THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ¢ A mre > ee eer Set, SP 3 ARNAMEEREINEE ' ® a ALL ABOARD Kingston's Big Musical Extravaganza 200 People. All Local Amateur Talent. Grand Opera House, Nov. 10-11-12 With Matinee On November 10th AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions {TOM MIX IN NEW ZANE GREY FILM At the Capitol Theatre Starting To- | Morrow, { The millions who have read Zane Grey's thrilling novel, "The Last of | the Duanes,{ should welcome th {screen version starring Tom Mix, | which opens a three days' run at the {Capitol Theatre starting to-morrow. Those who have not had the pleas- {ure of readimg the book should take | the opportunity the film offers to get la true glimpse of Texas ig the oid | days. "The Last of the Duames " | showing the passing of the last fromt- Iter, fits Mix like a glove, for Tom is Under auspices of the Rotary Club of Kingston | the typical frontier type. Buck Douane appears to be a {rather timid young man when the picture opens. Seams as though ev- erybody else has nciches ca his gun Proceeds for work on be- half of crippled and underprivileged children. Tuneful Songs A wealth of Costumes, and Terpischorean Kingston will take part. Get "On Board" now for a sail on the Sea of Laughter. PRICES: 75¢., $1.00, $1.50. Gallery 25¢ PLAX NOW OPE NOW SHOWING James Oliver Curwood's "{ Blazing Barriers With an ampzing cast ALD.C.C.NASH Mayor, 1925 He will endeavor to keep down taxes, as he is a heavy taxpayer him- self and was a member of Finance Committee which reduced the rate | Frontenac France on Oct. 28th, 1917, does not Dumber of steamers, including the tablet Eugene Roberts, Clinton amd Saska- erected by the county council in the toon, have taken shelter in Kings- Music, Fun and Frolic. N AT BOX OFFICE and callouscs on his knuckles. But Buck doesn't fight. Bven at a dance, he permits a range bully to gel away with everything, imcluding the girl Bu: Buck has promised his mother he won't fight. She lost her husband that way after he had cut a dozen notches in the hemdle of his Colt. She {doesn't want her son to grow the Rose Bud Chorus, Delights. Some of the best talent in , Get your tickets now. pEEEERINENEREERANERNNONE erry A NAME OMITTED. From Frontenac Tablet Giving! Those Who Paid Supreme Sacrifice, | A resident of Cloyne writes the | name of township, | which has been blowing on the lake fell Whig. to enquire why the Thomas Perry, Barrie county, who appéar on the memorial court house. J. W. Bradshaw, when asked about the matter, od that when the roll of honor being prepared the reeves of different townships, were asked to submit the names of those Who | made the supreme sacrifice. After | The Polling Places Aud Returning this information was obtained, the 1st of the names that would appear | on the tablet were printed in both of the Kingston papers for a num- the suggestion that {f there were any omissions the committee in charge would like very mach to receive additional ber of days, with names. er ---------------------- Canadian's Song Features Service. county clerk, same way. But right there you kmow o [that with Tom Mix cast as Buck Duane, something has to happen. It does. Buck has irherited his father's lightning hand and sure eye When the smoke clears away 2Zuck rifles into the outlaw country until the trouble blows over. There he mests again the little girl who had driven through the Duane rdnch some months earlier. Jemmy, the girl, now is a captive on the ranch of a bandit leader. Buck rescues her and finds hiimizelf in love. A series of thrilling incidemts im- cluding a desperate baitle by Tom aga'nst bandits, a kidnapping, the escape amd pursuit, particularly the activiti~y of the etar, crowd