" THURSDAY, of ron 80, 1924. . RISE » Fy . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG . rp esr, ee PRECAUTION! Flu in a mild form is preva- lent at present In this district. Experience has proved that Dr. Hickey's Flu and Cold Capsules are the best preventative and relief for this distressing ma- lady. ' A few capsules taken now will save suffering and incon- venience. Hickey's Speedy Relief will put an end to that early Fall cough. - o Hickey's Analgic Rub for all pains. Gives instant re- sults, We are showing [} a limited number | of two special de- signs in Ladies' Ribbon Watches at very remarkable prices. 15 jawelled, fully guaran- teed movements in Solid 14k. White Gold Octagonal Cases at $17.50 or in highest quality White Gold Filled Rec- |} "tangular Cases at 25 Cents. L.T. Best Druggist FOR SALE THREE SPECIALS ! $7,000 Store, 8 rooms, 5 bedrooms, hot air, 8 plece bath, electric lights, h.w. floors throughout, full lot, garage. Frame, B rooms, Bungalow, bath and toflet, electric light, furnace, large lot, good condition. $4,900 Brick, 9 rooms, 8 piece bath, elec- trjo light and gas, hot air, h.w. floors "SM ty JEWELERS eman's Real Estate 1113 BROCK ST., KINGSTON : Telephone 1025F. ingston . RADIO! RADIO! De Forest One Tubeset . . .. Two Tube set Three Tube set .......$84.75 al ig All complete -- | f installed--are un- beatable. ¥ Join our -- Christmas Club. © Rr ny biohe . : H. W. Newman Electric Co. BRUCE SAUNDERS, B.Se., in charge. 167 PRINCESS BT. FOR SALE SOLID BRICK HOUSE on stome foundation, double par- lors, room and kitchen, 4 bedrooms and dem, hardwood floors throughout; lights, gas, three piece bath, hot water heat~ ing, wall plugs, garage. This house is newly decorated and in first class condition and will be sold. Worth the money. Please call at office for information. M. B. TRUMPOUR Whose 704 or 2072w + + + 270 PRINCESS STREET See Us When In Need Of Lamps We are distributors for , EDISON MAZDA LAMPS HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. | "PHONE 04. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. | Jf for HUDSON ~~ SEAL l{ woreL armivaLs * = = : Is} TENDER FAREWELL T0 DR. AND MRS. VOLUNE Sir William Wallace Camp, Sons of Scotland, Made -a Presentation. A large gathering of men and wo- men "frae the land of the Heather," tilled the G.W.V.A. Hall on Wednes- day evening, the occasion being a farewell and presentation to Chief Bro. Dr. D. A. Volume and Mrs. Volume, by the Sir William Wallace Camp, Sons of Scotland. A banquet of good things had been provided by the ladies at the close of which Bro. Dr. A. E. Ross, M. P., presented Dr. Volume with the past chief's jewel and in a short address expressed 'the deep regret tet by all the members of the &o- clety at losing such faithful and val- uable members as Dr. and Mrs. Vol- ume had proved themselves to be. Their departure would be a distinct loss to the Sir William Wallace Camp of Kingston. But like all Scottish the world over, Dr. Volums would undoubtedly adapt himself to his new position and would make good in the new field on which he enters. : Scotchmen had come' to Canadas very early in its history and had sucoessed in establishing themselves all over the Dominion. There were no better or more prosperous get- tiers. Thrifty and persevering, they had risen to positions of power and responsibility, in this, the land of their adoption. ; Though bidding Dr. Volume good- bye, with the deepest regret, yet iit was with the greatest confidence that he would uphold the noblest Scottigh traditions in the land to which he goes. Dr. Ross then presented Mrs. Vol- ume with a beautiful fountain pen, finished with gold bands and ring. Dr. Volume, in reply, assured his friends that no other place could take the place of Kingston in his heart. Here he was born and ed- woated, and his conmection with the Sir William Wallace Camp had be- gun in his early youth. No matter what the future held in store, it could mever obliterate the