SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, Greetings Wishing our many friends and pat- rons in Barriefield and elsewhere, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. WM.McKINNON dak "OLD OUSTOMS AND OLD FRIENDSHIPS HEED NOT THE FLIGHT OF TIME." E. JENKINS Palace Paint Shop OOR. YORK AND RAGLAN RD. - - SPECIALIZING AUTOMOBILES Our sincere efforts to please shows in our completed work. PHONE 1558F. MAY GOOD DIGESTION WAIT ON APPETITE AND HEALTH ON BOTH THE OLD ENGLISH Fish and Chip Shop COR. BAY and BAGOT. «= JOHN FIFE JOHNSTON, Prop. Customers are assured Fresh Fish cooked by expert Chef. 'Enjoyed and praised by all who have patronized us. FULL LINE OF GROCERIES, ETC, IN CONJUNCTION. Arb dk. Christmas Greetings and Best Wishes for Your Happiness in the Coming Year P. M. DRISCOLL LAKE VIEW HOTEL Phone 690. Corner Queen and Ontario Streets, Kingston "A HOME FROM HOME" All Kind Thoughts and Best Wishes for Christmas and the Coming Year. ROBT. PURTELL GENERAL CARTER LONG DISTANCE MOTOR TRUCK HAULING OFFICE: Corner Barrack and Wellington Streets. Phone 21785. A Word of Greeting, A wish of cheer, May your Christmas Joys Last throughout the year. . ZAKOS THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG NEW MODEL OF BIBLE By Rev. James os Moffatt of Glas~ gow, Sootland--WIll Create Much Discussion. The 1924 model of the Bible has appeared. It earries no ancient ac- cessories, It is completely and en- tirely modern. The archaic language of King James becomes the up-to- the-minute English of this day. Here is an Old Testament that even he who runs his car at sixty miles an hour may read. Thus the Garden of Eden becomes more easily recognized as "Eden Park" and Noah's Ark is found to 'be a 'Barge.' The great horde of "begats'" that appear in the Bibles of yesterday disappeared and there appears instead the simple announce- ment "was the father of." It is recognized also that the mod- ern reader Is not familiar with '"'bull- rushes" but has a general acquaint- REV. JAMES MOFFATT ance with reed-grown marshes and thus the scene in which Moses is die covered is changed to agree with present-day pictures. And in the scene with Noah "God's covenant" becomes a "compact," which every business man readily will comprehend. This translation, which is bound to create a discussion rivaling the Fun- damentalist-Modernist debate, has been made direct from the He.rew by the Rev. James Moffat, of Glas- gow, Scotland, and is published by Doran. Some idea of how the 1924 Bible reads may be gathered from this fragment out of the Tower of Babel episode: "Down came the Bternal to see the city and tower which human beings had built. 'They are one peo- ple'. said the Mternal. 'Amd they have one language; if this is what they do, to start with, nothing that they ever undertake will be too hard for them.' " And, in the ten commandments "You" will be found replacing "Thou." Here is an illustrative paragraph: "You shall not crave any idols for yourselves. .. . You shall not use the name of God profanely. . ." For more than 300 years Protes- tant denominations have relied al- most entirely upon the King James version, published in 1611. In times past heated disputes were engaged ia by theologians over this version; and ome section of Protestantism clings to a translation that has omit- ted the word "hell." Dr. Moffatt, who is r nsible for the modernized Bible, is a 'prominent theologian and Hebrew scholar. He bas worked for eight years om the translation, seeking closely to foHow Wishes For a Happy New Year iC. PETERS mows ssw. - . freshness Our quick turnover ensarer 91 on: Grovesien tain knowledge. It was p d in Norman-French in the thirteenth century, and is better fitted for a cowvival gathering than for a reli- gious service, This was the type of many of our earlier known carols--song of galety and good cheer such as might form a spirited accompaniment to the steaming wassail bowl and the flames of goodly logs roaring up spacious baronial chimneys. Such was the character of that 'sett of carols" which Wynkyn de Worde gave to a Jollity-loving world in 1521, from his rude press at the "Sign of the Sun" in Fieet Street. As we look through these carols of the days of chivalry we gee in imagination the yule-log drawn in triumph from its forest-Kome, to be greeted at the door of hall or cas- tle by minstrels singing: Welcome be thou, heavenly king, Welcome born on this morning, { Welcome for whom we shall sing, Welcome Yule. Or in later years to be welcomed by Herrick's more appropriate lines: Come bring with a noise, My merry, merry boys, While my good dame she Bids ye all be free, And drink to your heart's desir- ing. Such songs would have been. little to the taste of the Franciscan Friars, who are said to have originated