIGARETTE HOLDER -- Found Montreal street. Owner apply 6t the Whig Office. FUR NECK. PIECE--Found, at Postal Clerk's dance, in gntario ball. Owner apply at-Post Office FOUNTAIN PEN-Lost, betwebn al and University Avenue, on Ear] 8 Finder Dl leave return to 106 Wiittem ree! LOVES -- Found, white I er ne Ang street. 'Owner apply at hig ee. MUFF---Lost, on January 30th, Black Jey Pillow Maff, in the neighbor ts. ilar suns ropa Whi ree fae or 43 Raglan Road. ¥ NECKLACE ~-- Found, on évening, on Thursday Montreal street. Owner apply 19 Lansdowne street. ¥ at EE El eh hig Y PARKBR PEN---Lost, inscribed "Lady Duofold Lucky Curve." Reward 4f re« $urned to 191 Brock street. - Telephone|' PAPER HAT--Found, containing yarn and crochet hook. Owner phone 3336m. PURBE---Found, nvocation hall, OM Arts' Sunde Ques: s 8 University, Owner apply to the Jan PENCIL "Hversharp, foun cess street, Saturday, aD 14th. Owner may have same by applying ta 78 Quebec street. SPEED WAGON---New, Al Slovar, Somer Bagot and & Barl Second-hand Parts for All Makes of Cars Dort, Chevrolet, vord, Briseas, M lin, Studebaker. seoond- hand Tires, Auto Tops and anion, Repairing on all kinds of cars done here at a reasonable price. H. ROSEN, 'Phone 3475w. 140 Rideau Street Now Is The Time to Pur- chase a Good Used Car {For a month or six weeks hence When the demana for cars is so much greater than at present, the price of those list- ed below will have advanced Tho to $200 each. Ford Coupe, 1924 Model. Studcbaker Spec. Six Touring. Chalmers Six Touring. Hudson Speedster. ly A. ty AaY terms. Your present cor taken "BOYD" S GARAGE, 121 BROCK STREET : . He. Business Services Offered 18 Expert. Plauo CL" Theone 1546 CW. LINDSAY, LIMITED HE SER toga Breet SLEIGHB-_Por Biel, parties. Call the oN rollabif 101 or or 3 E3W. The Dent sleighs in town for driving par- Toa Lads' Hair Parlor. sta FRENCH MARCEL WAVING Water at Bobbie Round a pd Bobbed i Soscial SMALL RUG = -- Found, Owner: may: et or ome 1 X = on Tuesday. ve 11580. 'at 474 Albert | MRS. wi ne a the run- Bai ES ; one for' making money and one keep t Fe IE Tome Thad er "Yardley Cold Cream," Gibson's. Charged with the theft of $8,000 | 309 Princess Street. "Phone 1388. Tria Dy (FEARS eT i cura, a ooh singeing, it foots Bale cut n, shampaciog. th child: ton. Phone TT LKINSON-- Sh ck FE ea celling, yeing, Frontenac Street. 'Phone 1 FRANK ROBBS AIR DRESSING Phony $78 for appointmen Marcel Wavin, he Shamvooing, resis Scalp Apt Tor ¥ Fal ing Hair PERMANENT WAVING Water waving, Marcel oe] avin, Sham- pooing, 8. Hair Dyeing, Sl the latest styles of Hair Cutting A. B. KINGSBURY, To Be Tried at The case of W. G. Clark, repre- senting some of the members of the Odessa Literary Society vs. Mrs. Mabee, treasurer of that body, which was to lave been at the court? house here, will bs heard at Nap- anee. 'decision was arrived upon on paint claims that the treas- .urer paid out certain sums of money which she had no authority to do. ----------a-- ice Cream Bieks." Gibson's. Business Services. Hemstitching ricor ---- Hemstitoning, Pleating, vary Mre, eiid. Sea ne Barrie Street, nea t, near re Prn reset. 'Phone 3433). Buoceasor to re. SHEA-~Ambrose, B.A. Barrister Solicitor. Law Office, corner of Kong and Brock, over Huyal Bank. Money to oan. 'Phone 1999. Repairing an x FURNITURE FINISHING--Of ail kings W. Driscoll, 33 John street. Phone 294F. . pea ty Suaraateed. Cll or Jura ture; wor ar TW Aine are Taos Soh Insurange 8 ALL LINES--Of Fire rance, Sick ness and Accident, Relible compean- fes. 'Phone or call. E. Willams 3 Couper street. C. 8. KIRKPATRICK---General Insur- ance Agent, 36 Clarence Street. Tele- phone S68w. ERNIE D. SLITER-Insurance Broker, all branches of Insurance in old line {ompaiies of highest financial stand- atrest Kast. Phones 2878w. nl 1131. FIRE--Automobile Casualty Thsure B, M. Crumjby, 430 kar] Street. Phone 178030. A RANGE On compah Ten sented. range ny estab ed in Tago." nite: 9% Clarence Streoy opposite Fost Office. INSURANCE You will be well advised to consult ». L. Jac n, 438 Princess Street, Kingston, who is prepdréd to arrange for you the protection of any- thing of vaiue--your life, your home, your ear, your plate g , ete. All lines «@f insurance. 