SA MRR Sp I eR FU A ER TI i RIE Ld AC a SR a pei te ra a es | AMEO-METER SERVICE Is PRES' . Makes. it safe to drive--no matter what the temperatufe. King Winter hasn't got a chance against it. It's the perfect, economical nou-frigting solution--recommend- ed by automobile manufacturers the world ever. Bawa of the Car-Wrecking chemical fjon-frouts distaste that will cause choking, scaling, rusting of Cooling System. and big repair bills in the spring. Leading garages, service and filling wations crirywiises display thé Maple Leaf Alcohol and Alco-Meter Service sign. Con- sider it your invitation to stop. The service is free. 29 BROCK STREET Rah usa tu tat RE ------ RE NAN Be aes When you need your Battery 80 automobile repair work, it will pay you to see us ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON ' 210 DIVISION STREET . « PHONE 1089. We give special attention to Dry and Wet Storage. alising in Auto and Ra- AUTO SERVICE] 5, = ! " hs dat 'Phone 275. We eall and McLaughlin Car McDougall Owners Battery Service 110 CLERGY STREBT Try the man that Hoar Rilbttas ] or ene made to order, al- knows your car. Bix years of factory experis once in tho MoLaughlin taceory. toed. a. We Can Make Your gasoline engine as pow- ; a8 when new. Arrange wi - to have the cylinder reground and fitted With over- size piston and rings." Call and see our Heald regrinder. Automotive 235 Welltaglon Street Fiat rate if you prefer it. 35 MONTREAL STRERT 'PHONE 3544w. A ------------ Try our Pocahontas Smokeless Goal. Proving - very satisfactory--$11.00 delivered. - We also soll all sizes best grade .Sorenton Anthracite, Egg, Stove and Chesnut, $15.50; Standard Pee, $12.50; Split Pen, $8.78, delivered. DENNEE & MORRIS Good width and depth. Very fine residential section. The own. i dh la o'r Ta ies Please Iuire'at aie Yor . THE ALBERT L.CLOUGHL. Transmission Derangemeénts : They Frequently Arise From Loch Of Adequate Splash Lubricotion WHEN EXTREME FORCE fis required to shift gears Som one _ speed position to another, it is generally because lubrication fs ing. Lubricant may not only be absent from the # upon . Which the gears slide, but the tooth faces themselves may have become dificaitetho dry and the resulting friction makes movement permanent bending of the shifting forks Nelug a possibility. 2 " ' « The constantly meshed countershaft gear, being a very large and running lowest in the h: is generally depended upon to most of the ofl splashing ahd thre should always be enough fiuld lubricant present fully to cover fts fim. If the lubricant used 0 non-fluid or ever becomes so when very cold, All parts of the trans mission will eventually ran dry, Wear out and give other trouble. Faulty Locking Of Gears Ordinarily the "jumping out" of gears is due to weak action of the locking plungers, which position the shifingslors shan and Ines. ing the spring pressure which astuates them [nadequate splash of lubricant Rastetis a of te of these par ao -- their premature fajlure. If a shifting gears which it controls may not shift ne tome Sent may tend to disengage or in extréme cased it may not bo move a gear far enongh so that locking takes place In w! may fly out of mesh as soon as if begind to trangmit power, Other Cavisés Of "Juibping Out" When the msaging faces of gears become badly battered, a ten: dency to pdsh apart may be crefted, whith a wea! ar-lock anus San resist and vointegtional disenghgement Becomes likely. wear of the high-and-second-$ siidifsg gear Pair on its ase. ny cause the direct drive clutch mémbers {0 med) unsymmeirically and slip apart under load and end play in the shats from the cluteh some times causes uncertainty of high-gear en t THICK OIL MAKES COLUTOR