© YEAR'S WISH As each New Year approaches we seek for a different way to express our greetings--to state our appreciation of friendships past, present and future, and in the end we come back to the age-old greeting, so old and so sincere: A HAPPY, PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR KNIGHTS OF THE GRIP AT BANQUET TABLE by Hon. W. FP'. Nickie and, . Oahon Cody. The anbual banquet of the Kings- ton branch of the Knights of the Grip, held in the Hotel Frontenac on Tuesday night, was a splendid suc- cess and those in change were fortu- nate fo securing for their programme leading spealers and entertainers. There were about one hundred and twenty present and the loog tables with their chatter of talk, their savory foods and gleaming glasses and cutlery, presented an inviting C. Winton Thompson, high chief gripman, sent on a {busi- ness trip to Winnipeg, was unable to take his place in thre chair and wired \greetingd and his regrets. The duties over by Past High Chief Gripman of toastmaster 'were therefore taken John Wright, of the finm of Macnee & Minmes, who served splendidly. When the chairman's toast, "The King," bad been drunk, the Messrs. ™ RT." splendid accompaniment by "H.R. Ri C. B. 8. Haryey sang 'My Wedding We Wish You A Happy and Prosperous 2 New Year Branigan's Drug jw, A ~-- : YOU BUY WHEN! 'Piano appeals to the most ascethetic taste: Yr All new Mixed Nuts, Ib. . . .98¢c. PORK SAUSAGE Fearman's (extra fine) Ib. 20c. Sunset Breakfast Bacon, Ib 80c. Fancy small Peas, 2 Ib, tins 880 1 can Fess, 1 ckn Oorn , .S0c. Grape Fruit--Oelery--Lettuce Ripe Tomatoes Now that the Christmas rush is over We are in a position to remodel or re- ir Fur Coats and all kinds of Furs, out having to keep you waiting as Vmnon if | cheery one. ght in themselves. They préfaced a stirming address by Hon, W. F. Nickle, attorney-gen- aral of Ontario, who proposed the toast 'Canada end the Empire." Hon. W. ¥. Nickle. In his opening remarks, Mr. Nickie said he was glad to find the Knights of the Grip with their old-time en- thusiasm, although in these particu- lar times, with the O.T.A. and other things in effect, am attorney-gemeral at a banquet was not calculated' to iwpire enthusiasm. His position makes him responsible for the admin- istration: of justice. 'Often he is called mpon to say "No" to those who come to him seeking what they think is justice and who should thank God in some cases that they do not get the "justice" for which they ask. He related ome incident of a man who entered the attormey- genérdl's office and sat looking at that to remark when ques- tioned that he wished to gaze upon the most unpopular mam in Ontario. of the Workmen's Compensation Act operation and the matter of the dis- tribution of unclaimed bodies, lately takén on to his other duties, com- bined to make his position ome of the unpopular ones. * en Canada and 1084. "The year 1924 had wot been a There has been abuses of confidence in high places and a werdes of distressing events which ll | oveated misery and almost shook the faith of the people in their financial {nstitutions. But their common sense told them that one bad apple does not destroy the whole orchard and that be taken in the future. From con- federation onwand Mr. Nickle review- od the periode of Boom and depres- sion in Canada and pointed out theif arriving at the presént per- fod giving an exhaustive survey of conditions now. He told of a have Kingston indde the foot of deep water with the completion of the | Welland Canel. He was in favor of the Morrisburg power devélopment and seid that the government which Ne represented was . willing to do Admirable Addresses Delivered |" DAILY BRITISH WHIG + Other Speakers. Following his distinguished feliow- churchman, Canon W. F. FioGerald, in his usual splendid style, proposed the toast to "Our Guests," which was responded to by F. J. Zammers, Toronto, president of the Canaddan Travellers' Association, and J Harry Dodguon, past president. Another splendid selection by The Temple quartette, of wivose beautiful 'harmony the guests apparently could mot hedr too much, with solo eslec- tions by Meswre. Saunders and Wva, finished off the splendid musical pro- gramme, wich was also inter persed with selections dy the or- chestm. T. H. Stewart, veteran Knight of the Grip, snd Past H.O.G. of the vabé haw BY THE ROYAL BANK Deposits Increase Over Forty Millions During Year-- Profits Well Maintained. ---- \ One of the most impressive features of the financial sfatements of some of the larger institutiofis of Canada that have been made pdblic recently is the exceptionally strong - liquid position that is indicated in the balance sheets. The report of The Royal