THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG p---- mmm THE BRITISH WHIG A HOME-MADE BEAUTY. be consumed after a series of hard It takes a trifie over fifty years |chores out of doors, and it should | for a race or a mation to slough off | never be met by any but a razor- any given idea, however innaccurate edged appetite. If these directions or fnappropriate to present circum- | are followed mince ple will lie eas stances, that it has once definitely (ily in the old frame. ' p put on as part of its intellectual ap- However, the inquirer is correct f parel. The English-speaking world in questioning the qualifications of 0 put on in the mid-Victorian period, | 2 middle-aged man already full of] mainly through the efforts of John |food aad of poor digestion. Under Ruskin, the idea that machinery, and | BO circumstances should he tangle » BIBBY'S The Shop of Smarter Things for Men and Young Men and Boys » \J especially steam machinery, d| with a robust old-fashioned hot O \ ercoats above all self-moving steam machin- mince-ple, save after an acknow- James Ww. Barton, M.D, ery which ran around the lovely ledgment that he does so at his own The Sergeant Cook. me rural world emitting clouds of coal | risk. During the war I got acquainted vi 1 JTRRE Ite smoke, was in itself and in all efr- : with the sergeant in charge of the that cloak you with style and quality. Here he Hi 4 aioe uty "and we ave] ~ CREDIT AND BUSINESS food supplies and cooking of a very you'll see a lot of very rich and rare Overcoat LR a . . : og innovations--uncommon fabrics from Eng- lish, Irish and Scotch looms--distinctive pat- terns in all the new colors--masterly tailoring. scarcely sloughed off the'idea at the Modern business is based in grea: | large military bospital. He secured - end of the first quarter of the suc- | Part upon credit. Big business and | IS supplies from the army sorr'se - » 3 All the fashionably prescribed models of the season. At each price the value-giving is A i anshes corps, and they were of the same [JAY | ceeding century. And it is an en- small business and all Franches of quantity per man, and quality, as the more than ordinarily liberal. United States ugly. From the ugly steam engine the public also reaps rich benefits He arranged his meals a full week » ) in its infanoy Ruskin argued that the from liberal credit. Automobiles, | ahead varying the menu in every \ out well balanced menus and the front. ' In those mighty monsters is No greater insult can be heaped pumber of calories per day of each pl - \} [SES pes Sp ET productions of a science in its in- fancy; and insofar as they were in- efficient they were necessarily ugly. rials to the ultimate consumer. Jub Department ,.ocevcoevses SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Daily Kditiom) . tirely wrong idea. pusinsas are conducted on a sradit other hospitals. But there was. a bitshed Daily and semi-Weekly by To do John Ruskin justice, it has | basis. It therefore follows thal mor abroad that he secured-more a MRITISH WHIG PUALISHING | ¢, be admitted that the locomotive | When credit fails business will fail. | gpg better euplies, because men 2 | Ome year, by cash ..... 9.50, 35 One year, to United States ,. steam engine would be ugly in its | fine furniture, good clothing, radios,| conceivable way, and endeavoring to OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES: prime. He was quite wrong. pianos, phonographs and many other | take into account the season of the $ » aa. John. St. oatrsall we wish that Ruskin, mot as he quasi-luxuries are possible for most | year. ; "a to would 'be now if he had gone on people only through credit. In addition to this he wou x : ; Letters to the Editor are published up the same kind of food three or x & s ©0., LIMITED, KINGSTON, ONT. engines of his day were very awk-| It is no business secret that the | and patients of one institution will, "iy ves the actual mame of the living to an appalling age, or even as If the credit method of merchan-| , .. gigerent ways, so that the bh 2; Camphell .... Presiden. | 0 efctent, childish affairs, the | chain of credit extends all the way | talk to men and patients of a similar down from the sourse of raw mate- institution, Now as a matter of fact, as I sald Everybody uses credit. The manu- above, his supplies were identically An article which has a useful pur- | facturer, the merchant, the farmer, as dternce? pose and does not perform that pur- the customer, all are borrowers. Because he a. ctually looked upon pose about as well and economically |. Business benefits from credit, of{,,. work as an art, and himself as he was after forty-five, with his|dizing is to endure those who Te-| n tients were being continuously is ane. othe best Job |sirong feelings already crystallizing ceive the benefit from it must fulfill | tampted to eat the regular hospital w= | into prejudices, but a young Ruskin thelr contracts. That this has been | meals, and were out of hospital The circulation of THE BRITISH | | with an eye for power and beauty done is evident from the fact that|gooner, and