connection foul plsy Rm Thomas sath of Wit} forty-eight ammpeé, Kingwon, son 15 Toronto bafs, who died sudden; 1g the November 3rd Jest?) oo oo which the offi Torento to trying to solve. i Jed, his ro- bwhen Mr. Lemmon if Kingston, A were conveyed iy on 'the | thie' funeral took th trom the Bom of bis mother Yiere placed { gemetery. The romaine} semetery, up, but the police authorities, the crown attorney, and other officlals who had first-hand k what was taking place, lutely "mum." The attorney-gen- eral's department, when called bY the long distance telephone om Friday morning. gave the Whig to understand thet an order had been fesued to have the body exhumed, but as to the result of the post- mortem examination, absolutely nothing was said. It is understood when the organs were removed from the body, they were handed over to Provincial Con- stable McLashlan, who is stationed NO TRUTH IN RUMOR SAYS W. HARTY, RR. pany had secured a controliing fnter- est in the Canadian Locomotive Com- pany. - "It is just the usual story that get out every now and then," he velopment of some dnterest in the market for Canadian Locomotive shares in the last couple of days, ad- ter having been a blank for e com- siderable length of time, is regarded in the Street as possessing some oignificance, largely along the same lines as the recent appreciation in Canada Car and Foundry shares. "It ia believed {hat the time is drawing near when Canadien rail- ways will have to make good sized for additional rolling a the family plot in he appropriations ren weeks tls" Peceived| at Kingston, and he made a special {gpck which wit mean considerable I's depari-) trip to Toronto for the purpose of |work both dn locomotive and car % as| delivering them to the provincial building. pn was to 'was tak- git wes the stom- removed examina authorities. The late Mr. Lemmon was married for the third time. His third wite Ja at the present time confined io the Don jeil in Toronto, awaiting trial on a charge of frand. When her case was heard in Toronto last Friday "The general feeling is that early in the new year specifications will be ready for orders which will trems- form the interested plants nto hives of Jadustry for a considerable per- *"Caneddan Locomotive, which sold at the mew low of 66 Tuesday and thers was | bail of $2,500 was demanded for ber | qoged at 66, was bid up to the neigh- ing poison release, and when this was not forth- \borhood of 70 dn the early trading Mr. Lem-| coming, she had no other course te | Wednesday." port to the 3 examinat! pursue but to remain in jail until her case is called. ! Provincial Constable McLachlan, when seen by the Whig on morning, stated that the case wae pot being conducted by Lim, aad fon that reason he was not in a position to know what was taking place, and referred the Whig man to the high minion 'in the 13 months just ended amounted to $96,000,000, an in- crease of about $12,000,000 over the previous year, while the total estimated value of the mineral pro- | quction in Cansda in 1934 was $305,4632,000. touched a new igh level of 1,52 000 fie ounces, valued at $31,622,000, of which 1,280,000 fine ounces were produe- ted to 20,368,500 * Production of stiver|® A NATIONAL WAR MEMORIAL PLANNED For Connaught Place, Ottawa ==It Is to Equal the World's Best. Ottawa, Jan, 3.--A neifonal war memorial is to be erected in Ottawa this year at an initial estimated cost of $100,000, though this sum is likely to be exceeded. Within a few days competitive de- signs will be called for and they will be opén- to sculptors In all of the allied 'countries. The memorial will be erected on Con Place in Ot- ) sacrifice the Great War and one of the finest of the kind in the world. After preliminary drawings the makers of the more desirable de- signs will be asked bo submit clay models, from which ' an advisory committee Of experts will make the final choice. An orderdn-council just passed authorizes the work go ahead. vo ht a-- PPP FRPFFIRIFIRIOOSS - $13,644,000, |* w ¥ sess te § ii: id : { § } § >p 4; if Efi 1 i | wil RUM-RUNNERS USE SKATES T0 ESCAPE Behe Ser Yroupers Appar rolice conducted wholésale warfare down the river yesterday against rum-runners, who 'were unusually active smuggling liquor across the Detroit River for New Year's even- ing revelriés. Two meh were arrest. ed and. hundreds of cases of beer and whiskey seized by the {roopers, who drove their automobile out on the ice of the river. Several rum ! liquor across from thig