Bank of Ca- nada for the year ending November 29, 1924, is an excellent illustration of this. Out of total assets of $583,789,809, no less than $2378,024,739 are classified as immediately available liquid assets, representing 47.7 pericent. as compared with 43.3 per cent. for the previous year. These Jiquidyissets: comprise al- $0 64.5 per cent. of the bank's laibili- ties to the public as compared with slightly over 49 per cent. shown in the statement of the'previpus yéar, a gain of over five per cent. The investments of the bank in high grade securities have been rather larg- er than usual this past year. This has been due partly to the fact that cur- ren loafis have still shown a tendency to decline and also the lack of normal activity. in business. Thus the holdings of government have increased by $24,- 256,775 to a total of '$58,080,885, and the holdings of munidipal and British and foreign securities have gone up from $15,900,363 to $85,684,914. The gotal increase in the two classes of securities amounted to $33,801,336. The current loans of the bank showed a decline of slightly over $9,000,000 in the year, standing at $148,499,855 as compared with $157,736,785. As the situation nde The Royal Bank is in an unus: favorable posi- tion to provide assistance to the indus- tries of the country at such time as these may require to call upon it. A study of the deposits of the bank fndicates not only a continuance but a strengthening of the confidence that is felt in The Royal Bank throughout thé country. One year-ago saviigs depo- sits amounted to $311,759,127, and on November 29, 1024, they had increased to $838,201,427, a gain of $26,532,300. wr Ts Tire Shop--206-8 Retr i i a er rrr ph - This is Tire Repairing Time--Get Ready! Start out with your tires properly repaired. We have the best Repair Plant in Eastern Ontarié and competent men to make repairs. Bring us your tire troubles. DOMINION AND FIRESTONE DEALERS MOORE'S ------ --- Co -------- ----. -------- Wellington Street - Seis ra Freie er VR A -- EA Nr hee St ------ MNANT SALE! Friday, January 2nd, 1925 || On the first business day of the new year we will stage a big sale of Remnants of Dress Goods, Silks, Crepe de Chene, Georg- ette Crepe, efc., etc. On account of the high prices of ready-to-wear garments, we find an increasing demand for dress materials by the yard. After a very busy season in our Dress Goods department we have many remnants of all kinds of dress materials on hand in all lengths, and these we are going to place on sale Friday and Saturday at about half price. - SAVE AND STILL HAVE MORE Buy Pictorial Review Patterns and make your own Dresses: You can have two or more nic: dresses for the price of one bought ready-made. Happy New Year toall Parisian Shop ee Démand deposits also showed a s! stantial increase, making a gain in deposits in ekceds of $60,000,000, the total increasing from $421;834,000 to $461,828,000, The profit and loss account shows tain its profits in spite of the gréater difficulty of lending its money at pro- fitable Gates of interest. The net pro- fits for the year ending November 29, 1034, were $3,878,9%6, compared with $3,000,316 for the previous year. ing the bonus, " appropria 000 oe the officers' pension providing $465,000 to take care of Do- mirioh government taxes, there wis carried forward to profit and loss ac- count for the new year $1,143,806 as with $1,085,880 with which ar ra arty that the bank has been able to main- Ki After + dividends and the | ¢ er cross drawing a cutter. though he did [| not consider it safé for heavier liorses and sleighs. Meanwhile the Islanders have to detour to Point Fredérick and come by way of the causeway. GOLDEN WEDDING DAY Inveraty, Dec, 30.--Today, Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson, of this place, ce- lebrated their fiftieth anniversary of their marriage, which took place in ngston, Dec. 30th, 1874, the cere- mohy being performed by Rev. J. Mullocke, Anglican clergian, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson bégan married life in Battetsea, not far from the birth- place of each, living there for a short tithe, and then after ding a couple Two boys out of their family of éleven childrén, have "gone on be- fore," leaving nine living PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS FOR JANUARY Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY. STORE ee ---- ee ------ Real Estate | $3,700 -- Colling- wood street, detach- ed brick dwelling, 7 rooms, 3 piece bath, gas, electric and hot air heating, $5,200-- Victoria St. Detached brick dwel- ling, all conveniences "en be 400. dc., B00, Tress rranEne Sesssssrennsenant anne SEN ---- TR SA Be 4 GL RA Sr lad Eo Sm.