Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Dec 1924, p. 16

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a FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1024. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 15 a : 3 RINKS IN KINGSTON The Engineering Institute at Queen's Hears About the Various Structures. The history of skating rinks in Kingston was covered at the meet- ing qf the Engineering Institute of Canada held in Carruthers Hall Thursday evening. Prof. M. B. Baker told of the open air rick in 1888 on Navy Bay on which the first game of ice hockey in Canada was played between R.M.C. Queen's, Three years later Capt. Dix had a rink between Sydenham and Clergy streets on which hockey was played between skating periods by marking out the ice with two-by- four peantlings. The goalie had an easy time because the sticks were movable and were usually no far ther apart than the width of the goal tender by the time the game got going. The covered rink was erected by private enterprise in 1893 and was unprofitable - because an opposition sink was at once opened across the "road in an old drill shed where the mechanical laboratories mow stand. This shed collapsed one morning in 1898, about ten minutes after a crowd of students had left. In 1922, the covered rink burned down shortly after being acquired by the university. When the city was canvassed for funds with which to erect a mew structure the Harty tamily most generously subscribed in memory of Dr. "Jock" Harty, one of Kingston's outstanding sports- men, and for many years honorary coach of the university hockey teams, This rink burned down af- ter, two years' operation, For the building now reaching completion competitive designs and tenders were cHlled for directly from the contracting firms, a most unusual procedure as no architect was employed. Out of twenty-four tenders that of the firm of Wright & Maclachlan of this city was award- ed the contract. The ice surface is 80 to 200 feet and is among the largest in Canada. There is a re- served seating capacity of 1966, with 600 rush seats and standing room besides. The concrete ter- races for the seats are designed for a safe load of 150 Ibs. per square foot and have tested up to 600. Mr. Grant Maclachlan, one of the contractors and engineer in charge of construction then spoRe briefly of the design and contracting, after which Prof. L. M. Arkley described the refrigerating plant. The ammo- nia does not circulate tarough the nine miles of pipe as is commonly supposed. The pipes contain a brine solution of caleium chloride which is chilled below freezing in the pipes of the brine tank and then circulated through those of the ice floor. The ammonia under great pressure is released into this air- tight tapk full of brine pipes, Im- mediately it expands and in so do- ing takes heat from the brine, for the outside of the tank is insulated by means of four inches of pressed cork. While thigs brine at a tem- perature of 15 degrees above gero is pumped out to make ice, the ex- panded ammonia is drawn off Into 8. crease the average production of any compressor where it is liquified un- der pressure of 125 Ibs. per square inch. In so doing it gives up the heat that it absorbed from the brine pipes. Quantities of running city water keep the compressor cool and 80 the ammonia is ready to be pass- ed back into the tank again. Two or three hours of operation keep the ice in good condition for a day. Prof. W. P. Wilgar then summar- ised the facts detailed by the other speakers. A On Dec. 10th at the official cpen- ing of the rink it is hoped to have a game between Queen's and R.M. C. commemorative of that first hockey match between the same op- ponents. The Hon. William Harty has been invited to - comduct