sup T. C. K, asks: Why Is It that i . lisders are 1, in 1.3 fx and, ' of wien I have just started my amb | pig ns r 3 n Of recent cold mornings, the | have run Pos! a bastm . i, after} ne will speed up very fast wi should 1 a to stop this? out the 45 increasing in spesd} Remove the estinder. condition lasts a very short ne and only who the oar » and hate ibs Slinger wii is startéd when very co! scored, you will have Answer: The clutch of this 68¢!ts nave the bloek rebored, If they is exposed to the bil-splash froMiigse in good condition, rémeve the the grankofse and when the oil {4 pistons and nS the rings. cold and thick, it probably Is 80t|a,y of hein on dark a consider. sufficiently squeezéd out from Dbe-|g the way arou Part of t th embeds, when the EER, def eo Spies SAR, 4, AE Lok te SPAM] in it the rin oo the elutéh to slip, until the heat walls | ¥, ofl iS Dew of. triotion thins the oll enough 80| aps O, K. inspéet from thet it sjueenéd out and the Thien oil is splashed of ne o mémbers come ifito positive oR«|isder walls and Genien them gagement. Urniless you hdve more | thelr 00 18 that an serious trouble from this cause thas | syogss of B Aus you have been experiencing, re make stire can safely disregard it, but if make. of 1s o Hed a difficulty Incréases, you may have mente ing new pid. to use an oil of more safistact: rings, ons the cylinder bores cold test or possibly adjust thé|micrometered to eo clutch for imcreased spring Préfe|irus enough to Walrant 2aving this sure, work dots. v Throttling Vs. 'Braking ; The Chief Speed Conitol Devices ls The Throttle THE MORE THE SERVICE BRAKES are used, the faster thelr linings wear: and the sooner Jecime wat aud updependable. -- any operators make an of bake tations, many of which could be "tion th % sdvaniage were taken of the retarding power of engine Whe in gehr and tully throttled. Speed Under Closed Throttle The throttle stop of the avefage car is 80 set that whem the accelerator is let up, a car sped of from three to five miles per Hour on high géar is attained on 1 going dnd proportionally higher Speeds on down grades. In or words, the sugine itself will promptly and gently slow a car down pry toa walking pace unless hy he dawg hill, just as soon as foot pressure is removed from Uncilled Wor | Declutching The above is perfectly obvious, but how.matiy novice decluteh Sud 4poiy the brakes whén they wish metely to own! Faulty § 8 often res Ble for this. Another widely Néla fallacy is that brakes shouid not applied with the cluteh en but the fact is that they may be aid should be used, thout declutehing, but with gas all off, the car is Saved dowa to 8 speed corresponding to the lowest id speed of the tati advantage of the decelérative effects of close Aivotttiy Rely Upon , In prastiée & great paft of all by the éengitie And the brakes need be n retarding sotion and to b » 4 $8; feeding steers, good, "1 $185 heiters, $4.50 to $8.38; fair to THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ing the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Max -Robinson. Charles B. Davey fs quite ill at time of writing. Mesers. Swayne 'spent the Ohbristnas hol 'days with their parents, Rev. snd Mrs. W, G. Swayne, at St. John's rectory. Clarefice Young, Renfrew, spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and "MY. W. @. Youag. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mellon add baby, Napanee, spefit a day recently at George Ds- vey's. Mr. and Mra. Ronald Steven- son and family, Napanee, spent Christmas ot Robert Calver's. Mes. Walter <Rikley, Kingston, épint Christmas at Donald White's. Miss Ourrie Doyle, Kingston, spent Christidis at 8B. B. Muille"s. