Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Nov 1924, p. 6

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6 . : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG : MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1084 nn -- ST on THE BRITISH WHIG MOSCOW'S METHOD. levelling. Cold weather brings an ed in this way made him the idol i -- ' According to Capt. Francis Mec-| epidemic of colds, coughs, pmeu- of his people. In 1775 Brant made! " : S14F YEAR. Cullagh, the widley known au-| monia and the other flis associated a visit to England, and the court-| 2 ol thority on Russian affairs, who has| with winter. It will make life out- esips shown to him at that time In-| BIBBY"S hs time ta" Miatuw 82d | dauts wacomtortable but Will make| Seared his gtiachiment 10 #ha gi ag. When the American re-| See Soviet Sitiet Jug wie 4 work indoors a pleasure, At as volution Broke out all Brant's sym- ressed a meeting In same time there malaria | pathies were British and he rallied [HH week, the Bolshevist regime is com- | down south, the bugs and heat will| his own people against Ro rebels. A WONDERFUL DISPLAY tinuing its war on religion and also | make life outdoors uncomfortable | After the years of war Brant moved | doing all it can to prevent the| and work inside even less comfort- | Ris people to Canada, where they | ® ® spread of education. able. Man must deeide for him-self | ¥®r® granted the Grand Valley Re-| Nobb Suits and h Within the last three weeks, he | which he prefers. ssrve, He was anxious for the ean. | olce reports, forty Moscow and Lemin-| It is asking the impossible to ask Joeian oF EO Le aa ; grad priests of the orthodox church, | mankind to entertain continual €oB- | himeeit translated into hawk O that is to say the new religious | tentment. Man's natural and chonic | tongue the Book of Common Prayer | {lI vercoals establishment erected on the ruins| discontent is the impetus for the and the Gospel of St. Mark. - He | of the old, have been arrested and | world's progress, The thing that can | secured schools for Indian children | I} are being held in jail without trial. | be wished for is that men and wo- | before the white children of Upper ? With the memory of their brethren | men will not waste their dlssatis- | Canada had them. A monument of ALWAYS WELCOME who were executed in such large | faction on the weather or climate his administration is A his inkwell Looking or buying you're always welcome at this store. numbers during the rule of Lenine,| but adapt themselves to those con- Though you come here each day you will always find something new and int ng and gr ae urn; sir fate Th diss rotaed 17 sare ad | madam ate him na 3 aff erm Se wg soviet autho 8 - ll A . adopted a new systém of dealing | ditions more bearabls. Children fhe avai. ludisy fo havo a a | : Your Suit and Overcoat--A Saving of $2.00 to $7.00 and | with churchmen who will mot do play as hard and as happily in all Ce ---------------------- their bidding. No more open trials | kinds of weather. There is no valid ™ are held, with extensive publicity to | reason why adults cannot succeed serve as a warning to others, but] as well in adapting themselves to g | SPECIAL! secret punishment is the rule. conditions. : Men's and Young BRAIN AND BRAWN. It sted by the Ottawa was sugge y Men's Ulsters Journal that the rugby battle of Sat T oth Anniv rday last would be a contest be- € ersary b Made from nice quality by onsh ' : tween bram and brawn--Queen's : 1 WN _BEPRESENY VES representing the brain and the Ha Of the Great War . all wool Checked Back ? 2" Thompson, 100 King St. W.| milton Tigers the brawn. It turned T ' very jive) Ly to Ee are published | Out, however, to be more than that.| * + newest. we the metwal mame of the|The victorious Tricolor team consti- November 24th, 1914. A Substitute for Exercise. stings. Swart | Wmadels, 1 simply a Sab the - tuted both brain and brawn, while The allied warships bombard A friend of mine was belittling to 44. Something ; : -- J & bosuly ; he effects of massage on the sys- the Tigers had merely the brawa, Zeobrugge. German engineers were t A - good. J prevented from putting together | tém~ These people who get mas- | A very classy model, and a For three successive seasons Coach 3 " " i . Torghes has aa Queen's | Submarines, by shells from British saged," he sald, "are just coddling : splendidly taliored warships along the Belgian coast. and fooling themselves. They have , ' \ | ment. This Coat we claim ® rugby team that is invincible. He an idea that the masseur has a « TN hewn the players under hts! I' 12 Su a a "magic" or sympathetic touch, and to be the