the opening ceremonies. Profits From Poultry A booklet entitled the Farm and Home," which has just come to hand, supplies striking evidence of the wonderful advances made in recent years in Increasing the profits from the average flock of hens. It is probably true to say that no side line in farming has been made the subject of so much inten- sive study and investigation as poultry-keeping, and certainly none has so amply repaid the application of scientific methods, The truth of this latter statement is vividly ex- emplified in the preface to this , which states that in the United States the chickens and eggs told during 1919 were for 39 per cent. of the value of all livestock products in that year, i and | "Poultry for, 2 ood practice and what is bad prac- BIRTHS. ; NORTON--At Picton, Nov. 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Norton, a son. WOODS At Cataraqui, on December 2nd, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. Colin M. K. Woods, of Barriefield, Ont., (nee Kathleen M. Timminster), a daugh- ter. (Woodstock papers please copy) MARRIAGES. 19th, Marie A., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Brushey, Rochester, N. Y., to Robert Barker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Barker. DEATHS. CLARK---At her late residenge, 160 University Ave, on Friday morn- ing, December bth, 1924, Harriet BE. Clark, aged 89 years. Funeral on Saturday morning at 11 o'¢clock to Cataraqui cemetery. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend. BARKER--BRUSHEY--In Picton, Nov. | DANBURY---At Cherry Valley, years. . Jones, aged 80 years. TON---At Consecon, Nov. 27th, Isabella Johnston, aged 67 years. MacGILLIVRAY--In Kingston, on De- cember ird, 1524, Robert James MacGillivray, aged 72 years. | Funera] from hig*ate residence, 183] Collingwood street. on Saturday afternoon at 2.45 to Cataraqui| Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM. | In sad but loving memory of our] daring, Lottie M. Gwynne, wife of E.| C. ferty, who 'died December 65th, 1921. | Thiee years ago we laid her low, | In the grave so dark and cold, | But I know that in heaven she is walt- ing for me, In the land where we never grow gid. --Mother, Father and all ~~ rid IN MEMORIAM. In loving memory of our daughter, Agnes Sly, who went home December 6th, 1922. 'Tis herd to break the tender cord, 'When love has bound the heart, 'Tie hard, so hard, to speak the words, Must we forever part? Dearest, loved one, we have laid thee, In the peaceful grave's embrace, But thy memory will be cherished, "Till we see thy heavenly face. ~=Father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. R. Sly, Seeley"s Bay, Ont JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET Phone 147 for Ambulance ROBERT J. REID The Leading Undertaker Phone 877. 230 Princess Street M. P. KEYES FUNERAL HOME 40 COLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE PHONE 18890 JOHN CORNELIUS Undertaker and Embalmer Paricrs, 274 Princess Street Ambulance Phone 599 I. RONAN Undertaker and Embal "hone 856w. 238-240 Bagot Street Calis Night and Day Promptly Attended H. J. KNIGHT UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER PARLORN--Sydenham, Yarker, Verona, and Battersea. Ambulance 'phone 35. the Ontario Experimental Station at Guelph, Ontario. The weak feature about so many scientific books on farming is that they advocate methods and equip- ment quite beyond the means of the average farmer. This booklet does not fall into that error. The ques tion of help, and also that of initial expense, has idetly been kept constantly in mind, with the result that the farmer is shown how to in- given number of hens without going into experiments that are costly either in time or money, or both. The main point to be borne