a SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1094 AUTO SENSE basso ai ---- re Co OIL DILUTION ro [ DOC, M HAVING MORE TROUBLE "THAN A Bull AS LONG AS MY GOOD INTENTION SORINKLIN' THE PAVEMENT OR DOES IT GET THIN LIKEAN SF IGHTER WITH SCARLET PEVER, | M USING HEAVY Civ. BUT IT DOESN 'r LAST N (1 PUT IN FRESH OILAND IN) LEAS THAN A WEEK ITS SO THIN THAT THE OILBAUOE LEAKY PISTON RING OR SCORED CYUNDER WALLS . YOUR GASOLINE QETS BY THE PISTON AUTO SENSE - OM _dflution is one of the worst effemies of your engine, Moving parts are protected by a film of oil 'wfilch prevents metal from coming fnto contact with metal; that is, wheng 'gour lubrication is perfect. A film of ofl and gasoline will not serve the purpose. All valves are closed on two of the four strokes which form the oycle of an engine. One is on the REO PROFITS MORE . THAN FIVE MILLION Financial Condition Is Best Ever; Ourrent Assets Hxceed Lia. bilities by $16,000,000. = That the Reo Motor Car Com- pany is In the best condition of all ite twenty years of existence is the message brought to stoekhold- 'ers of the company by the annual rapori 'of the board of directors now in the mail. Current assets exceed current liabilities by near- ly $15,915,000.00 and there exists + gheurplus of $7,819,007.24. EDWARDS | AUTO SERVICE McLaughlin Car Owners Try the man that Six years of factory experi- ence in the McLaughlin factory. , All" work absolutely guaran. teed. Flat rate if you prefer it. 85 MONTREAL STREET "PHONE 2544w. A CM We Can Make Your gasoline engine as pc w- erful as when new. Arralge with us to have the cylin: jer reground and fitted with ovdr- « . size piston and rings. Call tnd see our Heald regrinder. Automotive GrindersLimited 235 Wellington Street N compression stroke and the other the power stroke. If your piston rings do not fit as they should, part of the gasoline vapor will pass the rings as the compression increases. . . . No engine has perfect compres- slon. If you doubt this, remove the cap from tbe oll filler tube and try to hold your hand down on it while not for this leakage the same ofl The surplus for the year repre- sents an increase of more than two millions of dollars over the sus- plus of last year. Profits for the year, after current federal taxes have been provided for, amount to $5,603,478.98. The statement of aesets and liabilities = shows the following items: Current assets--Cash on hand and in banks, $4,549,340.12; sight drafts outstanding, $765,881.- 76; receivables less reserves, $8, $18,891.45; United States bonds, $202,731.09; inventories, $10,- 135,089.43. Total current assets amount to $19,471,933.85, Capital assets--Balildings," $3,- 097,687.93; machinery and equip- ment, $6,606,441.52. Total $8,604, 039.45. Less reserve for deprecia- tion, $2,672,187.77. Land $511, 049.80; Total capital assets, $6, 442, 891.48, Deferred charges $180,- 895.89. Investments--~8tocks and bonds, $299,082.00; Reo Motor Car Com- pany of Canada, Ltd, $47,000.00. Total Investments, $346,082.00. Tota! assets, $26,441,803.22, Current liabilities -- Accounts payable, $2,194,830.11; accounts payable miscellaneous, $92,650.00; accrued pay roll, $97,528.86; re- serve for federal amd local taxes, $1,178,691.76. 'Total current lia- bilities, $8,667,600.72. Deferred credits, $65,205.26. Capital and surplus-- Oapital stock authorized and issued, $16. 000,000.00; surplus, $7,819,007. 24. Total capital and surplus, §22,- 819,007.24. The 1932 statement showed total current assets of $16,288,864.86; total capital assets of $5,780,926.- 51; and total investments of $249,- 275.00. The same statement showed current liabilities listed at $2,788,- 0825.68 and the surplus listed as $5, 719,918.61; deferred credits were $19,093.75. In the report of the directors, no value is reflected in the balance sheet of the good will, patents, and copyrights of the company. These, it is pointed out, have a value nat- urally, and it would be much eas- fer to replace the physical . assets than to acquire the good will and total \ organization now enjoyed by the company. Auto Batteries' M1de and Repaired When you need your 1 "paired or one made to order, al- so automobile repair work, it will , vy you to see us. ELLIOTT & Wh - > ~-- - . - « PHONE 1089. Bay Goods Made In King:ton JT | N { HATE TO BREAK THE NEWS THIS NEAR CHRIST- MAS, BUT YOU ARE GOING TO SPEND SOME MONEY, YOU Wikl AT LEAST HAVE TO HAVE NEW RINGS FITTED, BUT YOU MAY HAVE TO HAVE THE WALLS GROUND AND OVE the engine is running. If it were. might hold up for several thousand mtles. Too rich a mifture is responsi ble for much dilution. You give the engine more gaspline than it can burn in a sharp clean explosion and part of it passes the rings on both the compression and power strokes/ » . . Dilution is more rapid in winter than summer because your engine is The veport says, in conclusion: "It is appropriate and fitting to pay tribute to the zealous co-opera- tion and loyalty of the entire orga- nization. Much has been accom- plished. By increased and efficient manufacturing and wider distribu- tion the way is paved for greater accomplishments, and to this end all are giving their best efforts." OAR 18 BOOSTIN CLOTHING TRADE Garment Makers Find Country Areas Buying More. Instead of cutting down the amount of money they spend for clothing, people are actually spend- ing more for apparel since the auto- mobile has come into general use, according to a bulletin of the In- ternational Association of Garment Manufacturers. "No man or woman is going to climb into a shiny new car wearing a