one mna- other with almost bewildering repid- "ty. Tom's /horsemeanship™ on the sv. oufly, eurefocted Tony will awaken a fine enthusiasm. It would not do ot spoll the sur- price at the end of the picture by re- lating it here. But, like a rainbow after a storm, this film sends a brilli- ant ray across the emtertinment hord- gon. Marfan Nixon as the leading lady for Tom Mix is a bit of sun- shine by herself. AT QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY By Our Student Correspondent. The regular meeting of the Men's Debating Union on Tuesday night heard an instructive address on "The Nature of Proof" by Dr. W. E. Mc- Neill. At the same meeting a stu- ' dents' mock parliament was organiz- | ed. | Two students, a final year science { man and a fourth year medical, un- | dertook to walk to Ottawa to spend the week-end. On the way there they were assisted much by auto- | fats but they walked the most of the | distance back, leaving Ottawa about ; 8.30 Monday morning and reaching | Kingston in the evening. { 'Target practice for the O.T.C. is to be held twice a week, on Tues- | day and Friday afternoons, begin- § ning next Friday on the top floor of the old Arts building. | IN MARINE CIROLES | STRAND HAS OURWOOD'S "BLAZING BARRIERS" James Oliver Curwood's greatest wbory, "Blaz'mg Barniers," opens at the Strand Theatre to-day. A thril- ling story such as only this great author could pem, portrayed by an amazing cast head by Lew Cody, such is "Blazing Barriems." Don't miss it. -------------------------------- On account of the heavy wind in [during the past couple of days, a {ton harbor. The steamer Yorkminster arrived stat- from Oswego with a cargo of coal was [for the Sowands Company. Judges From Frontenac. the : Three young from the county MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. ot Frontenac willfbeseieoted to £0 to Bi Montreal 1 Officers Decided Upon. {| At the meeting of the eity coun- ' ¢il held on Tuesday night, a by-law was passed for the polling places at the municipal election on December | 1st, with the returning officérs for reach polling subdivision. The fol- 1 lowing is the dist: | Sydenham No. 1--James Shaw, 57 King street. Sydenham No. 2--C. R. McLeod, Toronto to take part-in the judging at the Royal Agriculture Winter fair which opens next week. The judging will commence on Monday, and the Frontenac team will likely go up on Sunday. ~ The following names have been submitted to the dépantment, und it is not yet known which three will go: James Hendersom, James McLean, Edward Rielly, Clifford Barr, Harvey McDonald and, Leslie Moreland. Last year thirty-three counbdles were represented in teams of three young men selected from ee ||ISTOCK MARKETS (Reported by Johnston & Ward | §6 Princess street, members of the and Toronto Stock Ex | changes). i ---- { New York. ! Nov. 12th, 1.30 p.m | Amer. . Amer. Can Baldwin Loco. B.& O. .. 1l¢ Loco. Crudible {C.P.R. A {Corn Products . . California Pete. . {Cuban Cane S | General Asphalt { Marina, pfd. ... | Mach otors | Marland Gil "en {Imperial C1 ... ... 1 | Internaional Nic NE | Kelly 'Spdmighield {New Haven ... INY.C. { Pacific Ofl ha Pan. Amer. Pete. "B" | Products & Refiners . | Prerce Petroleum ... 6 Sou. Pac. | Sou. Ry. iSmelalr Of ... ... +4 | Standard Ol of Calif. | Standard Ofl of N.J. | Studebaker | Texas Oil {Unicn Pacific U8. Steel | Wabash we Rock Isftamd ... % 0 Ot 0 2 ut Montreal. , Nov. 12th, 1.30 p.m. | Abdtibi Power . .. 56 RABDEBENOB i. ant av vis xe 30% Atlantic Sugar ... 13 Bel Telephone 373% Brazil fae 53% h Empire Steel, 1st pfd. iuish Empire Steel, 2nd pfd: in, Converters ... ... ... Cement, com. , .. Cement, pfd. ... ... Cuban Can. Sugar, com. Cuban Can. Sugar, pid. 29 8% 79% 87% 105 Dom, Textile ... Detroit United wy mie Industrial Alcohol ... ... «. Laurentide ... ..