best $20.50 direction that by the proper use of | tho British coast. French gain|®8 @ matter of fact the "touch" is | Overcoat value in Canada. ; ; their brains and physical condition | ground in the Argonne district. The all that really happens to the pa- | © Jumping at conclusions is sald | they can triumph over all their grid- | cold weather aids the artillery. The | Het" to be bad exercise. iron opponents. To have played| Russians are gaining in Portland. What about this? eighteen contests and to be still un-| Scotland is prepared for a Ger- No! My friend 1s absolutely BIBBY'S 5 \ BIBBY'S There fsn't any pay day for 1ab-| geteated is a remarkable record, amd | man raid. The coast villagers are| Wrong there, because massage is lly exercise for the body in a = ering under a delusion. een's may well feel proud of the ready to retire inland. The Tay|Te® y oo ont i that haé represent- Forth, eptraticss are mined asd that te ar oe thos " > Scotland r d lendidl t with some t e on | | And yet some of the best talks on | oq 4¢ 0 ably in the field. cotland responds &p y to the | om of exercises the ore willing to ® reparedness are extemporaneous. » call for recruits. » . The fact that Queen's did Bot| "mornieie fighting continued ail | '4ke- séore a try in the game with the| j.v at several points in the line. The | Massage is mot a mew thing. It Suggested song for the antl-Klan |myggrs ig of little moment. They | allied troops gained a few hundred was used on warriors in olden days, > . o 4 . . Suit Special : ; Suit Special § Pdaple: "It ain't goin' rel§h BO | could have dome so had they been|yards in Argonne and south of [Just as it is used now on the "'war- = mo', in need of ome. But when a team, | Ypres. riors" of the football and athletic Men's and Y Men's TH field. en's ung is real suit value. Eight oA SE ) Berlin despatches still claim nf Lats not Tight for Liberty, unil| hb 18 wonderful running halt] Berlin despatene ou ting, but| Js value Ties in the fact that by models. Plain Greys, : R . acks, can get down under its op-| resuilis in e eastern fighting, but stimulath Nation fu a ti 4 w Z new models to choose we learn to handle what we've got. | oh oo) what is the use of| Petrograd says the Russians were ng the circulation in a tired Fancy orsteds, Fox : : ' from. High class tailor- : ee : victorious in Poland, Galicia and | Person two things happen. First the Blue Serges, etc. Extra : ; Progress is a fine thing, but at wearing out its wing players when | op jy : blood gets to the part scomer with Special value at : K ; ing, all new colorings and it has a field goal kicker? Had . new materiale to repair the worn " ¥ patterns. Sizes: = Young times it gets a little too far ahead A A German submarine and a Ger- . : . Queen's been without a Leadley or af 0 ot wo") ave been rammed |OUt tissues, and what is _pérhaps $18.00 ; : Men's 34 to 40. Men's 36 of the courts. Batstone, it would have had to exert more important, &t removes the Als to 46. 5 ime a and sunk. itself to secure touchdowns. But|. gpg British war office announce Yulten acgall ours onal than It a prejudice is wished on him at 1 ts brawn was rested and it secured the age of ten, at forty he calls {ta | "00 0 nt by using the gifted a: the peitish Priv have met 8| yyy a warrior, an athlete, yea principle. . even a sick person is that much fur- . . : loak of Jia ekiioes Wicker. 47 svi wos Getmam's second arch to) ther abead after a good massage. If GLOVE SPECIAL | Neckwear Special Underwear Special | Experience: The process by whic fant hen you > been repulsed at all points. You sed all life is motion. Every HH} Dent's Wool Gloves. Heather, | New Knitted Ties, Cross Bar Combinations, matural wool. man robs himeel of something to | 0" oe desired EE i Guo The British are making rapid aie p= body. ao Mpsivn, Si lil Grey or Chamois shades. Stripes, Club Stripes and fancy | Sizes 84 to 42. Penman's--a E> a * A a | . + . look forward to. Has not only's great rugby machine, | 20CCese again the Turks in Asia 'vou, "ha fo 4 motlon | 50c. per pair Oriental effects. regular $8.50 value for Minor. 