i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG : 1 AMUSEMENTS | FC SPORT Wallacs, he Expres 'oe, sod A SUCCESSFUL YEAR far QUEENS UNIVERSITY | NEW WELDING SHOP Tripp, in the Trainmen's nets, put Welding. In Westie wt Press A i } Student Correspondent. widens Tanks, Smoke What the Pits Aste Say | Experienced by Oalvary Church |} 7 Ow | ote Botiers. Tonka. Traction Hue ; ow a few penalties #n the frst per-| ----Address and Gift to "MILLARD & LUMS, NORMA TALMADGE (IR E SIX INNERS: fod, kept the game very cleen.. The : 339 ONTARIO STREET PLAYS FOUR ROLES CL W ly teams were as : the Pastor, The temporary executive: of Aris | rhesesrShep Gy, J *28 was made permanent at the meet- Norma Talmadge, in her latest First DEFEAT UEEN'S T in . IPD; defence, The annual meeting of Calvary|ing of the year in Kingston Hall on | ss PLAYING National picture, "Secrets," now show-| * church congregation was held last Monday. The officers returned are as - |}ing at the Capitol theatre, plays four : : '| night and was opened by a supper | follows: President, Hugh Reynolds; . A FE USUAL || different roles in four different periods Opening Game' Jun ; . to which over 100 members and ad- | vice-president, Miss Margaret Kerr; M VIRg and Ha Ng and in gowng,of foug different fashion nse ng of lor 0. a * | herents of the church sat down. Af- | secretary-treasurer, Lorne McDou- 0 ] cycles. \ WA~It Was a Splendid q . ter the supper, the business of the| gall; assistant secretary-treasurer, FREIGHT, FURNITURE, It is a picture of modern romance Exhibition of Hockey. . "+ | congregation was taken up and the ! Miss Winnifred Law; orator, D. A. PIANOS, ET\. with glimpses into three other periods : : reports received, showing that the: Smith; prophetess, Miss Doris Her- : of American home life. Starting out in| Circle-Six won the openi § - church had 'passed through a very] ron; poetess, Miss Muriel Longwell; Local and long distance give 0 pening game o Smith's Falls Wins. . 1 n 1923, the picture later shows Norma | the junior O.H.A. local series on Mon-| The first of the a tor: tue succedsful year. Rev. Frank San- Iatahal, F. O. Glen; historian, C. en our careful attention. fire a young wife of ie eaily days | day evening when it defeated Queen's [waffle Shield to be 4 of 107 By dur. pugioy 91 the church, presided . eo . : - Then a nes - the year By fs% bl the Joe k Harty Sitive Falls and Perth, was played | * Ru pi Rr the treasurer, Mr.| Arts "25 are holding a sleigh drive C, LK. HENRY : 14%, Norma as becBuie the facthes exhibitions of hockey seen in Kingston both Wile; vo inks from) Suh H. Bryat, ghowad that the total joe to Cataraqui hext Monday evening. o4/ Albert Street OO ry wo | ae me The wine ta ba Co uve. wa come of ths etureh Wad amounted]. , 'proce ureet wat in-{3 ou FELAPHONE 18788 in the gowns of the late '80's of the last | hockey than their Mon Fon in the sec- dce, #t was found thet Smith's Falls | 3,¢ school secretary, Mr. E. Thomp- | terfered with for a considerable time - lcentury. Her hair has greyed and the | ond and third periods. The score at e on top by fourteen shots. Par-|.,, reported that the attendance |last evening while a large number of : = | children have grown but it is the same | the end of the first twenty minutes was ticular interest attaches to this com-| aq nearly doubled and had, taxed | sophomores, juniors and seniors, HEARD ON THE Lay H 5 a Norma of the early sequences of the | 1 to 0 in favor of Queen's and 4 to 3 kit thie Jour 35.84% Sb winning | 1, capacity, the four classes in the | from all the faculties at the Uni- story, Last of all, Norma is Shewn in their favor at the end of the second 5 year will have per-| church building. again in modern costumes in 1923 sett- | period. ings." : . The brand of hockey which was ser- "Secrets" is an unusual picture. It! ved up by both teams was of a fine Irishmen to Point Anne. has an unusual story which is develop- | order. While both teams suffered a| The Kingston frishmen