THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG m-- NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS BAKER'S COCOA 3 is better because it is made of better beans by a better process and has a better flavor than other oct % Mus. Doc. | Teacher of Voice Produc- tion after the most Ap- I proved European Methods | Specializes In. coaching ad- vanced students for Concert and church work snd interpretation. For particulars and terms apply: STUDIO: C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED. | small eup of | beaten eggs, two sweet milk, one and one-half cups + of walnut meats Operatic, |i "Florist Wedding Bouquets, Funeral De- signs, Cut Flowers, Potted Plants Cor, Brock and Wellington Streets Member F.T.D, Phones: Office 770. Residence 2603w, H. STONE, Manager BUY ADVERTISED GOODS Best, Safest, Cheapest v CADILLAC TOMORROW'S MENU Breakfast Oranges Cereal Wholewheat Griddlecakes Strup - 7° Coffee Lancheon Celery Corned Beef Hash Pickles Wholewheat Bread Cookies Cocoa Jelly Dinner Clear Soup Spanish Omelet Sweet Potatoes Lettuce Salad Raisin Ple Beets Coffee Requested Scotch Recipes. The following recipes were given men by a wonderful Scotch house- keeper. 1 publish them as copied from her cook-book:, Scotch Scones: "Sift together six teaspoons of sugar (granulated), two teaspoons of baking powder, two cups of bread flour and one-half teaspoon of salt; work into this with the fingers, two tablespoons of but- ter or lard, then add ome cup of milk mixed with one egg. Handle as' lightly as possible while rolling out and cutting. Bake ona griddle over a slow fire, or put in the oven for about 20 minutes." 2 Scotch Rocks: Cream ome and one-half cups of sugar with one butter; add three tablespoons of of chopped raisins, three cups of flour sifted with one teaspoon of soda and a pinch of salt (this dough must be very stiff) and one pound chopped finely. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto a greased pan about two inches apart. Leave their surface rough. Bake eigat minutes in a hot oven. Scotch Oat Cakes: In one cup of lukewarm water dissolve one-half teaspoon of sugar and one-third tea- spoon of salt. Put this into a mix- The Business of Being a Wife iy BY CYNTHIA GREY. After you have successfully married a man it's your job to make him happy. And if you don't succeed in doing that you fail just as a man fails in his bu- siness career. For a happy marriage just doesn't happen. It's made up of well-cooked meals and mended socks and sympa- thy and love and understanding and a few little incidentals like those. And your job'is to provide them. There is no "vamp" in the world to compare with the comfortable woman who puts the buttons in her lord's clean shirt every morning and keeps a corner of the living-room sacred to his old easy-chair, his ash-tray and his favorite magazines. The wife who be- lieves with Beatrice Forbes-Robertson Hale that two hours a day is all any woman needs to spend doing her housework will never have the kind of home that looks better to her husband than the club, the pool-room or the golf links. But that doesn't mean that there's not another side to life and marriage. There's the romantic side that really is the heart and soul of the institution. And if you want to keep that as it should be you have got to keep your- self the attractive woman your hus- band first fell in love with. You can't slump. For no man remains long in lave with a woman who is physically shab- by: If you have let your husband see you with" your hair uncombed, your face shining with ¢ald cream and your body swathed in a soiled kimono, you may depend upon it that you are no longer the woman of his dreams that you opce were--no matter what he may say to the contrary. And if you are letting your brain get into sloppy negligee hgbits you are making the mistake of your Men admire no one so much as they do a talker. When Lady Astor was last in this country, her audiences were largely men. To hold your husband's interest interest you must make yourself en- tertaining. Do you? For one thing, do y read the daily newspapers? Your husband does of course, and he knows what's happening in the world. If you don't, it scores against you in this marriage kihow who Walter nd how many ales' horse has times more interes { Kirkman in care of the times the | ing bowl and, add three tablespoons of pork fat (melted) and enough Scotch oatmeal to make a firm dough. Mix with the hand and gqueeze to put the mixture together, then divide in fourths, roll out thin, and cut in squares. Cook on a hot; greased griddle till done on one side, then turn to brown other side Shortbread: Rub together with {he hands four cups of flour (pastry flour preferred), two cups of butter, three-quarters of a cup of powder- ed gugar and one-fourth teaspoon of ground nut-meg. Pack the mixture one-half inch deep in shallow pans lined with oiled paper and bake for 20 minutes, or till done through and browned, in a moderate oven. Just pefore it is done, cut In squares. (Note: To make bread flour more like pastry flour add two t2blespoons of dry cornstarch flour to. each cup of flour). Currant' Buns: To one pound of pread dough add one-fourth pound of