'Phone 239w. W. P. HEWGILL & SON ---~ Insurance Brokers. Consult ug for Bére, Life, Ac- cident and Sickness, and every kind of Insurance in old and reltavle com- 281 King Street East. Tele- phone 2578J. ---- Te. Storge 25 out of and A ob done. y ussel! ios troet. hone 58. Backs Pr a furniture, uSheen airy rooms and § NE on ak Frost's ity IS Jos. 306 Queen St. Pbons 526. Hes Saw Falating, Papertng, Decorating 26 GJ. & BON PAINTIN Hovisgon, rear AN--Patnter, Papen a M7 ontreal ARAL hd: books in stock. HAVE-Your decorating done now. Rooms papered $6.00 A er room, in- cluding Tr, 1936 dési to or ds corating. ® 0 3 18698. the most ee Labls ven on all kinds wiley. Telephone - Protesslonal Services , 28 DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN -- Dr. W. A. Marcells, corner of Barrie and Prin- cess streets. Chiropractic Adjust- ments, electric treatment and hand ~ray service. Congulta. tion free. Hours: 9-12 a.m, 1-6 p tole: Evenings by ntment. OM mel, 'phone "957J. phone ¥22J. Architects 28b. B. R. SIMPSON, ARCHITECT 104 iain ston | 3ireer, Telephone 1728. Flivvers Soon May Orowd Highways of Australia a ------ The Australian motor world is much interested in the proposed es- tablishment of five assembling plants by the Ford Motor Corporation of Canada, and since the arrival of W. P. Grandjean, secretary of the com- pany, and other representatives, speculation has béen nearly as great as he reticence of the visitors: Mr. Grandjean has interviewed commonwealth ministers and sound- 348 hain 4m the MEME anid Ne ettert on Ford project. There is reason to believe that the Ford corporation, in accordance with customs by-laws fiow operating, would be granted Sonedtsi dns on plant importations, rovided the material is not avail- able in Australia, < UPHOLSTERING--ARG general repair. ing. Leave orders at drop & card to F. W. Harold, 164 Sy Street Phone 1600J, Tailoring and Pressing 80 W. J. ROBERTSON, 278 Bagot Street. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing. Suits made from your own goods. Spring Samples & in stock. House phone 2418w. Employment Help Wantea--balo = 88 AR ORE AE Teen MAKE MONEY AT HOME--- §1 to per hour Jor your spare time BT showcards for us. No canvassing. We instruct aud supply you with work. West-Angus Showeard Service, 17 Col- borne Bulding, Toronto. ; SALESMAN----Wanted for line of litho. graphed labels. Make good side line. Wright Lithe Co., London, Ont. [-------------------------------------------------- ANTED--Men and women to earn $6 b $26 weekly at home. No Shhvas- ng, ex ence Snuecessary, ance mmaterial. For particllars address ~Auto Knitter - (Hollory Co.,. Ltd., Dept. C-19, Toronto, O © Solicit , Agents 35 SALES A AVENE -Rolubia 20 Sasepra: ment. We' iets ES fi) k grow, 's Of "Ball for Raraery ote lor's Jabbar i for y h You will be guccessful. Write: Sons: Nuteery Co, Toronto siteations Wanted--Femalp 956 WOMAN Wishes loyment to do houseWork. Apply Miss A. L.. Wilson, Hawkest Ont. Merchandise Articles For Sale sr BRICK---Harg S51, Suantity. and iy B. BE. E Wathen, 13; 137 Nelson Btieet P Piles 1391 or 618. (Agent for Ba Fu a ried couple Sa Ey ne her BARGAINS----Clearing out sale of Que bec Stoves with ovens for the next two weeks at Taylor & Hamilton's, $9 Princess Stree CLEVELAND BICYCLE--And number A ned Digycles on shay terms. Baby retired My iors Mics ele orks, a 41H King APA telephone 1961w. COAL~Choice Jonna Coal, free from slay sas 14.75, a Fat GERARD HEINTZMAN -- em and Bench, upright, mahogany, Shantly used. Terms to suit. Guaranteed good ¥. FF. J. Grace, 37 Mack Street. 'Phone 2261]. Real Estate For Rent 15.00. "Phone G. or C. W. Neville, Conone Dbton 28 i eo NEW STORE--O; madious and weil eae" ns Ontarto ye OFFICE--Adjoinin, ate. apply to Mi reet. King street, with SHORE 31 on, marker, 8 occupied a Hon. Ar ian. only HARDWOOD---$3.50 and $3.75 cord; mixed wood $3. 