were edina novel fashion. And in it Norma | few penalities there was no imtention- scheduled to play at Point Anne to- has a splendid opportunity, of which |ally rough tactics. day in a Bay of Quinte League she avails opportunity, of which she| Hartley, the star defence player of | Eame. The Pointers trimmed the Seaile user oe ok ot Spur 31the Circle Six gots severe ou His pig . in She . op evening, Jan. 23rd, 8.30 remarkable range of characterization. |arm in the first period and had to re- | Of the two teams, but the latter are| or 37.23 and the Boys' Club, led }in triumph All a One is hardly able tq believe that] ire for repairs. Billie Hughes, Queen's confident that they could come ' : : Mr. Swaine, plano tuner. OrGerS = the Norma seen in the carly sequences | trainer, am attended 3 the Dutoys through in to-night's game, by Mb: in bad 'also. had a ave. Side {£34115 sre tha the pl received st 100 Clergy street west, asa Joung wife and as a wothets Pibe found that no artefies were cut, but ne. After the reports had been pre-|vent the freshmen holding any par- Fhove. S5tw. coqiested 13 wind de i ver-the-less the cut had to be stitched y eented, Mr. R. D. Sloan, treasurer of | ties, consequently th grey hair and in the black silk dress $0 | Hartley remained out of the second HOCKEY SCORES. equently the exploit of Arts| that reports were issued at the C mubh favored by our grandmothers Yo f 'play, b d ' the building committee' showed, {'28 last night and wjll go down in col-| jegiate during the past week, ~~ | twenty. minutes of 'play, ut returne that in addition to church mainte-|lege history, it being the only th » he 1 od and played Senior O.H.A. 8 y theatre "Throat Sprays. Gibson's. THE LAST TIME ne Key TW hn Py ne London 3, Kitchener 2. pance, the members of the church |party which a freshmen year has been Mrs. W. B Carleton Kingston, TODAY "THE BANDOLERO" | 10 retire, Joyce, who was playing on| O%it 5, Nivgera Fails 1. EA SORTTUIEA, GEREOUEIY 0. RG in PHSSIUILY Stage (or sgreral | sormerly ol Brgekeiie, de 3 Hf the wing, went back to defence, and 1 ep-- Rev. Mr. Sanders spoke a few : at 'St. Vincent de Paul hospl Lovett who was substituted was rush- Joe mediate. 5 words on the cordial -- relationship Brockville. y " Ga "| Brockville 6, Belletitle 5. ! i " , and the love of a boy and girl are hg the fight on the wing line po and co-operation between the éon- PHILLIPSVILLE NEWS. Tivo Bary, Vileaiys " woven against a background of bull- | on, db difficult task os Junior. gregation and himself and he felt, " 8. oy De, fights and mountain brigandage, which | 1+ "ould be 8 very THERE ELE 01 Girclesix 6, Queens 4. that with the new building and |Delta and Athens Met at Hockey-- Kingston to see Bier S00, 0 ECO will be shown for the last time at the Plot a ow Wo : -- equipment, that the work of the Fisrid a Won. Ent after an operation Strand theatre today, boasts a won- : te wi CURLING RESULAS. church would be met with success lipsville, Jan, 19--Mrs, Car-|%PP 2 : derful cast headed by Ronee Adoree. had, Kuhs: the Seuss playet: 3 with Four games hx hab dhamplon- in the years to come. rie Peer has returned to her home Face Baitties." Gibson's. This photodrama, which was photo- | °% oust 32 won a thoug:s et only whip series were played wt the curl. | The officers were elected for the | here after spending a few days with | Frank Stanley Reld is gazetted graphed in Cuba and in natural loca- 3Ppear as : " goa 8 on Se url-| oar as follows: Deacone--H. Bry-| friends in Delta. Miss Loretta be provisional lieutenant in the tions in Spain. \ A was the man who Fans € Puc' . t '| ant, E. Watts, B. Gage, H. Bennett, | Wright, who is attending the Athens (Gananoque) Battery, Sth at the opportune Hms, A coup er . B. O. Gage, R. D. Sloan; secretary, (high school, spent the week-end at Canadian Field Artillery. OL OBE Rr TI be hd (Lp Sieg vo de ean wie [Gu RD Seta Some. hore, Miss Ea Dyyor,| Gerald Tavlor. ated fourioen Dror Juieph Fuwiey, Toronto. 