the "help" sat down and WHIG ts authentienied by the and with an open mind, could see the great majority of people buy on | ate their "rations" without the sign the superb autif credit pay their debts promptly. of a kick. Audit Bureau of Circulations are upuy a Haat A cardinal virtue of the average Now there Is no question but that HE ris. of the Locomotive Com] Ta% is the honesty he exhibits in| oUF dietitians have taught us a great as it can be performed is always | COUTse, or it would not grant it; but| an artist. food. hey have figured pany down on the Kingston water- his relations with his fellowman, | 3681 about foo They 8 These we claim to be the best Overcoat values in Canada at the prices. ' : The very newest in New Tuxedo It may be that the trouble at the Tower of Babel was static. to ends which is of the very essence "deadbeat. necessary vitamins to ensure the all Most of the people who obstruct progress habitually hope for the best. : d-------- If he goes to bed before midnight, be has had. his radio set for some of beauty. 'We believe that Ruskin would have liked them. His friend Turner Hked, and managed to put into an oil painting, even the very mild sense of power and control and direction that was imparted by the a perfection of adaptation of means upon him than to brand him a of the food stuffs, along with the S . Tenth Anniversary round diet necessary to health. This to them is thelr art, their profes- sion, and they are deservedly proud of their accomplishments, But as I think of my friend, the uts Three pieces New Wool Taffeta Shirts, $2.95 New Supercord tme, f locomotives of the mid-century; what would he have said of these splendid glants with their massed battery of eight driving wheels, their Of th Gr Ww sergeant cook, and remember that e eat ar he took what was supplied him, pre- pared meals that were a delight to 4 | 'the eye, and enticed sick people to November 6th, 1914. eat, I can't help but think that his The Germans are bound to reach '"'art" Is just as important as that of long rader body, their hardly notice- the coast, but the battle line in the | the dietitian, p-------------- Primitive man: An appetite and a | able stack, their tender which is] M0rth is reported to remain without Because the big factor underneath any gains by the enemy. The French | all this is, that if you can make the ms : ? Jaasit, Modern man: 4 rout and NE SeTis resort to bayonet charge to press the | hunger julces--in mouth and stom- ' s i mn 3 Germans back in the Argonne dis-|ach--flow, by the appearance and smd ve will pass out of history as the | trict. The Germans subject Arras | tastiness of the food, you have gone Painting the kitchen yourself is | stage coach (itself not very lovely |to violent bombardment, but fail to|a Jong way in getting people well. cheaper, if the paint is the color of | except for its horses) has passed out, | dislodge the Alles. Variety of food, and attractive- ~your pants. ; , | and yield place to some other kind| Germans right smashed like fal-| ness in serving, means that you get 5 to of transportation power. But If it fen wine glass. Guns, stores, rifles the full value of the food. In time great inventions, will take | does, we do not believe that succeed- and wounded are abandoned by thei. . at-------- sway almost everybody's job except | ing ages will declare that the twen- Germans, when the Belgians cut the ----t _ the reformer's. tieth-century steam locomotive was dykes, and finoded the German posl- KINGSTON IN 1854 y tions. It is the climax of disaster Sidelights ¥rom 'Our Files Shirts, $2.75 New Madras . $1.95 Shirts , SPECIAL! SALE FINE SHIRTS Regular $2.00 and $2.50 values. Sizes 14 to 17%. 50 dozen om sale at $1.45 SALE MEN'S FINE HOSE Lamers or Ribbed Wool-- regular 75c. ues. BIBBY'S SPECIAL 2 Pairs for $1.00 ------------------ Still, it we elected our ablest men to office, who would run big busi- nees? 31.50 Suits that Suit VALUE Whatever your preferemce may be as to styles, weave, color or pattern, you want to choose with an assurance of value. Value is very certain here--very obvious throughout this immense variety of good suit types. Feature yalues at $25.00, $29.50, $35 Big Sale of Boys' Suits and Overcoats See Our New BIBBY'S See Our English $3.50 Hats Velour Hats $4.75 --------------------. an ugly thing, or a contemptible | gor ty } e Germans, _-- Tiga) is the end a man! | thing. And if we should be still] Jellicoe is searching for the Ger- u > uae; Saat makes mud; mud {alive when that happens, and the|man squadron, which is reported to us! politics, new transportation power should | have slipped out of Wilhelmshaven, | + umn turn out to leave no trail of smoke | this week. Electioneering Expenses, ort. Dis sentence: Ll never [yohing, it, we fancy that we shall Turkish war-ships have sunk two | July 35:=(In the federal election t," sald she, "it syery other Wo- | spend our declining years looking Russian passenger steamers in the | them pending only John Counter 'man in the world does. back wistfully to the times when the Black Sea. ' dared oppose Hon. John A. Macdon- . Sautremeeptanlni monotonous blue of a summer or The British minesweeper Mary | ald. Both were Conservative, so & : "I made him what. he is" usually winter sky: used- to: bo-brok was sunk by a mine, but all her crew | mock nomination and election of 'means: "He worked for me before |... 