January Fur | ~ FUR COATS in Hudson Seal, Persian Lamb, French Seal, Southern Muskrat, Rac- coon : 2 , Marmot. : 3; s. : Fur Collars, Fur Caps, Pur Gauntlets and Robes. Special sizes, large and small, 'made to special order. { New Costs. Alterations and Repairs. Prompt delivery. Satisfactory Service. Telephone 608. JOHN McKAY, Limited 140.157 , KINGSTON ~~ YONA A ENA SE RRA SA ASR ONTE PRODUCTS +3 From the world's fiiest gardens and orchards. _ Fruit Salad, Sliced Peaches, Apricots, Dill Pickles, Tomatoes, As- phvagus Tips, Salad Asparagus, Sliced Pineapple, Crushed Pine- apple. | There's a variety for every menu need. An appeal that always tempts. : HENDERSON'S on Brock St. Established 1868, -- "It it's Good We Ball It" 'Phoae 379. Kingston Music Studios ] a Theory ' Mr. H. Packer, A.T.C.M. Violia, Junior Ad Kindergartén Plano .. Miss Johnson, A.T.OM. J votes and signe singing i Hn Br bt coset RE pS Men's Shirts $1.85, $1.96, and Active Busy WHO demand éxtraorilinary wearing qualities in Clothes will find just what they want in these Overcoats. They were made to stand Hi wear, of coutee. They're the Ikit word fa Style, colosing and workmanship, { Regular .... $18.50-$45.00 Now. ..... $12.50-$35.00 ~ MODLER & C0. NEXT T0 GRAND OPERA HOUSE Pure Jam v8 eis oul TOO SYRUP Spound pall ...... nsx an 0c. HONEY 5 1b. pail Pure Clover ..00c. FRIDAY 6 (Shirrifs ") ..... A PEARS | Cited (extra fine) 2 tine 20c. Jf I LE To The A Reply to Mr. Ross. Elginburg, Jan. 20.-=(To the Bdi- tor): 1 was very much interested in that excellent address of Mr. Ross, of Montreal, at the Rotary and his néw scheme for the better ment of this old world called "The Equitist Plan." Allow me to say, Mr. Bditor, that I am not writidg in any spirit of criticlam. We are thankful for any effort that is being put forth in this our day to make the world better while are living in it, but I beg to call attention to the statement made by the speaker regarding human nature--<het it is sound and true. Now, sir, that gen- tieman is. no doubt well aware of the fact that real, stern facts are against thet very rosy statement. We would only be delighted if we could believe that statement. In | the first place in' God's Holy Word, in the prophecy of Jeremiah XVII 17:9, we read these words indited by the Holy Spirit: "The heart is deceitful above all things and des- perately wicked. Who can kaow it?" Only God knows the human héart. This statement is substan- tiated by tremendous facts, We have an object lesson in Portsmouth, 'What about the penetentiary? Dare we go and open wide the gates and say: "Come out, boys. You are all right, sound and true." What about the Russian debacle? Over three million of the best Russian 'people cruelly murdered, and over two thousand Russian priests slayghter- ed. What about the poor Armenians? Over two millions and a half slaugh- tered by the Turks whose nature "sound and true," and théy are go- ing to sldMighter the other two mil- lion and & half. What about the re- parations? The Dawes expert com- mittee stated that Germany was well able to pay. Why don't they pay up, and settle the controversy? Is it because Germany is sound and true that she won't pay? These are facts that we have to face. There Is =| a rémedy. There is a balm in Gilead. There has come to poor, diseased humanity a great Physician, who is 0 . Why don't we honor and give Him the right of why, in all our gatherings, That day, Mr. Edi- tor, must come when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Hé is the Christ to thé glory of God, the Father. In that day hu- man mature will be "sound and true."" Until thap, we neéd to keep to the inspired word and be vigilant until the old enemy, the great dra- If gon, is taken by the Mighty angel | BP MODE & C0. snd thrust Into his eternal prieon house. When the Prince of Peace takes possession, then, and not till then, will thefe be peace. --JOHN «| years; has accepted HE 2-9 ist} : § B esting of the board of Reld has raised the TT § i 2 gs iF £5 HL 23s ii £ ; ] 5 i i i £ g 2 g £ B i of 2 g 8 8 1 1 f 5 i, H i pt MAKES FINAL APPEAL. For the Rotary Club Shoe and ffi The Kingston Club has issued the of |} following letter 'to the people Kingston: "You will be glad some of the to learn that and more comfortable by means of contributions received for the Ro- tary Shoe and Stocking Fund. The Rotary Club is grateful for the re- sponse. "However, thers are still* many ||| who urgently require assistance, and 'wo cannot fed] entire satisfaction until the last genuine case of need has been helped. "We are sure that every citizen of Kingston is proud of what is being dote to méet the unemployment' sit- uation, and of the courageous att tude of the majority of the unem- ployed. Lat us, thea, carry tn magnificent epirit further in' help- ing 'those of the future citizens of Kingston who n now, "May we that you per- sonally assume the responsibility for acqualnting: each one of Jo friends, and all of your employees, with ¢his deplorable condition and its obvious remedy: Would it be pos- sible for you , to" circulate a sub- scription sheet amongst your em- ployees? A contribution of a few cents