« «.. Montreal Power Mackay ... Savitaa. Neidonal Breweries, com. ... Ogilvie . Ottawa Power . . Price Bros. Quebec Power Spanish River, com. . Spanish River, pfd. ... Smelters CER, Shawinigan ... Stecl of Canada Toronto Rails ... Twin Cy : Wayagamack ... 7.3 36% Additional Evidence. Provincial Constable Maclachlan, of Kingston, was called to make an investigation into the Bender case at Parham and it is understood that additional evidence will be given at the inquest which will be held on Friday afternoon. "They travel fastest who travel alone," may once have been true; but now the fast ones are the mar- 28% | | | j. SPORT | K.C.I. Was Defeated. As a result of their 13-3 victory over Kingston C. I. in the Interscho- lastic O.R.F.U. game at Riverside Park on Monday the Peterboro Col- legiate team will have an eight- | point lead to work on in the second | Queen's team had so much to game of 'the series in Kingston, on Saturday. Bouquets Don't Tempt Queen's. Toronto Star: Perhaps the be | thankful for they did not feel dis- | posed i { | { | mediate Intercoliegiate rugby union | 4 | mence. { is hopeful of holding the lead | returning to Kingston with thas In- + | tercolleglate honors. The team came | out of the game eat until Thanksgiving Day, following their victory over Varsity at the stadium on Saturday. 1 Queen's Athletic Board Meets. to i A meeting of the Queen's Athle- | | tic Board of Control has been called | , | tor Wednesday afternoon when i | matter of the Queen's-Tiger game: the will be cousidersd, It Is almost certain, that Queen's will decide to . | play the game. Queen's IL Vs. St. Michae's. . Queen's intermediate rugby will go to Toronto on Sunday next | for the purpose of playing the re- turn game of the finals of the Inter- with St. Michaels on Monday after- noon at the Varsity stadium, The Queen's team is going te Toronto with a margin of eleven points, and and on Monday last without any injuries, and should go to Toronto in the pink of condition The Jock Harty Arena. Although no official date for the cpening of the new Jock Harty arena las heen announced, the con- | tractors state that the building will be completed and ready for the opening the first week in December, The men engaged in putting the ar- tificial ice plant in ghape have more than half of the nine miles of pipe | in place, and hope that this work | will be completed by the end of the week. Then the testing process, which will take one week, will com- The plastering is nearly all finished, and carpenters are busy putting the dressing rooms in shape. After the testing, the carpenters will finish the wood work around the | jce surface. The British Columbia lumber which will bb used for this purpose, has arrived and will o/ly require a couple of days to put in place. COST DETROIT PENNANT, So Cobb Says Over Failure of South- paw Joe Pate, Veteran Texas League Star, to Join Tygers. (By NEA Service.) Fort Worth, Tex., Nov. 12--"U| you hadn't acted so pull-headed and refused to join my club, Detroit | team | | Pub | All club furniture including plana 1 . cutlery, glass, several goo rugs pictures Kitchen equipment, etcy at Country Club, near Barriefield, od Thursday, 18th November, at 11 am. "AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITUR | At 241, Corner of Thomas and Patrick Streets, Thursday, Nov. 13th, 1 o'clock | | 7 piece parlor suite, cor. cabinet, din- | ing room table, 6 leather seated chairs; pable, walnut; 1 round table wy: 1 sewing machine, 1 cheat cal stove, heaters. Kkitohe mirror, bed, spring an stands, rugs, drapes; r ng utensils, garden tools; and a host of other articles. : Terms: Cash. | I centre MUNRO, Auctioneer. | Phone 2121J. Miss Muriel MacLeod A.C.OM, AT.CM, TEACHER OF Voice, Piano and Guitar 33¢ JOHNSON STREET | rar Ladies' Sweaters Ladies' heavy Brush Woel Swenters~-reguiar price SALE PRICE 38.85 & THE SURPRISE STORE 352 Princess Street, Phone 14 We sell for cidh or easy weekly payments rn ii ta a. at Sa rN Go to Ward & Hamilton DRUGGISTS, AND GET A $1 bottle of Dr. Mells' Nervine Tonic for 50¢. 