soft lard, one pound of currants, one pound of raisins, one-fourth pound of dried, finely chopped or- ange peel, one-fourth pound of chop- ped almonds, one-half pound of su- gar, one-half teaspoon of ¢araway seed, one-half teaspoon of ground ginger, and one-teaspoon of cinna- mon. Put this in greased cup-cake pans, press into shape, and bake for 40 minutes in a slow oven, possibly longer." \ Tomorrow -- Glued-Ribbon ticles. Ar- All Inquirfes adaressed to Nise vAicient Housekeeping" department will he answered in these columns in thelr turn. This requiras ccusider: ble «ime, however, owing to the graat aumber recsived. So if a persondl or au'cker reply is desired, a stamp- sd and self-addressed envelops must ne enclosed with the question. Pe sure to us, YOUR ful! name, street aumber, and the names of your city and state. --~The Edito.. about the courage of husbands as a whole? They go out every day to do work not half so interesting as your own varied task of housekeeping. You're in your own house, where you can keep your own hours, where you're free to stop any time for a tele- phone chat with Margie, for a stroll in, the park with the B inee. s Your husband probably has a "boss," and works under the strain of constant competition besides. Men's positions are far from being the sin- ecures we women imagine them to be. No man can go out in the morning and do his best work whose wife has just shown him a great sheaf of bills that can't be paid for months or who has cried because he can't afford to by her the new mandarin dress she craves. He is handicapped from the start. The woman who is doing everything in her_power to make her home a har- bor of peace and comfort, the one who sends her husband out to the daily battle freshened in body and spirit, is the only one who is horiestly keeping her part of the marriage contract. It's a woman-size job, this wife business. eauty A Gleamy Mass of Hair 35¢ "Danderine" does Wonders * for Any Girl's Hair ~ --- aby, or a mat- There is something wonderfully inion Linoleum floors. They look beautifully with furnishings rm the dullest rooms; make and home-like and blend and hangings. They SE the whole house colorful and cosy, Dominion Linoleum # attractive" about Dom- so bright and cheerful warm and friendly. You can have this flooring comfort at surprisingly little cost. Decide on the rooms that need improving; then select the necessary Dominion Linoleum from the wide range of attractive designs and colorings. Then you'll not only have beautiful floors, but amazingly prac- tical floors, too. You have no idea how easy it is to clean Dominion Lino- leum. No tiresome beating or sweeping. Just a few mop or brush strokes instead and it's bright and fresh, as edge when buying and look for the burlap back. Itis guar antee of long end satisfactory wear. ever. Dominion Linoleum is firm, smooth and non-absor- bent. Spilled liquids or grease cannot hurt it; it repels dirt and germs -- features that where kiddies play. -- particularly welcome ~~ 4 are -y Dominion Linoleum costs little to buy and is easy to lay. It wears well and looks well for years and years. leum and lie flat on the all the popular sizes. Dominion Linoleum Rugs You will like Dominion Linoleum Rugs, too. They have all the beauty and practical advantages of Dominion Lino- floor without tacking. Made in At House Furnishing, Departmental and General Stores THE. STORE THAT SETS THE PACE JOSEPH ABRAMSKY & SONS LIMITED . Largest assortment of Dominion Linoleum Rugs in the City. WOMEN OF PARIS OBJECT TO MODES Paris, Nov. 6--~Winter styles are here, and with them has come a bitter fashion controversy. The "hat ques- tion" has arisen between the millin- ers on the one side and their custo- mers on the other. "Is the 1923-25 win- ter hat to be the tall Directorie crown and upturned brim, or the little cloche with fitted dome-crown?" The milliners have replied, it shall be the Directorie, and refuse to make any other kind. Paris women have ve- hemently objected, and the result has been that a surprisingly large number of straw hats continues to be worn, and the time honored custom of donn- ing velvet hats on the first day of September has been broken. At the opening of the fall racin, it was no! ell with velvet hats. one of the most women son for her e to adopt the This probably sums up «It makes me look 66 y fashionable d trimming at the side 'or directly in 1 | See Us When In Need Of Lamps The next few weeks will decide whe- | ji front, but the round crowns, what few there are to be seen, carry their orna- mentation on the top. ther it is to be "the Directorie" or "the cloche" hat. Some stubborn wo- men say they can wear their straw hats until next spring.® It remains to be seen whether the milliners can carry their stocks of velvet hats all through the winter. ---------- A black satin gown is given an unusual treatment by the addition of a collar with long ties of white We are distributors for EDISON MAZDA LAMPS HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. PHONE 94. CORNER KING AND ds ore. Es Mr --NN--N--------_ ME Evening Slippers SMART DRESSY SHOES = _ SEETHEM IN "PATENT, KID, SUEDE AND ior SATIN ° $4.00 to $10.00 fore =~ fo wis