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sexsmith and son spsit Christmas at B. I Sexsmith's, Napanee. PRODUCE MARKETS LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto. Toronto, Dec. 30.--Export stéers, Shales, $7.50 to $8.40; do., fair, $7 to $7.28; do., dulls, '84 to $8.25; stord, $5 to $5.50; heifers, export, $6.50 to $0.35; butehers, choice, $6.75 to $7.28; d0., medium, $5.78 to $0.26; do. common, $3.50 to $4; cows, fat, choice, $4 to $5.80; do. canndrs and cutters, $1.50 to $2.50; bulls, butcher, good, $3.50 to $4.50; % do. export; $4.50 to 95; do. medium, $3 10.98.50; do, common, 350 to 28 $6.80; feeders, fair, $4.26 to $4. ": Stockers, $3 to $4; western stoek- ors, 13.50 to $4.50; calves, choice, $13 to 918; do. medium, $6 to $6.- 80; do, grassers, $3 to $4.50; spring. ors, choles, $65 to $75; hos, $60 to $75; lambs, choice, $14 to $15; do. medium, $9.60 to $10; do. culls, $7 to $7.80; dusk lambs, $11 to $13; shee, 'holes, $7 to $8; do. heavy, $4.50 to §¢; do. yearlings, $7 to $8; hogs, f.0.b., $9.4 76 to $10.28; do. thick smobth, off cars, $11; do. selects, oft cars, $12.- 08. + Montreal. Montreal, Des, 30.-~Cattle, duteh- er steers, $6.25 to $6.60; Dutcher heiters, $8.50 to $6.95; medium, $4 to $4.80; duteher cows, good, $4.95 to 98; medium, $3 to $4: good veal, $8.50 to 910; grassers, $5.76 to 94; ewes, §4 to $6; lambs, good, $11.50 to 911.78; common, $10.50 to $11; hogs, mixed lots, $10.76 to $11; bulk of sales, $10.46 or better; #élects, $11 per Dhundredweight; sows, §8 to $8.95, ---- Puflalo Buffalo, N.Y. Dee. 30.~Cattle, shipping steers, $9 16 $11.60; duteh- ofa, $8 to $0.50; $10 to ¢hoice cows, $2.75 to $6.26; canters and cutters, 93 to $3.75; bulls, $s to $0.50; stockers and feeders, $4 fo $7; fresh cows and springers, ace tive and strong, $30 to $118 per head. Calves, choice, $17 to $17.50; fair to good, $13.50 to $16.50; culls, 8 to $19; heavy, §6 to $8; graseers, 3 to $6. Hogs, heavy, $11 to $11.- $5; mixed, $14 to $11.15; ers, 10.05 to $11; light yorkers, $10.- 6 to $10.50; pigs, $9.25 to $10.35; rouglis, $9 to $9.50; stags, §4 to $6. Sheep and lambs--Lambs, $10 to $19; yearlings, $10 to $16.50; wether, $10.50 to $11; ewes, $4 to $10; mixed sheep, $10 to $10.50, Chicago. Ohicagé, Deo. 30.~Cattle, top héavy steers, early, $11.25; some 1,003 pound average, $11; best years lisigs, $12.50; bulk fed steers and yearlings, $8.50 to $10.50; fat ele stosk, largely 15 to 25¢ higher; vohlefs, shipping and local killer account; outsiders paying $15.50 to $15.50; packers, $10.50 to $12.60 mostly; Shojce yeighty $e. 95; top, $11; desirable, 200 to «pound weight, $10.95 to rs; | HH to oat pousd kihd, mostly §10 to $10.40; 140 to 180 pound weight, $9.65 to $10; strong weight slaugh- for pigs, $9 to $9. 'mitkers, | 600D SPRUCE LUMBER is used for so many purposes it would be hard for us to enumerate them all here, but whatever your needs may be along this line just give us the message and your wants will be attended to promptly. MEN! Our Overcoats are the best value in the city, Our Over- coats at $23.75 "are regular $30.00 to $37.50. MOTHER! See our Boys' Overcoats. Regular $9.50, $12.50, $10.50, now $6.50--$9.50-$12.50 We Mave a nice line of ShirtsPrices $1.55 ¢6 $5.08 MODLER & CO. Next Door to Grand Opera Houty 216 PRINCESS #1, Toten Soliton on. gio drotkaniinions Cudamas Bhecis Trees and Ferns of all kinds. All seasonable Out Flowers. Wedding Bouquets and funeral designs, - Kingston's Leading Florist a Sons. a, EAN -------- ELECTRIC SPECIALS _ Lamps .......... 5for $1.00 he irst Class Vacuum Cleaner-<sceit lar $65.00--Sale Price ........$40.00 ' BURKE ELECTRIC CO Sewing Tables, all latest styles. End Tables Consol Mirrors Costumers } Floor Lampe oF