from each 'employee of every firm in the city. would suprisingly augment this very deserving fund. "It will be neodssary for Rotary to close this campaign at an early date; will you, therefore, please lend us your co-gperation now? "Every day fs a day of undéserv- ed suffering for those children who are still in need, and lack of funds is our only excuse for having, as yet, failed to reach them. Yours for Kingston's kiddies,--Kingston Ro- tary Olub." en i ------------------ SPLENDID CONNECTIONS. Made for Saskatoon and Edmonton by the Vancouver Exjpress. A greatly improved transcontinen- tal service is provided by the Cana- dian Pacific Rallwdy in the Vancou- ver Hxpress leaving Toronto every night at 9 p.m. (effective January 11th) for Vancouver, Direct connections are made at Régiha for Saskatoon, and at Cal- gary for Bdmonton. Leave Toronto 9 p.m.; arrive Win- nipeg 10 a.m.; arrive Regina 11.05 p.m.; arrive Saskatoon 6.05 am; arrive Calgary 4.30 pm.; arrive Ed- monton 11.10 p.m.; arrive Vancou- ver 7 p.m. ' The equipment of the Vancouver ress is'of the highest standard, in¢luding dining car, Tourist, Stand- ard and Compartment-Observation Sleepers. Travelling to the West on this train makes the trip a pleasure. 'Lét your nearest Canadian Pacific agent supply definite viafoilbation .copeérning tickets, 'reservations, ete., and Victoria, Canada's national winter resort 'where summer sports may be enjoyed the year round, ---------- Takes New Position. Mr. Russell Donaldson, a former Kingstonian, and member of the 'Whig reportorial staff, who has been on the advertising statf of Toronto Saturday Night for the past four a position on the advertising department of Mec- Léan's Magasine and will take over his new duties on Feb. 1st. Mr, Don- aldson was in Kingston op Wednes- day, attending the funeral of * his Siandtuue, the late Joseph . Don- i ---- At Be. George's Mission. A very large gathering ymet at St. George's: Mission last night. The usual Wednesday night service was conducted by Rev. W. E. Kidd. Mis Hague, missionary trom India, give an interesting lecture on the mis- slonary work there. Réfreshments | were served by the sewing, circle 'and a hearty vote of than was tendered to Miss Hague. ' needy kiddies' of Hi! Kingston have been made happier ||} -- -- -- ak cerns: $ 9.98 ceeens.. $311.50 BALLOON TIRES For Ford and Chevrolet cars, x "eo including $79.50 complete January Whitewear Sale , BEDSPREADS, $2.89 Large, White Honeycomb Bedspreads, neat patterns, free from dressing and laundered ready: for use. $3.25. Size 72x88 inch. Regular BATH TOWELS, 50c. Large Turkish Bath Towels, in plain White and White with col- designs. i TABLE DAMASK, 65c. 56 inch, fine," Bleached Table Damask; good weight and pretty « - ored borders. Splendid weight. i» SHEETING, 49c 72 inch, fine bleach did value. ed or heavy unbleached Sheeting. A splen- PURE: LINEN, 20e ders or striped. Regular 25c. quality ...........5 yards for $1.00 Fine Bleached Cotton 18c. yd. up | Circular Pillow 36 irich Unbleached Cottons {0 a6 eo 8.00.0 0 as9le 15¢. yd. up oss oe "os de» Cotton, all : 45c¢. yd. 56 inch Quilted Table Padding, $2.50 yd. Newman & Shaw "7 "THE ALWAYS BUSY, STORE WE SELL HATS WE MAKE HATS WE TRIM HATS Parisian Shop PLAN ON FOOT TO = A a Ald. Wood Asks the Board of Works to Undertake Work. At the meeting of the Board of Works held on Wednesday after noon, AM, Wood moved to have Alice street extended from Albert street to Collingwopd stradt. Ald. Wood stated that he had Been given to understand that Queen's authorities .wotild donate the property to allow for a full 66 | toot roadwiy., The undertaking will 13 Sige a fs call for thp dlling in of gome pro- perty and Also the building of a cul- vert. The board decided to have ithe chairman, Ald. Kidd, and the city engineer take up the matter with Queen's authofities. The engiteet will also submit a report om the estimated Cost of the work. : § oT : Picton, Jan. 23.--Mres. B. H. Min- aker entertained the three table Bridge Club at her home on Thurs- day evening last. Mrs. M. Currie and Miss Bernice Woods are practising the young people in an operetta which will be ven early in February-in the in. erests of The Daughters of The Bmpire. E. N. Cowan of Rochester, N.Y. is ome of the big exhibitors at Ple- ton's poultry show with a magyl- flasnt showing of Imperial Ringlet Baréd Rocks. t Miss Betty Ferris was hostéas to a skating party at the Arena os Tuesday evening. After skating all repaired to the home of the hostess on Burns avenue where delefous re: freshimenty, were served and a very jolly time was spent until the wee sma' hours. Conimissioner and Mrs. cold of the y "Red Acre Farm" put on by Young Peopits' 86: cleties of the Methodist Church on lspt, the young y i § "-- A Team ot Bet Ban Out an tip i : : f : } i i i ) il i it 5 # Hi 7 28% 2% £ ge Da 17 inch heavy, all pure Linen Towelling, White with Red bor- . | MOORE'S LATEST TIRE NEWS | 'Special prices for booking your orders now for Spring Prices are likely to advance. Place your order with us now and be protected. 30x33 Dominion Cord . .....$ 6.95 30x34 Nobby Cord . . 30x3} Royal Cord . . x A /