75 and $3.25; wood $2.75 to $3.50, acoording to qual- ity; rough and dressed lumber, shingles, $3.60 per thousand and up. W. li. Talbot, Concession street. Tele- Shora 2753. MADE-TO-ORDER--$30.00 Sul troduce these will Include = extra Pair of Trousers to all a custom- ers for rest ot this month. Ri guaran- teed. 'Phone 2206w. J. Patter- on, 120 Johnson street. MATTRESSES -- Renovated. Good { February only y $2.18. New ticks at ae 'Phone 1961J. ntenac Mattress Oo. uarter Slab Coy vy, 79 op to ine AL ONC! 7 roomed house with reet. Phone 1083m. LAL BO 40 ii] Thess, rooms, ba o OSlAT end ®nd lactrie J 00 a oath sell. PIANO--Willlams make, Princess St {one Al. ticulars a 'Phone 2417J. TABLES--Several first class pool fables, Al condition. With th An equip- 60.00. Apply Stans- at 8 Chestnut street. Be iene: walny ohse, Price reasonable. For e. F Y 140 Colborne "Beloot PIANO-- Heintsman & i Classic inter mahogany case, contains St improvements. O Ar tl Can be purchased he terms arranged. fics. Bas Lia. 121 Princess Sirest. Kingston, PRIVATE SALE--Furniture, turds, sewing machine, sectional k-cases big €) books, gas stove, 10! FARM~--For sls choice fa rugs, , plo Kingston, refrigerator,| VanLuven, (Globe-Wer- cabinet vie-| F (genuine, superfor tone), choice ~ Vietor Ri irs ( ntique), large mantel mitror, portiere cur. taloe,- ete. 75 Alfred Street. 'Phone SCALES--Al kings, oy nde Soals Co 0g dd 208 a yi re Toleds ston. 'Phon Ring: SCREENS -- way house; good out and implements for Doukri Breners) Ly 300 ACRES -- --, uards for all purpose Wire or iron, fi or heavy, and 4 ot low. 'Phone 380. Partridge Works, King Street West, SWAIN'S WOOD YARD--T » of our dry bod A rae, vad iy Best wood In the cit; Sr Gord, $40 wood slabs §4.00. oon lab, - N34 slabs slabs $3.00. Or. n. "Phone 2516w, SEE<Our 33 uebeo, mx 9" lids, be- fore, buying. Wrens - cess street. "Phone Spm. mn ria ire 0 Phone Bivw. BUNGALOW---§ lmprovemen Contra" Ti A ®. Bohl -BUN. Wo Ri Central, 3 w. | 130 TSejoums. Hy 00 per ery to loan. 'Phone 12687. TRY--A quatter of a body 'Phone J, UP-TO-DATE -- White Wicker . Bab, Carriage; ise. San ite Ahsh hd : Colborne street or phone 2692m, Pp ¥ 5 VELVET" RUG--sxin: 3 Suite, maho, port Bed; anol 246 Victoria® 16 Barris & E, CUNNINGHAS Insurance and Loans plece 1 rine on ot 'class condition. street or phone Situations Wanted--Male 87 MARRIED MAN---36, wants job near town or city preferred. Experienced milker and plowman. Apply, statin wages, with 'house, garden and mil for one years contract. Apply B19, Whig Office. Financial Money to Loan 1 TE at RONTENAC -- Loan an RaoCie ty, incorporated \n 1 he A. B. Cunn ngnaI; vice-presi D. Cartwrigh y to and farm propert hs Bonds bought and . Seived an monthly manager, 87 Clarence Street, ston. wive Stock SET, | $A --------, Harve, Catéles Implements 49 HEIFERS---Two, ng Mizeh and April. Apply fs Division Wanted--Live es so Banat I inde. Ne. are marin y told ours dela Shed nane [Vite Foronto. ae printed in Just Tallowing the ag ng. If you ant Jour there, ask dbout the spesial ra Merchandise Articles For Sale 51 ACTTR battowe, stew steel _g Biles: gar, BABY CARRIAGE--Apply 250 Alfred Street. i 8. Wartell's So Shoe. Boral 40¢. wiry NEw tor rappin VALUABLE BUILDING LOT--Co or hoysehold use. Lpply REE of entre and Union streets, 1383 Can be divided to suit Puron: J ply 3 B Loo riet Manag heat i ew; perial Lit est of drawers, Pri room Set, one -- one ona Highest b prices paid for hand furniture, es' Anti- hob od 607 Princess Street. Tele- WALNUT TABLE-- Ches: Salnu t bed. oak ining ination book book case. wooD-~ 'Phone $89, A Juize soft (dilng, Split, $3.00 Joes Yard, corne ronto tran: of Bro dry hady hard. 848 SH a '00D-<Hard bod: feet, $6.50; h feet, $5.00; ed, two vO. Db, oars. bot Lake, Ont. RADJO--2 tube set, i TN Cl ] nd Char, No. 1 seger AEE RR new new rhe A pales 76. 50. Tou ko know Coen AB or, PEACOALS$13. 00PERTON Whether you are using coal br coke in ur furnace you should have some Pea Coal re = Great f fo vaing at might and'¢ ys. ty 4 [11 Al >

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