ca- rols in England about the time of Henry I1I, mating old ballad melo- dies to Holy themes--grave and sol- emn Christmas chants, such as "The Sons of Levi"; For we are the true born sons of Levi By the bright and the glorious star. But with the reformation came a chastening of high spirits and a re- turn to the carol of mere pious days. No more should the Holy season be frofaned by such a Baccanalian dit- ty as: Lordlings, Christmas drinking, Wines of G#scoigne, France, Anjou, English ales that drive out thinking, Prince of liquors old and new, But Christmas came back to men and the carols never were lost. To- day they are known and valued more and more; a treasure house that every poet and musician may en- rich, where scholars may search for lost jewels one that is open to every child who can pipe the imperishable, lovely tune of "The Holly and Ivy." To such survivors from ancient days composers and poets of more recent years have made many welcome ad- ditions. Such are "Christiane Awake," written by John Byron as a Christmas gift for his little daugh- ter, and first sung at the doorway of Byron's house, Kersal cell, near Manchester, on Christmas Eve, 1760; and Gounod's "Cradled All Lowly.,X the air of which is so sim- ple that a baby might lisp it; and yet it was, presented to a London audience with all the pomp and dig- nity that great orchestra and choir could give it. loves good DON'TS IN DECORATING THE CHRISTMAS TREE A safe holidey season is assured for the kiddies if parents will heed the practical advice of the fire- fighters. Some points to remember are: Remember that light, inflamma- ble decorations make fires easy to start and easy to spread. A match, a gas flame, or an electric defect may do ft. Watch gas jets; decora- tions may be carried against them | by air currents. Do not make the slightest change in electric wiring without counsulting your eleotrican. Do fot decorate your Christmas tree with paper, cotton or any other inflammable material. Use metallic tinsel and other non4nflammable decorations only, and set the tree securely, so that the children In reaching for things cammot pull ft down. Do aot use cotton to represent snow, use asbestos fibre. Do not permit children to light Holliday Laughs Although she was nearly eighty, it was the first time she had been to the seaside. It was night-time, sitting on the verandah of hér hotel, she saw the winkling beam of the lighthouse. She watched #t for some time, and then: "How patient sailors are," she ex- claimed. "Why? How do you mean?" asked the daughter. '"fhey must be, my dear, for the wind has blown that light out eigh- teen times--and they have lighted it again every time." Willam was thirsty for know- ledge, and interestingmfacts shone like jewels in his brain. "I read to-day," he said to Mi- chael, "of the wonderful progress made in aviation. Men can now do anything -- absolutely anything -- a bird can do!" But Michael was tired of wonders --bhe was more metter-of-fact, "Is that 80?" he answered, "Well, when you see an airman fast asleep hanging on to a branch of a tree with one foot, I'll come and have a look!" The Poor Fish--Dearest, don't you | think we'd better keep our engage- ment a secret until we're ready to marry and go away. ; His Filancee--Sure! That's best. I don't want to hear every one say: "Heavens! Couldn't she do better than that." The little fellow had been erying bitterly, and the good, kind lady stopped and patted him gently on the head. "Why, my little man, what's matter ?" - "Matter, mum ? "Ehe 'have I been playing truent all day, and I've Just remembered that the Christmas holidays started yesterday." the Chinamen of. Chatham lately en-, gaged in a price-cutting war. Season's Greetings EEE We take this opportunity to thank our many patrons for their kind pat- ronage during the past year and trust with the incoming year we may still be able to serve them as in the past. With best Christmas and New Year's Greetings. EE Crawford & Co. 206 PRINCESS STREET AMONG THE PLEASANT CUSTOMS THAT CHRISTMASTIDE affords is the greeting of each other in the old familiar words, "MERRY CHRISTMAS" -------- J. O. LAWRENCE 'PHONE 1710W. . . 227 PRINCESS ST. Up-to-date Ladies' Hairdressers in attendance at all times. To One and All, we wish the merriest and happiest Christ- mas of your fondest imagina- tion; likewise a Happy and Prosperous New Year. At the same time allow us to just mention that we are the humble holders of the largest and most complete stock of Air.dried, assorted L b T and M I, T having three quarters of a million feet housed in dry weather proof sheds, ' S. Anglin Co. Limited * VURNES BA BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS ONTARIO SAW MILL, PLANING MILL, WOODWORKING FACTORY. Private Branch Exchange 1571.