in mind is, of course, the question of profit. It is shown that on some farms the net profit on poultry-kee ing is relatively large, on others it is small, and on still others the poultry prove an actual loss. These differences are almost wholly due to tlle methods followed, Certain breeds are, of course, more profit able than others. But then there are differences in housing, in feed- ing, In oversight, in culling, in the prevention of disease and in many Decem- | ber 3rd, Miranda Danbury, aged 85} JONES---In Wellington, Nov. 26th, Isaac i | There They They are all perfectly any offers possibly could. jump right into your pocket to prosperity. | Are You? There/ are" all those pithy little ads--the ones that line the columns of the A-B- close one opportunity after another! Are you on hand fo receive their benefits ? arranged--just like a dictionary--for quick reference. It seems as though they went about as far in your favor as You must not expect them to You must mees them at least half way. Be on hand when 'the A-B-C Classified Opportunities come: out--and you'll be helped a long way on the path THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS. ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY Are--Where C Classified Section and dis- classified and conveniently for you to own perinanently. J The British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized and popular- ized according to THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM, Inc. Philadelphia, Pa. are restreited to their proper classification, and to the regular Daily Whig style oz type. SIFIED RATES: Daily Chap line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, 26 cents. Daily rates per line. Charge Cash 6 days 4 3 3 days .. All ads. 1 d8Y covvncane eaths---- One Insertion, charged, B Engagements, Marriages, 50; cash 31,00. tana of Fnanks and Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.50; cash, $1.00 each insertion. Advertising ordered for irregular insertions takes the one-time inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. Count aix average words the ne. Charged ads. will be received by telephone and if paid at The Brit- ish Whig Office within 6 days from the first day of insertion, cash rate to will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjust- ment made at the rate earned Rete per line for white space 18 the same as a line of type Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising copy. Torsplions 243; ask for a want ad. taker. Announcementc Personals SKIN BLEMISHES Hair, Moles, Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, ete, removed permanent- ly. Satisfactory G fitted and Lirnished after Jthesa have hed, Gofttre cured without opera years' experience. 5 Himes J. Lake, S oat, tye, Ear, Nose Skin, 258 Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 11357 Lost and found 1 CUFF LINK--Found, Kum-a-part. Own- er may have same at Whig Office. CHILD'S SLEIGH--Found, on Fron- tenac street, between Brock and John- son streets. Owner apply § Chatham Street. HEIFER -- Holstein yearling, mostly white, -lost or strayed. Please notify Sherpe Bros. Cataraqui, Ont. LAP RUG--Fwund, on Princess street. Owner may have same by proving pro- perty to H. B. Bell, Collin's Bay, tele- phone 1101 r 8. MITTEN--Found, child's, light brown. Also one long dark brown mitten. Owners apply at Anderson Bros. PARCEL--Lost, containing black pat- ent hand bag, on Princess street, Find- er please return to Wiig Office. PURSE Found, containing sum of money. Owner apply to Newman Shaw. PURSE--Found on Princess street, con- taining small sum of money. Apply 131 Alfred Street. 