1 as ------------------ » Some men (hIAX they yearn for [Dut It Bas & Sok sensational plak-| might hours a day constitutes the Juit, JOU git Some tne benefitted Boys' Overcoats 35c¢., 3 for $1.00 $2.50 ng ne that causes every| si; work of the volunteers in King- There are various ways of apply- | freedom when they merely yearn 10g 1, 00r and beholder of its fortunes xtra value. ® a ee . The soldi t in the" d t 1 . gwat the rich. = ston soldiers put.in ay-6t| ing massage, stroking, rubbing, $6.75, $8.50; $9.50, Boys' Suits Boys' Sweaters 12. on the field to be overcome With en-| grill, meals and recreation, and are | thusiasm and to join in the old| growing healthy at their duties. kasaging a Sore 3 $9.50, $12.50 $1.00, $1 45 $1 95 . . f » Poor bachelors. They have mno- : body to blame for their inability to Gaelic ory that:has heen its slogan ---------- ways to remember. ' since the famous Queen's spirit was That is that every movement got ahead in life. evident in the Kingston university. should be made in the direction of ------------------ . The most expensive way to buy WHY THE WEATHER? the at, ehieken is to run over it while the WHAT WE NEED. - Because the velms and that other farmer is looking. = As the date of the annual mun- wn. CHARLES £. BROOKS system, the lymphatics, require all : een. *. |lcipal elections closely approaches, Secretary. AmeriShs Metesroiegion] the help possible to bring their J Bven modern novels have a littlé | we are reminded that there are] i . int contents to the heart. The arteries Bit of action detween stretches "of | many things we need in Kingston, that carry the blood away do not mom p-- ---- -------- x = o ------ = - pe . a 'ehdracter analysis. but that a few are vital and out-| Apter An Autism Hintus, ami 20 this help. standing above all others. autumn tropical cyclones are over, a Jun le regular exercise, : Sage. Genuine Scranton Stove Stil], you can't estimate ® man's! we need stability-- the will] there is a period that is sometimes; jy yoy are unable to take exer- Gen oe righteousness by the number off power to determine what is right| pleasantly fair but uncomfortably Pea > \ cise then massage will exercise your Split reves $8. Stage that shock him. and a determination to see that| dry over a large region. This is the 1o4y, and by giving It that much mo- Virginia Pocahontas Smokies « Smmp-- only that which is right prevails. transition season that comes before| yon will thereby give it just that : Washed Nut ..........511.00 Tell her that she gets better look- : the winter type of rains and snows 1 o" We need a spirit of unantmity-- | 0," a ng carte of the country, much more Lit EGE ovoveecs sooner S1800 every timo you see her and she), Jpiiity and willingness to agree : : . js you to see her often. HE Thos bt er} however. may. be Yooded by sesfeq Come in and choose your gifts now and & of storms concentrated on more oT w . 3 : ter it and got it. less the same track. have them laid aside until required. OPIOR AND We need aggressivencss -- for| While the early storms and at-|} KINGSTON IN 1884 FRENCH IVORY Phone et 2 ov rok 8. Never ask a girl what she fs ' about. Thers are enough | _.. =... oor hssiveness, indolence [tondant rains were too copious on ; the ndrth Pacific coast, easte . . bg . a and stagation wil be our lot. | 48 ENC FC, Secking during still reigns the favorite in Toilet Articles and § == triotic people, always We need loyalty--for without : b == pe i oar BAT we Will he sariching come) lie OUIOLer 50 oly ey our stock is larger and more beautiful than JUST R AISINS in the world already. with a zeal to save the coun- North Pacific "lows": consistently Diumination. - Pay 3 y from one another. mercial interests at distant polats| ran towards Hudson Bay instead of TT ever. We are daily receiving shipments of this : and impoverishing our people at| across the eastern United States. A iful war ost of those Who would abolish | Home. . barrier of high pressure cut off the beautiful NEW SEEDED RAISINS. a Kingston 1 punishment would provide| Some communities thrive and moist winds from the Gulf of Mexl- i 4 NEW SEEDLESS RAISINS, : . Also French Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Com NEV SUNDLISS R Alay t for capital. grow because of their natural ad- > pacts and Soaps--all attractively boxed. | NEW VALENCIA RAISINS. NEW MUSCATED RAISING, DR. A. P. CHOWN [I "™ 500ens co. PHONES 20 and 990, tl vantages. Others are made only be thinks he is sighing for | through the doxged energy and pér- ray d girl, he is sighing severance of their citizenship. s vanished youth. Ours will be what we make it, a . and we should, make it all that we of ric lighted handbags are be- | © 2 . 7 : , even though the contents | mut ! eee 'best be kept dark. : : COMES. | : ! together Ce ---------- : sn eae. giEid grrr ed fgg ors ma ris dons an Gh I ios is whom Evening Slipper thers under thelr thumbs, eral and Kingstonians in yastieulas o | \d forest re | jon bo vening - ippers SL -- Las a thelr thomghts, if not thelr} now and °o other . SS sais crs , oe ne Gulf ot le ad | Sut Te chy sin SEE THEM IN aan as bovaes PATENT, KID, SUEDE AND SATIN $4.00 to $10.00

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