11 does the work. Now on sale. | a i vl KINGSTON MEAT STORE The New Down Town Meat and Provision Store 133 BROCK ST. Next to Boya's Garage 'Phone 10€4 { THURSDAY SPECIALS: Centre cuts, any weight cut. Hamburg Steak (fresh made) Péerless Shortening ..10¢. 1b. Fresh Whey Butter ... 83¢ Ib, Beef Tripe ... 10c. 1b, Belleville Creamery .. 88c. Ib, We deliver to all parts of the city. VEER ECANENERE a A re 7 i et A No doubt George Sisler would listen to a trade that would give him How. ard Ehmke. It is doubtful it he would be interested in any one on the Red Sox club. Several other American League clubs no doubt will try to outbid Hoston if Shocker Is placed on the matket. EEEEECENENEECENNOECERENRER. GREYHOUNDS MAY SEEK MEMBERSHIP IN O.H.A. Sault Ste. Marie, Nov. 12. --It 18 understood that at the N.O.H.Av meeting at North Bay on Nov. 16th, Port Arthur and Fort William will have a representative present to di cuss the matter of forming a leagu 2 One of the most thrilling teatures | corner Division and Union streets. of the Armistice Day service in Sydenham No. 8--Jeft Lovitt, J. each. : ne front of the Toronto city hall on Brophy's House, 50 Wellington pif : a -- @ | Tuesday was the singing of an an- street. " Saputs Maden; Erench war time STERLI! IG R EIC them, "There is No Déath," by the Ontario No. 4 (a)--R. Hasleton, ace" who shot down more . than choir of Royce Avenue Presbyterian Committee Room, city bulldings. sixty German planes, was killed Church, and peculiar interest was Ontario No. 5--W. G. Forster, nesday at the hour of the armis- EXCLUSIVE « ES ried ones. The fur-bordered tunic is f&dtured on satin gowns and evening models of the most filmy fabrics." Blue sky and an apple tree are beautiful, but they don't serve to protect farm tools from the weather, composed of the lake-head ¢ith Sault Ste. Marie and Sudbury, Suet a group was decided upon two years ago, but when all was ready th lake-head teams jumped to the Man: toba League. : It is felt here that the lakened looks upon the Soo as a drawl this year. 130 Johnson street. tice, while looping the loop fent to it because the music Was Ontario No. 6---G. J. Kirkpatrick, composed by a Canadian, Geoftrey JOE PATE, LAMPS STONE aT, SOUTH, GANANOQUE O'Hara, who first gained fon. Alderman's Denial. Montreal, Nov. 12.--Denial he had ever received a registred letter backing up William C. Rad- ley's complaint that a Montreal con- stable was trifiing with his daugh ter's affections, was made by Alger- man J. A. Brodeur, chairman of the executive committee of 'the city of Montreal, this morning on the wit- ness stand at the police investiga- tion. Euchre at Catholic Assembly Hall Friday, Nov 14th, Girl's Club. fame through his "K-K-Katy" and other ditties that were popular with the goldier boys whom he led in song. The spirit of "There is No Death" Mwas peculiarly fitting to the occas- that! 34 Upper William street. St. Lawrence No. 7 (a)--A, W. Dunlop, 345 King street. St. Lawrence No. 7 (b)--Stanley1 Hall, 345 King street. St. Lawrence No. 8 (a)--A. BE. Hunt, Sr., 293 Princess street. St. Lawrence No. 8 (b)--A. E. Hunt, Jr., 298 Princéis street, St. Lawrence No. § (a)--R. win, 380 Barrie street. | St. Lawrence No. 9 (b)--James Ferris, 380 Barrie street. Cataraqui No. 10---Adex Carey, 238 Wellington street. Cataraqul No. 11 -- William | Woods, 59 Bay street. Ostaraqui No. 12---John Handley, 266 Montreal street. Frontenac No. 13.