1. 8 roken here | wae saved. «rie Gallant, Braw John Highland- 'he made his reputation." n ere by the tall palm-like| Three brigades of German cav-| man," Commander of the Frontenac 3 column from some standing engine|alry and~iwo regiments of Ulhans | Bloody First, was reported in our . Parents who once yearned to seem on a siding, or the long thin linger- fell into a sunken road trap, laid by | columms. The following is the ex- orefined" now have children who ars ing cloud that showed where the In- | the Russians near the Vistula river, | pense account). FS Gontent to seem sophis ticated. ternational Limited had passed | 8nd were all killed, wounded or cap-| Paid to J. Thompson, hy : many minutes before. * sured, AI a aihie vistorr'D innkeeper, for 'Mor- 2m ANY mam But then, we have mo e es gain a big victory by ton"s Proof" and ta JIlliterates who can't read the sub- Iove. the. "Jocomotive 3078 FEO to defeating 700,000 Germans in a "Cronk," drank by 134 roy think Rk ett fault Ls Bosiend got slong vars ey three-day' battle. The Germans| voters .. s. .... --£150 ¢ e picture seems A : : rushing on in thousands fell into 1 without railways, especially in the | the a little strategic net and were gn sponsible So fhe past a loa y a "here is one thing a family skele: | aPPY Middle ages that Ruskin was| slaughtered In droves. dential item) ... .. 500 By awl Cg JIE Nes is good for. It is good for about so fond of, but which were so much| A large guantity of fruit is com- | Paid cabs, for 'carrying am hoi ta : ao be mere. columns 'on the front page. less fond of themselves. sada'| Ing for the volunteers. There are| home 150 adherents 1 vest of ni RE ine cooling -- i could mot exist without them. ® The |MAUY. athletes in the battalion and | in a state of inno- SE dnd ation of daytime The world's population is beeom- | Machines turned out on our water-| ho men are going in for pastimes. COME... o..i sx +2 clouds formed by the ascent of warm ng more demse, but you won't no- front are the shuttles of the loom Whiley the admiralty still declines | Paid police for picking moist air tice it much if ¥ , that works the warp and w to report it, the general opinion here | up twenty voters, "The. cloud! that follows ¥ : you won't argue. warp and woof Of | is that both the cruisers Monmouth |. dead drumk 6; clouding up that follows =a this nation into a durable fabric. and Good Hope are lost. Paid b for. takin * the result of sunlight the next day | iA village 18 a place where every- pi > a ca Tr ng warming the moist ground and i Sody Knows that. he 14 i Sor : : : ' home Gallant Braw, lower air. As the air next the ground ns P . MINCE PIE. : y precty well bamboos!- becomes warmer it becomes. less A humorous weekly querulous MBs ab - dense until some of the colder alr |, i, in the gemeral cool wind descends Paid one day's loss of and displaces this warmer air. While Couldn't = be the Tower air is still humid, as im- a November 6th. a mediately after a rain, these upward The malcontents of Quebec who Pa fisetors Spaced ra spob ww pansion ante ' C were n, u a wal ym eno! 0 Ci =i in the case of the radio concert : Brepsiing the ground for the Pald datties Sill. eat ance. 'And these clouds, forming don't have to change the needle. This item in the credo was writ- Paid sen): . . first here and there, soon spread ; rd ..._lten with the building e ¢ Fig.d wom {young till, perhaps before noon, the sky be- > and good' Joong) comes again practically overcast. On ae Shresiss uta the other hand, if the first clearing tm | slander _ (confidential a vectaay of he in BA oh. 5 oO ; " : will probably be clear, use o tion: known as the Dorie Club, item) .. Lies ea oe absence of low clouds from local ons "fle" irom aD Je vi bom pre noted g : heating. The mext day will also be Heinle Fire threat .. 10 0 0 , 'on account of the dry- [ll "panies Fite niuranss /Qom- 4 noted for their devotion: (do) Pald for repairing sym- ness of imported air some 2 Money to Loan on Mortgages. 1 pathetic bag-pipes ... 1 0 ° y ' 3 Paid sund het | houts after the rain ended, windows, doors, ' and counters .. .. + -- 7156 2.8 £780 10 0} bed with a turn of the wind to a more westerly oF Hortherty direction; may be interpreted as meaning that the centre or trough of the "low" re- PURE . \ Sweet Apple Cider NOW IN STOCK, b0ec. PER GALLON ne car on the installment plan, ¥ "| 'Think how many people were {n¢ | Inquires who started the superstition | @ p , ; aia by St Vitus dance be- | that a hot mince pie may be eaten + cab. <b : 1. Farm of 150 acres, 11 miles trom Kingston on the main high- , good dwelling with good cellar, furnace and cistern; ages ment * new, stabling for eer leaders were invented. used)... Lav... near w! 26 cattle and 17 horses. Another hay barn; drive DR. A. P. 185 PRINCESS STREET $ ! ihe Ane it