'Phone 1420w. PURSE--Found Main street, con- taining Bank Book and sum of money. Owner apply to 126 Stephen street. SMALL BLACK COMB found, on Montreal street. Owner may have same at 189 Montreal] street. other particulars to be idered. All these matters, and the sclenti- fic principles underlying them, are plainly described in this booklet, and with this advantage, that each point, as it comes up, is illustrated by reproductions of actual photo- graphs. By pictures, as well as by words, the reader is shown what is right and what is wrong, what is tice, in poultry-keeping. Credit is due to the Bank of Montreal, from whom our readers may obtain free copies (of the booklet, -for making such a valuable exposition of poul- try-keeping available to the public. We believe that this booklet will he the means of increasing the interest in poultry-keeping, and of Increas- SOCKS--Pair of Men's all wool socks found on Johnson street. Owner ap- ply to 294 Johnson street. Salsity, Spinach, Savoys. Sweet potato squash, sweet po- tatoes, sweet greem peppers, Span- ish onipns, sweet marjoram, sum- mer Savory, sage, etc, at Car- novsky's. Case pipes, one gross only, at $2.00 each. Get one now. Bider's Cigar Shop.' 1+ The remains of Mrs. George E. Stiles, aged eighty-five years, who died in Watertown, N.Y., on Tues day, were taken to Smith's Falls, for burial. : Men's Wool Shirts 88c. Ab "Shaving Bowls." Gi 'a. ' LA _.. Automoblies Business Services Hat Cleaners 21c Scientific System And Convenient Service Characterize The Classified Ads, Live Stock Dogs, Cats, Pets 47 HOW---About your felt hat ? The time is nere. George. the Hatter, 50 Prin. cess street. hone 1333, next the Bank of Nova Insurance 28 ALL LINES-Of Fire Insurance, Sick- ness and Accident. Reliable compan- jes. 'Phone or call. E. Willlams, 2 Couper street. FIRE--Automobile and Casualty Insur- ance" E. M. Crumley, 420 Earl Street. Phone 1782M. the most reliable Strange & ice: 95 ice. INSURANCE--Cnly companies represented. Strange, established in 1860, Clarence Street, opposite Post J. B. COOKE--Life, Fire, Accident and Sickness, In reliable companies, dis- trict manager, Jmperia! Life. Phones: Office §03w. Res. 1731m. W. P. HEWGILL & SON---Representing all branches of insurance; oc having assumed business of Col. G. Hunter Ogilvie. 281 King Street BE. 'Phone LA DOG--One Police dog, § months old, color grey; also several canaries $2 to $5. Apply Muller's Bicycle Works, 871-373 King Street. "Phone 1961w. Poultry anc Supplies 49 LAYING HENS -- And pullets, also White Leghorn cockerel: Apply 182 Bay street. RAISE POUND SQUABS--Feeding Rur-| ina Pigeon Chow. Squabs w: ghing only eight or nine pounds to the dozen bring only half the price that pound squabs Purina, Pigeon Chow makes squabs big and choice. 'Ask your dealer. Wanted--Live Stock POULTRY--Of all kinds. We are fre- quently told ours is the best market in Toronto for good chickens.. Prices mailed. Waller's, Spadina Avenues, Toronto. .| 8TQ 0 | { Merchandise Radio Equipment 03a | RADIO--Before Christmas values--real | one tube sets $34.00. Complete with | everything you need. Best aps | paratus. Only at Canada Radio Stores | Upen evenings. i i Barter and Exchange Sia | PLAYER PIANO -- Heintsman Player | Plano, lightly, uyed, for sale or will | take another Upright Piano, trade on | It. Apply by lester to Box G-27, Whig Office, giving address and whether wanted tg trade or buy. ER a ik | Wanted to Bay On | VES Second hand, bought and sold. Outside repair work, Ltn, supe ply. Call op drop a card to W. Couls ng. Jr., 41 Staniey Street. = Rooms For Rent Rooms For Housekeeping - 69 Merchandise * Articles For Sale 51 Moving, Trucking. Storge 208 ABHES--Cleaned out of 'cell and yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor, 34 Russell Street. 