'social STOCK MARKETS |it looked as though his team would |W. J I H. Bryant; steward, E. Thompson; | Harlem, spent the week-end at her | Of Mr. and Mrs. George Tazioh- 25 watts, RM have gotten counters. Nx Skip congregation representative, James |home, Mrs. Mary Dwyer. porss dick Rutsnou on Frida " Wobth arena" "init Worry | ~THeported by Jonaswon & Ward. | Lovett was credited with dhre? goals Godwin; Sunday schoo: Superinten-| A MUmber of Soung Boonie shen | oh penatciin, and he certainly earned his spurs. He |D, ent, E. Watts; organist, ss J. . - ) itis, 1 ry Tar In played the oo for all he Ah worth, : Bickham; president Ladiés' Auxili-| day, Jan, 16th, while others attend- Full stock Smokeless Coal, $11 ALLIES TAXI SERVICE changes) and was in his position when the puck . ary, Mrs. H. King; president mis-| ed the one in Eigin on the same Scranton- Egg, Stove and. Ni ne ": was passed over in the combination 'RB ¢ 3 glonary auxiliary, Mrs. Sweetman; | evening. Miss Vera Kirnen recent- $15.50; Standard Pea, $12.50; To all parts of the! city Montreal, / plays. The Circle Six defence is a good d auditors, Miss Lesage, Mr. E. Watts, | 1v spent a day in Delta the guest of | $8.75; 'Dennee & Morris, 27 B 2 Outer Station included. Jan. 20.--1.30 p.m combination. The three players, Hart- d A hearty vote of thanks was ex- | Miss Edna Steel. The monthly meet- Phona 2444. : : A Abitibi Sn PR ley, Meltz and Joyce, seemed to have tended to the retiring officers and|ing of the Woman's Institute held LAtomizers" at Gibson's. Ald, TARGE OARS ASDOSLOS vv os wv uu .. 43 |the ability to close in on the op 08ing | prog. oc. an address.to the pastor, Rev, Frank (on Wednesday last was, largely at- Cold Tablets." Gibson's. Atlantic SUEAT .. ... .... 10% |players and smother the shots! Whit- op Sanders, was read by Mr. H. Bry-| tended. Mantord Godkin has in-| F. G. Mingay died in Montreal © . Bell ~ nal PASTE Ae Jk ton of Queen's appeared to be only |," F ant on behal of the congregation as | stalled a radio in his home. Miss Monday. His son, Arthir H.; Kingston French (Cleaners Brazil P eae 2s ve 1830 player able to get through during the | ~ og . follows: "On behalf of the members | K. Myers, R.N., has returned to her| years ago & clerk in the 3 Ta Sra mht 55% 11.¢t twenty minutes. Muchmore, Smith and sdherents of Calvary church, it | home after nursing in Toledo for| chants Bank in this city. Brompton 29% ! y i ." " , Office: 86 Arch 8. Phone 1285w. || 0 "0 Steel Com .. 3 |and Taugher, the other members/of the | oo affords me much pleasure to present | sometime. i Face Bottles." Gibson's. We specialize in Ladies' Ball Braich Buy ® Sieel Com team, played well. . es *S y you. with this slight token of our Miss Leona Haskin has returned On Monday evening an illu and White Shoes pia mpire Steel let pid 30 It is safe to say that Whitton was." yh appreciation of your work, We trust | to her home at Elgin after spending | missionary lecture was given in ©. COE & P. BA Brith, Bupire See! 20d 'etd oh the best player on the student team. |" : : God will bless you and yours." the week-end at her grandmother's|enham street Methodist Su L . BARRETY . sex eet ' EE nt, . He is a freshman and certainly a|*" : Mr. Sanders was them: presented | here, Mrs. Gennie Haskins. Miss school under the direction. of . ? Can. Samet Com a a "comer." He skates well and was able 23 So y with a gift, from the congregation. | Ajna Myers, who is attending high Siasiomuhi committee of the Yofil 2 . . RES ani vy y oppon- » v. Mr. Sanders i i s¢hool at Westport, spent the week- People's League. i alter Cannem | Can, Steamship Com .. .... 11 to cares the puck through bie Queen's Monday nights weve: 5 to Re ot Rey age Yeolied Ntingly d at her home, oom J. Myers'. "Phone 220," Gibsons. PD 8 ahd Hoofing Jobbing =| Con. Steamship pfd .. .... 47% | 0er, was "there with the goods" all ¥ /A number of young people went to| The lumber business which & A Cuban Can. Sugar Com .. .. 