--John Pollle, 137 Bay street. Frontenac No. 14--R. Cowie, John street. Frontense, No. 15 Ir- Bs (a)--Earl Richards, 75 Pine street. Frontenac No. 15 (b)--Morgan Shaw, 37 Pine street. Frontenac No. 16 -- Thomas Boyne, 414 Montreal street. Rideau No. 17 (a)--W. G. Saund- ers, 270 Division street. Ridean No. 17 (b)--R. MeCork- | ell, 270 Division street. 2 Rideau No. 18 (4)--0. Cornelius, 627 Princess stree Rideau 'son. He | declare | would be playing New York, in place of Washington." It was Tyrus Raymond Cobb, man- ager of the Detroit Tygers, address. ing Joe Pate, veteran southpaw star of the Fort Worth Panthers, five- time Texas League champions, who recently beat Memphis for the Dixie title. Pate #7as bought by Detroit from Fort Worth early in the 1924 season, but Joe refused to join the Cobblers. "My battery business here needs me and I'll stay with the Panthers," Pate told the management of the local club. Recently, Pate and Clarence Kraft, minor léague homerun king and 'star first baseman of the Fort Worth team, who knocked 55 four- baggers during the 1924 campaign, attended the world series. And Cobb didn't overlook the op-| portunity to tell Pate about it. Joe won 30 games in the season just closed and starred in the Dixie series with two victories and a tle, He has been pitching for Fort Worth for seven years and has not won less than 26 games in any one season. ------ CLUBS ANXIOUS TO TRADE FOR PITOYER SHOCKER. St. 'Louis, Nov. 13.--Urban 8hock- er, generally considered the smart- est pitcher in the American League, is said to be on the market. ¢ Report has it that the St. Louis Browns would listen to any trade talk that would glve that club any- thing like a fifty-Aifty break. Shocker, it will be remembered, 414 pot sign with the Browns until Just before the opening of- the sea d asked Judge Landis to Ma free agent, becaus: hs bad been heavily fined for insisting on taking his wifé on Bn efstern trip of the club. ¥ No doubt Shocker did not nave 1 nis Beart in Bis work last yes be troy of ble. The season': record would make it seem that way. _, Shocker, it play for his old manager, Lee Foul. is said, would like to | card through its prestige as Alla lecupholders, and a grouping with thi pi. Soo would boost the gates. Hows ever, any advance along the line of a grouping as suggested would have to come from the lake-head: 1t is possible if there is diffic in securing a fairly strong group the North that the Soo will app tor membership in the O.H.A, ei | WHO'S FASTEST STROKE, MAKER ON GOLF 1X Boston, Nov. 12.--Cyril A Wal { open golf champion, is gener | classified as the slowest golfer in world. 3 The title of fastest golfer is | dispute. Many claim George Duncan | England is the quickest shot- in the game. Duncan wastes 50 {on wiggles or waggles. His p dure consizts in stepping up to ¢ ball and swatting it pronto. : {© Jess Sweetser, former & [ champion, Is one of the fastest | ing stars in this country. : i J. Woody Platt, the Philadel ! amateur, is another speed n on the links. ; | © canadian Pacific Raflway eah ings for the werk ending Nove ber 7th, 1924: $4,507,000.00; y creare $890,000.00. 'Two young school teachers "killed when tae'r auto Was sted {bya Lofig Island railroad train g Howlett, X.Y. : z i lssssasasrerssse 'le [2 BUBONIC PLAGUE =e CAUSES 4,000 DEN Rg -- ; '& Secunderabad, India, Xi @ 12.~An epidemic 61 bubg "4 wingie, whith has already ¢ 14 €1 tour thougand deitha, [#4 broken oul inthe native du {® tor of Trimalglif, near ht Ee [#4 Oma of (ie vidtiins was a Erk @ #0 tish soldier Be les svete s000s0e