'Phone 2355. STORAGE--For furniture, clean, dry, airy rooms and spaces; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 209- 305 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. #80w, Automobiles Far Sale 11 | FORD COUPE--1923, like new, 5 good ! tires, speedometer, new battery. Must sell for cash by Saturday. Apply 386 Brock street. 'Phone 9556J. ONE FORD SEDAN--1923 model. 'n first dlass shape. Apply ert Stans- bury, 8 Chestnut street. Phone 1730w. Second-hand Parts for | All Makes of Cars Gray Dort, Chevrolet, Ford, Briscoe, McLaughlin, Studebaker. Also second- hand Tires, Auto Tops and Cushions. Repairing on all kinds of cars done | here at a reasonable price. H. ROSEN, 2476w. 140 Rideau Street 'Phone SPEED WAGON---New, Reo. Apply A. Glover, corner Bagot and Ear] Streets. 'Phone 47. TWO GOOD BARGAINS -- Chevrolet touring in eplendid shape. Gray Dort special] touring. Robinson Motor Sales, Blue Garages. 'Phone 567 FOR SALE {Four Cylinder Essex Touring [McLaughlin 6 cyl Touring $400 Hudson Speedster Durant Sedan 490 Chevrolet Touring Boyd's Garage, Ltd. 129 Brock SL Phone 201w. Business 8ervice "Painting, Papering, Decorating - 20 SIGN PAINTING--J. 8 Robinson, rear 275 Bagot Street. J. FLANAGAN---Painter, -Paperhanger and Decorator. Estimates submitted. 'Phone 1432. 247 Montreal Street, Kingston. Sample books in stock. Chiropractic 28c¢. LUCY--Drs. G. F. and Jennie A., Chiro- practic Specialists; Registered Nurse, 239 Bagot street. 'Phone 943w. Hours: 9-12, 1-5, 6-8. Consultation Free. SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, 189 Brac . Wellington street, corner of 'Phone 3486. KNAPP--Dr. A. E., Dentist. Office: 253 Princess Street. 'Phone 652w. Open evenings by appointmeat. Legal 28e. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH --- Barristers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.C.; Cyril M. Smith. DAY AND REVELLE~--Barristerg and solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, Xing. ston. v Day, Adrian I Revelle. Mortgages arranged. Phone 204. HODGINS, W. C.-- Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Public. Office: 338 Clarence Street. Over C.P.R. Telegraphs. Tele- phone 1880. REYNOLDS, J. C.--Barrister and Solle{- tor, 58 Brock street. Mortgages ar- ranged on city and ferm property. 'Phone 2509. BHEA--Ambroge, B.A.. Barrister and Solicitor. Law Office, corner of King and Brock. over Royal Bank. Money to loan. 'Phone 1999. n Repairing BRICK--Hard and aoft, any quantity. Apply E. E. Wathen, 137 Neilson Street. Phones 1391J or 618, (Agent for Baker rick). COME---And see our stock before buy- ing anywhere else. Men's Fur Coats, Overcoats, Leather Coats, slightly used: special ins in Arm Blankets of all kinds. A. Shapiro, + Princess Street. COMBINATION STOVES--And heaters, library tables, beds and mattresses. Parlor furniture. J. Thompson, 333 Princess street. 'Phone 1600w. FLAT, PARTLY FURNISHED--On bathroom floor, suitable for ght housekeeping; rent reasonable. ply 59 Union Street West. ROOMS--Large, furnished, with kitchs ette. Apply 288 Queen street. Tele phone 1911 F, Real "Estate For Rent NEW STORE-- 290 Princess ' 8 heated and commodious, rear na and stabling. Also roomy above suits able for dentists' or insursnee offices. Will] rent from $12.00 to $20.00 per month. Store at 38s Diincess street ouse, ontrea treet. . Cohen & Co. APRly 1 FIREPLACE SCREENS-- And fenders. We make them Black, Brass or Cop- r. 'Phone 380. Partridge Wire & ron Works, King street West. HARD BODY WOOD--Mixed wood, hard and soft slabs, rough and dressed lum- ber; Shingien Ju r thousand and up. W. H. Talbot, § St. Catherine St. Yard on Concession street, near Divi sion. 'Phone 2803w. HARD COAL CO 10.00 ton, 1-4 ton lots $2.76. Dry, xed, woft wood slabs and cordwood, $2.50 load. Double amount $4.50. Splitting 26c. extra. Dry Hard Cord Wood, best quality, $2.75. Double amount $6.00, or a 1-4 cord $4.50. W. . Bruton, "290 Wel- lington street, corner Ordnance street. 