6% |ihe time. Time: after time he stepped " : + | Delta, on Saturday afternoon, to|had a jeng quiet spell has bee Automobile Radiators repaired. Cuban Cen. Sugar pfd .. .. 35 |i; front of shots which certainly look- 7 witness a -game of hockey between | very brisk. The C.P.R. ia runsis @9 BAGOT BT. 'Phone 2158m seve +o 37% leg fike counters. It was due to this - We So Rotary Club Activities. Athens and Delta which wes a very |a dally special from Renfrew - ce : eres eeseee 82 luonderful work that the Circle Six |W * > I | exciting one indeed, the game result- | Tichborne to take care of this y Dom. Textile .... .. .7.. S34 |poys did not run up a larger score. bg "7 | ed 4-1 in favor of Delts. fic, which consists largely of THE FLORENCE HUDON Hollinger .... .. .. 15 | Gilbert McKelvey checked well and Curling. Mr. George Poynd, of.this city,| egley Tackberry took a sleigh | wood. . Laurentide .. .. 83% | rushed the puck the full length of the| Results of the ladies' curling will be the speaker at the we load of boys and girls to Delta, on PRIVATE SCHOOL Mackey ...: «. +» 1. 116% ice u number of times, but had hard |@ames played yesterday were as fol- | luncheon of the Kingston Ro) Saturday evening, to attend the y Montreal Power .... .. .. 168 |juck with his shots. Baird, who pair- |lows: carnival. A good time reported as Kingston Choral 'Society. BALLET, CLASSIC AND Mopmmy || National Breweries Com .. 62% |ed with McKelvey on the defence, was | Mars. Baker "Mra. Jaudson Friday, The subject will be per-usual. The roads being excep-| OR Monday night, the Kis National,Breweries pfd .. .. responsible for the first score, byt did | Mrs. Voepar ' Miss Lockett Greatest Waterway in the World. tionally good everybody is taking Choral Society held a business a. Ottawa Power .... .. +s not seem to be able to carry the puck | Mre. Gwill'm Mrs. Moore All the necessary arrangements | ydvantage of them and hauling | 128 to take stock of the present ond 18Q1viduAt Ont. Steel Products .. .. , and was a little off in his shooting. [Mies Betts Miss Lewis have been made for the Rotary ball | home their season's wood. Sleigh | ation and make plans for the Tor Ady nd inetion appl Penmans .... «a aaah McPherson, another Kingston boy| kip ......11 ans at the city hall on Friday evening |ioads of wood are about the only | The treasurer, Mr. E. Cain, 30 UNION STREET eft ad Price Bros .... «sv ou soos who marked Kirby at centre ice, had a of this week. Tickets are selling at| vehicles on the road now. able to present an even balance - ---- Quebec Power real job on his hands, but he certainly $3.00 per couple, and it is hoped to Roderick Stevens is 'drawing his | the account of the recent a] | Spanish River Com .. .. « did it well. His back, checking was ex- i have a big crowd. 'The proceeds are | wood for the cheese, factory for the | The music alone had cost $189 $ ; Spanish River pfd .. .. .. cellent. The other forwards appeared to be devoted to the welfare work of | coming year. Sawing wood has also the total expenses had coms hat Lom ATH, Smelters .i.. vv wa Eee to work well together but in the last . R. the club. The tickets can be secured | peen the order of the day in the {$380 whigh had been practically Pie County of Frontenac,| Shawinigan .... .. <u two periods they had difficulty in gett- ; at Elder's cigar store, Best's drug |neighborhood the past week. Miss | anced by the receipts, o Mo th Parliament ot Steel of Canada irs «4 vves- ing through their opponents' defence. i store, Dominion Express company's| Mamie Downey spent Sunday .at| Practices for "The Messiah™ W oxtgossion the fori TWIn ORY .... 7% aiiivie Baird who made the first spore of the | wo Kingston rinks have gone to| Office and the following committee: | Michael Kenffedy's. be commenced at once. Fifteen Sis ! her Duabahd, WabRSBO .... 3s swish ves game, did so on a pais froin Nobej | potiavilie to-day for the tapkard| R. H Ward, Leman A, Guild, H. dpeinali-- plications for' membership werd a rosy Wayagamack .. «+ ss os Circle Six brought a three-man com- | games, The skips are W. J. Hopper D. Wightman, J. H. 8. Derry, H. T.