happy memories of his connection with the Kingston camp, and Qe urged the members to carry on the good work and hold fast the chains of brother- hood which bound the sons and daughters of Scotland, in thie chy. He had joined the camp when its ranks were thin and had seen it grow to its present large member- ship. --- It was with the deepest sorrow that he severed his connection with it, but it would etill have his best wishes, - though he could mo longer be present with them. Mrs. Volume thanked the members | tor thelr kindness and thoughtful remembrance. Kindness, she believed was planted deep in the Scottish heart. During her trip overseas this summer in no place had she met with. With her husband she could fy if it was with the deepest sorrow she | was Jeaving Kingston and the many | friends she had made while here. Dr. Volume has secured an im- | portant position in a hospital In Hl| the Leeward Island and leaves on | Monday next. The following musical programme || was given: Songs, "'Hame o' Mine," "The Auld ll! 1000s," by Mr. L. W. Phillips; reel- lll tation, "A Sprig ©' i| Miss S. Paton; songs, "Where Hast Heather," by Scotland Found Her Fame," "Whistle, and I'll Come to he, My Lad," Miss Kate Gasson; recita- {| tion, "Jean Fundlater's Loon Man || Was Made to Mourm," Mr. F. D. Michie; songs, "MacGregor's Gather- ing," "The Auld Scotch Songs | Nannie," Mr. James Marshall. - After the programme dancing was indulged in for an hour and § half, Miss Gammick acting as pianist. -------------- -- British American, J. Mitchell, Toronto; R. B. Bro- therton, Hamilton; H. D. Murray, E. J. Young, ¥. A. Holmes, W. A. Anderton, R. B. Philips, F. C. Wil son, Toronto; H. BE. Hickman, Ot tawa; V. R. Currie, Lanark; J. W. Jolly, B. M. Watts, Toronto; A. A: Perrin and wife, Peterboro; H. W. | Parsons, Ottawa; W. I. Buchanas, R. P. Qua, A. W. Stickle, Torontd; |, 3. A: Little, Oshawa; J. Thiboden, W. St. Pierre, Toledo, O.; J. J. Bur- ton, F. W. Spence, Toronto; ¥. Mel- vaer, ronto; P. R. Hawthop, Miss Myking, Delora; J. A. Phibault, greater hospitality and friendliness |' k| than in Scotland. ' Ount.; W. F. Hill; To-/ Cornwall; | We Bb apg RADIO BROADCASTING | ee The following is a list of radio stations and their broadcasting | programmes, which may be heard | locally on Friday: A FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31. "= KDKA (826) Pittsburg, Pa. the Pittsburg livestogk markets; | general market review and agricul- | tural "items. rid 12 m.--Stockman reports of the | Pittsburg livestock and wholesale | product markets. 12.15 p.m.--International Sunday school lesson presented by James C. Mace, from-the Central YM.C.A. Pittsburg." 6.30 p.m.--Organ recital by Sam- uel Winters Ellotson. 7.15 p.m. --Uncle Bd visits the radio children again. . 7.40 p.m.--Stockman reports of the primary produce and lvestock markets. 8.30 p.m.--Chaminade Company programme. mts. Concert WGY (880) Schenectady, N.Y. 12.30 p.m.--Stock market report. 12.40 p.m.--Produce market re- port. 2 pim.--Music and adress, 'The Citizenship of Women," Mrs. Flor- ence E, Tabor. 6 p.m.--Produce stock market quotations; news bulletins, 6.30 p.m.--Stories for children, 7 p.m.--International Sunday school lesson. 7.45 p.m.--Health talk. WEAF (492) New York City. 11 a.m.--Health talk under the | auspices of the New York Health | speaker's services. 11.30 a.m. --Organ recital. 12 noon--Market reports. 4-5 p.m.--Club programme for | women and Anthur Stone, blind pi- anist, 6-10.30 p.m.--Dinner music from the Rose room of the Hotel Wal- dorf-Astoria. WJZ (455) New York City. 10.20 a.m.--Review of reviews, 1 p.m.--Henry vander Zanden's Hotel Ambassador trio. 4 p.m.--Hotel Astor organ reci- tal, w 5 p.m.--Hazel Franklin soprano. 5.30 p.m.--State and Federal ag- ricultural reports; farm and home reports; closing quotations of the New York stock exchange; foreign exchange quotations; Evening "Post" news. 8.30 p.m. -- Norma pianist. ' 9 p.m.--Norma Gradstein, pianist. 