worn-shiny suit of clothes or an out-of-date hat," states this reyart. The bulletin points out that the increased contact between town and farm due to motor travel has im- proved the market in farming sec- tions. The increase in the use of country clubs made possible by the automobile has stimulated the de- mand tér sport clothing. The use of camping togs and the wear and tear on clothing through more ac- tive outdoor life are other ways in which, in the opinion of the Gar- ment Makers' Association, the auto- mobile is promoting larger sales of clothing. YITH Your WEL OR CHOKED hard to warm up and you use ehoke too much. - nN the Fresh oil shows up well on the oil gauge, but cold oll, regardless of its dilution, will keep the needle over against the peg too.. Test oll between your fingers. If it Is dllut- ed you éan "fgel thpough" it as you rub your fingers together, If it is good your fingers are really separat- ed by it. ACCIDENTS STARTING MOTOR AVOID Safety Method Also Helps Car In Winter. 5 Push on your clutch pedal every time you start your motor--espe- cially4n the wintef time, Such is the advice of G. €lark | Mather, chief engineer of Paige and Jewett motor cars, Mather says | that this will conserve your battery and make starting easier. "The average man does less driv- ing in winter and uses his lights more," says Mather. "Moreover, it | requires more electricity to start with cold gil. By taking out clutch for each starting operation the starter has less work to do be- cause the clutch and trapsmission are thus dfsconnected. "Another very important reason for always taking out the clutch first is for safety. It is an easy matter to leave your car in gear without knowing it, and many pe- cidents have resulted from this oversight. - . Stopping Cold Engine. "Much trouble in the way of oll dilution and scoring of cylinder walls is found in fall and Winter driving by reason of stopping the engine while it is still cold. You step Into the garage, crank up, back out, and, not wishing to drive oft "right 'dwd¥, switch off fhe en- gine. Running with the choker out the gas vapor immediately con- dénses and begins to do its dirty work of gradually injuring the en- gine. The more of.this vapor yot burn up before switching off the FOR. THE ' of tightness of these bearings permits of end play on the of the shafts and their keyed-on wheels and the chucking fn and on bjects the bearings to injurious shocks as well as making is excessive the wheels will run slightly out of can Be pushed in and out by more than a just per- bearings need to be taken up. ALBERT L.CLOUGIL. Loose Rear Wheel Bearings THE FOLLOWING SUGGESTIONS apply particularly to axles of the semi-fidating type of one of the most widely used makes, employing an inclined roller bearing on the tapered outer end of each axle-shaft. Wear at thése bearings is slow and the necessity for adjustment infre- quent if they are given adequate lubrication, which is commonly by not most likely there wag fault In the of! distribution pipe. acer engine, therefore, the better. That is why 'it is often a good plan to start the engine and let it run an instant after switching it off, pro- vided that you do not have to choke it again to do so, Can't Have Everythiig. Motorists who know well enough that their motors will ' lack pep when the tappets are too close fre- quently forget that the same thing applies to a demonstrator when they are shopping for a new car. If you demand quietness in a dem- EO SEDAN 2445 _ 'Plus Freight--All Taxes Included. 20th Anniversary Model NOW ON DISPLAY See It In Our Sales Rooms Please Remember the Price Includes All Taxes s Garage, Ltd. oa -------- onstration you can't have pick-up and hill cHmbing performance. A quiet motor will seem to show high speed without effort because our conception of speed has much to do with noise and vibration. Winter Fire Hazard. The process of closing up all the "louvres of the hood as a means of keeping the efigine's heat from warming the universe instead of the driver's feet is advisable provided fireproof material is used, Some drivers use cardboard, and while \ they usually get' by with it, the element of danger is not worth risk- ing. Sheet metal of some kind will meet all 'requirements, or better still, asbestos board, Sudden Overheating. That sudden overheating™of the engine on & cold day is, im nine cases out of ten, the result of fails ing to roll down the radiator cover in time, But the wise motorist con- siders the odd' chance and raises the hood to see if the fan belt has broken. wn service after the first And after the third--and fourth? These considerations, in the final analysis, are the true basis of economy in motoring. The reputation of Dodge Brothers Motor Car for long and faithful service is definite and universal. Wherever there are judicious buyers it is recognized that the car's staunch construction guarantees owners a long time a investment--and a long time satisfaction. FN --@®-- A LONG TIME INVESTMENT In buying a motor car, consider what the ° cost will be when distributed over a period of years. ' What is the car's reputation for satisfactory year? After the second? M. OBERNDORFFER 124 CLARENCE STREET. " Monarch Radio A Batteries Will go with any set and have a greater capacity than any om | | . "It helps to keep mem in employment. Thelr wages will be | the market. For sale by all good dealers. i e Monarch Battery Co. Limited fn ® - » 258 it i i } § i 28° i : iil x3E5E EE -------- ee cee i Ee Ei i i Dunlop Tracion Cords . $17.30 8 Hi i : ie i Fz ; ft : {1 1! CRE GORI Sh SN