'Phone 2440w. : OFFICES -- Four well heate centrally Toone. Apply C. patrick, 38 Clarence street. Houses For Rent, 7 BUNGALOW ---- New, si north side, all hardwood fQoors Drick, did basement. Immediate Josscasian, 'Phone 1538-J. Apply 418 cess St. BRICK HOUSE--7 rooms, 13 Colborne Street, centre of business, 3 piece bath- Rent reason- rooms. 8. Kirk. HOUSES---Three, six rooms, one at $30, Jun Slectrie and, Sas; one at $18 and . R. Chas. Be $5. BR. Chas Clarence Street. FURNITURE--Walnut and mahogany, consisting of bed, ottoman, chairs and other articles. Apply 71 Stephen St, in evening. "Phone 2082w. HEATER-- In good condition, cheap. Apply 12 St. Lawrence Avenue. Tele- phone 503w. HAVE--Your Stoves and Furnaces put in order and buy your Quebec Heat- ing Stoves and Ranges at Taylor &. Hamilton's, Tinsmiths and Plumbers, 89 Princess Street. Phone 418. OVERCOAT SALE--$8.00 reduction on each garment with usual easy terms of payment. Custom-made to order; fit guaranteed. 'Phone 2306w. J. G. Patterson, 120 Johnson street, OXFORD GURNEY RANGE--With wa- ter. front. Apply 299 Frontenac St. PIANO--Upright, firet class condition Will be sold at a bargain. Apply R. W. Millard, 149 Colborne Street. Tele- phone 2417J. Business Services Offered Expert Plano Tuning. Player-Plano Adjusting. 'Phones 1544. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS -- Repaired. David J. Coates, 393 Division Street. Pupil of O. F. Telgmann School of Music. Ladics' Halr Parlor. 18 'PHONE 1318J -- appointment. Frank J, Robbs, 186 For Wellington St. FRENCH MARCEL WAVING Water Waving, Round and Bobbed Curling, Halr Bohbing and Trimming, Facial and Sc \p Treatment. Special attention giveh to Hair Dyeing. Miss Switzer, 267 Queen Street. For ap- pointment 'phene 2016. LADIES TRANSFORMATIONS -- Bob- bed curls, switches, shampooing, singeing, curling, Ladies' and Child- ren's hair Sutsing. Mrs. Cunningham, 58 Bay Street, Kingston. Phone 1613w. FRENCH MARCEL r Wave, Hairdressing, ' Halr Cutting, Curling, Facial and Scalp Treatments, etc. Hair dyeing a specialty. MRS. WILKINSON, 360 Frontenao trent. Phone 1080J. for appointe ment. PERMANENT WAVING By the Frederics Method In order to Introduce Permanent Waving in Kingston, 1 have decided to make a special price until January 1st, of $15.00, for long and bobbed hair. All work guaranteed for 6 months. 3 A. B. KINGSBURY, 209 Princess Street. 'Phone 1338. seme EEE Hemstitching ART NEEDLEWORK--Newest desi in stamped goods &nd material. Chiid- ren's wear & specialty, ly Mrs. PICOT EDGING --- Hemstitching. Pleating: work uaranteed. Mrs. Feild, 363 Barrie Teet, near Pr Street 'Phone 2433). to Mrs, Card. Heating, Plumbing, Roofisg 22 WE--Are pleased to have a Tinsmith in Verona. He is famous in all kinds o making and repairing, Graniteware, ete. Bavetroughing yhise B a specialty. buying and selling Stoves and - ware. 3 § FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinds Call and see W. Driscoll, 38 J street. Phone 206F. . UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop & cara W. J. Gavine, 316 Bagot Street. UPHOLSTERING--AnR@ general repair- ing. Leave orders at o drop a card to F. W. Harold, 104 Clergy Street. Phone 1600J. ( Employment Help Wanted----Female 82 SALESLADY -- Experienced preferred. Apply Moore's Toyland, Wellington 8t, Help Wantea-----Male 88 PIANOS TO RENT--We will rent you a er wonth and at expiration of § months plano for six mo wt $6.00 will allow all monies id as rental. C. W. Lindsay Litd., 121 Princess Street. RECORDS-----Get the gooa ones, just in. New Irish, Scotch and glish melo- dies, vocal and instrumental, Kider's Cigar Store. SEE--Qur $39 Quebec, six 9" lids, be- fore buying: Lawreneon's, 81 prin. cess street. 