boats equipped with runners, desert ed their craft on the &pproach of the officers and escaped Ob skates. "The ice was so thick on the river off Grosse Isle," a state trooper sald, "that most of the FEEETuaners Wear speed skates and sho¥e or pull thelr small boats across ol Funners. "When they heard our car coming they would abandol the boat and cargo and skate to safety." One man was arrested just as he was grounding a boit at Grosse Isle. His name is Russel Hartwell, aged 386. Another boat was céptured in mid- stream. Its four octupants skated back to the Canadiay side. The boat contained 75 cases of beer and 4 cases of whigkey. A third rowboat Was seized just as it nosed, Inta the sllp at the noto- rious "Hogan's Alley," in Encourse. The smugglers in this case had dis- appeared when the froopers arriv- ed. But they had Sot time enough to hide their boat, Which netted four cases of whiskey Sud 20 cases of A Wet Mayor t Toronto NO RELAXING tn Ingato It "i MARY ROW WAITING aR fas Will Be Shown. - -- Ottawa, Jan. 2.--One of the larg est national achievements of the Do- minion in the year just closed is the of foreign trade. While it will ba gome time before the fig- ures for the complete calendaf year are available, those for the 13 months ended November 30th show an improvement in the balance ofly trade over the preceding 13 months of over $150,000,000 The exports for the year ended November last were $1,067.508,868, the imports $812,905,157, the bal- ance in Canada's favor being $244.- $03,709, while the exports for .the pregading year were $1,001,937,2689, the imports $07,679,332, with a favorable balames of $94,357,937, making an in in the 12 months in the balance of trade of $150,245, 772. The United States, of course, con- fitiues to be Canada's greatest cus- tomer, although 'even with that country the Dominion's trade shows a' decline in the totaly, That de- Md | cline, however, 18 mope marked in the imports from the United States thas in the exports to that country. Canada sold to the United Btates in the 13 months ended November last $408,624,763, . a decrease of over $11,000,000 from the preceding 12 months, while Canada bought from the United 'States $528,696,896, a detrease from the previous months of over $86,000,000. Canada's trade with the British Empire is steadily, increasing the favorable trade balance, {ISCOUNT JELLICOE 1S CREATED AN EARL . {The List Issued by the Baldwin ------------------------------------------ News of f the Wires a ---- The report of the killing of Trot sky is officially denied. A Severe weather in north is causing : serious water shortage. ks alk | All farmes frosen to death AE give in sleigh. A free gold market is sald to be the aim of Great Britain. Conquest of Mount Everest is ex- Year with brighter outlook. British workers will demand am all-round increase of wages. Toronto contractors cut union dricklayers' wages to $9 a day. Controller Foster was elected mayor of Torontgion Thursday. Secretary - HooVer says world's prosperity is on more assured basis. At least four persons were killed in New Year's celebrations in Chi- Dominion Customs taxation $45. 000,000 less in 1924 than in prev {and Hteratu Government Devoid of Political Complexion. London, Jan. $.--The King's New Year's honors list was lisued Wed- nesday evening. As usual, the hom ors are largely promotion of persons in the various ts in India snd in the colonies, at home, The suticipated appointment. of Marquis Curzon = of Kedleston to & dukedom did not materialize, but Admiral Viscount Jellicoe of Scapa was raised to an earldom. Onuly two persons are raised to the h Sir John Bradbury, the retiring Brit- ish delegate on the Commission, and Judge Sir PO TY + Mos! learning is the appointment new members of the exclusiva O: of Merit--@ir James George Fraser, Fellow of Trinity Colleges, Osm- bridge, and Sir Ernest Ratherlord, Director of the Cavendish Labora. tory, Cambridge University. Two women--Bllen - Terry, the actress; and Mrs. Millicent Garrett Fawcett, former President - of the National Union of the Women's Bulfagh So: clety--are made Dames of the Cross of the Order of the British Empire. Viscount Lee ot Fareham, former Lord of the Admiralty, is made a Knight Grand Commander of the of India. Included in the ! ly appointed President of D) Academy; Edmund - Gosse, or; Professor Frederick Cleve. nm, and Andrew Muso- controller of German as revenues under the Dawes ns Henry | Torondd, Jai. tion of R, P. Go of the defanct ©