9.15 p.m --Wright and Bessinger, the two Radio Franks. 9.30 p.m.--Paviowa ballet mausie, direct from Manhattan Opera House. 10/30 . p.m.--Duke Yellman's {rene Castle Orchestra. Bailey, Gradstein, WBZ (387) Springfield, Mass, %¥ p.m.--Dinner concert' hy the Westinghouse Philharmonic Trio, from the Hotel Kimball studio, Springfield. 7 p.m. --Market report as furnish- ed by the United States department of agriculture at Boston. 7.10 p.m.~--Current Book review, prepared by the Court Square book store. 7.30 p.m.--Bedttme story for the kiddies, from the Hotel Kimball studio, Springfield. 10 p.m.--Concert by Reba Har- rington, cello; Catherine Hogan, vio- lin; Beatrice Haynes, plano, from the Hotel Brunswick studlp, Bos- ton. 10.30 p.m.--Recital by Alden E. Davies, tenor, accompanied by Jes- sie Fleming Vose, from the Hotel Brunswick studio, Boston, 11 p.m~--Concert by the Westing~ house Philharmonic Trio, from the Hotel Kimball studio, Springfield. 11.30 p.m.--Programme of dance music by McEnelly's Singing orches- tra. a , . Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. Here's the Way to Heal Rupture A= a 9.45 a.m.--Stockman reports * o PROBS:--Friday, strong, southeast to south winds, part cloudy and quite mild. A host of money-saving op portunities awaits thrifty shop- \ pers here to-morrow. Take full advantage of the wonderful economies of this special sale event. ~y DIMITY BLOUSES . 24 Peter Pan Styled Waists, in sizes 34 to 42, Regular $3.00 values. GINGHAM DRESSES 48 Gingham House Dresses in Colored Plaid effects. Regular $1.25 to $2.25 values. SATINETTE BLOOMERS 180 best quality Satinette Bloomers in a full range of col- ors. Regular $1.50 to $2.00 values. UNDERSKIRTS Friday 60 Silkaline Underskirts in col- ored shot effects. Special val- ues at $1.50 each. CONGOLEUM MATS Friday .... .... 3 for $1.00 60 Gold Seal Congoleum Mats --size 18x36. Reg. 43c. each. CRETONNES Friday .... 3 yards for $1.00 500 yds. of pretty, floral pat- terned Cretonnes, in light and dark shades. Regular 45c¢. yd. values. MEN'S SILK AND WOOL SOCKS Friday 2 Pairs for $1.00 200 pairs of Silk and Wool Socks in all the wanted shades. Special 69c. pair values. PENMAN"S MERINO UNDERWEAR Friday . ... $1.00 each 300 Penman's Merino Shirts and Drawers-- sizes 34 to 44. Regular $1.25 each. SWEATER 'WOOL 10 balls for $1.00 Steacy's Special 2 Ply Yarn, in 18 shades. Regular 15¢c. a ball. ALL WOOL SERGE $1.00 100 yards All-Wool Serge, in colors. Nigger Brown and Prince Blue. Regular 75c.. a yard. . WOOL HOMESPUN Friday $1.00 Yard 160 yards All-wool Homespun in Heathers, Grey and Beige-- full 54 inches wide. Regular $1.50 yard. : colors Heat : $150apain : VELVET CORDUROY .... $1.00 yard 35 yards Velvet Corduroy for Kimonas. 36 inches wide -- regular $1.50 yard. UMBRELLAS Friday ...... .... $1.00 ea. 200, for Women and Men -- regular $1.50 values. ~ PENMAN'S HOSE 3 Pairs for ... $1.00 126 pairs only, in colors Navy, Brown and White. Reg. 50c: and 75c. a pair. Sizes 8} to 10. _ ENGLISH WOOL HOSE Friday ...... ... $1.00 Pair 150 pairs All-wool Hose in , Brown $1.25 and Children's UNDERWEAR 2 for $1.00 108 Vests and Drawers in sizes 8,9 and 10 years. Regular 65c¢. to 85c. each. LADIES' UNDERWEAR Friday . . .. $1.00 each 200 Fall and Winter weight Vests and Drawers--all styles and sizes. Regular $1.25 and $1.50 each. EIDERDOWN CHINCHILLA Friday .... .... $1.00 Yard 60 yds. Cream Eiderdown Chinchilla. Regular $2.50 yd. 56 inches wide.~ FLANNELETTE, WRAP- PERETTE and GREY COTTON 5 Yards for . ... $100 1,800 yards Colored, 'Striped Flannelette, Plaid Wrapper- ette and heavy Grey Cotton -- regular 25¢, yard. LINEN TOWELLING Friday . ... 5 Yards for $1.00 600 yds. All Linen Crash Towelling. Regular 25c. yd. Pde BATH TOWELS Friday ,... 2 for $1.00 10 doz. extra heavy, large sized Colored Bath A a reg. 75¢c. values. : BLEACHED SHEETING Friday . . .. 2 Yards for $1.00 500 yds of heavy, round thread Bleached Sheeting. 2 yards wide. Reg. 65¢. a yard.