'Phone 339w. SALE--OL bed springs, all sizes, at 156% reduction, Mattress for $4.60. Fron- tenac Mattress Co. 'Phone 1761J. SEORETARY--Genuine Sheriden Ma- hogany, one set pid fiddle back chairs. ntique op, 07 Pri 2 'Phone 2610. P ces MAKE MONEY AT HOME-~ §1 to $2 per hour for your spare time writing showcards for us. No canvassing. We instruct and supply you with work, West-Angus Showceard Service, 17 Col- borne Bullding, Toronto. ESMAN -- To represent a thriving Canadian Company in Kingston dis- trict, Apply, stating qualifications and experience to I'. O. Box 332, King- ston, Ont 2b). Ap Dunlop, 181 Alfred Street. Phone 101f.| WANTED---Men and women to earn $b to $25 weekly at home. No canvas. sing, experience unnecessary, distance immaterial. For particulary addreie The Auto Knitter Hosiery Le itd, Dept. C-19. Toronto, Ont. Solicitors, Canvassérs, Agents 85 SALES AGENT--Reliabdle, for unrepre- sented districts. Good pay, free agulp, Ca ment. We are the largest 's of fruit and ornamental Steep Sell for a Nursery, not_ for & jobber. You will be successful. Write: ham Nursery Co.. Toronto Financial Business Opportunities 88 ICE CREAM---Confectionery and Cigars, splendid o rtunity to purchése pro- perty &nd iness estab ed twenty years; situation unexcelled. Write Andrew Edwards, real estats, Gananos que. -- Money to Loan _ 40 a SCALES---All kinds, new and @econd- hand. e Cadh | oF ana, terms. Toledo e Co., .» 209 Princess St. - ston. 'Phone 1233. + King HALE--Of Christmag goods - ren's wear, Tuesday and eae Decemibes 3th, fee. from 1.30 to 10.30 me, No. 3, Stanley Ter he street. Admission free. 1409. Wuebec VIOLET RAY-- Generator. A treatment apparatus, relieving Sk ly all aches, pains, etc. Price $9.50. E. C. Smith, 199 Colborne Street. WOOD--Dry hard aple, soit wood, hardwood abe, a ndiay prices. J. on) and falivered; livin, eters n, corner Bi Toro! to streets. Phone sss. nd he NEWSPRINT --500 uitable for wrappl Sop or household use. Apply Bred 5 hig HOUSE--6 rooms, hot water, bath, toj- let, gas, electricity, 8 Chapman street, | posite Business College. Possession | > T 1st, 13 corner Alfred. PBIY 133 Unidn Went, HOUSES---Two, on Charles street, ele tric light, gas for cooking, one brick garage, one flat on Sixth Strget, ¥ piece bath, electric light, gas for cooking, good cellar. 328 per Small house on Stanley street. $13. Immediate possession. Apply H. Tae oTman, 69 Patrick Street. Phone HOUSES--Two, at 68 Queen ; at 41 Concession root FY ae garages at 69 Queen. - Rent reasonable, _Apply 186 Queen Street. Phone 958w. __Real Estate For Sale Houses For Sale eres ete -------- BUNGALOW---5 rooms, h.w. fi - nace, electric, gas, contrar 3.000, Terms. BOLID BRICK--8 rooms, all improves men John er Sohnson street, Central. §4,- = i LL ' T. O'CON , 316 Barrie Street. NOR, ihe 1268J. BE. W. MULLIN Real Estate and Insurance Broker Johnson and Divigion Street, Phone B3sw. See advt. Page 3 J. KE. CUNNINGH Real Betate, aM Insurance and Loans 79 Clarence Street MERCHANDISE STOVES Wood Cooks, Coal and Wood Ranges, ehee's, Pugs and other heaters real cheap. J. Turk's PHONE 708. BUSINESS SERVICE a W. KENT MACNEE INSURANCE BROKER Nine Pte Bs Plate Gites" as other lines of Insuranoe. | . 33 BROCK ST. 'PHONE Sisw. IT WILL not ake ops to you want if you watch the Ads BL | Foot o1 | Hard Wood Slabs and Edgings Maple, Beech, Red Birch, 'etc. Nice, bright ..... $3.75 perload James Swift & Co., Limited n otreet ing also the income on many farms: -- hem-- BRINGING UP FATHER | AM' AY LAST YO LONG, AMD Five URN THe SYNLE 2 WORN BY THe DUCHESS OF (RAN. \ BERRY re ~MY en aid AVE HAD MY PICTURE LYARE NM WTI MY -- THAT AOBBED LADY ALGY SAYS RD THE ONLY

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