| If the battery is removed, be sure ceived, which ls the larges' Dui ee orale de. -- bination jiey down the ice and it look- | gq g. H. Hasson. Singleton, Wray Van Luven, G. M. |to install it in the same position. To | to apply at once since the REAR : srou of adultery New York. ed for certain that Kirby would score | _pockwood, Broekville apd Nap Stenton, J. C. Reynolds, H. E. Pense, | check up, turn Oh the lights and it | tion of the socfety. For "The DATED st Kt , in the Province Jan. 30.~1.30 pm, |but-Matheson got in the way in He anee are here to-day for the Dis-|W: F. Musselman and R. H. Collings. | the ammeter shows charge it will be | siah™ concert at Easter, RI of Ontarts, ¢ Hay of December, | Amer. LOG .... «i as sss Hartley and McKelvey were ch- | + viet Cup 3 ' It is hoped that as many of the |an indication that the battery is re- | ned to bring four noted soloists. A.D. 1924. Amer. Can. ..\ ss ies iss va ed in this period for ntinor offences. members of the club 8 is possible, | versed. Montreal, : CO eTiars tor BRITE, icant | BAIAWID Loo ...% ax ox +o The period ended without any more RESULTS. will be at the city hall on Thursday | -A ehort circuit will occur if arm- i BOWIANG aie scores being made. When the Second The results of the Industrial evening for the purpose of decorating | ored cable which is wound over in- A small screw jack placed in pb | period commenced. the Side i Bowling League games, played at the hall for the ball sulated wire is crushed. sition on the bub can be 1 team was without the servis of Rast the Frontenac Bowling Academy Acid should never be added to an [spring the joint of a tight rim ¢ ley, and Joyce was moved baek in alleys last evening resulted ag fol-| Gold discovery in New Mexico has old battery, even though it be years | ward far enough to permit the hased for two minu-| ol - caused stampede of thousands. . |old. to be slipped into place. Bears--A. Barry, 394; Crowley. ures o™ me 894; .J. Downey, 461; H. Singleton, . "Total Tnternatoinal Niekls .. .. ++ when Kelly Springfield .. .._... a : h TW MAINO PIA cons rr ve. buss i \M Aungrove, 488; G. Cavin, 331; R. - Mack MOOS Li... ae en irby passed Derry, 445; J. Lawrence, 400. To- Marland Off... +. vo aves . sod | tal," 2120. New Haven .... ,. «. «see Dodgers--W. Bearance, 368; W. Downey, 433; J. Doyle, 410; J. Lo- gue, 472; J. Thomson, 433. Total, i -- ¥ les--W. Irvine, 330; G. Gil- bert, a a 308; 4 a fe Saunders, i . BR seve su vs ab ha Total, 19%0. : SOW: PRE + vo yi co bunk oy an . has " versity, contested the right of the Miss Guild, the ' Sunday school | Arts freshmen to take home the Eg treasurer, showed an income of $360 | freshettes, whom they had entertain- Local Briefs Gathered by and the Ladies' Ald and Missionary |ed at a theatre party at the Capi-| porters--What the Mere 'Auxiliary also presented good re-|tol. Under the benevolent surveil- |" ants Are Offering. ports showing the amount of $325.-|lance of the police, the cont:st wag- 29 raised during the year throygh|ed merrily for almost two hours, fi- « 220" Gibson's. Drugs. their efforts. The Busy Bees, un-|nally ending with the freshmen es- i bs Ball, Ontario Hall, Frideg der Miss Guild, has raised the sum | corting most of the freshettes home : Pe ' Wanens possession. -- "The Bandolero;" a romance of $Pain, in which the vendetta of parents Rp Cataraqui Ledge, No. 10, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Shah se as ws Ear nase vein. : t thirty 21 The standing fb the . of California a : + 3caiat Bowling League is as follows: GURKER os avs aes 5 points; 3 Texas OM... .. .... ... .; : "%| kies, 3 points; Orioles, Rv.asen....;.."..... i. : Ki ¥ » . : ME 4s v0 aves we ww we Shortening (8 Ib. pail) .. .47c. Jf] Rock Island .... .. ,. .:. Pork Sausages ........ ¥ ee mann onli vases 00 Shaina Se. avs B1ba. 30c. tine